DCfags should prepare yourself to 15% RT like the Kitchen has
So everyone who read the Joker script thinks that its complete trash
Other urls found in this thread:
Lmao incels won, they are now the scariest group to these faggots. When they look in the mirror they must shriek
>The majorite of leftists critics hate
>Looks pleb filter
So its good?
>The majorite of leftists critics hate
this is not critics, this is just some movies fans from twitter who read the script
Dceu should cancell itself already, lol
Holy fuck this film is going to be good.
Why Joaquin agreed to this shit? I cant understand. Not like it will bring him alot of money, his salary is only 4,5 millions. He is just ruining his reputation.
Exactly. Any time I see Twitter normalfags complain about literally anything it's guaranteed to be good.
Have sex
There was a script leak?
The script is great and pretty nuanced, feels like some 70s kino á la Dog Day Afternoon or Taxi Driver. I'm looking forward to seeing it & seeing all the terrible reviews it will invariably get by (((critics))).
i read it and its unironically kino
The script reads like some 13 yo that listened to Ministry and Nine Inch Nails wrote it. Its really bad. Not because of incels or whatever, but because it reads really immature and placing a super villain or whatever in it doesn't change that.
TIFF artistic director said it was going to sweep the oscars, MCUck. I'll trust them over random twitter shiskins
Is Bruce Wayne's parents getting killed the R2D2 of DC films.
Main character =/= hero
I wonder if it's the same guy over at WB who has these terrible ideas for their movies and all the other higher ups just agree
>guys, what if we resolve the conflict between Superman and Batman by Superman yelling his mother's name?
>guys, what if Superman dies at the beginning of our franchise when noone liked him anyway? And now get this, what if we resurrect him like 2 movies later so his death meant nothing at all, to anybody
>guys, what if we made the same thing Marvel did with their characters, except we won't introduce ours at all
>guys, what if we made Suicide Squad?
>guys what if we made a movie about the Joker's origin story, completely forget the Joker we already had?
>5 LARPers on twitter
Ok kidd
>same people who defend The Last Jedi even after Solo bombed and Galaxy's Edge eat away all the profits from Endgame says it's too problematic
Yea Forums's MOTY 2019 confirmed
i already expect critics to pan it cause they suddenly think the joker is the mass shooter mascot. because in 2019 critics deliver swift justice unto movies instead of reviewing them.
>weapons-grade yikes
>full body cringe
this desu
>commentary on the lack of mental health care in the US leading to shootings
>gets completely ignored
Ok guys, how bad this movie will flop?
>Disney starting the smear campaign
Incoming capekino
It's getting stranger out there.
Depends on who Disney gets to shoot up a screening.
This. May the blue tick wankers die from dysentery
Oh, it's the "Film Twitter" Marvelfag desperate again lol
No they don't
>lack of mental health care in the US leading to shootings
But thats what SJW are so mad about. Mass shooter having a mental illness=excuses. Whereas in fact all shooters are always pretty sane. So they are gonna trash this movie for this "mentall illness" rethoric
Someone give me a rundown on this leaked script
>all shooters are always pretty sane
>Film Twitter hate it
Joker is CaNcElLeD
Joker is incel
They are gonna review it and will say that we dont need such kind of movie in 2019 in this political situation
not to mention he's a fucking cuck
I would have actually enjoyed a Jared Leto boogaloo joker movie
>Shooters are pretty sane
Replace Travis Bickle with the Joker
When the leaks were first posted here I thought it sounded awful but then the trailer dropped and it was great and all the twitter faggots were already seething
So I'm gonna wait for the movie
Looks like incel kino is back on the menu boys!
King of Comedy remake, so easily the best movie of the year
Liking black women is high test AND high IQ, soiboi. All white women are used goods and all asian women will cheat on you.
These mass shootings are not as a result of mental illness, they're a result of extremism
No u
I want to see this kino but I don't want to be shot what should I do
This. If they hate it it might actually be good.
>Why Joaquin agreed to star in this film? Clearly the twitter blue checks know more about film than he does. Should have taken the role of Doctor Strange.
Read it yourself dialogues read like 13 years old mallghot wrote them
Expect more threads like this aa we approach it’s release. Why are Disney shills so afraid of a supposed defeated studios movies?
You're such a nobody that absolutely no one wants to massacre you.
You can count the sane ones on one hand: Tarrant, Breivik, Donner, Eric & Dylan. Most of them are just drugged up.
Based. It's society, the society that we live in, that's ill. And we live in that society.
lel MCU poojeets actually exist
If you think that killing a bunch of random people will somehow work in your favor, you are either mentally ill or have >70 iq
Disney declared fucking losses in the last quarter, they have all the reason to be scared
The Mouse shills are really going all out this time hey?
I can't imagine anything more disgusting than King of Comedy turned into capeshit directed by the guy who made the fucking Hangover.
Post some examples
I can't wait for the memes. And I hate capeshit and especially DC
Why do all Americans speak like 5 year olds?
Who the fuck unironically speaks like this?
Wow that's pretty hurtful stuff compadre
Sounds like peak kino. Fuck Auteur theory
Nobody speaks like that in real life, it’s just people being intentionally obnoxious on the internet
Why did they make the Joker a incel?
his most acclaimed origin gave him a pregnant wife
>DC fails again
>Water is wet
Marvelchads just cant stop winning!!!
#wont stop
>Joker is a suicidal emo
what a kino
They are m*llennials, everything about a millennial's existence is being a manchild.
>Should have taken the role of Doctor Strange
this unironically
The real test will be the Venice festival. I think this could go either way, applauded or booed. But if the festival crowd likes it, Disney is going mental.
>hurr durr The Kitchen
WB didn't put it in any festivals and it's the least promoted film of the year, nobodg even knew it was coming out, much less this weekend. They knew it wasn't any good, and it seems it's mostly due to directorial incompetence rather than the script itself.
How is this bad? I'm not seeing it
>TIFF director confirmed its kino
It's over disneycucks, it's all over
I remember reading the leaked Deadpool script years ago, before the test footage had even leaked, and thinking the same thing.
But then the movie ended up being alright because I'm not a director and I wouldn't trust twitter film critics to be able to visualise it either.
are you 13 years old mallghot? or just hit your head?
It's not a lack of mental health care. It's the culture of isolation, separation, and conflict created by the left driving people on the fringes of society nuts.
Anyone has link to the script, I wanna check it myself
You should read the whole script, its suicidal trash where Joker is always getting himiliated byeveryone
hit my head AGAINST THE WALL.
Sounds like kino.
Hope he listens to MCR too.
My buddy read the script, said it was dogshit. What was DC thinking making an origin story for a character whose mythos is: he has no origin.
That's why Marvel will always win. Cause DC is DUMB.
Give me some reasons as to it's poor quality.
the way they write, I honestly think that this movie will in fact be good. they sound exactly like the typical Marveldrones who hate on DC no matter what. It's actually pretty tedious at this point because currently, I only see WB putting in any effort into the storylines of their movies (fuck JL though)
Do you have a link?
post script cringe excerpts
NOOOOO! You can’t use film to explore the darkest parts of the human condition in an open and honest way!
>Joker is suicidal
>That makes it trash
I thought so too but then I read the script myself.... At last phoenix will give a good performance even if character and dialogue will be shit
>mouseshills panicking already
You can do it without ruining one of the best antagonists
>can't even separate the studio from the company making the comics
this is why Disneydrones are dimwits and the cancer of modern society
Anything that makes faggot bluechecks seethe is likely good.
SnIdEr CuTt!!!!
I don't need normie critics telling me what "didn't work" for them about Joker. It wasn't made for them.
Fuck off. The movie has the creative license to take the character in new directions. Why is it so bad that he's suicidal?
Aquaman's script was bad too, dialogues was really bad, almost every twitter critics were saying that, but the movie turns out pretty good. So maybe movie is not just the script tho? Just a thought
This. Shaft was one of the most fun flicks released this year.
often enough, scripts look like shit and then the movies turn out solid. it's all about the performance and the director's ability to direct and to cut that shit up in post production
I'm not hyped for the movie as I was never a huge fan of Joker but I think it will be pretty decent from a movie perspective. What bothers me is that there are way too many people out there who want more generic CGI fests out there that are filled to the brim with horrible comedy/quips
trek is capeshit before capeshit you fucking sperg
>spamming like a retard because you don't have a proper comeback
I always wonder why people here shout Reddit/9gag/whatever in these threads but when I see people like you comment, I really understand why someone would jump to conclusions. It's sad that Disneydrones are unable to have proper conversations like regular human beings
They said the entire script for Joker was rewritten on the set anyway, with the actors. Even if it follows the same plot, the dialogues will be different. That's assuming the leak is real to begin with.
Joker getting humiliated by everyone sounds pretty realistic tho
So much this. Why the fuck do people expect cape movies to have perfect writing when it's mostly about visuals and the sense of adventure (most of the time also action)? Aquaman delivered hard on both and it was great because of that. I really wish Marvel would go back to Phase 1 levels of action, CGI, and feeling of scale
I can't be arsed to read the script. Does he say "we live in a society" or "gamers rise up"?
>The movie has the creative license to take the character in new directions.
Like black Ariel? are you a retard?
Studio is ruining best antagonist and all you can do is defend them? you are not better then disneyshills.
Joker's biggest charm was mystery surrounding his past and inconsistency of it that told us how insane he was and not some suicidal looser everyone bullied
Will he say it?
>Aquaman was good
I have to laugh
Thats some bullshit because Jokers origin is basically the best part of Burtons Batman. Shits awesome.
entire script wasnt rewritten, they just rewrote some Zazie scenes and lines, and some dialogues through the whole script. Its not like they rewrote it all, only 2-3%, like people who saw test screening said
I really couldn't care about Joker being ruined because he has some origin story. It's more in line with Taxi Driver than his comic roots
How are the fuckers who work in the industry this clueless? Crtitics I understand because they're generally dumb as hell but some of these people are fucking Hollywood individuals.
A script doesn't tell you shit! Take any scene from your favourite comedy show and write down the events and dialogue in script form. You'll struggle to read through it for how cringy and unfunny the jokes sound when you read them literally.
Don't critique a script if you cannot imagine it as professionally directed, acted and cut in the finished product.
It's like judging a beverage by the bottle you drink it from.
>Jokers origin is basically the best part of Burtons Batman.
It's not saying much
I just wanted to say good luck, we're all counting on you.
Its also written in a very cringy style thats the problem
Thats the fucking point you retard there is no need for this shit to happen with Joker
As I can see you don't care about his character anyway and are just defending studio
Good job shill.
Was it a stroke?
Record you live reaction to the film and share with us
Joker not being a character study but rather baby's first edgelord is what people itt are complaining about you autist
>character study means it isn't capeshit
I'm not defending the studio or the character, i'm just interested in where they take this new iteration of the character
I refuse to believe basedquim phoenix would participate in a terrible movie.
this might be interesting after all.
Will give capeshit a try/10
>wondering why people in this day and age who use Twitter are dumb as shit
>wondering why people here would judge a movie by its script prior to the movie's release
there's your problem, you think way too much of those retards who use social media to communicate all of their shitty opinions. to most people who know a bit about movies, it's pretty obvious that scripts read like a chore and that you have to think artistically in order to visualise them but especially people on this board are too dumb to do so
I remember when twitter shills were shitting all over Titans after the trailer, then it came out and it was all praise, and I didn't even like it.
Maybe these retards don't deserve any attention.
you can be in a place of complete rationale, and logic, but have moral insanity.
Basically when you've reached the point of nihilism where you've dehumanized yourself and everyone around you, it becomes easy to consider killing.
you can understand logic, science, and distinguish reality, but you're so disillusioned, and desensitized you can dehumanize others.
I feel like studio paid this twitter Keyboard warriors to complain about weapons and blood so idiot's like some here would defend this cringefest till their death.
>You'll struggle to read through it for how cringy and unfunny the jokes sound when you read them literally
Fucking this. I read a script for "Her" (movie where Joaquin having sex with his phone) and i was cringing all the time because some dialogues was SO pretentious, but when i saw the movie this cringy scenes was delivered really good
>cringy scenes was delivered really good
The lower the score the more satisfying it will be
>a bloo bloo I'm a normie and I didn;t like the Joker
if you've ever had sex
>remake bits of Taxi Driver and King Of Comedy
>slap some clown paint on it
>think no one will notice
>thinking that was his actual origin
Even the author doesn't claim that.
>pure weapons-grade yikes
I sure do respect this guy's opinion
that was sarcasm, I actually DON'T respect his opinion
Buy a ticket then pirate it. Basically the same for everyone.
if some incel pulls a gun yell "SNEED!" so he knows you're based
its just a comics flick lol its for kids
fucking duh. people jump to conclusions all the time and because of social media, every stupid opinion is taken into account by retards here. Posting Twitter threads should be a bannable offence in my opinion
Go watch the kino and stop listening to desperate disney shills
>he should have taken a shit character that has only been in shit movies so far instead of winning oscars
Hard yikes from me on this one, MCUck
Instead of this we will have this virgin looser joke
>we will finally live in a society
I can't wait.
It's literally fine though, you shitstain.
But since it's current year where privacy is dead and everyone is afraid to sincerely express themselves since any act of expression is immediately labeled cringe, our media suffers. We can't have edgy characters anymore because of all the shithead faggot zoomers snickering about it while posting ironic humor on Twitter.
80s, 90s, and 2000s movies had tons of edgy characters, and we loved it that way. Nowadays everything is so homogenized and safe that you're not going to see edge in literally anything outside of horror films, and when we do, we get fucking retards like you talking about how awful it is when in actuality there's nothing wrong with it outside of your own zoomer faggot social insecurities.
>no MCU movie has ever been admitted at Venice or TIFF
When will they make their first good movie? After 22 garbage one I'm losing hope bros
They are ruining Joker and you faggots are acting like it's the best thing ever
This shit is even better then black Ariel or some shit
He is one of the best antagonists in comics and film, with his mysterious past, but now he is just pathetic looser, open your eyes you idiot
I remember someone posted this video in one of the previous threads but there is the point too. This scene in the script were written cringy, Joker basically a loser without any character going nothing meanwhile this clown tries to say something to him. But in the video Joaquin really has the character, he is playing it really good, with mannerism and some evilness, he basically mocks that clown himself rather being mocked and humiliated by him. I thinks thats a pretty good change and its cool down all that cringy feeling.
Read this and tell yourself in the mirror they didn't ruin Joker and made him a pathetic looser
I think they probably would have if Disney hadn't gotten the rights. Phase 1 was pretty great but once Disney took over, they took the generic schlock route and never looked back. sure, the movies are making money like hell but there is just zero artistic integrity or effort put into the movies. It's rather laughable and insulting that Black Panther won even a single Oscar because we all know why that kind of stuff happens
>Open your eyes idiot
Ironic considering your perception of the joker is so sided you can't fathom a different interpretation
Why do you keep bringing black Ariel? Do you think we can't see through your bullshit, disneyshill? The Killing Joke is a better comic than anything Marvel has ever done and it's a Joker origin story
It'll be great.
what exactly is the problem with him being a pathetic loser who turns into a maniac? It's a totally plausible explanation for his actions in the future. would you rather just have him fall into chemicals and turn into a maniac because of that?
Do you see Zazzi Beetroots titties or anything? And is she shagging a white man.
So basically actor can make potentialy cringe scene not cringe using his acting abilities, wow
I don't care about having characters like this. To me, it's fucking boring. We've seen this shit before. They're rehashing older characters with a DC skin on it.
>he really thinks this will win oscars
the only thing it will win is multiple razzies, just like BvS
DCEU is such an embarassment lmao
>what exactly is the problem with him being a pathetic loser who turns into a maniac
maniacs are BORN EVIL, society doesnt make them
Do we know who is playing Veronica yet?
>you can't fathom a different interpretation
Suicidal virgin looser? no thanks
The fucking core of his character is mystery and unpredictability, there is absolutely no need for this movie to be about Joker, but he has a name so studio is shitting on his character for profit and braindead shills like you applaud them.
Retarded fucking opinion
Aquaman made more than Captain Marvel, did you eat you bluray ladderbro?
lmao. t. former maniac, dont know if you're joking but literally losing your shit is a progression.
I was a relatively normal dude, but bad shit happened to me, and i became crazier, then life got better so i got better.
Aquaman was a terrible movie
The Killing Joke is an origin story, why do you keep embarrassing yourself disneyshill?
this! bladdy bastad bitch why he agree?
>The fucking core of his character is mystery and unpredictability
So no character then.
well hello beautiful
>The Killing Joke is a better comic than anything Marvel
and yet you defend them turning him into literal emo and giving him an "origin" story, when the point of The Killing Joke was to show Even he lost track of his past.
Calling me a disney shill is the funnies part tho, you are clearly projecting here, you are the one kissing ass of the studio for ruining character
that's the implication
If Aquaman was a terrible movie but still has like 66 RT, Joker should be at these numbers too
He only makes kino, that's why he told Kevin Feige to fuck off when he was begging on his knees for the chance of sucking suck Joaquin's cock in exchange of him accepting the role of Doctor Strange. That's how we know Joker will be great, actually
>would you rather just have him fall into chemicals and turn into a maniac because of that?
This show you have no idea about Joker and saw him only in the movies, no one knows his true origin thats the point. This movie can be about any character, but no they have to ruin Joker for profit, you really can't see this?
Nope, Arthur get in no way near to any base
He really is a true incel icon
are you dense? you can easily be a repressed maniac who someday finds out his true "potential". alternatively, extreme life conditions can easily turn normal people into crazy people. you should pick up a book about psychology because you clearly have no idea how the human brain works
because he knew that he will deliver the performance of a lifetime even in a mediocre movie, and Joker is like an ideal character to play for dramatic actor.
Exactly while ruining existing characters, I can't believe people here are really supporting this shit.
This shows you haven't read the fucking comics either. The chemical vat came from the Killing Joke, literally the most important comic about the joker
Fucking read it and stop emberesing yourself,
>watched lame animated film thinks he know a character and moor's writing
Fucking autist.
The chemical vat had been there since the 40s but your point still stands
Warners and DC have fucked up Joker and Harley so many times, I can't even keep track of all the shitty versions of them out there.
So the Joker has had origin stories before and you're just a desperate disneyshill moving the goalpost for a few ruppees, got it
This has to be bait. Are you actually this retarded?
>This movie can be about any character, but no they have to ruin Joker for profit
if the studio sees potential in making money off of a character's name and the director makes a solid movie, why the fuck not? you honestly sound like a contrarian just for the sake of it
>This show you have no idea about Joker and saw him only in the movies
I was asking you a question because according to you, he's best when he has no character development at all
>no one knows his true origin thats the point
I'm curious, what exactly is there to gain from him not having an origin story? what's the benefit of the character? the mere possibility of fans being able to say that he's a character with no backstory? that really sounds like a gimmick to me
>The jokers supposed to be mysterious and his origins unknown
>Here's some proof of Jokers origins
>Heh! Stop moving the goalposts shill
>the main character has to be a hero
now you are just acting like a collossal retard with no solid opinion at all
ffs, get your shit together
Oh shit, this movie is going to be fantastic.
Fuck Alen Moor desu
>Even he lost track of his past
what if he does so in the future? the movie is set in one point in time, there's clearly enough time for him to forget his past etc because he gets more insane
And all of them were missleading faggot, now he is just a pathetic suicidal virgin who thinks if woman talks to him she is in love with him.
>accusing someone with opposing opinion, while all you do is kiss studio's ass and defend pail of dogshit
From us two you are the one acting like a disneyshill autist.
You quoted the wrong post, I was pointing out that the Joker has had origin stories before and one of them is one of the top 10 most popular comics ever in which he's portrayed as a sad loser who gets into crime because he was a failed comedian. The SEETHING disneyshill is the other guy
Go jerk off to lost girls moorshill
>his salary is only 4,5 millions
Get a job
It's will be still a canon for us
>Joker is not a loser in Killing Joke
why do you pretend to read comics?
Bruce being a kid and no vault of chems aside, this is the closest thing to Killing Joke yet, "failed comedian" and everything
He had a wife in killing joke, in this film he will be full blown retard. You can't see were is the problem?
>the worst people are going to love this thing
Yea Forums posters are truely the worst people. Good news everyone we have our film of the year!
He had a wife and a dream, he was not some pathetic looser who thinks woman is in love with him because she says hi.
>h-he doesn't have origin stories
>yes he does
>but he's not a loser in them
>yes he is
I can see the problem is the systemic poverty in third world countries that pushes young men like you to grasp at straws for a soulless company like Disney. Nothing I can do about it other than BTFOing you
Well, sorry it's not the next bone chilling slow burn or a quip-filled cape kino, basedfriend
Yes he had many "origin" stories and all are misleading you dyslexic idiot. and even in them he was never that pathetic.
I can see you are happy and empowered they degraded Joker so you can feel connected to him, congratulations to you!
>all asian women will cheat on you.
What? Never even heard of an Asian girl cheating before. Niggers will fuck anything though. That's why 90% of them are single mothers.
What I don't get is why he gives a fuck about if the joker is cool or not.
Idiot high schooler babby, go back to le reddit
So is everyone else though
My main takeaway from the Joker script is that this movie seems really fucking boring and tiresome.
Because Disney pays them to shit on the movie and it's already getting praise on prestigious festivals so they take what theu can get
>they're already trying to influence the public before its out
It's gonna be kino
Joker kino is doomed for releasing after 4+ mass shootings.
Imagine living such a first world life that sexless malcontents are your biggest fear lmao
>You're a freak, like me.
Which Nolan brother thought that was a good line?
>Joker often uses his made-up origins to manipulate people into helping him (see: Harley Quinn)
>Origin presented to us in this film is purpose-designed to appeal to incel because that's his plan
And they would've panned pic too.
Hack ideological mouthpieces.
So what's his true origin? Because everything I've seen says he originally turned to crime to support his pregnant wife before falling in a vat of chemicals.
RDJ got 15 millions for 3 days od shooting for Spider man so by the capeshit standards Joaquin's salary is pretty low
He better say that he lives in a society at some point
forgot pic
>someone cares about a character who existed in comics for decades
>must be paid by disney to hate incel joker
Fuck knows
>tfw the writer blocked me after i shat on him
feels good to see him get what he deserves
>we live in a society where this might actually save you from a mass shooter
cope harder faggot. every other DC movie made less money than every other MCU money AND didn't flop critically.
I know this is shitty bait but are there people who genuinely think a few idiots trying desperately to prove they’re not the same as incels and whining about film because of their left v right political obsession is somehow a majority opinion?
>every other MCU money
That's not his name.
It is Alan Moop
Its a majority opinion, almost every film critic who read the script said that its trash
most origin stories for the joker have been fabricated by the joker
*twitter movie buffs with a blog
>You can do it without ruining one of the best antagonists
so now ruining classic characters is bad, mr goldberg?
Why do marvel and DC fags always do this shit? Imagine have such a strong allegiance to a brand of cartoon characters. Jesus
Nah those people are a bunch of twitter nobodies get off the internet once in a while
We need somebody who saw test screenings to tell us is it good or not
So...are there any critics who aren't soi that have given their actually decent above 5 IQ opinion yet?
Mmmm, if drones hate it, I'll go see it out of spite.
Even if it is a flop financially, I'll still do my part for shitting on reddit.
I know it won't happen in the movie but what if at the end of the movie, it would turn out that he was just telling the story to a psychiatrist and the story was implied to not being the truth?
>Twitter is going to be INSUFFERABLE
What kind of retarded to you have to be to not be aware of how terrible Twitter already is?
this only proves that a proper actor can deliver the cringiest of dialogue/monologue
Whereas Black women have the highest STD rates, highest rates of obesity, and are five times more likely to commit infanticide should you have a kid. Fuck niggers.
Who? I guess my question was answered retards like yourself take Twitter opinions by weirdos obsessed with politics seriously
What is WW, huh? Dude, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point
Don't give me a hope
the problem that I see is that quite many (obviously not all) DCEU fans can openly discuss the positive AND negative sides of the franchise. Meanwhile, most Disneydrones actively resist to see flaws in shitty movies like Thor 3 and Captain Marvel. I've not talked to a single person who has said that Justice League was an objectively great movie. There have been plenty of blind retards though who think that Ragnarok or Captain Marvel was the best movie of the MCU so go figure
Everyone is so fucking hypersensitive to "cringe" nowadays.
Any sort of sincerity is mocked as being edgy, tryhard, cringe, w/e, because everyone is so intent on being a moron incapable of enjoying anything if they aren't enjoying it ironically.
Oh yeah, the renowed scholar from Birth.Movies.Death
>the "conversations" about it will bad
Its film critics, you can google it in a second, faggot
Crazy how DC was able to filter these people so adeptly, makes me wish the movie and this thread weren't such corporate swill
People talk like the people they surround themselves with, it's why you say unironically
Whelp this is going to be Aquaman all over again
Get ready to eat an Endgame blu-day Marvelfags
the word is being thrown around all the time while most people don't even know what cringe actually looks like. the word means nothing anymore. same goes for serious movies in general which most people here try to portray as "edgy"
you literally posted a Twitter retard like the guy said. are you dumb?
Explain the difference to me. Mentally ill = an unhealthy mind. It does not necessarily mean you’re suffering from delusions or psychosis much the way a person with high cholesterol and a terrible diet can be described as “ill”. I would propose that any maladaptive mental state can be described as an “illness” it’s just that because our current society believes people with an illness deserve special treatment and empathy it causes cognitive dissonance when someone they want to hate exhibits the same traits they claim are deserving of empathy.
I want to go see this but I am a loner white male. I'm afraid people are going to think that I'm like him, or that I'm going to shoot up the theater or some shit. I wish I had friends.
this is like a boner.
oh no joker dont listen to your boner.
I hated TFA for subjective reasons but it outright caught me by surprise that TLJ was such an objectively shit movie while critics praised it all day long. Thankfully enough, lots of fans hated it and made it very clear that they did by abandoning everything Disney related as a whole
Think I killed one of those in witcher
>normalfags seething
Yup ,I'm gonna love it
>tfw up until now, I didn't know that boner can also mean mistake
at least English is not my mother tongue
>you literally posted a Twitter retard like the guy said
Why are you so retarded? This is Drew McWeeny twitter, he is a successful film critic
>The villain is an incel
>SJWs are upset
Kek, I guess incels aren't believable villains
>Have you read the leaked script for Taxi Driver? Can't believe someone thought taking a date to a porn theater wasn't the cringest thing on the planet
Eh no one uses it that way anymore so I don't blame you. It's antiquated in the same way gay meaning happy is.
Scripts always read a bit cringier than they really are. I can't imagine the script for Fight Club.
he has several origins now, half of them confirmed canon
Lefties are going to love this movie, what are you guys talking about? It's going to be about how some insane murderer rallies lonely incels.
uh? Although I had no idea the script had leaked.
If you reprise a movie role, the studio that hires you is legally bound to increase your pay.
>Why Joaquin agreed to this shit?
That's how everyone with half a brain knows it'll be good. Joaquin has literally no inclination for shitty roles, ESPECIALLY if they're mundane capeshit which is flooding cinemas everywhere. The fact he's actually doing this basically guarantees kino. Those seething sexless SJWs are just triggered that he's gonna make Le Jokeur look based. They're the kind of people that would self-harm in a frenzied tantrum when seeing movies like this succeed
People using the term incel unironically will never stop being funny to me.
>Trying to give incels sympathetic backgrounds
Some people think hitler was a hero, that doesnt mean you make a biopic about what a great dog owner he was
Yeah this about sums it up
I'm genuinely mystified how so many of these professional critics (and yes, they are that, seeing as their reviews are published in large, mainstream sources) are incapable of differentiating between a film's protagonist and an endorsement of said protagonist's actions on part of the director. It's an unbelievably childish tack to take, in the sense that it's on par with the kind of logic I would expect from a child.
I want to blame America since all of these writers are American, except I'm also American and am not this dumb, and know plenty of other not-dumb Americans, so that feels like a weak excuse.
Very good lines, much better than this leaked script.
So if a Fast food gives you more than you ordered, is a gay boner?
I haven't read the script user, so I don't know what they did, but I am reminded of The killing joke, where the joker is portrayed as this guy who can't get a job, then the botched chemical factory job with that gang turns wrong he gets into that accident and goes crazy and thus he convinces himself that all the average people need is a bad day to turn into him, but then he is proved wrong, so he is not, in that story sympathetic but an asshole, who turned out crazy so easily yes but in his case, which reminds me of a WW2 documentary, they were talking at how after Pearl Harbor a man, a priest I think saw one mangled dead boy he knew and went mad and remained like that until the end of his days.
>oh no he experienced human emotion
>they've ruined him
i dont understand, wasnt this leaked last year? did normies just dig it up?
I am reminded of The Man Who Laughs per se.
joker is supposed to be a pathetic loser
>Joaquin has literally no inclination for shitty roles
Literally half his filmography is shit:
>We Own The Night
>I'm Still Here
>It's All About Love
>The Village
>Irrational Man
>Mary Magdaline
>Brother Bear
>Inventing The Abbotts
>Clay Pigeons
>proceeds to list kino
Joker is supposed to be a chaos knight. He is what Bruce Wayne really wants to be.
He's not meant to be a whiny incel taking care of his movie and wanting to kill himself.
>Pure weapons grade yikes
That's a big yikes from me
I thought these were just memes.
I'd love to hear someone call me an incel IRL. They won't do it.
I guess winning the Volpi cup won't mean anything if twitter declares it toxic and problematic
In the script he just stalks her and then sees her fucking a guy and he calls her a whore cause he's delusional and thought himself and her were dating.
It's kino and smallscale as fuck and that's why people call it "boring" and they're mad he isn't flamboyant or doing crazy shit and he's just shooting people with a used gun.
Why? What are you donna do about it, white boy?
>I'm Still Here
Pick one you pleb
Niggers and leftists who appropriate niggerspeak
He was a fucking loser in The Killing Joke even if he did have a pregnant wife. The point was he was a failed comedian loser.
Is the Disney campaign starting too early?
Also they did enter this in award festivals like Cannes or some shit iirc so that shows they're pretty confident about it.
>Joker confirmed kino
I don't care if I die, I'm watching release day
He explained it quite a bit on his empire magazine interview.
Holy based and turbo redpilled.
There's a good reason that only zoomies and retarded people enjoyed Suicide Skwad.
Reminder that fag Todd Phillips called it "the most unstudio movie made in a long time" so he better have some interesting shots in this.
And the Killing Joke sucks
Yup. It’s BvS all over again.
why would I do anything? you're a seething roastie or a glycine max consumer. the only point at which you would be calling me an incel is if you were so angry, you'd be making a scene.
>here comes our honka honka bull
>so you want me to fuck this guy while you watch
>and then I want to eat his creampie afterwards and when I have all his jizz in my mouth I want to kiss you and share it with you
>honka honka
The fact people think this is pandering to the incel crowd and that joker is portrayed as a "hero" in the script are retarded, nothing glorifies what he does at all. Just because it doesn't roast him the whole script like the fuckin grinch doesn't mean he's a good guy.
>Hildur Guðnadóttir doing the score
o hell yes
Inb4 "Thomas Wayne is trump!!" If you've read the script he's really not, he's really just there so they can set up one scene between him and Arthur
Twitter """people"""" are only capable of thinking in black and white terms, just like most of 4channel
Damn, I wasn't expecting this movie to be legitimately kino.
I can see the headlines
>Joker is Trump's 2nd term of movies
The staircase dance is going to be the best scene of 2019.
wtf I love drumpf now
Nice try, ivan.
>when Venice happens and the based eurofags give it great reviews
>Watching the beginning of the film with Phillips, we notice that its production title — these things exist to attempt some secrecy — was ‘Romeo’. Why? “Because I find him to be super-romantic, and because he has a certain elegance to him,” Phillips laughs, talking of Arthur. He hopes we feel for Arthur — initially, at least. “We’re treating a guy who’s ultimately a villain, or supervillain, in comic-book terms, like a real person you love. We hope you’re on his side, until you can’t be on his side any longer. When the film begins, we hope you feel empathy for this little flower growing on a cracked sidewalk. At what point are you gonna water it and give it light, or just ignore it? How long can you love that flower for?”
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