Chibnall sacked by the BBC from Doctor Who

So now that the Chibs got the boot, who will replace him? Will Jodie stay or leave as well?

/Who/ could have guessed Moffat years were the peak of the show?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>/Who/ could have guessed Moffat years were the peak of the show?
/who/ did guess, they've been saying it since capaldi was cast and they were always right

Who cares? Or should I say...................................Who Cares?

Just end the show and try again in a few decades.

>/Who/ could have guessed Moffat years were the peak of the show?
that's not Davies

This. It was having serious issues but what Chinballs did crashed it with no survivors. You can save the continuity due to the unique nature of it but we need The Wilderness Years 2.0 so it can be fixed with the worst parts ignored. Hopefully sometime safely beyond the SJW Horror.

Death to Chinballs, PA support of Moffat showrunner fuck wimmins

>mfw RTD was peak /who/

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/who/ was literally not around until Matt's era

if that was true there would be no matt era

/who/ isn't what you think it is

What exactly do you think "/who/" refers to?

Fucking based. What an embarrassment this whole ordeal has been. Oh and by the way

FUCK Chinballs
FUCK Jodie
FUCK women
FUCK the British and of course

Don't you fucking play with my emotions. I need confirmation that beta cuck and femnazi are about to hit the bricks. Can someone confirm?

update me. havent been around since before the garbage


I hope this is true, but I'll wait until for confirmation.

Is this true?

>Jodie regeneration cliffhanger
>Chibnall leaving rumors grow, no official statement
>The Next Doctor Live 2
>Someone walks on stage
>They start talking
>It's a girl
>The lights turn on
>how the fuck
>chibnall you did it
>you saved Doctor Who

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Not a chance in this era. Is there any examples of a mainstream piece of media going woke and backtracking?

cool, get somebody in that can write sci-fi, throw in a few scenes of based bradders getting it right up jodie's arse and the shows saved.

Been out of the loop for like 5 seasons, what did chibnall do?


be in charge for the most piss dull season of nuwho, no occasional GOAT episode sprinkled in, none so bad they were hilarious enough to meme about, just the most boring shit ever.

Slowly coming to the realisation that Aliens of London/World War Three are the best episodes of nuWho

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only just now?

have you got your pting pop (ptop) yet?

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Yeah I'm thinking you're a newfag but I'll fill you in. Using forward slashes is a way to denote an image board community, derived from the way boards are listed like Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums etc. So when someone says /who/ they mean the community discussing Doctor Who on Yea Forums. And it has been done this way for at least 10 years.

But yeah lurk more newcunt.

he taught us racism is bad and anyone who isn't involved in an interracial relationship is a racist. also, anyone who carries a knife on his person, even if it's an innocuous Swiss Army knife, is an "idiot".

>The only good DW stuff was Ecclestone and Tennant and that's literally it.

Even half of that wasn't very good.

>being over the age of 14
>caring about Doctor Who
Pick one and only one

Source or it didn't happen.

r slash woosh u r cringe normie idiets?

If Chibnall is gone the show has a chance.

they'll replace him with a female POC hyper SJW so nothing will get better

more like dr literally who hahaha show is ASS

That might be the only Pop that looks remotely like the real character and not an over simplified retarded plastic shit.

Best post in thread

>they'll replace him with a female POC hyper SJW so nothing will get better
no, they'll replace him with Fukunaga and the show will become more like the first season of True Detective. Alan Moore will be the new Doctor.

>Alan Moore will be the new Doctor

I actually want to see this now.

it would be nice if the show went back to its horror roots and stopped being kiddie garbage.

I dropped the first season before the Kerblam episode but am going back to watch it now after this thread, pure curiosity

First five minutes in and we've got the Doctor telling off the companions for being 'robophobic'. JFC

I haven't watched it at all, and I'm a lifelong Who fan. I just hope that when they sort things out I can join it again without having to watch this "Doctor". Hopefully it eventually goes to a kind of pretend-it-didn't-happen continuity.

>First five minutes in and we've got the Doctor telling off the companions for being 'robophobic'. JFC

that's a typical nuwho quip, even eccleston said stupid shit like that, don't pretend it's only happening now because it's the doctor with a fanny.

Don't be ridiculous. How the fuck would they sell that to Americans and Chinamen?

>Kill off Jodie's Doctor in the first 5 minutes of 12x01
>Replace her with Idris Elba

I miss /who/

That would be based.

She's like a children's TV presenter. I actually don't even mind the companions especially based Bradley and desu Mandip is tasty as fuck, but there's no room for them to breathe.

I'm not even opposed to a female Doctor but they need to cast someone better suited to the part instead of just going to Chibnall's contact list and picking the next name after Olivia Colman

I think I gave up halfway through Capaldi's run.

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Thank you, user.

Did he though?

>bbc kills top gear
>bbc kills sherlock
>bbc kills doctor who
bbc going to die or is it still tax payer funded?

Ecclestone is best doctor. Anybody who does not concede is a moron

>also, anyone who carries a knife on his person, even if it's an innocuous Swiss Army knife, is an "idiot".

haven't watched who in a decade but I refuse to believe that

It's true. Jodie's Doctor is the most vehemently anti-weapon Doctor ever. If it was ever used as a weapon, she automatically shit-talks it and whomever using it as 'barbarism'.

isn't the doctor's sonic screwdriver basically a space swiss army knife though? or has that been dropped

They turned it into a dildo

"it(the sonic) is a swiss army knife, aside from the knife part, only idiots carry knives" that's paraphrased from The Woman Who Fell To Earth, her first episode.

Cancel that trash already.
Whoever comes next will be even more pozzed.

which means she called her own former companion Leela an idiot. i'm sure that never even occurred to Chindick.

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Or, you know, anyone who has ever had to cut something.

Reminder that at the end of episode Twice Upon Time, Tardis in attempt to save The Doctor life will merge with him causing The Doctor to become a woman. Jane Seymour is said to of signed on for one season. Both Jacob Anderson and Jodie Whittaker to be her companions. Bradley Walsh to appear in first episode as The Corsair (acting as her love interest). Kino if true.

Not only not dropped but used and waved about to such a ridiculous degree it seems almost welded to her hand. True of Smith to an extent too but at least he used it in ways that usually made sense and looked kind of cool and graceful in the process. Whitaker wields it like she's spraying insect repellent at a very large bug a few metres away.

yeah, that line is pretty dumb.

I'm literally shaking, imagine the doctor saying weapons are bad, that's so out of character I can't believe they've done this.

I remember having reasons to be mad about the show but they weren't memorable enough for me to remember what they were. All I remember is being mad.

wasnt leela an idiot though

Just bring capaldi back with a competent showriter
I've never seen that good of a cast go to waste that badly before.

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Chinballs clearly never say any of the source material

It's not the sentiment that's the problem. If you're going to didactic, do it with a bit of wit and charm. "dis ting Bad" is embarrassingly clunky.

no, she was the ironically smart primitive trope, naive but never an idiot.

yeah the problem is a woman said it, give the same line to tennant and nobody in here bats an eyelid, pure autism.

As well as previous incarnations. The Doctor had sword fights in Sea Devils, Androids of Tara, and Christmas Invasion

Ah, I see. Haven't seen any of her episodes. Any good ones I should watch?

Every Leela story is kino to a certain degree, apart from Underworld and Invasion of Time. Christ almighty. I mean her first three are Face of Evil, Robots of Death, and Talons

the writing has never been consistent, he'll admonish someone for waving guns around and never carry one himself, then commit genocide the next episode but he'll look a bit sad and worried when he does it so it's ok.

Emilia Clarke as the next Doctor. She's got the fame, the talent and the irl personality for it

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>Emilia Clarke as the next Doctor's sidekick

The Talons of Weng-Chiang is her best, I think.

>Emilia Clarke
nope. Cast Idris Elba. Unironically.

Mark Rylance would always bee my next Doctor pick. He's too big for it now though.

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i think they should cast jodie whittaker. she'd be great at playing Doctor Who

No. She's much too high profile to just be the companion

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Err I think you mean the Sylvester Mccoy years were the peak of the show?

People shit on Ten's "I NEVA WUD" grandstanding all the time. At least RTD had the sense to undermine his Doctor's self righteousness from time to time. 13 is never anything other than morally 100% right and pure

Jodie and the companions last season aren't the problem, the writing they had to work with was

Jodie's performance had plenty of issues on its own, independent of the words she was saying
Exhibit A

Whatever they have to offer Gaiman, they should do it. He's the only one who could save the show that the beeb would actually accept.


>Is there any examples of a mainstream piece of media going woke and backtracking?
Hell no.
Doubling down is a big part of going woke.

Yeah but let's be honest, they'd still push so much bullshit agenda nonsense that he couldn't really do his thing like he used to. These are just bad times for anything you love to be made.

>get somebody in that can write sci-fi
This is all they really need to do.

You just shit on a large group of mentally ill people. You fell off your high horse and the horse kicked you in the teeth.

I don't get it. Can someone explain it for a simple lad?

Whoa whoa whoa OP
If they fire Chibnall, what are will they be signaling to men who decide to Womyn wash classically male characters?

Can I still carry my Assault Swiss Army knife with bump stock?

she reacted early, bad acting

She reacts to the strangeness of the name "pting" before the word "pting" is utterred

Jodie's not the only one with problems here. None of them are looking at the same direction since they have no concept of where the vfx hologram will be placed or its size. The shock/recoil reaction in the final second is incredibly unconvincing but that could partly be the result of bad direction

Just use the Face changing tech to paste Matt Smith's face on everything and the Associative face effect will take over

>wanting a WHITE MALE to be the next Doctor

fuck off retard.

>That paint job tho

How you fix Doctor Who is do ONE STORY per series, make it deep and interesting. Do it like season 7 of classic who. Long stories filled with conspiracy and intrigue that build up and up to a climax. Take a lot of the nonsense out of the programme. Retcon all the overblown Time Lord/Gallifrey nonsense that no one ever cared about anyway and keep it as grounded as possible. Don't make it dead serious or melodramatic though. Not making a Scandinavian crime drama here.

I think the idea of Doctor Who has always been better than the execution of the series. I think they would be better off going the Sherlock route (season one, not the shitty later seasons), where they devote an hour and a half to really tell a mini-movie-episode three times per season so they can actually have some quality control.

But fuck Doctor Who to be honest with you. I hope it never comes back and something new and interesting can take its place.

Can I get a quick rundown?

Imagine. Just imagine being this souless ginger fucktard back 30, 40 years ago. Now imagine going onto a show that critiques Doctor Who for the nation to see. You get to be famous and all you have to do is take other's people work, people who work on your favorite show, down a peg.

Now fast forward to now, where after you were told 'If you're so good, why don't you run/write for the show?' you get fired because your work is so much worse, oh so worse, then the work you tore down all those years ago. Imagine. Just imagine.

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Good. He ruined what was once my favourite tv show.

Chib Who is atrocious but he was complaining about Trial of a Time Lord on that programme which was the worst classic Who ever got

Biggest reddit show after how I met your mother

>Whitaker wields it like she's spraying insect repellent at a very large bug a few metres away.
wasnt that actually literally one of the episodes tho?

I hope they don't hire anyone else and just cancel it.

who posted that? is it an "insider"?

Eccleston was the best of nuWho. The old episodes were very fun, except for Colin Baker who was the worst until Jodie.

every tv show is reddit user, all of them.

But she MUST be barefoot all the time.

>just going to Chibnall's contact list and picking the next name after Olivia Colman
Did Coleman turn down the job or something? I've always thought she would be a fantastic Doctor ever since there were rumours of a female casting.

They all have good and bad parts
>Ecclestone is great but too short
>Tennant is great but too much focus on romance, even more so than Ecclestone's
>Matt Smith is great... at times
>Peter Capaldi is great... only when it concerns Doctor Who lore, the episodic shit is the worst ever
Jodie isn't great at anything

>Whitaker wields it like she's spraying insect repellent at a very large bug a few metres away.
I hate this, the way she orientates herself towards the camera and looks her obstacle side-on, like she's in a stage show, fully extending her arm in a power stance. Every single time. But I have a feeling this, and all her other overacting, are to do with the director.

I was mostly being facetious as Chibnall had worked with both Colman and Jodie before. So picking Jodie was pretty much the second most obvious actress he could have gone for. I don't really know if Colman was ever considered but she'd have been significantly better imo

Tennant's Doctor would never have uttered such a sentiment. He may have disliked using weapons but hardly balked from doing so, nor did he function under the mistaken belief that they aren't necessary whatsoever or disparage those that used them for their intended purpose. Whitaker's Doctor tries to shame people for even considering one, a moralistic high horse no Doctor before her ever was irrational enough to set their butts upon, because for all his antic the Doctor is a rational being. Whitaker's Doctor may as well be possessed for all the times she throws rationality out the window to virtue signal.

>who will replace him?
It's rumored to be Neil Gaiman
>Will Jodie stay or leave as well?
It's her last season. Rumors say that Michael Sheen might be the next Doctor.

I am convinced that Chibnall doesn't give a fuck about Doctor Who and got the series only because Broadchurch is (good but) overrated.

>bbc kills sherlock
That's a good thing. The first season was the only watchable one. The show turned into a shitty Tumblr fanfiction.

>Criticize worst episode of old who
>Makes worst episode of new who
Like pottery...

>next doctor

WHY CAN'T THEY JUST FUCKING CANCEL IT. The fan base are the most insufferable people on earth.

>no source
>only hits for similar searches are youtube links for videos 7 minutes long with clickbait titles, and leddit threads asking if it's true
I want to believe, but at this point it's just people making shit up.

Gaiman and Sheen would be absolutely superb. I really can't see it happening. I can't find a quote now but I'm sure Gaiman expressed his love of Who before but always said he'd never have the energy or time to devote to showrunning duties

The more insufferable fanbase is, the more money they have.

If I'm being honest, you're the most insufferable person on earth right now for asking for something people enjoy to end just because you don't like said people.

Didn't the doctor call her an idiot to her face?

There's a reason /who/ fucked off to infinitychan. Go back there.

things change, he was heavily involved with american gods and good omens, maybe the experience he's gainged there he might think he's up to it now. that said I'm sure it's just a shitty rumour though.

>t. whovian

i bet you dress "quirky", carry a plastic sonic screwdriver around, and pretend you're le doctor.

No? I just like watching a TV show.


The BBC is obviously gonna appoint a woman as the new showrunner, but for the love of god at least pick a woman more competent than Chibnall.

This. I hope they hire Benioff and Weiss as her swowrunners.



I saw somewhere that there may be an official announcement today at 2:30pm UK time.


>we will never have a slower paced story spread across 10 episodes that really develops the setting instead of having to introduce the setting, the characters, the problem and the solution in 45 minutes
They don't even have to stay in one spot during the whole thing, like how in Listen they went to different times and places within the same episode but continuing the same story. Fuck I'm so mad.

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It's not tax payer funded. The TV licence isn't a tax and is easily avoidable. Only idiots and old people still pay it.

only if it has that shoulder thing that goes up

>Peter Capaldi is great... only when it concerns Doctor Who lore
im still mad about hell bent

yeh I'm thinking this post is based

>High profile
>Having only ever been notable for starring in Game of Already Forgotten

Ye okay

I prefer midnight and the waters of mars but yeh those episodes are definitely overlooked

>she only starred in the biggest tv show of the decade

take your (You) and fuck off

she has a real talent for sucking dick if weiss and benioff were willing to overlook her shit acting and give her the job.

midnight was an absolute top tier bottle episode.

Trial of a Time Lord’s got personality. What does The Tsuranga Conundrum have?


>we will never have a slower paced story spread across 10 episodes
I liked that season of Capaldi that only had two-parters. It was a nice breath of fresh air, the story and the characters were allowed to develop, instead of running in every direction to make the viewer think that something is happening like in every nuWho.

Unironically just use Tennat again to reboot everything post the 10th since his clone or whatever the fuck it was is still around somewhere

God no. Give us an actually good Doctor.

hell no lmao
>irl personality
fuck off

just off yourself waifufag, or stop enforcing your shit taste onto others

the tsrananana conundrum was honestly one of the worst things ever committed to tv. i hope this rumour is true so they finally take this shitshow off the air.


Imagine being Jodie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Chris Chibnall, you're such a good writer. I'd totally watch your show with your barely present characters and lazy plot contrivances" when all she really wanted to do was hang out with the cast and fuck david tennant. Like seriously imagine having to be Jodie and not only stand in that set while Chris Chibnall flaunts his disgusting toupée at you, the favorable crew barely hiding their disdain and disgust, and just stay there, take after take, hour after hour, while he asks you to perfect your shitty lines. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking incompetence but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's A GENIUS and DAMN, CHRIS CHIBNALL WROTE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and spout the most basic, robotic one-dimensional lines you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been having nothing but a healthy diet of family dramas and indie darlings your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the basic-bitch theaters in England. You've never even seen anything this fucking hackneyed before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his balding hair as he sucks it in to pretend to be Mr Showrunner, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and act-out his "innovative" (for that is what he calls it) writing, the writing he worked so hard for in the entire previous year. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could end your life before the studio security could stop you, but you stand there and endure, because you're the fucking Doctor. You're not going to disappoint the kids over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.


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Chad opinion

lmao how are 10fags still a thing

Underrated, but nothing can top The Girl in The Fireplace

my canon: the 12th doctor decided not to regenerate, went into the tardis, died peacefully and the tardis self destructed as a result.

>a fucking message board screenshot
fake and gay

His clone is in an alternate universe and isn't a Time Lord.

Well, he was the last doctor who was any good, soooo

GOT was literally the biggest tv show of all time.

Hello where is announcement?

Yeah, >muh farting aliens aside AiL/WW3 is a surprisingly great story, it's full of tension and great character moments. It's almost like a modern adaptation of a BUS story considering how they're stuck in one place.

Also props for 9 being based and straight-up KILLING the aliens without giving a second thought. Fucking hell.
10, 11, 12, 13, they'd all cry and spew monologues about how it's wrong to bomb bomb aliens. 9? He just doesn't give a fuck.

Doctor Who series 1 is legitimely almost perfect, there's only one "bad" episode and even then it's better than most of RTD's fututre drivel. It's a shame Russel would lose his spark with S2, and only mildly get it back for 3 and 4 (we shall not speak of The End of Time).


I miss Kandy


Holy shit this mans PH level is that of water....because hes fucking based

Water is a neutral, not a base.

Doctor in Dress !

Bring him back now we won't take less ...

It's confirmed. Chibnall was fired on Monday. Whitaker will step down at end of series as will other companions. Temporary showrunner has already been appointed. BBC filming pick ups as we speak to salvage what has already been shot. Firing is result of Chibnall being unable or unwilling to work within BBC new guidelines that was brought in to rescue show from plunging ratings which was resulting in sharp decline of profits from various third parties. Official announcement to come.

>Mandip is tasty as fuck
she's very cute

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Episode where the Doctor has to save Yaz from Cannibals when? Chibnall could bring back the ones from Torchwood.

>being unable or unwilling to work within BBC new guidelines
That sounds like the BBC shot itself in its own foot if the guidelines are so bad that the guy who did Broadchurch with pedo murderers and sex deviants couldn't work within them.

Source : A couple of people who been accurate before on twitter.

The same people, people like Dr Freedom on YouTube follows and then claims he has sources.

Fuck Dr Who.

>it's the bbc's fault chibnall did nothign wrong

wtf get out of here

>RTD tailored the DW reboot directly towards 20-something women
>his series featured a sexy dashing man whisking some average shopgirl/waitress/temp chick off onto adventures
>huge audience of women watching for escapism
>every succeeding showrunner hasn’t grasped this, and the escapist audience has withered away in the meantime
gg bbc

It's their words, not mine. BBC makes new guidelines, showrunner can't make show work within them, it's clearly a BBC nanny-state problem.

the only rumour we all know better be fucking false

nah m8 if anything the show was still stuck in that Russel formula and it got stale.
>every modern companion has been a twenty-something average girl who's easy to identify with (with some exceptions)
>the girl is always special in some way or another
>it always ends tragically (with some exceptions)
Also Matt Smith was a prettyboy women women wanted to fuck as well. He started out as Tennant 2.0

The higher ups at the Beeb just have to see it's not 2005 anymore, female audiences can easily get their power fantasies anywhere else these days, any rose fangirl is almost in their 30s, etc. That audience withered away because it simply grew out of it.
Let the writers go crazy and have companions from the past/future/aliens.

It's one of the reasons I respect Moff so much for his later years, he really did try to make something different with what he had, we can talk about the results all day, but he really tried to reach new places when he couldn't get too far from the formula.
Chibnall on the other hand could do anything he wanted and talked nonstop about how different he was going to be, but in the end he just made boring samey tv

>>/Who/ could have guessed Moffat years were the peak of the show?

You mean Davies because I never gave a shit about this show until he became show runner!!!FACT!!!

It was more for teenage girls. And it was HUGELY successful with that audience. Matt Smith was too. Capaldi harkened back more to old who

>bbc nanny-state is the problem

the show being dogshit under chibs was the problem, they tried to steady the ship and set some guidelines, much better than leaving him to his own devices again.

the absolute most underrated episode 200% pure kino

You're wrong about Chibnall. He definitely was trying to take it in a different direction, it's just that the direction sucks and he has no talent. The format is much closer to the Doctor Who he grew up with, he's trying to take things back. Also throwing episodes to writers from entirely outside sci fi and having them write about identity politics stuff is a novel idea that hasn't been tried like this before. It's just not a very good idea, or wasn't implemented that well, or suffered from Chibnall's lack of imagination or skill as a show runner.

>He doesn't remember Steven Universe "fans"

Tsuranga is a subpar episode with a monster who makes two minutes of its runtime entertaining. It's far from the worst episodes ever, there are several episodes in S11 alone that are worse.

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I totally agree with you, I prolly just worded it wrong but this is what I meant.
Chibnall did something different, but it was just boring

the classic Doctor calls everyone an idiot to his face, especially the 1st Doctor, who was a gigantic fucking dickhead in the first two serials.

Actor would take job for money, what a shocker

>RTD writes a filler episode at the last minute
>ends up being his best Who script
How did that happen

Constraints breed creativity

Dr Who is fucked

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its false

it's just a shame she can't act

Hartnell was the peak.

this is literally something her retarded version of the Doctor would do: dress up like a 5-year-old and bob for apples.

i remember reading somewhere that chibnall had wanted olivia colman, and he was certain she'd say yes, but she didn't so jodie was the second choice. can't remember where it was though

Remember when the Doctor worked as a scientific adviser for the military, and only occasionally gave them shit for excessive force?
When did writers stop understanding context and nuance?


They're making III after like 20 years to appease their autistic fanbase

UNIT got shut down in-universe because of brexit, kek.

olivia colman has a legit film career now and wouldn't waste her time on a television show.

I've had some experience at the BBC. If the show goes off the air for a decade again, I have every intention of rebooting it. I'll make it my life's mission to fix this shit.

Dogspeed, user

Life on Mars was supposed to be a satirical take on the rough policing of the 20th century, with Gene Hunt being a kind of antagonistic figure to Sam Tyler's enlightened 21st century man.
People loved Gene hunt, so the second series became more a celebration of no-nonsense policing, and the show ends with Sam returning to the modern day, and killing himself due to boredom.

>I've had some experience at the BBC

>t. film and tv studies graduate who went on a tour once

That's kinda funny actually.

It would be if it wasn't so hamfisted

I didn't go to film school. I went to the movies.




i hate my country.

>a United Nations organisation was defunded because of Brexit

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almost as if it's because Chibnall is a hack with no real talent

BBC are saying it's bullshit.

I also hate this guy's country.

okay tim


She is such a cutie. I already have a thing for brown girls anyway but still

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Radio Times


Why the fuck are there so many clowns in the replies? Is this some new twitter meme?

Not sure. I was banned from twitter.

Eh. Reminds me of the stuck up Sikh bitches I went to school with. Proximity with these people kind of destroys the exotic factor.

>replies: 231
>images: 18
This is why /who/ is hated, post some fucking memes.

>2019 Yea Forums in a nutshell.

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It's almost a given that she's stuck-up anyway, she's an actress

Still...nice face, nice legs, nice feet

midnight is actual kino.


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which is the bad episode?

you reply with clowns or a clown emoji when someone says something stupid

I've never seen it, what's so wrong with this episode?

Guys, I miss Capaldo

>already debunked

it's like a red nose day comedy sketch, but it tries to be serious. there's a pregnant man, and the "deadliest creature in the universe" is a little shitty cgi bug thing that lives off metal.

>BBC are saying it's bullshit.
That doesn't really mean anything. Companies have no problem flat out denying rumors even if they are true. They know people will forget.

>BBC are saying it's bullshit.
Yeah, but notice nobody will go on record to straighten the record? Just "a well placed source"

there's nothing inherently wrong with these ideas, gender swapping pregnancy and deadly alien is actually the little cute one are pretty standard sci-fi tropes, again though like most of the season, it was just written fucking dull as fuck.

It's good because it feels like a classic story. It builds up to a satisfying climax. Doctor and companions don't piss about whining. Lots of funny lines. Lots of conspiracy. Farting aliens takes any pretentiousness out of it, and keeps kids watching. Genuinely menacing monster. Could have deepened the political conspiracy with another episode.

>are pretty standard sci-fi tropes
that is why they are so boring

>The format is much closer to the Doctor Who he grew up with, he's trying to take things back
This objectively false. There wasn't even a single multi part story last year for a star.

Boom Town was series 1's filler episode and this was great. Love and Monsters was cringe of the highest order but Peter Kay was hilariously over the top

Boom Town isn't as good as Midnight but I remember liking the dinner scene a lot. Love and Monsters is a guilty pleasure and I'm pretty sure RDT knew how camp the episode was when he was writing it

Do my idea or contact me and we will do it.

>Love and Monsters was cringe of the highest order
i unironically liked it

>he doens't like or get Love and Monsters
I'm not even joking m8 you're a pleb

The Long Game

Chibnall who is like classic Doctor Who only on a very superficial level.
>look! Four main cast memebers, just like Hartnell!
But he misses the fact that the Doctor was a very different character in those days, and the other characters were all designed to offset him in different ways. Susan was innocently minded and relatable to children. Ian and Barbara served more as the moral center of the cast, and Ian was the guy you called on for an action scene. The Doctor herself is all of those things now, so an attempt at a return to the old cast structure feels like a strange vestigial limb.

I would make the Doctor more mysterious and the stories more scary.

everything's been done, but they can still be used to make a decent episode if the writers are half awake is the point. I don't complain when I see an episode of stargate or farscape because the same rough idea was covered in an episode of TOS, as long as the episode itself is well done. execution was the problem not the concept.

Sounds good to me

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be in this thread posting, how retarded are you ?

>I'm not even joking m8 you're a pleb
All the scenes with LINDA and ELO made me want to gouge my eyes out. MILF Jackie and Kay were the best bits.

The Doctor needs that slight sinister edge again. Maybe something like the short lived Shalka Doctor. He's a cold and distant figure. He seems to have good intentions, but you're never quite sure what's going on underneath it all.

But that's not his Doctor Who. He was 16 on that 1986 discussion programme so his DW would be season 18 Baker and Peter Davidson i.e. tedious overly serious sci fi and a bloated TARDIS crew filled with dull companions. So I guess you are right.

>Shalka Doctor
Please don't remind me. Only classic DW DVD I don't own. Watched the first episode on dailymotion and it was the worst piece of shite I've ever seen with Doctor Who on it

>he's trying to recreate the vanilla era
Well then I guess he's right on point.

>he didn't like Mr Blue Sky's perfect conclusion with Elton's character development
acquire taste

The concept of the Doctor being this slightly sinister Hammer Horror figure is interesting though.

Yeah I like the sound of that. Animated Richard E Grant looked like Peter Cushing as Victor Frankenstein

Not sure who you'd hire to play such a character these days though. There aren't that many of the Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee style of actors around. Maybe Cumberbatch, but I think he's too high profile now. I guess Richard E Grant is still alive.

Peak was Baker. Sorry for your taste.

Tim Curry could probably do it

Shame he can't move anymore

peter capaldi ;_;

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>Chibnall already out

I shouldn't complain but what the fuck is going on at the BBC?

Its fake

Fuck you guys

>chin ball sack

Doctor Who sucks


The new Doctor is a woman you’ve never heard of because the BBC can’t/won’t pay a worthy candidate enough to put up with the production schedule.

Attached: 82C9BFE6-606B-4C21-9B9F-CD2A6D363202.jpg (1238x1400, 381K)

There's no way this is true, for two reasons. 1) This would require rational thinking from BBC, 2) Chibnall has already described more SJW episodes he is making for the new season.

Absolutely fake news, the BBC put their whole weight behind showrunner and actress and there's no way they'll let the first female Doctor go down in flames. The specter of Eccleston's departure still haunts them.

Chibnall could silently disappear, and most wouldn't notice. Only nerds are even aware of showrunners.


>The new Doctor is a woman you’ve never heard of because the BBC can’t/won’t pay a worthy candidate enough to put up with the production schedule.
Oh, I would love to see Hugh Laurie take over that role!

Literally a coal burner

says the retard

that pig nose though

bob for black dicks*


Attached: Sean_Pertwee.jpg (220x330, 13K)

Do you even watch Doctor Who? The whole theme of Eleven's character is that he was a tired old man who killed anyone that annoyed him too much. He was like a soulless version of Tennant that just wanted to look good to make friends easier. Dude was ruthless otherwise.

I never found smith or tennant all that believable when they were trying to be threatening, except the end of family of blood. I could believe capaldi would shiv someone, but that's maybe just because he's scottish. I know tennant is too, but he was too much of a nonce to keep his accent.

>abandon current doctor
>get big finish writers in
>make a new flashback series staring McGann
>win favour with old fans by giving them a proper series with the 8th doctor
>win favour with new fans when the series turns out to be kino
ez pz

McGann is so fucking good.

Attached: fockin.jpg (480x360, 8K)

I don't understand why they don't ever do prequels or one off things more often, this was a cool little episode and john hurt in the 50th anniversary was neat, if there's any show that can get away with saying FUCK IT and doing a one-off special or mini-series it's this time travelling bollocks.

I think what he was saying is the fangirl audience is what made the show such a powerhouse and the reason for the huge decline in ratings is them straying from the formula that attracted those fans

What are some good BF titles? I downloaded all of them but there are so fucking many of them. The only ones I heard are Jubilee, Storm Warning, the first audio with Mary Shelly, and the first two with Crizz.

Attached: Jubilee_CD_Front.jpg (318x318, 26K)

Looks like Who's back on the menu, boys.

>physician, heal thyself
fucking grade A kino

Could have mentioned this was on Gallifrey Base. Went there to check what people were saying. Its an awful place.

Yeah, but the fangirl audience are cancer, and I don't care about how many views they bring in, because I want my spergy science fiction show back.

>according to some literal who on an internet forum

It pisses me off that you can’t access the old GallifreyOne forums anymore. They were available through the Wayback Machine for years after it shut down. There was a lot of interesting dirt about the old show in the “mature” forum. I never even bothered with Gallifey Base.

>There was a lot of interesting dirt about the old show in the “mature” forum
Remember any of it? I only just logged back into an account I hadn't used for five years only last year. Couldn't believe how fucking annoying the place was, and I spend my days here.

I seriously don't understand why they fund shit like class but won't just do a flashback series staring McGann

>there are people ITT that don't rate Horns of Nimon higher than the entire Moffatt era

Attached: tumblr_n6vpoaX2PH1qcwhkeo4_r1_250.gif (245x320, 690K)

Any nuWho episode set in or around London SUCKS, only exception the finale of series 1.

I dropped the show when Clara left. What did Chibnall do that was so bad?

What are you on about? Rose is almost perfect despite obviously ripping off Spearhead, Father's Day is decent enough. And that's just series 1

>It's rumored to be Neil Gaiman

great. conversion from sci-fi to fantasy confirmed.

lmao got em

Not much unfortunately.
Actors from different eras of the show used to hook up at conventions in the old days. Katy Manning banged at least three Doctors.
Also at a convention, Troughton died en flagrante with an obese black woman while wearing his Doctor costume. She ran through the hotel screaming “I killed Doctor Who!”

Yeah, pretty much. London is short hand for "we couldn't be bothered".
All of time and space, and you film next to the BBC offices.


Doctor Who production is in Cardiff. Takes effort to get to London.

Aren't a lot of the "London" episodes also filmed in Cardiff?

Series 8 Capaldi was amazing - we needed an older, more serious and dark Doctor again.
But then Series 9 and 10 they went full retard with "12 has to be quirky and random just like 11" and ruined 12.

Supposedly it's Michael Sheen for 14 and Neil Gaiman for showrunner.