
Well, it doesn't seem as though a cricket thread exists? Hopefully this will do. Anyway, former legendary cricketer Imran Khan has been implicated in some mess or other.

Most handsomest cricketer of all times subedition.

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Other urls found in this thread:


uh no sweaty, he got CIA'd for wanting to remain neutral on Russia / Ukraine. Burgers can't have that so he'll be Gadaffi'd soon too. There are currently zero (0) former test cricketers who are also world leaders. Sad!

Decent Yorker on him though didn't he

>hit a ball with a stick
>Omg lmao you should rule over us xD

Dumb paks

surprised to learn the Ugandan cricket twitter account has around 20k followers
they beat Namibia today, who've played in a few ICC tournaments. not bad.

Simnply bowl a Yorker at opposition's leg-stump.

Fiercely cricketing, Mohammed

They always have to depose cricket aligned politicians. Pic related

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Imran Khan bros.....

>it's another 'every democratic decision *I* don't like is CIA' episode


well is there a place I can watch T20 cric games bros? Besides watching IPL cric on ESPN+?
t. /hoc/

you can watch everything on cricstream.me

bless you user, thanks

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fuck my ass

Hey everyone, there's a room going in my penthouse. Send me a dm if you're keen :)


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would rather not cheers

Looks like it would get rekt in an earthquake. But I thought this guy lived in HamilSHIT? Guess he got sick of train life

Keep up lad he's an Auckland influencer now

Uganda are unstoppable

Here we all are then
The lads

Jacinda Adern played test cricket at high school

who does he influence lol

What's it like to compete in an Indian sport?
Are you treated like a hero if you go to India?
Are Indians even fans of non-Indians players?

he's on the path to becoming the NZ Ben Shapiro

Played like 10 Pokémon showdown games in a row last night before going to sleep and didn’t lose one

Holy shit
What a fucking tarq

Meanwhile I’m busy not rating Mitchell starc and relatively slumming it
Mine have to rethink


If you're renting then you should happily go for the cheapest shithole possible
Only makes sense getting a nice place when you can buy it yourself
Otherwise you're just allowing boomers to make massive profit with no labour

>doesn't think the CIA gets involved in democratic processes overseas
Wait till this guy finds out about the 10+ elections the CIA influenced in South America

it literally is though
even here the CIA and the Queen conspired to remove Whitlam for being a little bit too left wing and pro-china and yes this is an objective historical fact

The US were heavily involved in the Ukranian coup in 2014 too...
>couple of dots to connect

Daniel is a full blown tarq

Went to t'pub anoche
Was seven (strong) ales deep and all of a sudden my old first team captain turns up at my table
Before I know it I've agreed to make a return to the evening league side
Beginning to suspect a conspiracy

What exactly does ‘pent house’ mean

based uninformed retard. they weren't hiding it.
>Imran Khan seems to suggest that you had a conversation with the Pakistani ambassador in the US and told him that if Imran Khan survives the no-confidence motion, Pakistan is in trouble and the US wont forgive Pakistan. Any response?
>Donald Lu avoided direct reply and said: “We are following developments in Pakistan, and we respect and support Pakistan’s constitutional process and the rule of law.”
>Asked whether he had such conversation, the US official skipped the question again, simply saying: “That’s all I have for you on that question.”

house of pent up homosexual behavioural urges

Flat needs a clean but reluctant to spend some of my allocated two days of freedom cleaning it

That's the Tower Hill building on Emily Place, so it probably isn't earthquake proof.

lads just found out you literally need to make a clicking sound to say Gqeberha
are the commentators doing this?

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He has a bit of a Jewish rat look about him that daniel

would rather live here with this airline pilot tttt trademe.co.nz/flatmates-wanted/auction-3506000283.htm


keen, but I fear I might annoy any prospective housemates with my eclectic and obscure tastes in progressive rock music.


Is Wiann Mulder the greatest cricketer of all time?

dead poomunity
dead spoort
dead country(pakistan, bangladesh and australia)

Mohammad Abbas is one my favourite shit bowlers

just googled Daniel Hay and didn't see Danny. Just how influential is he?

More influential than you mate.

might finna that penthouse


>Dutch cricket association livestreaming a pre-season Dutch league friendly
literally for who? A grand total of 2 people are watching.

apartments are fucking shit and there is simply no need to occupy one in an Oceanic city

/cric/ meet up 2022
Date: Saturday 16th April
Venue: Tower Hill Apartments Penthouse on Emily Place (buzz up to penthouse and ask for danny)
Time: 4:30pm onwards
Attire: super rugby team jerseys
Plan - Beers, Laughs, seethe, beat the shit out of Daniel

I'll be there

mad how I am the architect of my own demise

>Yuzvendra Chahal alleges Franklin and Australian cricketer Andrew Symonds, his Mumbai Indian teammates, left him tied and gagged for an entire night before he was found by a cleaner. Chahal said the pair had never apologised to him.
Kek what a KWAB


wtf that's assault, apologize? They should be in jail.

literally me

already been posted mate get with the times

did you also irrevocably fuck things up with the only girl you ever loved all while thinking you were doing the right thing by her?

no more like self sabotage every female relationship for no reason other than I enjoy solitude

Then that's not really sabotage if it's what you actually want

About to buy my Holland v. West Indies ODI ticket. I've never been to a cricket match, what's the best stand to be in? D and E are more expensive, should the view be better from there?

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probably just more shade and slightly more comfortable seating

I'd probably go for Stand E

considering it's a Dutch summer, shade will probably be all around.

I was thinking E as well because of the beers being nearby.

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wonder what albo will do if he should get elected
hes pretty lefty, at least economically

generally you want to be more behind the bowler's arm than square to the wicket so you can properly see the line and length of the delivery

so A or E?

nah he's just a classic australian labor union man, many such cases
whitlam veered to far to the old UK labour socialist position and that got the Americans worked up

It's that time again boyos

>Essex vs Kent

>Hampshire vs Somerset

>Northamptonshire vs Gloucestershire

>Warwickshire vs Surrey
(no stream, times are tough in Warwickshire and they had to sell their audio-visual equipment to pay or the teas)

>Glamorgan vs Durham

>Leicestershire vs Worcestershire

>Middlesex vs Derbyshire

>Sussex vs Nottinghamshire

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E would be my pick

Sony refusing to accept that I might not want to receive their marketing notifications by email or by text. just want to play the ps4 end of.

I was leaning towards E too but 40 fucking euros, my god. Plus Amstelveen is a 2 hour trip for me.