Get in here!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Let's goooooooooo DOYERS!

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lets go my doyer

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Imagine if the cat showed up the inning before, where the no hit was broken up by four home runs.


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Is it too early to bet on Dodgers for World Series Champs? Should I wait until the All-Star break and see if they're still hot?

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Roberts already said they would win it. Lock those bets!

we've been favorites every year for a while but only have one title so I'd not bother
better value elsewhere

Good fucking shit marquez

depends on what you're willing to lose. baseball has so much randomness to it that the field is always a better bet even if there's only 6 teams left and one team is clearly better than the rest.

Pitching is quite suspect but if Bauer is able to play again and if May performs well after coming back from injury it would be easier to deem them as the favorites.

C'mon catman, put up a good game for once

don't listen to the naysayers, bet NOW and bet HEAVY!

dream scenario is them being back healthy and effective and guys like Knack, Miller and Pepiot contributing.


Caturday confirmed


does david price even suit up or does he wear a bathrobe and slippers in the bullpen?

Really can't wait to see what Bobby Miller can do in the majors

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where did Gonsolin = cats come from

from gonsolin

he's a huge cat guy, he even wore some cleats with cat fur last year

he loves cats

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don't care didn't ask

no food promotion this year like free jumbo jack after 10 strikeouts?

he can still (cat)nip this rally in the bud

he can paws the rockies offense

yeah, they're still doing that promo

No that's still good. Just need to see some performance..


dammit barnes

Good play by mookie

yorba linda's own

that knee to the chest was no joke

That was a fucking atrocious send against Betts but I'll take it lol

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>winning an eries with caigr krimbel

not to mention a cleat was on the glove

I mean the Red Sox did

Marquez is a stud and Gonsolin gave up loud contact already. I'm not feeling very confident this game.

my bellinshits :)

It's early season, just get marquez's pitch count up and get to the rockies bullpen

go to sleep

fucking gonsolin

>Gonsolin is the #2 pitcher

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>losing to the Rockies
Lmao Doyers wetbacks BTFO

the rotation order is just wonky right now
Urias is 2

it has something to do with the schedule. they think about these things far in advance. it's not ideal but it's some big picture shit we're not privy to.

Oh good. I was concerned.

>walked dom nunez

I'm sorry dodger bros, gonsolin is washed

based chadres gigachad

more like SCATman if you know what i mean

We got a bullpen game brewing.

lets go DODGERS

Attached: gawrdoyers.png (2494x2960, 3.71M)

Throwing too many pitches


they brought 16 pitchers. Anderson and White can give them long relief. Hopefully they can get 4 innings out of Gonsolin without giving up more than a couple and they should be okay.

were the Rocks getting especially fucked by the sticky stuff? it'd explain why they got better in the second half

way to battle catman