Oh man this is so exciting I wonder who is going to win the Bundesliga this year
Oh man this is so exciting I wonder who is going to win the Bundesliga this year
Soccer seems so retarded because it’s the same 2 or 3 teams winning every single year.
>It's another season of Bayern, Dortmund and Leipzig being in top 4 and Leverkusen/Wolfsburg rotating for the 4th spot after they finished lower mid table previous season
Hmm I'm not sure but something tells me it might be buyern
Oh another bundesliga hate thread
Never sell to Arabs or Americans, sorry.
Shut up and make more glass cannon talents for us to ship off to England, the last one broke too early.
it is like that because of the combination of refball, team with more money to buy better players, and also because the rival teams have absolute retards leading their institution which is the case of Dirtmund contracting fraud and shit DTs and not buying quality players on possitions they need them like goalkeeping and defense
Bayern have dropped 18 points - for them, I suspect, thats a lot.
I havent seen much of Dortmund, but everyteim I have, they were fucking dreadful. Cant blame Buyern, no-one else stepping up to the plate.
Bayern has that generation around Neuer, Müller, Lewandowski. Afterwards they will have trouble,
Ajax must be transferred to the Bundes. With more money they can improve and a more serious challenge to Bayern than every other German club.
Man, if only they had a Honduran divegrass virtuoso at the helm.
Bundesliga wasn't that bad during the 2000's. It was after 2012 that everything went to hell
Holy based
can't be worse than having a libtard retatd thay forces you to have at least 3 black players on the pitch at all times and to biy fraud negros to cover diversity quotas
Is this the state of the Honduran league?
>ynr once more when Robbery were supposedly irreplaceable
Why is the guy from Honduras so obsessed with blacks? He's been doing this for years.
Thats not a contradiction to what I said.
He is based. Leave him alone.
the state of 4 of the big 5 european leagues, but yes Honduras is a kike colony as well so this is the case as well here, I have nothing against black players, if a white or brown player is shit theh should also not play, but the case is that more often than not it is the black plauer who is shit, why? because the diversity quotas exist to make sure black players play, not other races
well I'm just saying it won't be hard to replace Neuer, Müller or Lewandowski
Brazzo should fuck off tho
Why does public owned soccer have no parity?
>it won't be hard to replace Neuer, Müller or Lewandowski
lol. what nonsense
it has more parity than mega corporations fixing matches to make their leagues look competitive when they are not, problem is that shit teams also have shit team managers and presidents that make shit decisions
Buy kraft's told us fan owned teams will be maximum sovl
>bayen wins again and for the rest of eternity
That's why their UCL threads are dead cause they're so boring and smack fc poopensharten every weekend
No it really doesn’t have more parity. Bayern has won the league 30 times you socialist faggot.
>the best team winning is socialism
put money on bayern wins the bundes it's safer than us treasury bonds
This, Unironically
I blame Chelsea for this.
At this point would it even win you enough to counter inflation?
Do you even get a payout for this result at this point?
Neuer alone is irreplaceable.
That's what they said about Kahn.
I can see its very close this year.
He was, until they got Neuer
Yeah, personally I'm hoping for Freiburg to be one of our minimum two teams that'll inevitably go out in the CL group stage next season.
German car comoanies were sold to americans
Not that I know of
his world class performances are already becoming less and less frequent and also
So for three (3) whole seasons?! Bloody hell, a paradigm shift is upon us.
Thats the point, you mong. Bayern was shit until Neuer got there.
>red bull
What went wrong?
Your points a skidmark then, you utter buffoon.
>"Oh just you wait, Bayern will be slightly less dominant for a short period of time when one of their players leaves. Maybe they'll even miss out on a championship or two before absolutely steamrolling the shitheap of a league for a decade agin!"
The fuck kinda point is that? Fucking retard. I spit on your mother.
they hired an american manager because the globohomo wants to show the world that americans will dominate the sport in the future, he failed misserably so they ditched him and changed him for a new manager that had to start from the mid table
Fact is, they will lose their dominance once the Neuer, Müller and Lewandowski era is over. Salihamidzic is a retard so you never know what comes next.
>so you never know what comes next.
But I do know. Everyone does. Another thirty or so titles for Bayern.
Because we cucked them in 2012?
No, not with the current retards in charge. Bayern was build on Uli Hoeneß and he is gone
Bayern were bossing the '70s when Hoeneß wasn't even playing for them yet.
I just looked it up, Hoeneß was playing for Bayern since 1970.
finding a good goalkeeper is relatively easy, all you need to look for is a tall guy between 1.90m and 1.95m with above average reflexes, everything else, good aerial game, good possitioning, betterment of his reflexes, gets learnt with training, the training has to be very specific tho.
about a striker or center forward, it is a bit more difficult but still easy, all you need is a guy with good physicality to bully defenders and a good first touch, Ajax showed how easy it is, Sebastien Haller was an average to bad striker in Westham and they transformed him into a decent striker with a comnination of good training and playing system, the thing is that most managers want to be like Klopp and Guardiola now and have le meme false 9.
Muller is the most difficult one, a technical player with good passing and control of the ball that knows where to pass but also where to go when he doesn't have the ball, a raumdeuter, an athlete with high IQ, very difficult to find.
but the most difficult thing is that we are americans now, in the past when a manager wanted to buy a player the presidency asked him how old he was, how expensive, his stats, in what league and team he played for... now the first thing they ask you is what race he is, his ethnicity, his country, if the player is black the idea will pass 90% of the times but if he is not prepare because you will have to go to a lot of talks to try to pass the transfer of that player through the "diversity quotas" and see how can make a plan to make thag player fit into the diverse quotas
Yes. Also,
Stop complayning. Hühnchen buisnes with Qatar is completely legal. They also deserve to be suibsidized by a a state firm. Because they were successful once. Americans will never undestand.
>mega corporations fixing matches
i'm sure that's more of a dirty sudaca thing
People's minds are occupied by the things they're insecure about
Guys how did laverkusen get so good?
Sadly true for all top 5 leagues expect La Liga
>be fan owned
>be shit
Why is this?