What was george thinking with this character?
What was george thinking with this character?
blue titties
Aayla secura
more like aaylamao
>thinking the french could even make it into space
I don't know, but she's one of the reasons why I look back on the prequel era as fondly as I do.
>let's have an unpaid intern dress up in a third-rate jedi costume and shoot her doing poses in front of a green screen so I can drop her into whatever scene I want
You can see where her blue body paint stops.
comics Aayla >movie Aayla desu
What was he thinking with this character?
george wanted to include female characters but also keep the men interested
George liked the art that became her in the old EU and put her in the film.
He was thinking about ways to make my dick thank him.
He was thinking about giving me my first boner and giving me a lifetime of fucked up fetishes.
Other anons have commented that even searching in depraved porn, they've never found anything like Oola's vore scene.
How did you feel when you saw the droid torture in Jabba's Palace?
>ywn hit a hot as fuck twi'lek balls deep from the back while yanking on her lekku like a rodeo cowboy
Why even continue living?
They're literally genetically bred for sex.
I like to imagine the clone troopers only stunned her and kept her in the barracks where they took turns giving her soft consensual hugs while they hid her from the nasty ol empire
>twi'lek is a slave dancer in rotj = all twi'leks are sensual sluts who like slavery
>boba fett is an armored mandalorian bounty hunter = all mandalorians wear armor
>bothans got the plans of the death star through spionage and sacrifice = all bothans are spies and die
>bad guy is darth and has a red lightsaber = all bad guys are darth and have red lightsabers
>twilleks were going to show up on the casino planet in TLJ
>got cut for brand new aliens
Bravo Rian
That she was a little sex muffin.
Reminder that she's the picture of the wookiepedia page on breasts
nobody cares about nu-wars
A friend to comfort anakin in his young days in the jedi temple
>Aayla will never be your mommy
>A friendly George Lucas entered the room and was eager to hear the pitch from Red Fly’s creatives.
>“Before they could finish their spiel, Lucas cut them off, stood up, walked over to the statues, rotated them to be facing the same direction, pushed them together, and said ‘They’re friends!’” adds the source.
>Fucks up timeline just to bring us a red Twi'lek
Based George has always looked for ways to provide us with Twi'lek tiddies.
that droid is voiced by ROTJ's director
she can barely be contained
I'd make human/twilek hapas with her if you know what I mean.
>lekku has splotches of hair
>is a useless half-formed appendix
>wtf are those ears
There's nothing more boner inducing than tiddies that can barely be contained.
Women, take note. This is how you can get any guy you want. That and cooking
One of the very few things in Lucas's movies that originated in the EU.
I seemen ur moams mouth so much blowjop her brain cumbrian ;)0
This is why I refuse to let my son watch the Mortal Kombat movie
>Obi-Wan wears robes because he lives in a desert = Robes are the official Jedi Uniform
>Obi-Wan creates a make-shift training game from a blasthelmet with a visor and a ball = He was keeping official Jedi training gear with him the whole time
>Stormtroopers wear the same armor = Stormtroopers are clones underneath
I laugh everytime.
Based George.
He was thinking about all of our dicks.
He was thinking about how sexy colourful space babes are, blue and green especially (and red, wew).
Few daily reminders:
>Aayla "best twi'lek" Secura first appeared in a EU comic and George decided to introduce her in Episode II and III.
>Lucas was also going to put Quinlan Vos in the order 66 sequence.
>According to the concept art book of TFA, he also wanted to introduce the skimpy dressed Darth Talon in the sequels
I'm sorry, George!
Hot blue girls
>>Obi-Wan wears robes because he lives in a desert = Robes are the official Jedi Uniform
Blame Anakin and Yoda as well
>>Stormtroopers wear the same armor = Stormtroopers are clones underneath
Lorelet, clones were only bred for the Clone Wars. Anything after that is mostly recruits
>implying star wars didn't turn retarded with rotj
>another death star
>another family reveal
>han solo sidelined
>vader / luke walking and talking with one character turning to face something else like they always do in the PT
>the cantina scene in A New Hope has a band of Bith musicians = all Bith are musically talented
>He was keeping official Jedi training gear with him the whole time
I honestly always assumed this was the case since I was a kid and saw the re release in 1997
are you a virgin?
Reminder that Quinlan Vos' look is based on this random extra in TPM when Sebubla almost beats Jar Jar's orange ass. EU retconned it so this extra IS him, deep undercover. Which is why Qui-Gon did not speak to him or ask for his help. Which is fucking retarded.
Forgot pic
>anakin and yoda as well
Yoda wasn’t wearing the same kinds of robes and Lucas had already started fucking things up
>Death Star again
Look at pic related, apparently uncle Owen was a Jedi too
Not to mention how retarded it would be if obi wan was in hiding wearing his uniform literally in front of imperial patrols
Owen doesn't have the stoles though, or the piece of cloth under the belt
I unironically would love to dress like that 27/7. Looks comfy af desu
The robes are a feudal Japan thing. Worn by peasants and warrior-monks alike.
Dr Vader Im FORCE
Wasn't there some explanation somewhere that female Twi'leks wear less because of body temperature some physiological thing instead of innate slutiness?
Anyone have that pic of that one autist explaining why he thought it was hot
Okay this is kinda weird but I used to jack off to the scene where she gets killed. Basically when I was 13, I didn't have access to real porn, I had no internet or anything so I had to masturbate to either Viagra ads (with the women in the bikinis) or else my own drawn pictures of women in bikinis which were horrible. Also I used to kinda get a hardon when I watched people die in movies, when I was 7 or 8 I avoided war movies because they gave me a stiffy, I don't really know why. So hot chick + death = super hot, at least for me back then cause I was just starting to sexually awaken. So I fast-forwarded to her walking through the fungus trees and suddenly she gets shot and you can see her ass jiggling when she hit the ground and I would rub my penis with my hand playing that scene on repeat. Then I fucked up my DVD player by messing up A-B repeat then pulling the power which made it fuck up somehow, I don't remember I just remember panicking thinking I broke it. But anyway I used to get a huge hard-on watching her die over and over and watching her ass jiggle a bit when she hit the ground, the problem is that the camera then pans backward up toward the sky and a leaf covers her body pretty quickly so you don't get to see much, cause they keep shooting her after she dies and her ass keeps jiggling as they mutilate her corpse with their laser guns, but that stupid fucking leaf gets in the way. I remember getting so goddamn pissed at that leaf. I'd be about to cum and it'd get in the way and fucking ruin everything.