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Disney really hates DC


But this isn’t even a superhero movie

Did you think it would be good?

nobody even knew this was coming out, who cares


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Still DC

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Is the comic any good?

Looks like she's getting ready to pull down those knickers. Show us yer minge, go on then.

Never read it, never knew it existed

DCucks on suicide watch.

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Even worse, this’ll be one of the last things with the Vertigo label

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Grace may have shit taste in films sometimes but nice pusy

Man, Melissa McCarthy's career just straight up died after Ghostbusters.

If this was positively reviewed, you all would be calling it SJW propaganda.

Yet she got an Oscar nomination.

DC will never get a positive review when Disney runs most of Hollywood

Grace has shit taste all the time and we'll never know how her pussy looks.

Shazam was critically praised and released this year. Also Aladdin and The Lion King was heavily criticized by critics for being soulless cash grabs. How do you explain that?

all female cast and its called THE KITCHEN! hahahaha good one hollywood

Warner Brothers owns Rotten Tomatoes.

I love how whenever a film has female or minority leads they always clarify that they're just great and its the film that sucks. Like how many shit tier films can McCarthy get under her belt before someone dares to suggest that maybe she's just not that talented?

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Why do Americans still pretend MM is talented?

You don't think it's SJW propaganda?
I've never heard of this before but it's called "The Kitchen" and appears to be about strong womyn that don't need no man.
How would it not be SJW propaganda?

>Shazam was critically praised and released this year.

Maybe Disney are hoping to acquire the GOOD Captain Marvel.

I didn't really have high hopes
It looked like Widows but worse

Oh shit. I didn't realize it was a Vertigo book. Sure, a post Karen Berger nuVertigo book, but still Vertigo. Of course Vertigo is now dead because idiots at Warners and DC fired the editor that made Vertigo what it was. Most of this was due to argumnents over movie rights. Warners exsecs wanted to make creators sign shitty contracts that gave Warners exclusive movie rights.

I know Ming Doyle is a pretty good artist.

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Vertigo =/= DC
Only a handful of Vertigo books cross over with DC, like Swamp Thing or Sandman.
They are all owned by Warners, of course.

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I never said it wasn't SJW. I'm saying /tv would just be acting like contrarians no matter what. Suddenly /tv has to defend it because it's related to DC and Marvel bribed critics for a movie you guys never heard of until just now. The contrarianism is strong around here.

The Oscars are given to whomever Hollywood likes at the moment. If all they give you is a nomination and not an actual Oscar, it means they don't like you that much.

Vertigo died years ago, when Warners / DC fired the editors that made it a publishing house that attracted talent that wanted to stretch their legs. Shit. NuVertigo hired Zoë Quinn for a video game themed comic with outrage master Robbi Rodriguez on art.