>netflix thought THIS “bombshell” would bring in viewers
Netflix thought THIS “bombshell” would bring in viewers
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Yeah she's a shell alright
Help is at hand
>who knew wills brother will actually become relatively more handsome than Mike's sister
she should dye her hair blonde
How is she looking so bad after just a couple years? Drugs?
This bombshell will keep me coming back.
Please tell me that's a fucking shoop
Her boyfriend loves him some cocaine and hates fat chicks.
These lantern jawed twink actors are getting out of control!
holy FUCK
>you will never grab a handful of tits
Its all about Robin now.
shut up Pierce she has some scenes where she's fuckable
God she looks hideous. My girlfriend is hotter than this, which isn't saying much.
She’s ugly too
>mfw i realized her dad is based ethan hawke
change your mind yet tranny?
paul atriedes looking good
genuinely the most attractive person living on the planet right now. i had to stop watching the show because it was so depressing. she ruined the shitty tarantino film too
Was she the crazy girl in that one icarly episode that kidnaps them and locks them in her basement?
I’ve never had sex
There aren’t many bombshells out there these days
WTF I'm straight now!
sadly true
looks like the lead singer from AFI
How do we grow more of them?
these are bombshells?
their faces are full of shrapnel!
>There aren’t many bombshells out there these days
not a great time to be alive desu
can't unsee
Forced celebrity is forced. Ironically in the same show as Millie Brown.
why didn't she just lift up her skirt?
denis my man this dude is no Kyle MacLachlan
This webm makes her seem like a 9/10. She's a 7/10 irl tops.
it's her first time
i want to suck her toes desu
is this tina fey or something
finna this
Good body but I find her head shape odd
Strangerfu status:unchanged
based and sadiepilled. Maya and Sadie are the only reasons to watch this trash ass show
mewing game on point
damn it I'm old.
I wonder what her parents think
What the fuck is up with her jaw?
She did though you retard. It’s a wildly popular show. You’re making a thread about it right now.
how old is she
she looks over 40, but she's probably like 20
ugh can she stop with the womanspreading?
>that cock and balls
the one they made about the kids camping and he cuts his dick off was a good comedy
that's not how finna works retard
Did lesbianism, as a guiding principle to one’s sexual & romantic lifestyle, really exist in 1980s small town USA? Culturally it seemed as out of place as a Pokemon card.
finna yikes
that's not a fair comparison, your girl(guy)friend will be better then most modern actresses.
jawlets need not apply
>that twig of an arm
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
This, she might be the hottest person to ever exist. I was happy when she showed up in Once upon a Time in Hollywood. I'd like to see her in more things
That episode of iCarly is fucking kino and I don't care how stupid that sounds. Based Gibby patrolling thots will always be fucking funny
So they're both total coke fiends and she's anorexic?
she's very slim to begin with
add the coke induced hunger supression and you get the twig mode
if anyone's gonna fuck my daughter it's gonna be me!
Hell yeah brother
She makes me wiggle my big toe.
fucking zoomers have nothing goin.
hiding your freckles as a woman? thats a paddlin
lots of women look better in clothes (especially if they are tight enough to contour their bodies, or baggy enough to hide their fatness a little. it's hard for women to masturbate when they feel ugly, and a lot of women feel ugly when naked.
not this one, Architect
not today
>implying the slack jawed mouth breathers picking on her wouldnt breed with her to improve their future genetic pool
I am handsome as fuck and Id make some babies with her, get some of those good jaw genes going.
Plus shes got really pretty eyes, and with a little help from she would be cured of coke induced anorexia in no time.
When they hired her she literally looked like the next Alexis Bledel. Then she started smoking crack with that british junkie.
Hideous jaw thread?
that's the blacked.com effect
Just imagine the Gigachad jawline if Willis had sons instead
Seriously though, what is wrong with her diet?
Too much cocaine, not enough macros.
She could be so damn sexy if she gained 15-20lbs.
So which one of them is the main villain here?
This, and a lesbian.
You even have to ask?
I was mesmerized seeing her in Stranger Things, but this is too much to handle. Look at this Angel. Look how heavenly soft she looks, then just imagine being the person that gets to fall asleep beside her. God, I'm so fucking lonely it's killing me.
If I ever watch season 4 of Stranger Things, it will only be for Maya.
i stopped watching the 3rd season halfway thru the first episode and i have no plans to finish watching it.
Kawaii desu
seeing how cute maya is honestly makes me want to go to the gym and lose some fucking weight already. If I put in the effort and actually got slim and maybe buffed myself a little bit, I might have a slight chance of asking her out and dating her.
it takes more than being fit fren
>t. fit and will die alone anyway
i like those dubs though
Never have I seen a woman look so physically disgusting, how long until she goes to rehab?
A challenge eh? I'm intrigued.
bitch needs to eat some fucking bread
that's not one of them
I don't know, he's not a doctor though
Literally unironically disgusting
Do you love your girlfriend?
She's so cute. She just needs to eat a little more and keep her weight reasonable.
I want to lick her flat chest and skinny body
You talk like a man who's never actually had a woman.
I feel real sorry for Demis daughters. They got genetically fucked facially by Bruce. The combo of long faces with skinny outward curved noses with high nostrils, and the absolutely massive misshapen jaw. Her doing the lip injections to have anus lips doesn't help at all and makes it look worse. She needs to go to South Korea and have her jaw shaved, and nose fixed a bit. Here's the best i could do.
2spoopy 4me
while i wait for my lunch, i de-skeletoned her
By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!! It's the GRAND CHAMPION!
Well, he acted in Call me by your name
she a cute
The Demolition Man can't keep getting away with it...
>mmmm da smellz...sock my cock gud
What did she mean by this?
Reminder Based Manuel is her dad. He's a fucking legend!
>it'z only smellz
>plsss, make me nasty…make me nasty, I luvva nasty, cmon…Ima nasty boy
>she's virgin for meee
>ees too small?
>plis dun crie
>u test ur ass?
>ooo yeah, vy do u make my deek so hard?
>much too thick?
>sucky sucky sucky
>u r so fuckin pretty to me ahhh…beautiful…beautiful to me ahhh
>don’t take off now because I enjoy too much!
>it’s naht bloody, but it’s a little broken…
>one finger???
>u like when Rocco phuck u, velly strung?
>where you come from?
>u take all the way inside bitch…drink it
>vat to say? hmmm vat to say??
>vat is going on…with u…ahhh so much make me cum…
>imagine ur father if he see dis movie, what he say?
>this is really incredible nasty…
>you shud not hiv told me ur father wash my porno
>ooo yeah, put the tongue inside, put the tongue inside...
>is it your real father who's going to watch?
>ooo, wrung hole...niccce
Every time I look away I forget her face. Your are not into girls that look like preteen boys are you anons?
What a beautiful canvas just imagine the gallstones she will produce for the architect.
it's shocking, her face is feminine but it is exactly as forgettable as her dad's.
They should both get into espionage.
Damn, Winona Ryder still got it
soon all eyes will be opened
finna worked
I've made it my life's work to get a gf who looks identical to Maya.
She really does need to get Pierced.
>Now listen carefully, Pierce. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ice to fire. Light to dark. Good to evil. You may be the Architect, but I exist to destroy what you’ve created, and no matter how you try, Natalia Dyer will keep getting skinnier. You can ply her with cakes and pies and juicy steaks, but the second she gets an appetite, I give her ten lines and an Adderall. Pierce, you’re the action, but I am the reaction. I am... The Demolitionist!