What's your mobster name?
>Hard Stiffy
What's your mobster name?
>Hard Stiffy
Gristle McThornbody
Frankie The Fag
Fast Eddie
Bill Wilson
Jhon Beretta
Big Hoss
David Lynch
I run shit
Markie the Darkie
He's a friend of ours..
Fruits Basket
Slick Willy
Nick Gurr
Reginald the Unit
Hug niceman
Charlie "Small Dick" Romano
"the kid" johnnyboy
it's like one of dem weight loss ads
Big McLargehuge
Formerly "sneed" Chuck's
Bitch Fuck
"Coco loco" Sanchez
frankie "the bat" niagra
Shinebox Sammie
Joey Two Shoes
Dirty Sanchez
Mickey "No Homo" Magliacchi
and his main capo
Fat Fuck