Can Dragon Ball be properly adapted to film?
Can Dragon Ball be properly adapted to film?
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Yes. And it could be kino
Phase 1:
>King Piccolo/ Emperor Pilaf
>Namek and Frieza
Phase 2:
>Androids Part 1
>The History of Trunks
>Androids Part 2/ Cell Part 1
>Cell Part 2
Phase 3:
>Broly (with elements of early babidi/ Sayaman stuff so it's not all crammed into the Buu movies)
>Buu Part 1
>Buu Part 2
>Omega Shenron and the Shadow Dragons
>not starting from dragon ball
King Piccolo and Pilaf IS dragon Ball
The only thing is you really can only have one movie in that era before people lose interest
Best casting
user don't say stupid things
na, use him for Nappa.
Evolution was kino
Anime doesnt translate well into movies
>Dragon Ball
Shitty anime that spics love
I remember seeing this movie in theaters when I was 13
Couldn't watch anything DBZ related out of disappointment for months
No, anime translates horribly to live action.
>Omega Shenron and the Shadow Dragons
You crashed on the last turn Pedro
>wanting colorful LGBTxyzggh+ nuSaiyans
Not today, Pablo
not doable. look at the games, you'd think how could they possibly make bad ones given the content they could have and they're almost all terrible.
This is what I want
nuBroly shits on everything in GT in 2 hours user, don't be a dumb fuck. And if you were going to do movies, you'd stop at kid buu, not the fucking shadow dragons you dumb spic
Shit. That’s so much better than the constant ‘punching so fast you can’t see their fists’ they do in the anime.
Resurection F?
They look spot on
man of steel is proof they can get the action parts down
Thats not the only thing that matters
Good idea but lots of problems here, user. First off you have no mention of the Red Ribbon army who should by all means be the first movie along with Pilaf. I feel like this way you can establish a connection with the characters and set up the androids so they don't come out of fucking nowhere like the manga (since Toriyama was making the shit up as he went along even moreso after Frieza). Show Gero as a side character and set him up so that you can see the hatred forming.
Phase 1 should have atleast 4 movies consisting of:
> Red Ribbon Army
> King Piccolo
> Tournament (since we don't get any martial arts kino anymore)
> Saiyans (atleast 3 hour 'avenger' type movie)
This wraps the entirety of DB in a neat enough bow for normies to consume (like MCU does) without skipping over anything important since most of the other arcs can be fused into any of the ones mentioned.
If the movies don't do good enough, you ended it on a good note with the saiyan saga but assuming for discussion sake it does well across the board, you can add a post credit scene in a re-release of the saiyan movie with vegeta waking up fully healed same way he does and discovering frieza is looking for the namekian dragon balls. Scene should end with the bird dude offering vegeta a scouter and him saying he doesn't need it anymore.
Phase 2 starts with Namek and it should be split up into 2 movies potentially with the phase consisting of:
> Namek (ending with the ginyu shit)
> Frieza
> Androids (I'll explain further below)
> Androids/Cell (I'll explain)
> Cell
Androids can be the entire focus of the first movie with gero and 19 dying in the first few moments like thanos in endgame leading to a timeskip. End the movie on a low note like infinity war though with the androids brutally maiming vegeta, trunks' sword breaking, and goku almost dying from the virus while they look for him.
Will continue if I get (you)s
see Neither of those them have shown the cool yet evil personalities that the androids have. Pic related for 17, and my first choice for 18 would maybe be Allison Williams.
They already did, dumbass.
Why are people still hung up on Dragonball? It aged like shit. There are tons of better battle shounen out there. Must be obsessed spics
Anime cannot be successfully adapted to live action. It's not possible nor should it be. It's like asking for a live action Looney Tunes. Ridiculous
the final fight in Hobbs & Shaw is basically two Earth characters fighting Android 17
Shadow dragons arc does come full circle though with Goku absorbing the dragon balls.
no... he'd be better used as someone like Nappa or Recoome.
unrelated but I would cast pic related as Broly
Depends on the anime, Akira, ghost in the shell, Death Note and various other low fantasy things CAN be adapted but only shit directors want to make the movies.
Broly has ugly face?
Nubroly is shit. That whole movie was just soulless fan service. Literally a parody of what dragon ball z is.
yah but just because it's anime doesn't mean you have to try and mimic anime hair like that goofy ass clumped spikey thing they did on that white guy in dragon ball evolution.
just have normal hair FFS and bleach it or whatever during super Saiyan scenes
I agree with you on a lot of stuff here but there are serious story telling issues with things like Namek pre-ginyu. There is no three act structure you could fit in there. No antagonist.
Same goes lesser for a Budokai movie. It's possible to make a solid story there if they drastically changed what actually goes down (again, no 3 act structure) and also I don't think it would be easy to hype audiences up for the return of piccolo in a tournament film. The original piccolo saga ending is too hyped and full of closure.
All that's assuming that audiences would have the patience for more than one classic Dragon Ball movie anyway before getting to the recognizable stuff
no because the guy who should play Vegeta is too old now
But they need somebody attractive for 18
Literally the most soul the franchise has had in over two decades
It could be fucking kino
But it will never be
Why do people enjoy dragon ball?
There's so much filler and the action is poorly animated
>the virgin insecure "people won't care if it's classic Dragon Ball only"
>the Chad "we start with a Bardock movie to catch the Z audience then spend 5 movies with classic DB"
>It's poorly animated
Only people who don't watch dragon ball think this
>Combining DragonBall into one movie
That's exactly what the Final Destination chink did with Evolution and look at how well that turned out. Shit tier list.
Evolution failed for it's own reasons. Starting with piccolo was one of the only smart decisions they made
If only there was a fantastic manga with no filler and amazing paneling
The dream list:
>Bardock movie
>Pilaf movie
>Tournament movie (B-plot showing Red Ribbon gathering the balls. Ends on a cliff hanger)
>Reb Ribbon movie
>Tournament movie focusing mostly on Tien and Goku, ending with Krillin's death as cliffhanger
>Piccolo movie (First half kills King Piccolo. Second half is Piccolo Jr.)
>Saiyan movie
>Freeza part 1
>Freeza part 2
>Cell part 1
>Cell part 2
>Buu part 1
>Buu part 2 (The longest movie. Epic 4 hour long shit with intermission in the middle. Credits play the GT opening because it's balling)
>poorly animated
Great direction makes up for it more than enough
Most fights are just those blurry motion lines happening again and again
>Wanting leftist shit on DBZ
If I read it at what point should I stop?
Should I read Dragonball first?
Of course.
>when should I stop
When it's over. That is, don't read Super.
Cast them
Why is super bad?
> I agree with you on a lot of stuff here but there are serious story telling issues with things like Namek pre-ginyu. There is no three act structure you could fit in there. No antagonist.
I noticed that after I made the post and i'm still trying to work out a way to make them fit but as far as I can tell, best bet is probably to remove them since they don't entirely work unless you want to make them the main focus of a movie in their entirety (Which they aren't important enough to do imo).
> It's possible to make a solid story there if they drastically changed what actually goes down (again, no 3 act structure) and also I don't think it would be easy to hype audiences up for the return of piccolo in a tournament film. The original piccolo saga ending is too hyped and full of closure.
I feel like you need that interaction with goku and Jr so you can see the transition that piccolo takes in an organic way. Now you CAN skip it if necessary but I dunno if it would work as well.
To make these movies work though you need to make a lot of the characters like Raditz, the androids (to a lesser extent), Zarbon, etc faux Villains/red herrings so the big wigs like Vegeta, Frieza and Cell shine through.
I would make one for the Buu saga but the short version is that I would completely rewrite the arc after a certain point:
> Goku stay dead and most of the beginning of the arc is the same
> Vegeta stays dead after suicide bombing buu
> Gohan steps up as the protagonist for most of the movie(s) as set up by the last Cell movie
> Might tweak Gohan's unlock potential in some way
Oh I also forgot to mention that I would alter Super saiyan so it's more akin to Dragonball's source material. They'd still have the golden hair but I'd add patches of fur across the body and along the face to make them more reminiscent of sun wukong (Gotta get that chinese money, my guy)
Taye Diggs
Matt Damon
You know these 2 twins are 16 years old don't you?
The miscast starts with the normies
> bardock movie first
Dunno user, should take place between saiyan and frieza saga, setting frieza up for the next movies.
history of trunk should be between android and cell movies though.
No you are wrong
Depends who you ask. It's not horrible but it's just not part of the original run and is made by a different guy, just with supervision of the original creator
Can History of Trunks be done as a whole movie like that?
Or you know what, let's be daring. Lets have History of Trunks just after Namek. Lets pretend it's the regular story for those who don't know better but by the end, everyone's dead and Trunks has to go back in time. Then we do Cell.
Not him, but:
>Buu saga edits
Those would be great, so long as we also ditched the fucking fusion dance and the earrings. I would love to see Gohan actually come into his own like he was fucking meant to.
Retcons shit
Adds bad shit (also adds some cool shit I guess)
Worse pacing
Worse drawing in manga and animation/story boarding/directing/voice acting (because they're fucking old) in the anime
Worse music both when compared to the original Japanese score of the old show and the American counterpart
Etc. etc.
You know the Androids are like snotty teens, right?
There is no way Android 18 is supposed to be over 20 by the Android saga
Ehhhhh. I can see what you are going for with that misdirection but by keeping Trunk's universe separate you avoid a lot of time travel bullshit.
>Ditching one of the most popular things in the entire franchise
You may hate money user, but Toei sure as fuck don't
In the original Japanese manga Dragon Ball and DBZ were the same manga. They are made to be together
It'd be rockin' though
They are fucking retarded tho and ruined the entire saga for me.
They're fucking cool that's what they are
Retconning Vegetto's fusion to last an hour is on the list of worse retcons Super did, along with their reveal of Freeza's age and saying Beerus told Freeza to destroy planet Vegeta (what the fuck were they thinkin)
The ginyu force is so fucking kino
Guys hear me out.
You know how Marvel is doing a "What if?" Movie?
What if they made a Cooler movie immediately following the Frieza Saga in the same vein.
>Super shit
No one here wants that, user. Not a single soul. Literally more people want GT.
>Every panel guides your eye directly to the next.
Why is Tori so kin bros?
I like super, but the show feels so much more slice of lifey than the rest of the franchise it would never properly translate
That episode is definitely one of the best animated in the whole show though, what the fuck are you talking about
Super has taken that whole "punching so fast you can’t see their fists" thing up to 11 too, fucking damn it.
>along with their reveal of Freeza's age
He was looking like a kid in the Broly film, but I don't think they've given a proper age.
Just got a brain blast, anons. Instead of the unlock potential bullshit, have old Kai give Gohan God Ki and hint at beerus during the movie.
I'm sorry user but compared to the other arcs, Buu saga is the most patchworked piece of shit and as is, would translate so fucking poorly to movies. MCU made edits that worked out fine and so can this.
Absofuckinglutely you could make it a serious horror movie and even have it R rated if the studio was ballzy enough.
I can't speak for everyone but I would want this universe to have a lot of emotional weight and feelings of despair while toning down the power creep and making everything blend together almost seamlessly and organically.
ALTHOUGH as I said before, I didn't make a post for Buu saga since i'm still trying to sort it out, maybe a throw away line from King kai or something but since the arc was made because of fan bitching, it's almost a filler arc with how random everything is. Frieza works because of the saiyan shit, Android and cell can work with the red ribbon set up, etc.
Buu doesn't have that connecting tissue so rewrites somewhere are required.
marvel is doing "what if" series, not movie and I have ideas for cooler but I'll make a post if I feel like there's interest in hearing it.
Sure, but it never will be.
Disgusting, kill yourself
I mean, it's just weird that he looks barely older than Vegeta when he's supposed to have sort of raised him
>that music that comes up when Vegeta dashes out of the water
Fucking kino
Foreshadow Majin Buu with dialogue earlier. Hell, do it since DB. Freeza has established in Super that he knew of Buu's existance, so apparently he was a big deal. Make comments like "Only Buu could be stronger than that now!" by some characters who could know him, without saying who this Buu is, then reveal him in his movies.
Kinda like how Star Wars did with Jabba, mentioning only his name until Jedi (save for the special editions of course but whatever).
>frieza movie ends
>post credits cooler AND king cold arriving to salvage frieza
>next movie
>king cold and cooler arguing
>cooler says this is proof he should be ruling the empire not frieza
>king cold is chill
>cooler storms off and threatens “I’ll deal with these saiyans myself. Then I’m coming for you”
>sets up almost like an anti-hero cooler”
>cooler arrives on earth
>vegeta doesn’t know shit, reversing his usual expository role
>basically cooler movie happens but cooler is only most of the movie
>the final climax BEGINS with goku IT-ing back and going super saiyan to beat cooler
>the entire squad is there when goku very seriously says the fight has just started
>king cold and frieza land on earth
>before anyone fights, trunks shows up and does his thing
>end movie with trunks explaining shit about androids
In my version, cooler expands the entire mecha-fireza arc, and him kind of threatening king cold and frieza sets him up as a wild card, which is an even cooler bad guy trope. You get to feel for both sides of the struggle, and goku teleporting is to save the day is the action highlight to the film. Then instead of a drawn out other film for frieza on earth, the expectations are subverted and the real ending is the ominous trunks “we haven’t even begun the real fight”
Also not don’t steal my idea user
>god ki gohan
Unironically a good idea. Opens the way for goku (and vegeta) to have a reasonable path towards SSG instead of ritual bullshit, since goku will be kind of familiar with the god ki feeling
>Adapting GT
Yeah. It can be. But that requires a deep understanding of the characters before it just became about being stronger than last time. It also requires understanding proper adaption. James Cameron meets Marvel Studios type of adaptation; that might trigger some people but it needs that and it need along form. It also needs to start grounded with like a actual 15 year old playing bush kid Goku. Who ever they choose has to be an extreme talent. Honestly the potential of a franchise; 3 films based on main arcs in DB; first film should be a simple heroes journey that leads Goku to Roshi, the tournament and collecting the balls, second film RRA, third film King Piccolo cliff hanging on Piccolo Jr. Then going sci fi over the next 3, Saiyan, Namek/Freeza, Android/Cell hybrid plot (heavily tying back to the second DB film about the RRA).
Costume design akin to quality of the costuming on Black Panther and Guardians. Man of Steel had a lot of elements that would apply to it once they entered that second trilogy just as proof of concept in a way; obviously it would be more martial arts oriented in terms of combat.
It can and should be done obviously. Could be really interesting. I mean they’re currently making Kong vs Godzilla. No reason we shouldn’t have this as a big franchise. Someone needs to try, it will be superior to shot that started successfully but was garbage like Transformers.
Would never steal your ideas, my guy.
I'd make Cooler unironically a quip lord akin to Lobo. My reasoning being, he is the older child of Cold so why isn't he emperor? Maybe he left willingly and declined the throne to become a bounty hunter or some shit, who knows.
While it would remove the initial shock of god ki, still I feel like it would connect Super as the 'cosmic phase 4' as it's shown to be. The transformations would be as follows:
Super Saiyan -> 2 -> 3 -> God -> Super Saiyan God (essentially it's what we see SSJ4 as). Yes I would include GT but only Baby and Shadow Dragons.
I'd rewrite the fuck out of several of the arcs though except for maybe Goku Black which works surprisingly well with my other ideas, although I'd probably make Zamasu a Kai of time that gets tired of trunk's shit and hates humans for the breaking of reality that he did with it.
I might just change Frieza's wish from immortality to killing the only threat to his reign, which would be Buu. Frieza effectively becoming Thanos in a way trying to stop something way worse.
Based user with good ideas
fuck off, GT had good concepts but poor execution that a movie could fix easily
post your perfect goku cast
Yea Forums would love it.
>Goku goes Super Saiyan
>His fro turns blond and his eyes turn blue.
No no no Freeza's wish has gotta be immortality. It's part of the story how all the heroes could get the balls and become immortal if they wanted but never do, while the bad guys constantly fight for it. When Goku lets frieza go in Namek he even tells him he should learn to "see that life's a gift" or something. It works thematically. My idea was expanding on that and showing Freeza as absolutely paranoid and afraid of death
Nah dawg
Phase 1:
Dragon Ball: World Tournament
Dragon Ball: The Demon King
Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan's Saga
Dragon Ball Z: Story of Bardock
Phase 2:
Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Life
Dragon Ball Z: The Story of Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z: Let's go to Namek!
Dragon Ball Z: Frieza's Saga
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
Phase 3:
Dragon Ball Z: The Story of Trunks
Dragon Ball Z: Yaardrat
Dragon Ball Z: Android Attack
Dragon Ball Z: The Cell Games
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Last Saiyan
Phase 4:
Dragon Ball Z: The Great Saiyaman!
Dragon Ball Z: World Tournament - The 25th Number One Under Heaven Martial Arts Gathering!
Dragon Ball Z: Majin
Dragon Ball Z: Until We See You Again!
Phase 5:
Dragon Ball Super: The Story of Trunks - Enemy
Dragon Ball Super: The Tournament of Power!
Dragon Ball Super: The Strongest in the Universe!
Dragon Ball GT: Wrath of the Shadow Dragons
The problem though with this sort of format is that it's the same cast of characters in each movie which can just tire people out even if you try to spread it around a bit to solo movies. It'd be better as some sort of extended high production tv series in various installments. You'd also need to add character development for some things. Things like Trunks' movie, Vegeta's, Bardock's, and others would need expanded stories which would be easy to do.
I'm not committed to the idea, its simply to connect Buu/Beerus to previous arcs so it's seamless.
Stop making Dragon Ball so sort you tards
> Yaardrat
Motherfucker literally just made classic DB into two movies and the Buu saga into four lmao
>Guardians of the galaxy
Yes Yardraat has as much potential as that
>including anything from the movies like Broly other than he two TV specials for Bardock and Trunks
Best I've seen, but should be a Red Ribbon Army movie too on the first round. Too big to skip.
Also should be some sort of Resurrection F and BOTG movie.
Makes sense for Buu saga to be big, considering its such a giant mess.
You're even dumber than him holy fuck
Here is your Frieza.
Freeza's gonna be motion capture CG right
With Chris Ayres' voice right
>Things like Trunks' movie, Vegeta's, Bardock's, and others would need expanded stories which would be easy to do.
The problem is that if you added to the story or modified it in any way, the autistic DBZ fanbase would have a fucking aneurysm.
>mfw Antman and Wasp get a movie
>GT fags
who let the Mexicans in
Great but too many movies honestly, and also the reason the series would fail. The actor who plays Goku would be in like 30 movies straight and what actor would want to sign onto that shit and be owned for decades? Even the Marvel movies don't have Tony Stark in every one and that's why they don't get so stale. And with one of these coming out every year with the same faces on screen people would get sick of it even faster than Star Wars.
Which is why giant longform anime sagas simply can't be put into coherent movie format.
Compare to any Toyotaro panels.
If you did the movies well (so not that list) Adult Goku would be in 8 movies tops (from Piccolo Jr. to Kid Buu) and:
>First Namek movie barely has Goku in it
>First Cell movie barely has Goku in it
yes with another theme, that theme is fucking retarded and its impossible to translate that.
maybe this is how the movie is supposed to look and feel:
None of the bad ones matter when this one is so good.
this way it's the only way.
good shit but this missing those couple key things. as well using that list as the template you could introduce Beerus in the Vegeta movie as part of that scene where Beerus makes King Vegeta suck his cock or whatever. you can't really do Super without Beerus thoroughly established, as well as Frieza's resurrection
Huge Actman played Wolverine for 17 years staying shredded into his 40's. if you cast someone who's young as Goku would have been at the beginning of Z, they would pretty perfectly age up along the way if the series actually grossed enough to keep going
Yeah, don't bother continuing.
it already has, OP
Girl is too ugly
How I would do a Dragon Ball film series.
Dragon Ball
1. Dragon Ball (Tournament Saga)
2. Dragon Ball: The Emperor's Quest (Emperor Pilaf Saga)
3. Dragon Ball: Red Ribbon Rising (Red Ribbon Army Saga)
4. Dragon Ball: The Pirate Treasure/Deep Blue Sea (General Blue Saga)
5. Dragon Ball: Belly Of The Beast/All-Out Attack! (Commander Red Saga)
6. Dragon Ball: The Fortuneteller's Curse/Tournament of Ghouls (Fortuneteller Baba Saga/Tien Shinhan Saga)
7. Dragon Ball: The Demon King/Return Of The Demon/Mark of the Demon (King Piccolo Saga)
maybe have some spin-offs during these series of films at the same time?
Also how would you feel if TeamFourStar gets hired to consult and maybe be the Kevin Feige of the adaptation?
is that the shitty korean DB movie where they gave goku accurate hair using a shitton of hair products? also is that bulma carrying an MP5K?
live action? not a chance, you'lll need a 100m+ budget for all the special effects if you don't want them to look ridiculous, and you'll never convince a bunch of old hollywood jews to invest that much into a japanese animation adaptation
wtf is that image