What are some american civil war kinos? particularly with the confederates

what are some american civil war kinos? particularly with the confederates

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the confederates were traitors user, why would you want to root for them

The only war more overrated than the Amerimutt Civil War is the Amerilard ""Revolution""

is that what I posted user? is that what I said? I just find it interesting and I'm not american, I have no dog in this fight

The Yanks were traitors to the British Empire.

>its been over a hundred fifty years and a significant portion of the US is still made up of confederate sympathizers and romanticezers
>the majority of people living in former confederate states would probably jump at the opportunity to reestablish the confederacy

hmmm its almost as if the Union were the bad guys all along

the british empire were the biggest traitors to the british empire though. like wtf is wrong with anglos you had half the world under control then just let it go because you felt bad or something

not him but people are nolstalgic retards with little knowledge. lots of russians would love communism back too

Treason is just a matter of dates.

The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates. Retard

>Gods and Generals

The revolution was far more interesting 100,000 rag tag militia men against 30,000 british regulars who didnt even want to be there. The war was very unpopular in England, many of whom believed the colonists were upstanding gents who deserved independence. The only reason King George sent one third of the british army to the americas was because (((they))) believed that india, the west indies and africa would revolt if the british just gave america independence without a fight

The Free State of Jones was enjoyable in an understated way, it pleasantly surprised me.

thank you

Birth of a Nation
The Raid
Rocky Mountain
it was the most important conflict in the country’s history not counting the revolutionary war

>lots of russians would love communism back too
lol then just elect the communist party already

12 monkeys

>rebuilding the confederacy is the same as russians wanting communism back

I totally forgot about the part where southerners wanted to implement a retarded welfare state where everything is free

Not even an amerimutt, but the outlaw Jodie west

I was a Civil Ware junkie as a nerdy 8 year old, and I remember really liking Gods and Generals for some reason. I've since heard it was trash but don't think I've seen it since middle school, so maybe that one.

oh you're not american tell me more about your interesting life

yes, instead you’re a phoneposter unfortunately.

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>Runtime: 219 min | 280 min (director's cut)

I hate yankees.

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okay you're clearly retarded so I'll put this in very simple terms. clueless russian morons think communism was better than it was in reality. clueless american morons think the confederacy was better than it was in reality. I'm not saying that confederates wanted communism. Christ

>he thinks the confederate slave economy wasn't welfare economics

Well, get watching, bucko.

Seethe harder, shart

you’re in a thread on an american site about american films set in an american war. your superiority complex is a lot more noticeable than you think it is.