Official /golf/ Masters Tournament Round Three gamethread#17

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First for Re-segregation

blessed thread

dubs and Scheffler doesn't pull away from everyone

Not a sport

Tiger's body language and mannerisms are so bad right now.


it's literally the oldest brewery in america you fucking retard

clap clap clap clAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLap clap... ...clap

But it IS anime.

Americans eat seed oils, high-fructose corn syrup and a bunch of other bad additives in plastic containers.


what type of animal would you choose for your head cover?

please, tiger is +5 and fading. can we see someone else play

a roach

Ah so the me ruv you rong time of beers, built by railroad workers

Mad because it costs more than the price of a homemade soccer ball to play

raccoon like my Appalachian brethren

>its still going


no, you WILL watch the geriatric whos body is falling apart live on tv

Nice bait, Ahmed


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love those fake af PEWbirds

A crocodile is the first thing that came to mind but I like And now I think snail

A nigau

Just Americans though, definitely nobody else on the planet. As a europoor, I must make sure to mention America or Americans every twenty minutes or the state revoked my healthcare. As a healthy Euro who never consumes anything less than ambrosia, I am terrified of living without permanent and constant healthcare.

kick his ass out, don't care what his score is, you don't break multiple rules at once you low-class fuck

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A negro

t. never been to the south

Broadcast trying to drum up sympathy for Tiger by comparing him to Hogan. Hogan threw himself in front of his wife to save her as a semi crashed head on into him, Tiger was going 85 in a 45 and flew off the road while fucked up on percs.

a giraffe and it would be ridiculously large

And your women are head over heels for a certain demographics genitalia, in some cases they get killed afterwards.

Gross. Can't they cut sooner.

I got a dog that kinda looks like my dog.

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>you don't break multiple rules at once you low-class fuck
heh nothing personelle kiddo

he held up better than I expected, but I wouldn't be surprised if he bowed out gracefully after finishing the third round


could this be Tiger's last Masters?

Yes, but Hogan is white so who cares?

not him but a southerner, fuck me they are everywhere. tons of predatorial birds too.

nice stuff tiger

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birds are in fact not real anons

how the fuck should i know nigger. your next post might be your last??

Lmao, welcome to double standards

Tony Finau?
More like Tony Finé

I'll never forget getting mauled by a territorial bluejay who made his nest next to our garage when I was a toddler. Some of those fuckers are viscous. Mocking birds too

No. He'll do better next year.
More playing. More training. Adjust for losing power with age.

I'm guessing not, since he's still playing competitively on a recovering knee. He will be in better shape next year.

Tiger is literally 1/8th black but is somehow claimed by the black community and no one ever states this. The biggest race fraud ever

those liquid blue jays are the worst

they got him in the draft idiot

The PGA needs at least one overly aggressive referee troll that fucks with the players. Like moving balls and shit.

Please go back to the reddit thread
Also, why the fuck do caddies stand in front of the camera when people are putting. I swear I've missed three hole-ins because some fucker in a white jumpsuit can't move

>scheffler bogey

heck no
he's never missed a Masters cut in his entire career, 22 consecutive, in third only behind Player & Couples at 23
he will be back next year for sure
and for every Masters until he physically cannot swing a club any more

Mark my words, he's gonna play the Masters with his sons.

could, sure
will it? probably not

>he doesn't know

I have a gopher

got drafted #1 overall in the race draft man, there's no denying he's the GOAT

What else is new user? Black people are dumb and shitty, what else is there to say?

Well they’re smelly too, I guess.

I always root against Americans with German surnames, but I actually like Scottie Shuffles.

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Anyone else find it funny how sois like Scott Van Pelt and all these guys worship the masters with the highest reverence, while being turbo progressive pozzed faggots who want the old world wiped away. ESPN will support tranny athletes and then drool over the masters in back to back segments.

The masters represents Tradition of a bygone era that represents white aristocracy, classic values, and patriarchy. In the world of diversity and inclusion, the masters is built on exclusion, (white) men only. It's beautiful because its organic, natural with clean aesthetics, and it doesn't sellout to corporations or liberal world order messaging. The antithesis of everything they believe. Believing little boys should cut their dicks off and revering the masters are fundamentally incompatible in the same worldview

To his credit, Tiger downplayed the race angle when he came on the scene. His dad was comparing him to Muhammad Ali and MLK before he ever won a major, and then Tiger went on like Oprah and said he didn't even identify as black lmao

I can't believe that skit will live on forever.
Dave Chapelle is a genius.

He's aggressively white-cultured, he even had an active father in the picture!

Eldrick Tont Woods

is Lowry wearing mascara?

just because you got yous in the last thread, it doesn’t warrant trying to make a pasta

is this the ebin new meme???

I hope.

They lack the aptitude for understanding hypocrisy and irony

No, Brooks stepping in dogshit is the meme

Why are these commentators sucking off tiger so much? He's +4

He still hints at that every once in a while, he all but came out and said he was a Trump voter.

I just started following golf 3 days ago and I really don't want Scottie Scheffler to win.

Mutt's law

You can have more (you)s but you get a "faggot" this time too.

>Tiger embellishes limp today as he gets BTFO in order to create a sympathy narrative and story win for being le tough competitor

the biggest narcissist faggot to ever live

Reckon I could outdrive Jack

hello, friends. wish i had a pimento cheese sandwich rn

don't think this semen slurping sport's for you then

ah fuck i just realized I've been inadvertently name fagging as "c" wtf.. I'll show myself out.

Jackie golden hands would pipe one 20 yards past yours

You and me both. They'll grill them for you at AugNat too

Goddamn Tiger fucking up my +8000. Sure I was racist before but now I mean it!

oh nono no scottie doesn't know

for me, it's having just enough athleticism to move a tiny ball across a few yards while a bunch of fat boomers clap standing for hours in the sun

Another anti-white racist. Shameful

Are you rooting for your countrymen Shane Lowry and Rory McIlroy? They're pretty okay

Im and Matsuyama are my boys.

he realized it lol

>Booba Watson


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He's been doing this so blatantly for the past 10 years. Hit bad shot, grimace, shake body part, commentators fawn all over him.

fuck yeah Lowry!

Is he that cold that he has to put a vest on to walk to the next hole? A vest? Doesn't even cover your arms. Hes got 3 shirts in. His chest is warm already.

He’s Cablanasian

Dear Heavenly Father,
I am thankful that you have graced us again this year by removing all Chinese from the leader board this year. Please keep them out forever.
In (you)r name I pray,

still the worst putt I've ever witnessed live

In the next few days, somebody will claim they heard Tiger get called a nigger from the gallery.

Did you see how perced out he was at the LA open last year? I don't think the pain is embellished.

vests are comfy tho

got the day off work tomorrow for the final round, really need Scottie to shit the bed and make things a bit more interesting

>don’t be sleeping on Finau’s swag drip!
I saw this headline on a week ago and almost killed myself

better than vuvuzelas, fullets, and chimping out over third worlders kicking a ball in a net, joao

Tiger hadn't talked out race since the 90s and all of a sudden he's talking about it in his hall of fame speech. I think someone in his (((entourage))) is in his ear.

Scottie's not getting caught
If you want an interesting jacket race you might as well turn it off now

(((They're))) trying too hard. Golf and niggery are antithetical, the sport is all about individualism, hard work, ethic and pragmatism.

Lowry's cheating. his fat is keeping him warm while everyone else needs to take on and take off jackets, hats, scarves etc.

Millennials and zoomers run the website articles. I wouldn't worry about it

How do I get better at golf?

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I actually think the leg stuff is legit, it's just he's developed a track record of doing this. Early 2010s time and time again he'd be playing well, people start getting hype, he falls off hard and it's "oof ow ouch my neck/shoulders/back/wrist/glutesdidntactivate" and everyone starts talking about how tough he is.

what do you think it feels like to hit the ball where you aim it? must be nice

based caloric thermoregulator

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nice tits luv

Eat my ass and give me a reach around. I'll teach you golf

>Golf Magazine is a monthly golf magazine. It was started in April 1959 by Universal Publishing and Distributing, who sold it to Times Mirror in 1972.[2] Time Inc. acquired it in 2000. It was acquired by Howard Milstein in 2018

I wonder if I can find anything about Howard Milstein

wouldn't know

It's pretty satisfying honestly

Imagine the audience that reads Most of them are probably 45+ and would have no idea wtf any of that meant. Click on the link to find out, lo and behold, it’s an interview with Finau about “bringin flava’ to the game” and having epic entrances with suits like the NBA.

>had to get the day off on the Lord's day.
Whatever cancer company you work for deserves to go under.
Fucking bastards infringing on God given right for their miserable debt paper money to see who can suck off the Rothschilds the hardest.

Sounds like a fine German fellow

Post better looking women

He cannot be stopped!

>CEO of New York Private Bank