Chris Chibnall

Multiple sources are suggesting that he's been sacked and Doctor Who production has crashed completely. GB and Twitter are on fire. An official statement should be coming some time this week.

Attached: happychibbig.jpg (998x1019, 238K)


So he's off series 12?

So there's actual hope for the show

It's still 2019 BBC.

this is it

Just get Mark Gatiss. He'll make it perfectly acceptably medicore, and do it for the next 50 years. He'll probably play all the characters too.

>possible biggest doctor who related shitpost event of the year
>/who/ is out because of shooter incels

No, but seriously, where is /who/ now?

Who cares? Those people are dickheads.


Attached: stop the stank.jpg (563x592, 58K)

Would Chibnall actually miss a deadline to have a script ready for filming? That's completely unprecedented, both for him personally and the show as a whole

There's a link to the new place on the stream

No fucking way he'd miss a deadline, he might not want to do it but it's his job and he's been watching who since childhood


>There's a link to the new place on the stream
Oh fuck me dead, satan. I haven't been there in years.

Lemme see if I find it in the browser history that wasn't a moff joke I'll legit check it there

I heard he was offered it and declined. He obviously isn't very commited to any of his projects I think he enjoys just appearing in random shit

Isn't he a mega fan of Doctor Who? I'm pretty sure he entered acting through Doctor Who fan films.

fucking hell m8 I don't have it.
Just send me a link pls, it's not like anyone here actually cares

I’m assuming they are reversing directions on the Female doctor? Or is this because of something else this guy did?
Doesen't bode well for the next James Bond

More like Chris Chinballs. Also no one cares about this stupid Bong show.

It would look very bad if they just axed her. She'll do another series, unless Jodie absolutely refuses.

He is, he's written episodes basically every series in the revival, played 3 different roles, and written and played loads more on Big Finish. Most likely he's busy doing Dracula with Moff Man though

Was it his decision to go with a Woman? Although I’ve heard it was shit writing regardless

S11 has lots of issues completely unrelated to a female doctor. The stories are incredibly superficial and full of stunted dialogue

I get the sense the BBC wanted it, and hired Chibnall because he's a boring Yes Man with no personality, and no vision for the series.

The rumors say it's all on Chibnall, he's not delivering scripts on time and that's halting the set for weeks.

If Chib really was fired, I hope they manage to convince Jodie to stay. She was the only good thing about S11 and she could to well under a better writer

what alternate reality are you living in?
based bradders was the only good thing in s11. maybe king james too.

It's also on the wiki, if you have that.

ok now that I can do, thanks broseph

Cheers fellow /who/re!

He's on record as saying that being able to do a female doctor was one of his conditions for taking the job

>it's a forum
I might actually prefer it that way, I miss old forums, they're pretty cozy

The ultimate dream is hosting our own imageboard but that can't happen overnight, the forum is like a lifeboat

that's pretty based not gonna lie

Too good to be true. I hope whoever created this rumour and got my hopes up gets diarrhea all night.

>/who/ doesn't realise there are other imageboards with board creation

I tried looking but couldn't find any

Only the cool kids know.

Why don't 8 users just go to those, instead of waiting for their site to potentially return?

What wiki?