Yea Forumss Cookingfu is back making gourmet pop tarts

Yea Forumss Cookingfu is back making gourmet pop tarts

Attached: Claire2.png (707x555, 627K)

>implying this isnt /ck/'s waifu

This is a Carla board.

Every board is a Claire board though. She's the prime jewess.

Where is /brad/ board?

For me, it's Chris.

I fucking love bitches named Claire.

This is the patrician choice.


Anyone else think she looks and talks like Ben Mendelsohn?

god what do you think she can do with her tongue?

Eat a tub of cookie dough. And no, this isn't a euphemism

>gourmet pop tarts

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C l a i r e

Attached: ted.gif (620x349, 3.56M)

God Claire is such a slampig hnnnng

I'd love to see her eat a tub of cookie dough. Make it so, user.

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Who /Molly/ here ?

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forgot image lol

Attached: hoticecreamedslut.png (334x358, 50K)

she cute

i unironically want a girl with a silver streak in her hair

Why does she dress like a Mennonite?

Is she that Spice Girl called Melanie C?

>tfw no silver streaked jew mommy chef gf

Attached: 1563684326928.jpg (1242x621, 62K)

how do I acquire a jewish gf that will make meals for me

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>claire will never be your gf
>brad will never be your best friend
>you will never spend your weekends watching terrible movies and getting hammered with mike and jay
>you will never smoke 60 year old cigarettes with steve
fucking youtube ruined my brain

Attached: Kornheiser_Why.jpg (288x499, 24K)

/out/, /k/, /r9k/, /lgbt/

it was cute to see her enjoy a Gourmet Makes, I don't need to see my wife suffering every episode.

Attached: tumblr_pp4iif34Sj1xg7z2go1_1280.png (1158x939, 889K)

Brad is not gay, he has a wife.

You forgot
>you will never play Super Mario Galaxy with Scott

>Binging with Babish
>not pretentious
>makes literally food he sees in popular shows and films
>knows how to temper chocolate

>Bon Appetite and Claire
>pretentious as fuck new yorkers who charged 1500 USD so you can "hang out" with e-celebs
>half of each video is the "cooks" interacting each other (only the popular ones though like Andy or Brad) like some sort of friend simulator
>doesn't know how to temper chocolate despite having a series where she remakes candy

Attached: HIRES3-2b.jpg (1500x823, 163K)

this is proof that the BA crew is just a stand-in for cool friends for the vast majority of people who watch them

Why did I get banned for making a thread about H3H3 but this gay shitty thread stays up?

she's gorgeous. the other girl is too frumpy

babish is reddit as fuck

i want to lobotomize her and force-feed her her own brain

Saying something is reddit as fuck is reddit as fuck, unless it's slow-burn atmospheric horrors.