No man you're being silly. I eat the meat. If they aren't hunted they become a pest...

>No man you're being silly. I eat the meat. If they aren't hunted they become a pest. You know people crash their cars because of them all the time? Jamie pull up that article about the family that was killed. They all died man. Buck jumped right in front of them and they swerved off and hit a tree.

>What about trees then, are they a pest?

>PSSHHH you're being silly man.

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Other urls found in this thread:

hes right. if you live in a wooded area you know what a pain in the ass deer are. kill em all.

>hunting is evil MANNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!
>chows down on triple bacon chili cheeseburger

Unironically this. I’ve been driving around for 6 years with the grill of my car smashed up because of a deer.
Also venison is kino

Deer are fucking assholes, but I wouldn't expect city slickers to know that

It'd be nice to invite everyone to your campsite too eat the entire carcass.

What do Americans think of us Australians hunting Kangaroos?

Do they taste good? And are they endangered? If the answers are 'yes' and 'no' respectively, more power to you.

We only care about three animals really
>great apes

Fuck off white oprah for gay boys

>look at that he's eating him while he's still alive
>just pulling out his bowels and shit
>chimps are fucking brutal man

This. 3 days after I got my new car, I hit one because it was so foggy out. They are a pest around here and are better off as food for hunters

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Deer need to be hunted or they ruin the ecosystem

What did Joe mean by this?

Do Aussies actually hunt kangaroos?

Still my favorite clip ever, really the final statement on """"self educated""""" people

That Bernie podcast was disappointment. I expected Joe to ask Bernie questions about his wealth.

he doesn't ever pressure his interviewees unless they talk shit about weed or comedy or MMA. i doubt he would challenge hillary or trump much either. he's a gun nut and he even let bernie go on about ``assault weapons'' without much pushback.

Grills right wingers about any vanilla sub par idea that they have.
Yeah bro lighters are a sign of oppression.
Yeah dude you totally know Area 51 secrets

God Rogan is so fucking dense in this clip it's amazing. Even when Gad raises his voice in frustration Rogan still isn't even aware of how irritating he is being in that situation. What a fool

I hope the Carmack episode is good.

Joe Rogan IS gay

Lost it

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no point in hunting something like jaguars, elephants and whales
also no point in hunting if you're just going to say
>look how cow I am I killed a deer

This is why we need Rogan Watch back.

Deer are more than a problem for cars, they literally destroy the entire forest ecosystem if left unchecked. They destroy all the short plants and bushes, without those you have less small critters, birds, and insects who live in them. Without those small critters you have less larger critter who feed on them, and this process goes all the way up the food chain. Deer are a disaster for biodiversity, they have no natural predators without wolfs. Man must either take the wolf's place or live with them. The latter is too dangerous to people and livestock, and thus we must hunt.

You dont even have to eat the meat for killing deer to be moral, you save the forest by doing so.

I'm ngl it seems like he is being dumb as fuck but at the same time he is extrapolating upon what he has heard and is attempting to hear it explained it in very barney style terms for his audience who might also be ignorant but want to learn, I see nothing wrong with any of this. In fact, this is just the opposite of the greater example of people wanting to seem like some eternal snarky badass that knows everything instead of wanting to learn

He should have dropped it sooner, you could tell that Saad was getting annoyed at how he kept bringing it up again.

He ain't wrong. A girl I liked in high school was killed when she clipped one, and this was in Kentucky. She was a senior & I was just a sophomore, so she'd pick me up some mornings for school. Barely got to know her & she was just dead.

I say, fuck the deers.

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In one of his latest podcasts he was talking about CBD, and said one of his friends had a jacked up hand, and was all crippled, and CBD "literally straightened his hand out"

so apparently weed can cure bone and tissue injuries too

Are you one of those retards who thinks Bernie is somehow a hypocrite for wanting to tax the ultra rich while being fairly wealthy himself?
As if the rich are required to be republicans.

>Do they taste good?
Most people would agree that roo meat tastes nice
>And are they endangered?

Hello, sir. Have you heard the good news?
Weed loves you, and wants you to know and love It. It offers you peace and joy and a fulfilled life.

Yes, but not for recreation

I've no interest in arguing politics but Bernie raised the wage of his workers then fired some to make up for lost money.
When you're running on a platform of raising minimum wage and then you fire employees after raising wages it's a really bad look

When, WHEN is he just going to interview a bear and a gorilla? I'd rather get that than a bunch of literal shills.

I’ve lived in both rural Canada and Australia and deer and kangaroos are pretty similar in that they’re both like pests and spread all over the place, and then jump in front of cars and cause damage. Although I think deers would do more damage then roos

I just listened to half of the Elon Musk episode, haven’t heard the weed smoking portion. So far, is it safe to say this is the worst episode? Because apart from occasional gems it’s absolutely cringeworthy to get through

You should see what moose do to cars (and the people in them). They almost always go right through the windshield.

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Yo, I love the whales as much as the next guy, but those fags are delicious

As much as the media played up the pot smoking bit, he never really got out of the corporate/politician speak mode.

musk has autism so it's no surprise he fell apart during the interview. it was the first rogan i watched alongside the alex jones ep and they both turned me off the podcast for a while.

That was the only time I'd heard the guy talk and now I'm sold on tunnels.

In what way is anything you just said related to what I said?
I said nothing about minimum wage or unemployment. You said nothing about Bernie's wealth or taxes.
Why did you click the reply button if you're not actually replying to me?

Meese are some scary mofos.

Roos are solid as fuck, they can do quite a lot of damage to your car

They're not skiddish like dear either, so if they see they're about to cross-paths with a car they don't even try to avoid it. They have that king of the jungle mentality where they don't move for nobody.

humans are the ass-holes, and you are the ball-licker who fucks your ass-hole in the ass with your own balls

if you drive to eastport, maine, where they let the deer walk all over the town, people slow down so deer can react and avoid collision

there is enough technology to make highways safe for all animals who live where people build their fucking highways -- deer, porcupine, raccoon, fox, turkey, groundhog, fisher, tortoise -- all these animals tolerate roads that fucking humans build through their home territory

it is you who are the ass-holes and the ball-lickers; animals are just living their lives while you speed through halfdrunk, texting, or swallowing that last bit of gay cum in your mouth, while hitting animals and other humans

Simply pointing out he's a hypocrite
Stop defending someone who gives no shit about you

Yikes! You don't actually pms m8xir, you might think you are a biological woman but you still have male hormones and have no excuse for lashing out this way.
Dilate more

If you're going to look like a schitzo throughout your reply nobody is going to be swayed by anything you say.
Deer are incredibly fucking stupid

There's 50 million Kangaroo's in Australia, so yeah. They're classified as a pest. And we eat them.

Friend of mine in Michigan says they can't leave pumpkins out on halloween because they'll come into town and eat em.

it can unironically help with arthritis though

>What about trees then, are they a pest?

Yes, they are. That's why we make sure there's plenty of room between highways and trees.

This was hard to watch. What a fucking idiot

Just buy a new car? I guess you don't have the money for it. It must suck not having money.

Also cats and horses. If you told someone you killed horses for their meat, they'd freak out on you.

Yea, we killed all the cougars, so the deer have no predators

Nothing about what you said was hypocritical. What would be hypocritical is if he was advocating for a higher minimum wage and was paying his employees less than that. But you're shitting on him for not doing that. So you would shit on him either way. Which means your opinion is irrelevant.

Jamie pull up that chimp also I eat eggs everyday Jamie I swear these sjw fucks Jamie I do enjoy a man's body Jordan Peterson bro... Jamie pull that up

funny I've never heard of that until today, but I've been listening to rogan podcast for quite a while. and I was googling for a dumb thing that was said during the sanders podcast and came across "Rogan Watch" on a forum where they said he had a new channel with a link, I didn't care to adjust my ublock though so couldn't use the link.

Ayy >>>/119217150

even the plants fight for sunlight in the garden

> We will never get Bear Hour, a live call in show where Rogan actively debates the caller on hypothetical super predator death matches.

Yeah, Rogan Watch was shut down after Joe filed a copyright complaint to youtube.


what distinguishes fertile life giving soil from poisonous martian regolith is that the soil is an ancient sea of so many corpses


Looked up the forum I browser earlier today where I first saw "Rogan Watch", and adjusted ublock.
It's called "Cuck Watch", but it only has 5 videos on rogan, last one from 3 years ago so meh,

thats nothing

Definition of irony


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We ruined it by almost completely wiping out wolves

Very true. Unfortunately, we have a family of deer which the rest of my family likes, so I have to deal with them not only waddling close to me when I am driving, but peering in the windows of my house during the day.

I'll admit that they are very cute sometimes, but still.

>really the final statement on """"self educated""""" people
I am pretty self-educated in that probably most of what I know is from my own reading, not what I was taught by other people (which is really a pointless difference but whatever) and even I'm not that retarded. It helps to actually have a sense of humility and be able to think somewhat critically. But whatever. I already made myself sound like a huge fag.


In Northern Michigan if you live out in the country you typically put your garbage in a locked chest freezer at the front of your property to keep moose and bears and other critters out of it.

jesus christ look at that thing it

>it's a Whitney "I swear I totally haven't had work done on my face" Cummings episode

So another deer can hit it?

More videos of Joe looking like an idiot please

didn't she say exactly what she had done with her face last time? nose and such?

deer destroy new foliage and prevent low ecosystems from forming

>humans are the world's most invasive species
>ecosystem gets fucked by humans
>somehow it's the animals' fault


>not taking your role as apex predator in stride and fucking a deers day up


Try stopping for a deer going 50 mph at night and the fucker jumps out of the trees.

humans fucked up by killing off the predators that would be eating these deer. now that we've done that, we have a responsibility to manage the deer population ourselves. unless you're a stupid fucking naturalist that wants wolves walking around in your suburb.

This dude is a retard who shills shit he knows nothing about like kratom

>those seething comments

We have a subhuman overpopulation. Time to shoot those like you.

only if i end up in the same mass grave as you, nigger

What more or less happened is American killed all the predators: Bears, Wolves, Jaguars, and Mountain Lions. Then, their favorite foods, Boar & Deer, multiplied and spread out across America with little to no impunity.

Hunting is something of a band aid for this situation, but realistically if America wants to actually solve or 'heal' their ecosystem they need to reintroduce these predators to reestablish that healthy equilibrium their environment once possessed.
Hunting isn't a 'permanent' fix because hunting can't replicate the environmental and psychological influences a predator has on prey animals. Prey animals develop a 'profile' for every animal that kills and eats them: a Deer knows to avoid open spaces and a Boar has plans upon plans to deceive and work around the best efforts of Humans. You'd be surprised how many animals simply.. Fuck off, call a 'truce', and go hide in nature reserves or parks during hunting season.

A hunter is just a tourist, but a wolf actually -lives- where the food is.

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Not hypocritical in the slightest. Use your brain a bit, and you will realise he is advocating raising taxes on himself. Hold your breath waiting for the stable genius to ever do that.

It is not a bad look at all. If a business cannot make any profits whatsoever, it is no longer a business. Under the proposed plan for society Sanders is championing, the people who are retrenched from his company where there is not enough work will go and find another job which will also be forced to pay minimum wage, as opposed to remaining in inferior conditions.

Could you explain more about how boars evade hunters?

A deer will stomp your ass in the mud and eat you. Butterflies eat shit. Nature is horrible, fuck all the retards raised on Disney.

He was trying to make a point and Rogan completely derailed it by arguing over the definition of the word.

They're extremely good at bulldozing through underbrush, they have the entire area they're running through scented so they never ever get lost and once line of sight is broken they have all the advantage. They can out-hear, out-smell and even out-see you while you noisily and stinkily bumble your way through the woods.

literally dont get off the throttle.

Sounds comfy honestly.

Nobody uses that word. A pathetic number of google results.

why are you posting a naked picture of joe rogan

It's very comfy, admittedly. One of the smaller does has taken to wagging her tail a little when she sees me. I wonder if she's learned it from the dogs or what, but it's really cute.

If you kill a deer in the us with your car can you just throw it in the back and take it home for meat?

Predictably here in the UK you can't (legally) take home your own roadkill, presumably because they think you'd go car hunting for free venison.

Fuck monkeys, scary ass animals. They are too powerful.

underrated post

Ever see that video of some gibbon launching himself across the entire habitat directly at the guy standing with his back to the glass?

Pinpoint fucking accuracy and went right for the neck with both hands and feet centered to strangle the guy.

>Could you explain more about how boars evade hunters?

It's mostly two things:
-One is Boars are just unironically quite brilliant animals. Boars are capable of learning about traps, rifles, hunting seasons, 'safe' spaces, 'unsafe' spaces, and the oldest of their kind can become extremely shrewd, jaded, and rather crafty. They're also very resourceful: they'll break into containers, steal animal feed, they know people won't fire on them in residential areas, so they'll tear up gardens and backyards. They understand 'line of sight', so they'll actively wait until crops are tall enough to provide cover before they tear into them.
Boars are smart; they possess no 'natural' habitat and have evolved to take advantage of any and all resources available to them.

-Two is Boars reproduce extremely quickly for such a large animal: six piglets, twice a year, on average, and take 6 months to reach physical maturity. If a piglet's mother dies any surviving siblings or relatives will continue to take care of them. Boars in the wild are used to having their numbers regularly decimated by wolves or large cats stalking them, ambushing them, running them down, so they overcame this by just shitting out babies.
Winters are particularly hard on Boars because they get stuck in the snow, slowed down, and this makes them easy prey for wolves and large cats whom are more than capable of picking them off one by one- starting with the young, old, and sick.

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I have not, actually. Do you have a link?

Trying to find it now.

Somebody murder Joe Rogan please I'm sick of him

lmao americans are even cucked by their wildlife

yea we even give them welfare

more like
>fantasizes about zombie apocalypse and hunting his fellow man

Hahahahaha! Thank you for that reply

Wtf, that guy has never driven around a deer in his life.

>unsubscribe from BoarFacts

very few states have moose, it's more of a Canada thing. Unless you're in a state that boarders Canada, like Maine or Alaska, you'll likely never see a moose. They do exist further south in very small numbers in remote locations, though. I'm from the north east and haven't seen a moose once in my life.

I've seen to many videos of roided up kangaroos strangling other roos, dogs and whatnot to death to think they're too cute to kill. They're scary motherfuckers.

don't forget about pandas. and sometimes polar bears, but mostly pandas.
this might be what you anons are looking for


I'll reiterate, fuck monkeys. That was cool to watch tho, even if a bit scary.

t. butthurt deer

Muh ancestor

>If you told someone you killed horses for their meat, they'd freak out on you.
If they are some cafe dwelling sissy.

you don't have mortadella in the US?

i have more respect for vegans and hunters than anything inbetween

As someone who doesn't have any emotional quarrels with eating Dogs, Cats, Horses, etc.. The problem isn't the act itself, but the industry and lack thereof of resources, husbandry, and infrastructure behind it.
With cattle, pigs, chickens, even rabbit, they have breeds and varieties that have been specifically bred and approved for butchering and eating, so some level of consistent quality assurance can be guaranteed. As much as you can get with meat at any rate. There isn't any regulation, there aren't any rules, it's just chaos.
In the countries where they do it there's no 'food dog breed'; they literally just breed and eat whatever dog is available- at times they've even been known to catch and dress up strays from off the streets and with it all the diseases it has and garbage it's been eating.

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That's fucking awesome.

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The plural of moose is moosen.

Agreed, fuck deer. They were talking about reintroducing wolves into my area, since the deer population has exploded to the point of being a nuisance, but that plan fell through because the locals freaked about "muh children".

So one of the least stupid things Rogan has said.

Couldn't care less. They're basically deer that hop around more, as far as I'm concerned. They seem kind of aggressive too, so fuck em.

You have no moral highground to talk shit about hunters if you still eat meat and utilize products of animal origin. You are just a hypocrite.

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Based and redpilled


Kill yourself

Fuck animals and fuck other humans.

You are supposed to cull trees though? It's a super important part of forest management.

go dilate and kys, tranny

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I live in Canada and a moose broke into my backyard and absolutely destroyed it, and broke my fence down, before the cops shot him dead in the alley. That thing was a fucking unit.

Wild boars are an invasive species. Escapees from farms and some that morons deliberately let loose.They all need to die.

Yeah Its legal in some states

I heard in China there's a huge dog-eating festival and they've been known to steal people's pet dogs and bring them to the festival.

>What about trees then, are they a pest?
No dude trees grow all over roads lmao people just ignore them. Fucking hell think about your strawman for a second

Fuck deers and fuck elks.
Deers are kinda okay because they'll just fuck up your car, but elks will fucking kill you

Yeah, he sure fucked that up but theres nothing wrong for him to not pay 15$/hr because he’s not running a business. Political campaigns basically are expensive 2y long ad campaigns with limited (for most) budget.


And I say more, maximum speed for vehicles should be reduced to 12 miles per hour, and all motorized vehicle owners should pay more taxes to fund free repair for bikechads.

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Nice bait

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go back you weak fuck

didn't know fish cross the street. kek

Christ imagine a whole jungle of those things. You'd never get away.

Based, nothing more rewarding than cycling past carfags stuck at red lights

life was better when everybody rode horses, that way there's less roadkill, the earth isn't covered in ugly pavement roads, and the cities were more comfy except for I assume the horse shit everywhere

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What's your position on universal basic income?

It is hypocritical, because he disagrees with the idea that there could be negative consequences from raising the minimum wage (like job loss), but when his workers unionised themselves, and asked for a "liveable wage" he accepted, and then fired some of them.

>What about trees then, are they a pest?
Yes, plant life is also considered a pest when it becomes overgrown.
Also, he's right. If you've ever been to an area with deer nearby and had to drive around, you know how dangerous they are. It's not a joke.

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>what is the word ghettoize?
>is it actually based on the word ghetto?

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Fuck cars man, I want to murder Joe Rogan by riding my deer into him while he walks down a sidewalk.

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that's pretty good

killing your own food makes it even more delicious

This. Bring back wolves.

Does anyone else find bald dudes kinda hot?

>I heard in China there's a huge dog-eating festival and they've been known to steal people's pet dogs and bring them to the festival.

100% true. It's entirely an ignorant, unmitigated, unprofessional, septic, shit show. Literally emaciated, diseased, stray dogs, or even just taking them from peoples yards if they have to.
"The festival began in 2009 and spans about ten days during which it is estimated that 10,000–15,000 dogs are consumed."
"A witness claimed that some of the dogs eaten appeared to be stolen household pets, judging by their collars."
"In 2017, over 1,300 dogs were rescued by activists. After a tip, a truck transporting the dogs was blocked. Police confirmed that the majority of the dogs were stolen and not allowed for consumption, allowing volunteers to rescue the dogs. Up to 40% of the dogs also carried infectious diseases."

I say all this as someone who'd be really interested in trying and eating dog, but I'd want something like a Dingo or a Coyote: from the wild, no garbage, lead a 'normal' life, etc..

jamie pull up my wife's daughter

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pussies afraid of the emu's so they hunt kangabros like its a freaking giant chicken come on

and yet loser, everyone with a decent IQ who knows the word ghetto would immediately recognize what he meant and not bat an eyelid

you, however, you search your memory bank for the exact string and then error out into angry face when you don't find it. pathetic

There's literally nothing wrong with hunting large game like elk and caribou for food. It's bad for their numbers to get too high anyway.

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I think joe didn't know the exact definition and didn't want to agree with a term without knowing he's also high like always so he's pretty retarded when it comes to social cues

This. There's a big difference between hunting herd herbivore for food and killing off an entire population of apex predators.

Fuck chimps, leave Gorillas alone but kill all chimps for the love of god!

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>Joe: "So you've worked in Area 51? That's crazy."
>Bob: "Well... I worked in a building close to it"
>Joe: "Wow, so you've interacted with that alien tech? Do you have any pics of that UFO?"
>Bob: "I... I have terrible migraine right now."
>Joe: "Shit I'm sorry dude, let's talk about something else. Have you seen that video about the monkey sucking his own dick? Hey Jamie pull that up!"

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I mean even the smartest people are bound to have some stupid clips if they have hundreds of hours of footage like Joe does.

nigger americans don't know you're not supposed to swerve?

Couldn’t have put it better myself tb h

based user dabbing on poor fags

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please don’t eat dogs. thanks

>how cow I am

Other way around, literally.

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sorry sam we can't just ask daddy to rent us another one

Based and meesepilled

Damn, user BTFO

That's like swimming near a reef and complaining that the annoying fish are getting in your way. It's their fucking home and YOU are the intruder. Deer aren't pests, humans are.

How did he got rich?

hello yes where are the clinical trials

Well excuse me mr gucci loafers

>a hunter is just a tourist
Speak for yourself city slicker

there not complaining though its people complaining that there killing them like you they choose to live there so let them hunt the deer and moosen

Chinksects are NOT people

The mountains and the forest are my domain. Men have preyed deer in my home mountains since the dawn of time. It is your existance inside your zoo that is perverse and unnatural

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>in the UK you can't...
We know.

Ahahahah holy fucking shit I'm dying. You can't make this shit up, no way.

hunters are nut jobs

I hope you aren't trying to imply that this is a justification for it because it isn't.

Looks like a Papua New Guinean

Saad should've answered joe it's his own fault

Imma fix wolves

wtf, I don't remember this at all yet I have it disliked

Yes the cannabinoid byproducts can aid in decreasing inflammation as well as removing toxins from the area and releasing muscle tenseness. Not instantly, but as a treatment over time it can be very effective.


imagine a highway but instead of cars imagine like a million horses

We are shepherds of the planet. Perhaps we do a poor job sometimes, but it's our world.

Well la di da

It’s truly astounding how quickly you shifted goalposts from the ‘HE WANTS TO TAX RICH PPL BUT IS ALSO RICH HIMSELF???!’ thing you were doing. You really can’t tell the difference between a moderately wealthy man like Sanders and someone like Jeff Bezos? Also, is he saying that he wants to be excluded from any taxes? I mean, by your standards, the only way to avoid being hypocritical is if you’re an off the grid hermit who doesn’t participate in society at all. I mean, you’d have to be a real slack-jawed idiot to think that’s an insightful opinion in any way.

Nigger humans spent millions of years selectively breeding dogs from wolves, and not one of those breeds was created for the purpose of food.

>"I mean," twice in two sentences
yikes. you're typing, not talking to your limp-wristed friends. cool it with the reddit openers

If you're willing to eat dog for the sake of it, you're missing the part of the brain that separates man from animal.