He hates kids

>He hates kids.
Wow, he's just like me.

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Loving his downfall


Attached: penaldo breaking a phone 1649523311655.webm (480x852, 2.97M)

twain be like: Messi was on the other end! xD

some evertonian cunt was being cheeky while shoving his phone in ronaldos face, ronny reacted like any other sane person and smashed that fags phone

apparently it was just his shin pad

He has his left shin in his left hand and the right sock is up as you can see.
Also, if you have at least one (1) eye you can see the phone falling to the ground in the OP.

it actually looks like it in the webm, fuck you just killed my hype

You can see shards of something bounce up off the ground, doubt it was a shin guard.

>Manchester United are investigating an incident in which Cristiano Ronaldo allegedly smashed a supporter's phone following the 1-0 Premier League defeat to Everton on Saturday.



El Bitcho bitching out like a woman. Truly womanly behavior.

why are you defending this freak?

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oh shit, he truly is a schizo. fucking schizonaldo

The plot thickens

okey, now this is shameful. he acts like a children

you defend the players no matter what, even if they disrespect the fans. that's what being a true supporter is all about

Ronaldo dgaf about any team he represents, apart from maybe Portugal

So he's human big deal. It's called passion. Sucks to be that kid but damn dude why would you annoy someone who is already pissed off? Stupid. Is every footballer supposed to act like an autistic robot?

>if you are mad you are allowed to assault people
el americANO seniores

You're on a B̶o̶a̶r̶d̶ website full of limpwristed, conflict avoiding fags, who let people walk all over them with no reaction because or else it would be "chimping out", are you really that surprised.
Exhibit A

oh no no no...

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Imagine working at a company. Your sales team just lost up a huge possible future sale. A sale especially you worked hard for and your team mates did always nothing.
Imagine walking down the hall to your boss office and the HR guys start filming you.

Yeah not a nice feeling.


are all portuguese like this?

>they're two jealous, the phone made itself available

>stepping on someone's phone that they dropped is assault
turn off the VPN, Aydyn

yes mobile phones are the biggest business in this country because we keep breaking them in rage

Based tsuu asserting his dominance, pissi could never

Messi would never

>Cheeky kid shoves phone in Ronaldo's face
>Ronaldo gently knocks his phone away and the kid drops it

>rapist cant take the heat

imagine this piece of shit in jail

He'll probably buy him the latest Iphone to make up for losing character and show his true cunt colors

>that stupid comparison
>write the same shit on all threads of penaldo


nobody likes a snitch

based strongmind saving a child from being brainwashed by social media and other bullshit



My country can buy your country


that's pretty based ngl. pissi cuckitini would never.

Attached: TSUAlbertoBarbosa.jpg (1000x667, 197.62K)

>Imagine 'working' at a (((company))). Your (((sales team))) just lost up a huge possible future (((sale))). A (((sale))) especially (((you))) 'worked' hard for and your (((team mates))) did always nothing.
Imagine walking down the hall to your (((boss))) office and the (((HR gays))) start filming you.

>Yeah not a nice 'feeling'.

Attached: 4WsGMeXw.jpg (199x253, 10.08K)

I only hit my wife when Benfica loses.

You can see he has one shin pad on and the other in his hand m80

I only hit my wife when Benfica win

You literally cant see any phone on the vid, it could be his shin pad so im not going to jump into conclusions yet

Criminals don't like snitches. That's all. Right-minded people want criminals out of their communities.

I don't understand what's happening here?

Idk bro, from the picture it looks like Ronaldo jumped into the crowd and heemed the kid with his own phone.

Then you should dissolve your parliament and deport your muslim population

I wouldnt go that far but thats your opinion

He punched a kid

Fair point.

I was just joking. I have no idea what happened.

Copper dogs stand there idly as an assault takes place in front of them.

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Theres no time for jokes, we need to defend CR7

>A sale especially you worked hard for and your team mates did always nothing.
Are you implying Penaldo did anything of value agaisnt neverton?

Are you implying he didnt?


Can't see it

Look at the minutes played. You must enjoy being wrong lol

No need, Yea Forums already has Twain

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hi Cris