2019, I am forgotten

2019, I am forgotten...

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>6 years ago

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shit bait, still best show of 2000s

>tfw you remember watching the finale with your mom after getting her into the series after Season 4
>tfw she's now sick and dying

Forgot the >

>breaking bad S1 came out 15 years ago
feels bad man

He isnt forgotten because he is the laughable example of sociopath on society.

He literally walked out on his billion dollar idea out of pride and married the first waitress to wink at him. That will show gretchen. The only hero, the only person who "broke bad" is skylar. But not just this website, 95% of everyone that saw the show, hates skylar.

Its just so insane how absolutely moronic the average person is.

I'm so sorry man

my best wishes

another shit bait

nice bait

has she started cooking meth yet

>the time between today and the S1 premiere is greater than the time between the S1 premiere and the start of WW2

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Not bait
90s - Sopranos
00s - Breaking Bad
10s - The Boys

>The Boys
why don't you just fucking kill yourself so people don't have to read your posts anymore?

Better Call Saul > Breaking Bad

Debate me

>someone can't enjoy quality kino

I will never forget you

>the boys
operator? id like to report a based moment

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I remember watching the finale with Yea Forums and streambro made the ending extremely memorable.


>tfw remember going to school and discussing the show after each episode from season 5 aired in 10th grade
It was objectively a shit time but I still feel sort of nostalgic for it