
negro excellence edition

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Why is Paddy such a mad lad? Legend.

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beating shart puts you in rarified air amongst the likes of sam alvey and jay ellis

yancels you feeling nervous yet?


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Fuck Peter "Siberian Midget" Pan.
If you like Peter Pan eat shit out of my ass


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Cope. Answer the question and stop being so upset about your height.

Alijo meme DIES tonight

Aljo finna HEEM this ROIDED MIDGET
round ONE nigguh

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what kind of videos you watch on Youtube to hype yourself up before the fights?
I already watched Full Reptile, TheWeaslecuckboy, Submission Radio, Embedded, Countdown and Chael sonnen's videos.

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Aljosisters it was over for your boy at this moment

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I just watch movies.

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I tried rewatching the first fight and had to turn it off after 3 minutes. Our boy is getting finished tonight, isn’t he? Where does he go after going 0-2 to the champ?


hardcore gay porn

I simply said he COULD kill you which only means he'd beat you in a fight easily
fatty boomboom shivering

Guru is an incel

You got bamboozled b, ur blogbussers


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what are you watching today?
last good event it was all about lily chou-chou for me

I could kill him too though? I would beat him in a gunfight.

Bald fuck

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>i could heem peter yan because im obese

Is this Aljo's family?

discovery channel. how apes managed to build a cunt in a jungle (brazil)

whats the point of hyping yourself up for something you were already going to watch

>jay ellis
who is this legend?

Petr will always be 5'3 kek

true but at least he isnt black

Literally everyone in that image exudes evil energy. Who is cornering this combat imp anyways?

Tfatk 3-D and then range 15

>early prelim starts at 00:00 here
>main event will probably finish at 6:30
>I start working at 7:00
fuck I really don't wanna miss this, I'll try to sleep a couple of hours before the start and not go to sleep at all after hoping I don't sleep on the job
wish me luck

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Why does Henry want to die?

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You work on a Sunday?

will TKZ be the first jamawl(asian) champion after he knockes out the midget tonight? wmma don't count

ay hol up so y'all mad tho?

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Someones gotta cook my Maccies brekkie

cejudo's retirement is so funny
he really thought people would care
now he's begging everyone for a fight lol

He beats a flushed moraes and cruz and suddenly he thinks he can stand with conrad.

where corals fine ass at


mashallah brazza paulo

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What are we eating/drinking tonight? I'm thinking Doppelkorn and pierogi

you feel it don't you? there's something in the air.
something, Funky.

I bet on all the favorites, but I want to see the upsets. So I'm happy no matter what :3

Just say you stubbed your toe and take a full month off, like you continentals tend to do

Volkanovski (goodcel) vs TKZ (goodcel)
Aljo (evilchad) vs Yan (evilchad)
Burns (goodcel) vs Chimaev (evilchad)

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still BUCK

Paulo Costa is Brazilian, i.e., bisexual

Name one good fight Tonight

Aljo is the most goodcel of that list kek.

I'm watching Licorice Pizza right now because like Paul Thomas Anderson a lot, but I'm not liking it as much as The Master or There will be blood

Josh Fremd is making his UFC debut

this is why burns and chimaev is the only compelling matchup

not since the dq b.

a nice variety of allignments

why does he make you so mad?

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me vs compulsive masturbation

Gall vs Malott

Ok who cares?

ahahaa geeez

Daily reminder that Yan has knocked out middleweights at Tiger Muay Thai and asked heavyweight Arlovski in person to fight him outside.

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the fans.

There are none.

We crackaz hate to see a young, black kang winning

Thinking bbq brisket for lunch, maybe pizza and ipa for dinner, then head over to bdubs for the ppv and bud light.

he's still 5'5

Hes a dumbass getting that big I think hes next fight is gonna be rough af

He asked, I'm telling him.

yan is an old school russian brawler
he even said he used to fight all the time in night clubs
pretty based

if someone controls the action and does a lot of damage for 4.5 minutes of a round but gets rocked hard in the last 30 seconds and is saved by the bell how is the round judged?

>asked heavyweight Arlovski in person to fight him outside
manlets always ask to fight people because they know grown men can't do anything to them

it could go both ways

Prime Arlovski fucks Yan up.

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I dont think people really have a problem with stylebedner other than some of the fights are boring

PooFC rules says the guy that controlled the round

define "a lot of damage"
if the other fighter got hurt it should go to the one who controlled the round.

When you grow up a smaller man you learn to deal with bigger boys unless your a pussy

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hold on op

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zombie will win

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>yan is an old school russian brawler
He's a master of sport in boxing you goof

Why are blacks always so cringy

Sounds good, enjoy

gawld b, just what im looking for

low iq


ok but we get to fuck your women

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tell me about this josh fremd fellow, heemsters

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i have a problem withh im when he acts black because im extremely against those people but i like how he fights, very well rounded and interesting striker

im cccccccoooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmiiiiinnnnnngggggggg

enjoy NOT receiving 79.99$ for the PPV
im gonna stream it instead

He is black

>master of sport in Boxing
>master of sport in Sambo

Do Russians really go to graduate school for martial arts b?

>this manlet never got finished
>people tried to say Shavkat finishing him wasn't impressive

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pride fc

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I understand and respect your opinion

Khamzat has a doctorate in smash

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Go donate to charity
Go do volunteer work
Do anything that helps other people instead of just sitting here like a useless fucking retard and then complaining that the world isn't how you want it to be. Be the change you want to see.


/heem/ is all the hype i need