Shut Him Down: The Rise of Jordan Peterson [2018] by Patricia Marcoccia
>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world, psychology professor Jordan Peterson has become a polarizing paradox. After sparking both outrage and support for his stand against Canadian human rights legislation in late 2016, Peterson quickly transformed into a famous public intellectual and internationally best-selling author. SHUT HIM DOWN offers an intimate look into the controversy that started over alternate gender pronouns and left us with two stories about Peterson: Is he a heroic cultural warrior who pushes boundaries and transforms people's lives for the better? Or is he a bigoted peddler of regressive ideas that cause harm?


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Other urls found in this thread: many copies has 12 rules for life sold

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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Nick land would a much better public intellectual.

Clean your noose, tranny bucko!


>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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>Is he a heroic cultural warrior who pushes boundaries and transforms people's lives for the better? Or is he a bigoted peddler of regressive ideas that cause harm?

>It's called, Shut Him Down

Gee, I wonder which one they're going to go with.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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>>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
>>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
>>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
>>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
If not him, then who?

Steve Sailer

Joe Rogan


Brendan Schaub

my huwhite friend Jared

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me after i finish my diary

Is there anything going on with this docu or is it just more "look at me being condescending towards people who don't know how to debate"

The non-manlet version of Ben Shapiro.

The hobo high on paint fumes at the back alley of my apartment complex.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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Jordan sneederson

I mean if we are going by the definition probably trump may god help our souls

Jared lives down the street from my brother. I wish I could meet him


Peterson is actually really famous, I'm an argie and a dude was saying how this guy was such a big brain thinker on national TV. I thought only incels knew about him.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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me after a dozen Emu Bitters

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So is this worth watching or not?

>I'm an argie and a dude was saying how this guy was such a big brain thinker on national TV

Thats not an achievement. Anyone is a fucking genius compared to fucking SA monkeys apart from African niggers.

juden peterstein

>So is this worth watching or not?
Why don't you watch it and find out?

thats the bloody thing about chaos man

>calls others retarded
>has third-grade level reading comprehension

Why the racism?

Literally no one outside of university communists care about that autistic incel lmao

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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>random university professor takes a stand against the absurdity of alternate gender pronouns and has the courage to defend his opinions-
polfags literally shooting themselves in the foot.

Don't bully me, reddit space.

Oh so it's like that huh , K

> Joe Rogan.
> Thinker.

Yea Forums is a bully-free board

People would rather give money to a man telling them to clean their room than to someone talking about class consciousness lol

talking about yourself there, hoss. Argie intellect strikes again.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

Jesus fucking Christ

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
instantly stopped reading

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
This thread was just bait for reaction faces

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t. reddit NPC

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lobsters bro


I don't even like Peterson. His inability to properly define post-modernism and his constant conflation between post-modernism and marxism makes me cringe. But the seething from the polfags and the trannies ITT is palpable.
Yes, he is easily top 3 most famous intellectuals in the West right now. His two best-seller books sell like water. There's zero reasons to be butthurt how this simple fact.

The same people preaching"class consciousness" insist on importing endless scads of slave labor to obliterate the lives of working class people economically and socially. That's probably why no one listens to them

Jokes aside, seeing an inoffensive guy like him getting shut down for absolutely nothing really makes me sad about the current state of the world.

Alex Jones

Not a fan but he really has a point on compelled speech. We are not supposed to have certain thoughts or not say certain things anymore to open discussions. like how you're not supposed to critisize anyone anymore because their feelings

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>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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DMT doesn't make you think

It's how fucked up our modern society is. Nobody tells anybody the basic stuff of life like cleaning your own damn room, but we all know we should stop racism, homophobia and stop global climate change RIGHT NOW!

That's right, fucking pleb. okay, now be humble, boy.

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He's a pseudointellectual charlatan who sells self help books to young men with daddy issues (male edition). You might as well list Dr Phil among the top 3 most famous western intellectuals.

No one outside of youtube zoomers cares about Peterson.

Wrinse your penis

There's a lot of autist zoomers so I guess his audience must be enormous.

>properly define post-modernism

Is that even possible...

The point is that he famous is fucking argentina, you retarded faggot.

you see KINO. that word has deeper meaning than you might think, eh, at a first glance! [elaborate hand gestures] you see if you break down the etymology of the two syllables KEY and NO, and then substract those two meanings and maintain the, the, you know the FEELING of those two words, man! you really get to know the people who SEE FIT to use the word in everyday common speech! and the bloody postmodernists would tell you that there are a MILLION different ways to interpret KEY-NO, the bloody cowards. when in fact the answer is right there in front of you! KEY-NO, [elaborate hand movement], NO-KEY! they deny the bloody KEY to life with every breath of their every day speech! and THAT'S. NO. JOKE. it's like i say in chapter 5 of my book: 12 rules for life, available in any bookstore near you in over two dozen languages, "words are not just words". the bloody facts are there, but the postmodern marxists just want you to sit in your bloody room and watch kino until you drop, well, that's their own downfall, i'll tell ya that much eh!


Anyone who says anything I don't like is con-artist, liar, charlatan, snake oil salesman etc. Make a better argument, homo

Go ahead and define post-modernism for us.

Peterson's sphere of influence is relatively small, it just seems bigger on social media. He's only one of many commercial philosophers who pander to mainstream audiences with entry level material. From a scholarly perspective he's negligible.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I see Juden Peterstein's reputation has gone up since the last time I heard of him.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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Go back to Yea Forums you pseud

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>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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Ive seen a few comedy specials that made me want to kms but his was too much

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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dude only has 1 mil twitter followers, how is that a top 3 influencer

obama has 100 mil
trump has 62
fucking joe rogan has 5 mil

>The point is that he famous is fucking argentina
>he famous is fucking argentina

Yeah, always knew you guys were bottoms.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
That says a lot about the current state of the Western world...

>Peterson's sphere of influence is relatively small
Aren't his books world best sellers?

>literally "shut it down"
oy, is miss Marcoccia of Jewish descent, perhaps?

>Paraded around as a thinker but is actually a NWO shill trying to take control of the resurging right wing backlash against the genocide of European peoples.
Fuck this guy he's either brianwashed to hell and back or literally judas.

Name me an intellectual with more

Yes, and so are the books of many others commercial philosophers. The German one who tried to re-package Pragmatism with a feel good layer comes to mind. I forgot his name though.

Name one (5) "regressive ideas" that Peterstein has.

Hint: not using nonsensical made up pronouns is not regressive.

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Those are celebrities not "thinkers", hell, Kanye West would be a more appropriate comparison.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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"intellectual" isn't an actual profession you idiot, you can call anybody an intellectual.

>Name me an intellectual with more
Obama. He made his M.A. in Harvard so calling him an intellectual is objectively valid.

>implying Juden Peterstein is any better

You know what, Kayne may actually be the most influential thinker of the last 10 years

I like Peterson, but this is cringe as fuck

a new york times bestseller is literally only 9000 copies in the first week. it's a pretty low bar comparative to other media. nearly every modern "thinker" has a bestselling book

>Those are celebrities not "thinkers"
That's your subjective opinion on what constitutes as being a "thinker".
Yeah it's not exactly a VIP club.

>Shut Him Down

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I didn't say NYT best seller many copies has 12 rules for life sold

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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>listening to Peterson speak for longer than 30 seconds

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>lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

You're not helping your case here, 3 million isn't that groundbreaking especially if it comes to self-help books. That's the most accessible literary genre in history. Any boomer soccer mom has a full shelf of those.

Lots of angry dialators on the chan tonight.

zoom zoom


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It's not groundbreaking but the point was the sphere of influence isn't small

Roland Barthes or Slavoj Zizek.

The guy is a famous intellectual and raises a lot of controversy.

Andrew Auernheimer

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>radical leftists seething
>alt righters seething
Guy must be doing something right.

Fair enough, it certainly isn't small (tbf you don't even have to cite his sale numbers here, just check the insane views his yt videos are getting) but I don't believe it's extraordinary enough to warrant
>the most influential thinker of the Western world

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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But he is, that's just the way things are.

But he isn't, that's just the way things are.

He unironically will be remembered more as time goes on. The one guy who was willing to take a stand against radical leftism without going full retard like /pol/

So, 3 million copies.

>Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” has sold more than 10 million units worldwide (a number that includes print, digital and audio formats), including 6.2 million copies in North America — in less than five months.

>Those are astounding numbers that also happen to ensure she’s closing the gap with her husband, whose 1995 memoir “Dreams From My Father” and 2006 campaign book “The Audacity of Hope” have sold 7.5 million collectively in the U.S. and Canada. Not that it’s a competition or anything. (But if it was, Michelle’s victory would be all but assured.)

>people capable of analytical thought ignoring

Sure, sure.

Sorry, fucked up the link trying to make it less cluttered:

>t. retard
You really, honestly believe they would be that obvious?

Pinker, Dawkins and Chomsky are all better and have been around longer
JBP is hot new shit that won't last

Sounds like Michelle Obama is the most influental thinker of the Western world.

lol are you a fucking orphan or something?

>>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world,

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You honestly believe Peterson WOULDN'T be that obvious?

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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Does the author not know the word “contemporary”?

>C-16 was human rights legislation
>It's a violation of my dignity to not call me xim
Wearing bias on your shoulder like that is real helpful when filtering retards, thanks Patricia

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>Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes is a faggot and cringe. you are cringe-posting.

Peterson is a vaguely center-right psychologist mixing generic self-help advice with meandering biblical analogies, with a healthy dose of over-dramatic nonsense about his personal life. That's literally all he is. Idk how he became some polarizing political figure.

what category of legislation would you say it falls under

Internet losers desperately looking for a dad. Petersen and Trump are the top 2 candidates.


Retarded overreach of government into a violation of freedom of speech, but if I take my bias out of it I suppose human rights legislation would be the category even if it's a terrible example
Point taken

holy mother of YIKES this is cringy

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I listened to this guys audiobook out of curiosity. I didn’t find anything controversial about his ideas.

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Thanks for the tip, but I've moved on to Black Pilled now:

Trump is the 'leader of the western world' and t.Lobster is the 'most influential thinker of the Western world'...
The 'Western world' is well and truly fucked, take over China, we blew it

>Juden "Gatekeeper" Peterstein vs. Feminist "Gatekeeper" university loons
>The intellectual battleground of our lifetimes

The world has gotten super dumb.

all 3 kid fuckers

That doesn't make them stupid or not influential

In his defense, he did pull off a daring maneuver in shutting down some further leftist ideology creep in certain places (pronoun use is the major one I can think off right now) and that's impressive in itself. in the current year there are very few people that are capable of doing that while not coming off as a spiteful reactionary. it also comes with a high cost that few dare to risk but it paid off for him

ultimately he's not a convincing figurehead but that's an impossible task for most men and even more impossible for the right. young men will have to latch on to whatever patriarch they can find and peterson is a sort of workable compromise between being some kind of acquiescing male feminist ally or alt-right adjacent

the pronoun wars have been lost, just move on

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It's a death meme and the people that are internalizing it are not having children. It's a metaphysical and biological dead-end. It's an aztec sacrifice of children, an indian death dance, pointless convulsions of a dying people

Kevin MacDonald

What a joke, and it all started with him railing against a bill that would simply give trans people the rights everyone else already enjoys.

Peterson is yesterday's news. The right despises him even more than the left.

all of these fucking faggots that I would kick the shit out of in highschool are now all jordan peterson fuckbois. he's for weakminded faggots who need someone to tell them to clean their room because its the only thing they'll ever do that actually matters, making sure the small area they occupy is clean until they die and it can be used by someone who actually matters.

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>this thread
Why are alt right reactionaries and radical leftists so against self improvement?

You Sound very hard. I would not want to mess with you.

>yfw you need some manlet beta to tell you how to self improve

you do your ancestors proud lel

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You don't "need" anyone. But his ideas aren't bad ones. Same could be said about Jesus.

Nah it's literally taking a stand against the left's boring descent into the epistemological abyss. They're like children so as soon as something exciting isn't happening they will trend towards dissolution. It would be okay if they did it in their own dying nation but it's a high-status meme so it brain-fucks otherwise productive people into being carriers of useless leftist death memes

"Why not just respect the pronouns, maaan? Trans people are just people, maaan"

Because there's a biological reality that you can't change with words. Using a different words wont suddenly make it so that men have smaller pores. Confusing people about biological reality is just an acceleration into confusion about sexual reality and that moves us into the territory of nebbish men and aggressive women and suddenly there are less kids being made. It's another dumb death meme

tldr not reading some brainlets last will and testament before he shoots up another school

Reading pic related unironically helped me no longer want to kill myself after dropping out of pharmacy school.

I really can't understand why people get so buttmad over him. His ideas are really inspiring.

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>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world,


read this pls

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says the useless drop out, your opinions are worthless.

I don't care about the fact that it's happening but I do feel sorry for the people who internalize these death memes. I don't believe in physical violence

They base their opinions off contrapoints and are jealous of others self improvement because they have no incentives of their own. It's just sour grapes.

I listened to this. Just another radical rambling in frustration.

This feels like projection.

the one and only

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>straight jacket

Fucking kek. How can you possibly take something like this seriously?

He's a gamer.

The beautiful thing about Peterson is that he's post-Trump. Which means more young voters for the right.

Oh god. The people who put Sargon and Peterson as the bes philosophers ever are not fucking joking. Embarrassing.

Am I going to be able to become a kickass cyborg ninja with a fully-functional robot penis or are the robots just going to kill us all? I'm getting tired of being human.

there's nothing original about his ideas. he really has nothing to say at all that isn't already a well known maxim or basic platitude on the same level as the top text bottom text spiritual quotes your mom posts on facebook

Wasn’t this all over pronouns or something? Hitler you dumb shit you lost the Eastern front and now we get this shit.

>Shut Him Down
Is he being shut down? How do you explain this then?

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Incel alert.

Nobody except fat dumb americans think that fucking Jordan Peterson is "the most influential thinker of the Western world". Jesus christ your entire country is just trash.

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That's pretty cringe. I like Peterson and his message but this shit is pretty gay

you'll have to work in the cum brain crypto mines where every thought about pusy is turned into dogecoins

lol what

jordan peterson is king of the fucking incels you retard

I can tell you think you're smarter than you really are.

Vox day and owen Benjamin are both insufferable faggots with over inflated egos.

Literally the only people I know who have read his books are married.

Ian Maxtone-Graham

daily reminder that an attack on incels is an implicit defense of the current hegemony and how sexual marketplace value is determined. to be a well-adjusted normal guy you literally have to be able to unthinkingly rattle off at least a couple of leftist shibboleths because that's what the cool people in academia and media do

Ddint read, lmao incel

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Hatsune Miku

and here you are sperging on Yea Forums

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Nick Land

I only come here for the Economic arguments so I can embarrass socialists.

start a family

How the hell is someone as lukewarm as Jordan considered controversial in the first place?

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Radicals. They're commonplace nowadays.

the left is smelling blood and any challenge in the bazaar of the mind is a huge insult to them

Reddit spacing isn't a real thing.
It's something that newfags from reddit believed was unique to their site, and assumed everyone was imitating them. Despite the fact that it's literally older than the site itself.

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Which of Jordan's greatest hits would you say has made people the angriest? I think it might have been the "culturally enforced monogamy" thing.

YA seethe, incelboy?

>be extremist
>need ways to get followers and to build your reputation
>decide to wage war on someone influential in the hopes that you might get some public attention

>What shall I do to strengthen my spirit? Do not tell lies, or do what you despise.

>What shall I do to ennoble my body? Use it only in the service of my soul.

>What shall I do with the most difficult of questions? Consider them the gateway to the path of life.

>What shall I do with the poor man’s plight? Strive through right example to lift his broken heart.

>What shall I do with when the great crowd beckons? Stand tall and utter my broken truths.

this is soooooo deep i don't think i understand but i enjoy reading it anyways :) thanks mr. peterson for reminding me to stand up straight and clean my room :)

>have sex
but most importantly, start a family

not that guy, but where did this one start? The first time I saw it posted was in relation to Sam Hyde, so that's my best guess.

Have children

free helicopter rides

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The "wage gap is a myth", "equality of opportunity is more important than outcome", "the idea of white privilege is collectivist", and "hierarchies are natural and beneficial" are my favorite hits.

Donald Trump, he's inspired an entire generation of young white males to become domestic terrorists.

I wish this retard stopped appropriating Nietzsche in the way he does. If Nietzsche could he would murder him.

ya seethe, kiddo?
i said, ya seethe kiddo?!
ya fume.
ya boil
ya brood
ya grouse
ya salty
ya steam
ya stew
ya just plain mad, son!!!!

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And then he goes into pages upon pages of detail as to why he believes these things, mostly concentrating on psychology (in which he was professor for at Harvard).

I'm serious. White liberal birth rates are declining.

Jewdan Peterstein? No thanks. Jewish shill.

>What shall I do tomorrow? The most possible good in the shortest possible time.

I thought this was a pretty good idea, desu.

hoky shit hes maximally seething

no really. pls tell me :(
I can't find anything on google about Steve "Stone Cold" Austin saying it.

Good. They brought this cancer upon themselves.

>muh edgy mustache man

Nihilism, as interesting as it is, is wrongthink of the highest degree.

stay worked, simp

Either leftist retards that unironically take the opinions of people like Zizek seriously or people jealous because Peterson is making a lot of money by presenting (according to them) "entry-level stuff".

What is nihilism according to Nietzsche and why is it faulty thinking? Any alternatives in your opinion?

What would you consider an "original" idea that's been presented in contemporary society?

>ctfl + F
>3 results


yeah, exactly. why do you need an entire book to elaborate on such basic, basic platitudes.

maps of meaning is worse though because it's supposed to be his magnum opus but it's total gibberish. just a string of ten-dollar words attempting to evoke the kind of profundity that his ideas are completely devoid of. i mean look at this nonsense:

and yet he has the balls to include this letter to his dad in the book:

>I don’t know, Dad, but I think I have discovered something that no one else has any idea about, and I’m not sure I can do it justice. It's scope is so broad that I can see only parts of it clearly at one time, and it is exceedingly difficult to set down comprehensibly in writing…. Anyways, I’m glad you and Mom are doing well. Thank you for doing my income tax returns.

fucking lmao

>>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world


Yeah, i'm sure these little faggots are just drowning in pussy. Peterstein's audience is that of fatherless kekistani "look at this based black man with a maga hat" cringelords

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The thing about this picture that disturbs me the most is how badly Jordan's hair needs a wash


/pol/fags hate him because he like jews

remind me who BTFO who at this event

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>lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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>Or is he a bigoted peddler of regressive ideas that cause harm?

Fun fact: You'll be able to tell the answer the movie gives by what it's score is on Rotten Tomatoes.

That's not the only thing that needs washing

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Why do they have so many capitalist waters

good old free speech peterson.

did you hear he's launching a new anti-censorship social media platform? it's called thinkspot and it's the future of free speech, where no one ever gets banned! except you have to pay a subscription fee to join. also it hides your comments if they get downvoted too much. free speech rules

So much feminine chaos in that room.

>most influential thinker of the Western world
>Jordan Peterson
god help us

>Jordan Peterson is a alt righter nazi

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>hahaha Peterson is a grifter fraud
>*Gives wagie shekels to mentally ill crossdresser*

Nah fuck em both


Did someone say intellectual dark web?

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Canada isn't part of the western world

We can go tit for tat on the cringe follower front, nazi faggot

Respect Israel's Jewish identity

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>Jordan peterson? Ew, chapo trap house all day baby.

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Would be Christopher Hitchens if he was still alive... right now? Fuck. Probably Chomsky but hes gonna go any day now.


Jordan's problem is that he is opinionated but is too afraid to cross the line of a actually having your lifestyle reflect a concrete ideology like The Golden One.

If wealth redistribution results in people becoming less fat, ugly and stupid en masse and we can actually beautify this country, sign me up. I'm skeptical though.

this man's dimensions are off. I think his head is too big

I highly doubt that giving stupid and lazy people free money will result in those things. But I'm not a scientist or black so I'm probably wrong.


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Me on the right holding my dad's hand

pure pottery

i sleep

Juden Peterstein

Yea Forums hates him now that he’s popular. Lefties hate him because he’s not a feminist.

Joe Rogan ft. Yo Jamie pull that video up, the groundbreaking memoir.

>The most influential thinker of the Western world

Satire cannot be effectively made in the current era because reality has lost its grip on reality and therefore cannot be effectively satirized

that's true though

Old is not necessarily bad and new is not necessarily good. But Peterson's blunt dismissive attitude towards the changes in current society is telling of a man who just hates living in a rapidly changing world.

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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I don't follow him closely at all. Does he hate modernity entirely or is it only a few specific things he takes issue with? Because I think it's the latter. My best friends are leftists, one of them being a professor, and I've heard him say more than once that the modern world is shit.

He hates Post Modernism even though he doesn't understand what the fuck that is. He calls Communism PoMo even though it's Modernist as fuck.

Despite Chomsky being in public spotlight for decades, I'd wager Peterson is still more well know today than him.

He's a rather unremarkable self-help grifter in the long run: one in a long line of predecessors who look to target a single existentially floundering demographic and use them as a springboard to front other works and ideas. You had ones that targeted aging boomers who wanted reassurance that "no, its the children who are wrong" when they began to be supplanted by the next generation(s), there were ones to target suburban white housewives who wanted to hear "why yes, you CAN live an interesting and diverse life while cloistered in your pseudo-gated communities", you had ones that sought out Christian fundamentalists to convince them "don't worry, you ARE god's chosen and you are doing righteous work condemning the people this modern Sodom"; the list goes on.

Peterson's only real feat was that he jumped on targeting the alt-right and modern NEET demographic faster than most, which I suppose is admirable insofar as he's at least alert in his opportunism.
Also him claiming the Chinese knew what DNA helix's were because they drew 2 Gods in a helix is stupid.

Thomas Sowell

Peterson is just repackaging liberalism circa 1995 for the normies.

CLEAN YOUR ROOM so you can become a good member of society that works for wages that are less than your counterparts from 30 years ago!

Meanwhile, he runs cover for his political masters that make millions and billions of dollars a year.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't try to become functioning members of society, but we can't be fooled or bribed into becoming one with the system and thinking things are okay in the world.

If his ideas were so threatening to society, why does he still have a functioning Patreon making $100K+ a month?

>Also him claiming the Chinese knew what DNA helix's were because they drew 2 Gods in a helix is stupid.

That's actually very insulting to the people who discovered DNA in the first place.

holy shit I haven't heard of this guy since my edgy MPC days

I browsed that site a tad bit. They seemed fine to me.

get this jew controlled opposition the fuck out of here

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

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the poo crust on your fathers ass

JBP is a hypocrite when it comes to his philosophy , even if his psychology is good
>jack off solzhenitsyn all the time
>solzhenitsyn went on in detail about the culture of lies and secrecy and dishonesty of normies in stalin era russia and how it was a big part of why things were shit
>JBP is a big advocate of honesty, and facing your fears heroically , how people need to defeat the dragon
>solzhenitsyn wrote about the jews and disliked them
>when asked about what solzhenitsyn wrote on the jews, he ran away and hide, and refused to answer it.
>not debating or explaining the point or trying to debunk or whatever, he refused to even attempt an answer
This threw his whole personality philosophy into the trash, he knows what is what, and instead of even trying, he ran and hid from his "dragon of chaos" , preferring comfortable lies then the truth , or what is even just perceived as truth

And people still won't realize he is closely working for the kikes. Literally worked at the UN and with Soros.

Was Jesus a manlet? Real question.

Yeshua was 6' 7". Fuck off, heathen.

Garden Noam.

So a manlet, then.

I'm fucking crying who thinks he is the most influential thinker of anything

He still writes everyday. What he has to say about golf courses is UNBELIEVABLE!

But seriously Steve is great. In a just world he would be making 6 figures as a famous journalist.


Stephan Molyneux finally called out the jew

>source: dude trust me

He did not call out le joos and so /pol/ got mad. Plus that "clean your room" incels get mad if you offer actual advice and help.

My source is The Bible. You've obviously never read it.

the only correct definition of JP
i'm sure he's made a sum of money off the books and merch and pity donations.

See above. The hate is essentially "I was expecting daddy to call out le joos".
Thus is why you never win.

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Can you name a more influential thinker from the past 2 years?

Do they have to have put work out in the last two years? If not, I'd say Curtis Yarvin, Peter Tiel and a bunch of no-name scientists/techies, etc.

Nice try, tranny. Clean your room.


stefan molymeme

Wow excellent comeback you just repeated that!

You're right. I guess the guys I'm thinking of are more productive. Productive. Doesn't really sound or look like "imfluential." Don't know how I could confuse the two. I don't know.

Seems like you just reflexively hate JP. You can't deny that he's one of the
most prominent modern public intellectuals. Influential is an ambiguous word though, like if you mean inside actual academic philosophy I agree he's not influential there.

ITT: People who need to sort themselves out

Most of his psychology and selfhelp stuff is not controversial and its not what most people are talking about when they talk about him. The stuff that makes people go ape shit is his political views.

it says a lot about the alt-right that one of the most prominent conservative idols is a dude who just goes around saying "hey clean your room you fat fuck"

he got famous for refusing prounounce says alot about the current state in general

I understand how he’s influential and shit but I wouldn’t consider him a thinker.
He’s great and all but his content usually is a platform where he gives thinkers soapboxes. The man is a very good listener and he tries to bring on interesting people

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
Oh dear

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I forgot I posted that last post, but I don't know what you're talking about. I was talm bout Curt Yarv and Pete Teel

>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world
Stopped reading right there.

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>Lauded as the most influential thinker of the Western world

Says a lot about the far left when they hold protests and consider him a right wing fascist for telling people to clean their room.

at least ten hundred thousand more people know who daddy dickwash is than know how that corpulent, mysteriously animated corpse is

Yeah I understand why he wouldn't say it, otherwise he would get absolutely discredited and probably have his credentials revoked. I mean fuck, look what happened to James Watson when he suggested black people and white people have genetic differences.

You can infer that he's well aware of the jews if he'd read solzhenitsyn. You can also infer that by his unwillingness to talk about what solzhenitsyn wrote concerning the jews that Peterson is well aware of what will happen to him if he does talk about it. I don't doubt he justifies it by directly going after the marxist ideology that they are trying to bring into western society.

>dude jordan peterson change my life

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Capeshit box office autist user

why did you drop out?
why did you want to kill yourself?

what about jayden

>My Gay Brother Murdered His Lover - Unleashing a Demon on Me!
>My Father was Raised by a Witch and Drank My Blood
>I Won't Be a Single Black Mother!
>I Cannot Find a Nice Nigerian Girl!
>Dad Left Us For A Stripper!
>Why I Brought A Dead Fox to School...
>How Do I Stop Banging Asian Women?
>My Stepbrother Shot Me - How Do I Move On?
The biggest philosophy show on the net!

Why aren't you embodying the archetypal logos, user?

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Oy vey

>we should not arrest people for misgendering trannies
>young men need strong male role models and shouldn't be criticized for being male
This is considered "controversial" and "influential thinking" circa 2019

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JFC, the guy just wants freedom from tyranny, that's it. Laws compelling speech is what he's railing against, laws which would lead us into the same insanity that lead to Mussolini's facism and Stalin's communism. Is history even taught in schools anymore? Surely it's just an ignorant few pushing this debate.

>user conveniently omits Hitler

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