What's your favourite location in star wars? For me, it's Theed

What's your favourite location in star wars? For me, it's Theed.

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Was the name ever mentioned in the prequels? I think they only referred to it as 'the capital'.

Formerly just called the capital.

the swamp lands of rubooya

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Mom Gazza. Unfortunately it’s hard to get a decent picture of it since it only appears in Episode I Racer. But the environment is awesome.

I always liked kamino

It’s so comfy

Get the fuck back to the /lg/ faggot

and then post some more of your nice outdoor shots

you just want to fuck a kaminoan.


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Nar Shadda

The xuuk

It's Mygeeto for me

Attached: Mygeeto_bridge_battle.png (1919x816, 1.43M)

>Naboo governmental system was democratically electing a teenage girl to rule for a couple of years

Desert planet #17

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Felucia is really great.

Attached: BattleOfFelucia-Night.png (1920x816, 2.59M)

For me, its Batuu, home of the cute Rey!

Attached: cute rey kid.webm (640x640, 1.34M)

Naboo and based Coruscant. I would have unironically loved some more senate sequences.

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Best Battlefront 2 map.

its definitley mentioned in the monopoly game

There is no Theed, only Chuck