
King edition

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Would /heem/ watch an mma vtuber?

this is the thread

yeah.... i'm thinking this is the one

here for Colbeast

i get tranny vibes from Colby, anyone else?

Is this the new thread?

Can we go one thread without talking about trannies or homos?


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This is it

old brea d

Yeah I’m a jacked Taiwanese boy whatup

Colby is a gay pitter patter faggot



mods have decided, this is the rightful bread

check out this graph thar says i have a normal dick bro its science bro

Fuck you

There's just something suspicious about this whole Khamzat Toilet Till situation

>they do it for free

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OK but how good is Khamzat's striking really?

based mods

Aljo dies today boys. Today is a good day

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Colbeast is king.

You mean a mma fighter with a vtuber model or a random with a mma inspired vtuber model?

PVZ posted bamhole and pusy. for real this time.

Easy, Colbychads we stay winning

>Uncucked mods?!?!?!?!?!?!

The latter

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Colby will destroy everyone
Burns, getting burned
Cumshot, becomes a virgin
Snoozeman is up by 2 but its best out of 7

I’m sorry have I upset you in some way? I apologize for my intransigence if so.

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>decent card for a fight night, just lacks names
>wmma main event
it's always something

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homo well poisoners are scum, it is why men aren't allowed to be friends in the west anymore

When will we see the first trans vs chud title fight?

Stop being azn

never, the tranny mma fighter is a one way street, and once the UFC inevitably allows them in they will dominate all of the female divisions

Schaub knows who the real champ is

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Fallon Fox would obliterate Strickland and you know what? I’d stand up and start the slow applause when the arena is silence by Strickland being knocked out. Girl power.

First one of the transeses has to have the balls to fight a man.

polo va jizzy alreay happen

can a trans fighter not kill itself long enough to become champ?

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Which is trans and which is chud?

when does Yea Forums get its official fighter

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>a month since colby got bitchslapped
>not a single tweet, interview, or call out

Violins always wins.

he's deeply closeted, that much is known.

make love not war

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Fuck you Khamzat.

you're a lying ass piece of shit

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Where at

Yeah that's a decent card. I'll just turn it off after the co-main.

BRUTAL mogging. Hate to see it b

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Cung Le is Asian and has been a respected champion. Asians have nothing further to prove in combat arts…Bruce Lee ring any bells? Boom.

what a blast from the past

Burns with ANOTHER feint. Oh my gosh I think they have to stop this fight, Chimaev cannot go on any longer. Hes been at the receiving end of some of the most devastating feints I've ever seen in my life. We're going to need a fucking ambulance I think he might actually die, he's wincing and favoring that left side. I think Chimaev has a collapsed lung. Those feints might have fucking killed him

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Its either Colby or Bryce

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Dildo lost the story so hard

What those two have is beyond being friends, you know it, heem knows it, and you get revved when it’s brought up.

change some dung

Shang Tsung heems Ngannou

>he doesn't know where to find it
get a clue b

Final heembedded is up

>0-3 in real life confrontations

Yea Forums has chosen its champion well

Honestly, would be more interested in the former, the latter would be someone like guru but anime.


>he thinks this is a hivemind
go back

Didn’t ask

You almost feel bad for Brenda

>not in prison or has a now nuked carrier
Id say so

Embedded's are fucking stupid but I'm gonna watch it anyway

>final heembedded is up

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>replying to a post replying to when does Yea Forums get its official fighter

read back

amerimutts live alien lives and your concept of "friendship" is garbage - coldly participating with eachother in shallow consumerism and other worthless nothing shit

ever read the Bible? men can have a deep agape for one another that is pure and untainted by the abominable lust of the sodomites

Name which boys you have fighting tomorrow

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ARKFC is live boys

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THEEEEEE fortjian????
THE ameriSHART? ameriMART???

I don’t stop wiping until I see a little blood. This is normal for an adult with people that rely on him right that’s how an ass is wiped?

>men can have a deep agape for one another that is pure and untainted by the abominable lust of the sodomites
And those men are not Khamzat or Till. It’s ok you’ll get the fuck over it someday.

Which ones the drawl that's drawling you to watch that video b?

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1 more sleep

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beached whale
alGOAT will shock the world tomorrow

how did colpee get punked by fucking frat boys?
in the nelk interview, the latino guy was saying marty was his dad and colpee just sat there and took it

holy shit

then a day later he loses a tooth

how can one man lose so many stories

Honestly I don't stop wiping until I have a hands free orgasm


the charge of sodomite activity is severe, do you have any evidence? if there is evidence then I would gladly condemn them

that's how u get hemorrhoids b

you need to consume more fiber. psyllium husk is an easy shortcut but getting it from actual food is probably better

longtorsoGODS rise up

How many Fake Ones have bevome UFC champions?

Obviously Tecia Torres

The only way you lose in a real life scenario is if you get heemed

I dont think he "lost a tooth" I think he has veneers/implants and meng fucked them up. Which is why things are taking so long, he needs multiple long dental surgeries to fix it.

>when does Yea Forums get its official fighter

never. They wouldnt get any sponsors

Scrawny Fujianese larper

Real ones very rarely get the opportunity to fight for a belt

So this combate global thingy is gonna be all wmma?

Until he takes the belt from Usman he is not the top dog in the division. They did rag on him a bit

Just Yan. I like Chimaev but he's not really my boy. KZ is kind of a boy but I have too many FW boys as it is.

his fault for doing an interview with a giga cringe crew like that
>fratbro motif in 2022

I would unironically have torso shortening surgery if it was a thing.
>inb4 why not just limb lengthening surgery
Would still have a long torso and my arms would end up even shorter, i don't mind my height i just hate my proportions.

Will Aljo dab or will his brainstem be so damaged that he seizes up and dies in the middle of the octagon?

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Post your walkout song

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For Colby to work the neck brace and wheelchair angle he needs to lay low until court. Patriots, trust the plan.

>boomeranged and looked like a shook boy
>trolled by marty at airport
>punked by nelk boys
>punched by meng and calls cops

colpee is an embarrassment, he should thank god he found wrestling

death will free him from his cringe existence

Damn, i wasted those trips.

Almost all champs are fake ones

zombie did the soi scream

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I’m sorry mr Dominick Reyes

oh shit true, I didn't even think of that. Colbussy fersure callin the cops over that mogging.

after chadmaev heems Gilbert in 1 round, Leon’s getting skipped in line lmao go win another 11 fights you fucking goof

Talking about your insecurities isn't a waste, it's a key part of heem culture. My penis is only 5 inches long fully erect, is what it is B

What's the big deal? My torso is longer than my legs and I don't even notice it.

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I mean it is the realest death blow possible. Fighting with fists is peasants play, elites murder a man in litigation and that man typically ends up killing himself. It's tawlf when you are forced by the government's guns to ruin your life permanantly.

>"that's your dad, bro"

>"nn-no, h-he ain't mydad..."

Good to see Aljo haders are out of the woods b. Haven't seen as many as there should be


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>Soi Scream
>Yan bros...

What's stopping Khamzat from using his wrestling to keep it on the feet and the taking advantage of his longer reach, his power, and Gilbert's suspect chin to just heem him?

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