Movies where I can talk shit about black people on Yea Forums while looking like this?
Movies where I can talk shit about black people on Yea Forums while looking like this?
movies about trannies pretending they aren't incels with wigs?
That's EXACTLY the tranny phenotype.
Whites cannot be incels, even if they are ugly there will be latinas/asians that crave them solely for being white.
If incels had a common trait it is: Black hair, short height, dark eyes.
These guys only share dark eyes.
are they different people?
fuck you anti white piece of shit
What is it about scrawny white males that makes them always get sad haircuts, no definition in their physical makeup, and the worst frames for their sad little faces
yes. white incel mass murderers all look like this.
if you have a white guy with glasses in your class, stay the fuck away from him.
i suspect you are indian
you need to have sex
Damn, that,'s bad. I use glases because of my glaucoma
we need to do something about white people
As bad as these white boys are I'd rather deal with them than fucking ooga booga porch monkeys
which board meeting was this?
It's just an American following his programming.
The Amerimutt is a wild, anti-white creature that needs to be put down.
libtard propaganda, this is what the shooter looks like.
Which one of those was the democrat, the one on the right?
>Ahmed wants Americans to go away
Fuck niggers
the majority of people on incel communities are white though
Then go put them down, pussy
Based muslims living in kike golem heads rent free
This is a meme. "just be white bro" is a core tenant of inceldom. Most incels are asians, mixed race, and indians.
Who doesn't?
Literally everyone would benefit from the US being wiped out.
No more leftist propaganda and no more refugees from American wars.
Middle east?
No more getting bombed.
It's biggest enemy dead.
It's biggest enemy dead.
I don't understand how come the entire world hasn't allied itself to take down the cancer that the US is.
Whiter than you Muhammad
Because in that scenario the United States would just destroy the entire planet with all their nukes, dumbass
>europistanis talking shit about their superiors again
Why would it?
The best hope to kill the US is to simply let spics turn it into a country-wide favela and let it fall apart.
he's an amerimutt but he looks relatively "normal" and not like the caricatures in OPs shitposting pic.
Shooting glow in the dark anyway. Shooters would target officials not random amerifats.
>Why would it?
Why wouldn't it?
Because of gun lobbyists, politicians will need a distraction so that gun reform doesn't happen.
Enjoy losing your videogames and eventually Yea Forums as a whole because these retarded zoomers decide to take out their loserdome on other people, instead of just killing themselves like they should have.
>56% falling
Why would the US randomly launch all of its nukes when its not under attack?
Good on the zoomers, killing Americans is an act of heroism.
And if it kills Yea Forums even better.
Although if it was up to me, i'd kill every place on the internet that is even close to a safespace, it lets millennials have a place of comfort.
That can't happen.
>Two shooters in one weekend
>One is connected to Antifa, the other is a Republican
>Only the republican connection gets major media coverage, the Antifa connection is just mentioned once on CNN
Really makes you think
there was a third mass shooting in chicongo which got no national media coverage whatsoever
You literally just mentioned a combined effort of other nations attacking the USA, in which their retaliation would be nuking everything. Why are you now bringing up a scenario of them not being attacked? Of course they won't nuke anything then, dumbass.
>talk shit about black people
Not a good idea. I don't think you want to get on their bad side. They do make up over 60% of all mass shooters despite being only 13% of the population after all.
They will come for Yea Forums. It's only a matter of time.
Conventional warfare against a superpower is not possible without destroying the entire planet.
It would just about choking it economically.
>Normies claim appearances don't matter
>Automatically link shooters to incels because they're ugly
Yes, and you can't do that to the USA without worldwide economic collapse
Would be worth it.
Besides, so much peace has already created a generation of autistic fucks who think they change the world for watching superhero movies.
About time they faced some real challenges in life.
>allahu akhbar american pig
>all shoother turn out to be incel goblins
really makes you think....
You've faced real challenges? Pfffthahahaha
>Movies where I can talk shit about black people on Yea Forums while looking like this?
No, I joined the military thinking it would be a nice change of pace and even then I was nothing but a guard with a bigger gun.
Such a situation would finally make the world an interesting place.
>>One is connected to Antifa, the other is a Republican
There's also no proof that the manifesto linked to the latter was actually written by him. His motives and political affiliations are still speculation.
Here's a challenge, try and go a day without obsessing over the usa
Here's one for you, American: go one day without doing acts of terrorism and cultural vandalism against whites.
>we are soo opressed
I'm not America
You first, sweaty
You are doing your best to destroy whites.
It's hard to imagine why anyone in Europe considers the US anything but enemies.
What is it with Americans and random shootings?
You could eliminate all the coloureds and incels like these would still go around shooting people for different reasons.
Its obviously not a white people problem since Europeans dont have daily shootings. Whats the deal with Amerimutts?
Why do they wear the glasses?
Although Europeans don't have access to guns, Switzerland does and, indeed, they haven't had a mass shooting in 30 years.
Americans are just violent creatures, a subspecies separated from humans 300 years ago and thath as devolved into this rabid, violent, subhuman form that only seeks to destroy.
>called the cops
fucking snitch
this is kinda based
>Whites cannot be incels, even if they are ugly there will be latinas/asians that crave them solely for being white.
How's that working out for you Yea Forums?
whats the story behind this
over 1in3 people have shitty eyes and they have lazy parents that didn't give them contacts (or lasic) to help improve their appearance.
>Television & Film
I lost my virginity when I was 13 with a girl from my class, but I still have a bit of a hard time getting laid.
And that first girl I got laid with is still the best sex i've ever had.
>This is considered "white" in the JewSA
so do you mutts (I saw you in the fucking /pol/ pictures you get so upset over) imagine you'll be specially favored in the ethnostate you're always milkracing over? like "house slaves"? because it's not like you'll be full citizens or anything
Look at the guy on the left
He's in overwhelming fear and submission over that absolute unit in the middle
He's afraid because the dude's gravity is pulling him.
Millenials are mentally ill. Growing up not kowing pre internet world have fucked you all up.
Even the ones who had guns like Brievik went aftee people he thought were going to ruin his country.
An amerincel goes on a shooting and kills random people.They should at least target the politicians they like to whine about so much.
Imagine being your own powerful gravitational force. Now I see why Europeans fear the mighty American
Pretty well, never had a latina interested in me (unless ecudor tier niggers count) but I have had many asian, indian and african blacks approach me as well as some south italians. it helps that i'm actually white (blonde, blue and not swarthy) and not an amerimutt. None of them are very good looking (they are girls approaching guys who aren't chads) but I'm not an incel. Vocels are cancer that corrupt the incel movement. Incels literally can't get ANY woman and if they do it doesn't last. Vocels are woman incel tier.
These faggy millenials who larp as commies and nazis online would be crying for mummy if they ever got what theyve been crying for.
/pol/ has that same look going on
"just be white" is not a meme
Not a single white person, impressive
the current system would collapse, but thats happened many times before
this isn't a /pol/ meet up
/pol/ is extremely attractive, though.
if you say so
This but unironcially. Clayton posts on /pol/
>I wear "incel glasses".
Fuck this is annoying. Everybody is going to think I'm a perma-virgin and I can't afford to buy different glasses.
Not to mention that /pol/ has even albinos on their side. You can't get any whiter than this.
I'd fuck that little manlet twink and make him my gf
one person on /pol/ is a twink*
just take them off and act like you are wearing them ironically. You aren't actually a blind fag are you? You don't need them for daily life, they just make reading fast food signs, driving and watching TV clearer.
what glasses should i buy if I don't want "incel" glasses. Those rectangular frames are everywhere.
Americans are well known cowards
uh oh, better forget about this one quick.
it literally isn't, tranny
funny how you fail to mention one of the shooters was a libtard
So what did his leftist views have to do with the shooting? He went to some random club and shot mostly random black people and his sister.
those look like problem glasses. I don't think i'm hipster enough to pull off circular frames.
This is from the /pol/ meetup at Shia's webcam thing.
Some of them literally posted in the threads and the /pol/tards regularly ordered food for them
He's literally my father
stop covering for libtards, libtard
lol did krang t nelson tell you that
it's a speedrunner meetup
Speedrunning is full of trannies who ban people for making Owen Wilson jokes.
No speedrunner would wear a maga hat unless he wanted to be banned as well.
Dumb /pol/eddit
No, most of them are latinos, indians, asians, etc. The ones that are white are the guys from PSL (Puahate, Sluthate, Lookism) those are failed chads with good base (face, height, frame etc) but with some mental limitations and very high standards. There you see guys that mog most actors but complain about not being able to 'slay' 9/10s.
But actual Incel forums are mostly non-white, and whites are either deformed or 5'7