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Mad Men is overrated
That’s rum. Read labels.
I'm on the last 4 episodes and pic related almost has me in tears. Been watching the show for the past 4 years. Damn.
Women peak at 13-14
what a sunny cunny
>watching the show for the past 4 years
that took long enough; what is it about that image though?
get this old hag out of my sight
cute and funny nice n tite tummy
god i need a sexy daughter to fuck
cuncuns aren't for lewd
*wholesome blowjobs
This, let them cuddle into you and fall asleep in your arms while you watch classic disney movies.
absolutely based; petting may also be involved
would you help your daughter with her masturbation?
my daughter doesn't masturbate.
>tfw no tushy daughter
you cant trust little girls these days
Daddy you promised mor milkies !
>uncle user are you a virgem?
They don't ask this. They ask where your kids are (to play with them) and then they think you are lying when you say you don't have kids and then they pretend to be your daughter to make you feel better.