Yea Forums literally cannot refute this.
Yea Forums literally cannot refute this
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This has nothing to do with Yea Forums. Why post it here?
Fat people's opinions do not matter. Why should anyone listen to someone who can't take care of themselves?
>the real workers are a bunch of stupid millennials playing around in front of their computers
How do we solve the m*llennial problem?
The draft for all "people" between the ages of 25 and 40?
>obsolete white males working obsolete jobs
says the white guy who reviews movies for a living
that's a hilariously bourgeois take on the definition of "working class" that completely rules out whoever is saying it from it.
I'm not even surprised it was a youtube shill
t. working class prole subhuman
This entire thing is disgusting coming from a guy who reviews fucking movies.
working at starbucks or being an intern at apple is not working
Funnily enough, those tech industry people are more obsolete than the working class in middle America. It's actually way easier to outsource tech industry jobs to places like India than it is to outsource manufacturing because you don't have to ship the products overseas when it can all be done online. Coincidentally, that's exactly what's happening in the tech industry: their jobs are moving overseas, and the ones that still exist in America today are being phased out (with a lot of Indians being imported in so they can learn the jobs and then bring them back to India and teach them to people who will do them for way less).
Funny how journalists told working class men (white or not) to "learn to code" because they were losing their jobs and when they fired a bunch of those faggots they started to cry.
Trouble is if you called the sort of people he's describing working class they would probably not see them self as that at all.
kys commie
Neither is being homeless lmao
So are you telling me these two aren't "working class"?
Absolute cope
flyover hicks detected
can you hurry up and all overdose on drugs already? there are millions of vibrant, intersectional LGBTQ+ African migrants waiting to settle there.
>law enforcement
>emergency services
>making apps and selling coffees to each other
in all honesty, this is 100% true and 100% based.
>The people who build our houses, do our plumbing and electrical and work the mines etc are "Useless" and obsolete.
If anything its the betas working in offices that are going to be obsolete and made that way quicker then any tradesman.
Why are all leftists overweight and ugly?
I doubt this guy could even fix a broken faucet.
I'm from Norway, fool, it's just laughing at Amerimutts is a hobby of mine.
It's a good thing the biggest enemies of whites are destroying themselves.
> doing manual work
> beta
Pick both, peasant
Let me guess, this obese "man" who talks about movies and Nintendo online counts himself among the "vibrant, vital, REAL working class" that he's describing.
no need to get mad, you can still change your life
Just buy a new one poorshit
I would be very, very afraid of the obsolete white male working class, especially in America where they're heavily armed. Like, I don't get being a public figure and using my platform to shit on young, restless, angry fighting age men who the world already hates and they have nothing left to lose.
using word appropriately is not a commie trait
Fat people disgust me. I bet he was swallowing roast chickens whole, masturbating and sweating profusely while typing this irrelevant bullshit.
Every tradesman I know is earning 6 figures. While millennials with degrees are working shitty retail jobs and no one gives a shit about their degrees.
You're just some limp wristed faggot who wouldn't last a day in real employment.
I honestly don’t even know what he is calling obsolete. Is he suggesting that whole regions be abandoned for people to pack into cities even more?
Is he talking about farming?
>lol, white men suck and should be left to die!
Yeah...great point...
Why are we shocked young white men are killing people, again?
you incels are all talk and no bite
Are you implying Norway is any different? Scandinavian countries are the most left wing in the world. They love third world immigration more than anyone
>how dare he eat that’s not proper communist behaviour comrade
And the US is working hard on ensuring the cancer of leftism spreads.
Third worlders deserve to be wiped out, that includes America.
But latinos work the same type of jobs.....
Shut up MovieBlob
>you incels
I'm not an incel. I'm just not dumb enough to essentially challenge people with access to firearms and nothing in their lives to lose if they decide they want to shoot me.
>incels are all talk and no bite
That's not what the news would have you believe. According to the news, incels are the biggest threat to America.
actually pretty true
>it’s not real employment because I don’t like it
yeah, but they're vibrant and diverse, not boring mayos
>The left is now shitting on the working class and embracing consumerism
How did we get here?
You can eat and live without becoming fat or obese.
So you admit to being manipulated by the media
Why is being fat bad?
The left are fat
What a good gotcha. Yeah, that's exactly what I was going for when I typed those words, they couldn't possibly have any other meaning. Why don't you take your astonishing powers of intuition and go solve the case of why you still live at home, faggot.
literally 'who'
You lack discipline, self-control and the ability to care for yourself.
Wait a minute
It's movieblob, a fat piece of shit who reviews movies (badly)
white people are the biggest threat to the American Life
You can not refute this
Dumb cunt has never worked a day in his life. Only a fat middle class sofa cunt with little powdered baby hands would think that welders, fabricators, window cleaners and the like are obsolete.
it's very unhealthy
it makes you look ugly
it shows you have no self control
it also shows you dont care about others, fat people smell offensively bad
if you're a man you most likely have ED
For the fat person, it's unhealthy. That alone should be enough reason to not be fat: because despite how cool it is to pretend to be sad and depressed these days, you actually do want to live, and not just live, but live a life that isn't hampered by being physically unwell and carrying around a huge anchor of blubber that weighs you down and breaks your spine and hurts your feet and crushes your organs (and if you don't want to live, you can just off yourself in a less tortuous, more expedient way).
For everyone else, it's a burden. You being fat burdens me because it taxes our health care system and I have to deal with your fat ass blocking doorways and breaking chairs and taking up space on airplanes and refusing to use the stairs to go down a single floor when I need to go up ten floors and just fucking everything. And on top of all that everyday nuisance, it's unsightly. I'm tired of seeing fat asses. I'm sick of it. Just fucking lose weight, asshole. It's not fucking hard. Goddamn it.
>I will delete comments suggesting diets or exercise
pretty based desu
That's a lot of buzzwords saying absolutely nothing.
Didn't he write a Mario Bros. textbook?
It’s not unhealthy anymore, fatties live well into their eighties now
>intersectional and diverse working in..........his mom's ass.
I’ve seen the quality of life those fatties have.
I’d rather die than live like that, but fortunately the power of putting down the fork and grasping the concept of cardio means I won’t have to.
Not pleasantly. Living with diabetes or on dialysis or with a pacemaker or whatever else greatly reduces their QOL.
because it's fucking disgusting, I can almost feel their laziness and gluttony trying to spread like a contagion whenever they appear in public. Otherwise because it's unhealthy.
Based and Redpilled
He wrote a book "about" Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The book was actually about his sad life, and in said book, 1) starts an exercise routine and is super hyped about it and then boom immediately gives up, 2) skips his grandmother's funeral to play old video games, 3) laments having to leave his childhood home at the tender age of 30+ years old (I think he was 36 at the time he and his family moved out), and 4) acts like having to put in a window AC unit is some Herculean task when it's literally the easiest shit you'll ever do. It's also clear from that book that he's a virgin and he probably hasn't lost his virginity since, making him a 40+ year old virgin now. He's a wizard lashing out at his fellow incels (and yes, he is an incel by definition of being involuntary celibate, as he has talked in the past about wanting to bang women like Megan Fox).
It's almost like people who LARP as communists are useful idiots for the neoliberal elite.
It's okay, once white males are a minority we will be respected again. We'll all come together like that John Lennon song, and live in peace and harmony with our colored comrades. We'll be happy to work societally [sic] obsolete jobs for the benefit of our new, diverse overlords.
just because it doesnt kill you doesnt mean it's unhealthy
not having legs doesnt kill you, why dont you cut off your legs
oh right, they will cut off your legs anyway because of your diabetes caused by your obesity
That's dying young now. And no, most fatties die earlier. The people who are 80 and fat weren't fat in their youth: they got that way later in life (and that winds up being fatal for them).
Fatties hate themselves, as movieblob clearly demonstrates. Unfortunately rather than opt for self-improvement, they often choose to spew their misery onto everyone else, as movieblob again clearly demonstrates.
So he's Chris Chan but more pathetic. Nice.
The Left and Right have been hijacked by the ultra-wealthy and Corporate interests. Only the richest benefit from Globalism and it's getting shoved down our throats. I bet people who say I'm wrong will blindly bleat how "NOOO THE FREE MARKET IS GOOOOOOD" when it's the over-regulation of it that caused this mess.
Marx was right. History is cyclical and the rich get richer until the poor slaughter the wealthy and distribute the wealth for the whole process to start again.
>it's unhealthy
*not unhealthy
Pretty much.
Chris chan at least has the twin excuses of really shitty parents and autism, and even he eventually grasped the concept of a hooker
I remember some Euro did a selected reading of it, and it was the funniest garbage ever.
This is a sad, sad man. Except, he's so unsympathetic because all his problems stem from him being an unlikable and undisciplined douche. Eceleb gossip is the most boring shit, but reading about this rotund fucker is a fascinating case study of a sad fatass somehow finding the lowest kind of success and following on the internet, despite a lack of intelligence, ingenuity, life discipline, and kindness. He's a unique creature, an ugly reflection of the times.
it kills me bob thinks hes worth something cause he talks about media on the internet
History was full of these losers, you just never learned of them because their pathetic existence wasn't broadcast online for everyone to see it.
What a weak and pathetic creature
Why are the top 5 richest people in America democrats.
Why are all socialists well off and using Apple macs and iphones?
You can probably still find the PDF of it online for free.
Chris Chan comes off as an innocent child who was abused, without a hand of empathy and guidance, thus turning into an unfortunate degenerate. Bob is simply a fat douchebag with no redeeming qualities, other than the sheer enjoyment he brings us in his retardation.
This is now a Fat People Hate thread /fph/ Post them, if you got'em
He looks exactly like the kind of guy whose primary claim to fame is Harry Potter fan-fiction.
fpbp, go to /pol/ OP
> it’s bad because I don’t like it
Okay NPC
Glad I wasn't a pallbearer
Being fat sounds based. NPCs seething
And then for no reason at all people voted Trump into power
>feeling bad and tired and sick and unhappy all the time until you die an early death is based
Well I mean, if you feel that way, go get fat. Or better yet, go get AIDS.
>there are americans who think they are allowed to be socialists
>Marx was right.
>confusing the retard marx with the chad Hegel
fucking die.
I guess she was really hungary
>How did we get here?
the soviet union collapsed and capitalism won
both left and right became two sides of the same capitalist coin
To rile up the working class so they murder celebrities and bluechecks en masse - why else?
so plinkett is rule 63 cosplay...
blob is not a leftist
he's a run of the mill #woke liberal
Ironic that a fat fuck like him claims that the people who supply him with food are obsolete. I'm sure all that anti-white rhetoric isn't going to backfire hard, nope.
Was she there because she thought going to Hungary would make her lose weight?
lol white males have guns because they feel insecure af. 99,99999999% of them will never pull the trigger. too pussy to take care of themselves, too pusy to do anything about it
Imagine the smell
Obesity is peak capitalism and it's fucking hilarious that these wannabe commies don't condemn it, but actually praise it.
Wtf I love eugenics now
Thanks bob
Makes sense
>lol white people dont break the law lmao
thats right curtis, now go murder your neighbor cause he dissed your shoes on twitter
that is literally impossible. you cant eat 22 fucking kilos of food
If that's the plan, this is the perfect place to attack. You'd want to go after the "working" class through their entertainment, their last bastion of freedom from harsh reality. I put working in quotes only because a lot of today's "working" class don't actually work, and those that don't work would be the bigger targets and most receptive to being riled up.
That's what leftism is now. Economic communism is dead and will never come back
I couldn't help myself
Niggers own guns in huge numbers you retard
He found a way
just shoot her and bury her already, god, fuck fat """"""""""""people"""""""""""""
Sad to watch. Just bury her right there.
Well that's a sentiment that contrasts with the other message that guns are dangerous because white men are fragile so we need to take away their guns. I feel like I'm getting conflicting messages (admittedly from different sources, hence why I've not called it hypocrisy).
Can you explain why they're wrong to be so afraid of guns that they want to snatch them from people and take away their rights?
Working class is just a euphemism for poor people and everyone knows it - ever notice how it's only wealthy people that use this term?
>Single payer healthcare for all citizens? Oh I don't know it's complicated.
Wannabe commies you say
So you're saying that more white men need to go out and shoot non-whites? because thats what it sounds like
How did they throw him out? Those employees must be /fit/ as fuck
Did you guys know that one third of americans (and brits and probably similarly in other european countries) are obese. That's not just overweight, dad bod, etc. that is obese, extremely ugly, disgusting and unhealthy.
But uh no just uh educate people more or something I dunno it'll fix itself.
It already is backfiring. Haven't you seen any of the headlines from the past few days? There's a reason mass shooting are on the rise, and it's not because firearms suddenly became easier to obtain in the last few years.
America is a two party system due to the mechanics of our election cycle, and both parties have been completely captured by the elites. The Left has replaced class consciousness with identity politics, as the latter keeps the people on the ground from organizing effective resistance to our corporate overlords. You end up with insanity like the OP claiming that white rural wage-slaves aren't brown enough to be the true wage-slaves.
He is a fat guy who reviews Mario games on Nintendo
He is probably still a virgin
I don't know how true that is because I've heard people refer to themselves as working class (and even "upper working class"). I feel like it's more a term for "poor but not like 'poor-poor,' dude, it's not like we eat out of trash cans."
It's funny because I was looking at that thinking "damn that looks like it's out of a horror game like Silent Hill" then I scroll down and lo and behold I wasn't the only one who thought that.
They probably needed a dozen wagies just to get him away from the buffet. Then they probably started to stand around him with vegetable platters to herd him towards the exit.
what the fuck is he talking about?
working class means proletariat which is exactly a white working class working obsolete jobs
not to mention that most of these obsolete jobs are done by fucking minorities.
this dude is an idiot. god i fucking hate americans.
Kek, I figured they just rolled him out
Depending on context, it can mean "people that work for a living" or "poor people" or "poor people trying to improve their lot" or other similar permutations. That virtually everyone in the upper half of the working class will classify themselves as middle class doesn't help matter.
i think he literally lives in his parent basement
>I don't know how true that is because I've heard people refer to themselves as working class (and even "upper working class")
Yeah and blacks still call themselves niggers but it's okay because they pronounce it with a "ga". I've never heard anyone refer to themselves as "upper working class" if they're a doctor or an engineer - they just refer to themselves by their profession. Seriously, if people started calling it "working caste" maybe there'd actually be that violent revolution everyone is always saying will happen
Is that supposed to be some kind of weird word for fat activist?
>be me in college
>4 years
>go to the store and buy junkfood almost every day (chips, pizza, candy, ice cream, soda)
>almost no exercise
>still only get a potbelly and bigger thighs
To actually become an el abominacion you need to CONSTANTLY eat. It's actually an achievement.
you got a point
The people I've heard who considered themselves "upper working class" lived in mcmansions. I've only heard people call themselves by their class when class comes up. And like alludes to, almost everyone identifies as "middle class" or "working class" unless they're extremely rich or homeless.
Hegel has nothing on giga chads like Hume.
>Television & Film
Bakunin already debunked it 200 years ago.
>We fought giants together
No, you are the giants
They say it's genetics, but I don't buy it.
The closest I ever got to being fat was 180, and the CFO of the company I worked at jibed at my belly size. I got a new job with more walking and running, dropped soda, did a modicum of exercise, and lost about 30 pounds. I wasn't even trying. Caloric intake and dropping refined sugars is about all it takes, if you're only talking weight, and not other health concerns. It's not genetics. You can eat In n Out burgers every day, and it never gain weight. Fat fucks simply pay no attention to 3 things: caloric intake, basic exercise, and minimal food quality.
No, they ate the giants.
it's called having a fast metabolism (it won't last though so enjoy)
Best way to lose fat is extended water fasting .
/pol/ needs to be removed from this website.
Best way to lose weight is to change your lifestyle long term, not do retarded meme diets
His brain is 97% lard
>The lumpy proletariat
No he doesn't, because Hume was an empiricist and Hegel a dialectic
If we're dabbing on methods of reasoning there is no bigger chad than Aristotle, never beaten in 2300 years.
That’s because he is. Turns out a guy who doesn’t grasp the difference between thermodynamics and quantum mechanics is a bit of a brainlet.
eat a shit
So all the other wojackery, incel and cunny posting, marvel hate/love/neutral circlejerkery, all of that's just A OK?
>still only get a potbelly and bigger thighs
you're still a disgusting abomination. People don't need abs, that's absurd but pretty much anything that prevents you from normal athletic ability for your age is a fucking disgrace. You're supposed to be at your peak in your college years.
Only one unhappy here is you, NPC
>muh built in excuse for genocide is supposed to mean anything to people outside my cult!
>(it won't last though so enjoy)
dont pretend you have a clue reddit nigger
why arent you ever crying in the discord tranny threads that are spammed here multiple times a day?
>muh kneejerk rage reaction to anything that is even related to socialism
>supposed to
Not an argument NPC
don't read the rest faggot
leftypol is why
just take the natsoc redpill you nigger all you tankies are white anyway
They dont stay fit unlike bourgouse who do hard labour all the time for example in warehouses and mines
And I’m sure you’re the expert, posting your redpills here on Yea Forums of all places. Tell me more about what it’s like in Norway?
is that resetera?
Yes, it makes me unhappy to think about fatties. Fortunately for me, I don't think about them that much. Unfortunately for fatties, they have to suffer because they're fat 24/7.
Scandinavian countries are in the same capitalist liberal system as the US
Based Houellebecq poster
not colon cancer, just throat cancer...
can this fatfuck just have his LAD rupture already?
Marking territory.
Stay mad shitskin lamo roofle
Also it's a fucking myth that immigration is caused by "leftism". Usually the traitors who open the borders are "right wing" cuckservatives with the goal of driving down wages
That is a very typical middle class attitude. Every middle class cunt I know is always out at rallies for POC (as they call it) and BLT (as I call it). Always the cucked ones also.
Lol no while it is true that those countries are still capitalist systems or better yet social democracies
Social democracy is just capitalism with handouts (not that that's necessarily a bad thing)
the left are the useful idiots of globalist capitalism
You can be a 425 pound woman and still not die a virgin, holy shit.
What? No
What a fucking retard plant
There is other things too but yeah social swcurity is backbone of social democracy. Others are progressive taxation and govermental services and practical equality to all not depending on income
Legit most retarded post in this thread
Get a load of this retard!
Neocons are a modern jewish construct, basically kosher “right wing” aka false right wing. Any other immigration reform was largely due to jewish profiteers and their liberal subverters.
wtf are you smoking?
>not real right-wing
Check out this seething faggot
capitalists like the kochs and antiwhites like antifa both want open borders, more immigrants, destruction of the nation, etc
Nice picture
I wish we could send all these subhumans to the gulag.
Surprised he hasn't call for working class eugenics yet
>the people who want to build a wall to keep immigrants out akshually want open borders
you realize how stupid that sounds, pinko?
Lol faggot
>useful idiots already calling for dekulakization
Some people can't help but cry out for the yoke
I doubt that Bob -peg leg- Chipman knows something about the working class. The guy only leaves his aunt's basement to buy alcohol.
>why are the working class so angry? Don't they know they are racially and economically obsolete?
He’s headed for a lard rupture if that’s any consolation
>kochs and corporate capitalists
>pro wall
pick one retard
>t. antiwhite
You mean like Trump who hasn't and won't build a wall and wants more immigration than ever? Man you sure refuted me there.
This is why the electoral college exists. Two different worlds.
the cuck brothers don't represent the right-wing
the koch bros are anti-trump
manual labourers aren't kulaks, idiot
Neocons = neolibs, you brainlet.
When will the
meme end?
no, I mean the majority of the republican voter base
Yes they do
according to leftists anyone who supports capitalism is a right wing racist nazi bigot. yet leftists support the same immigration and border polices as people like the kochs
You're a literal retard. Hundreds of miles of border wall are being replaced and built and Trump was just cleared by the SCOTUS to take billions in Pentagon funds to contribute to more and he got congress to allow nearly 5 billion for more on top of that. You people are so desperately wrong about everything you'll still be claiming the wall doesn't exist after it's finished.
In a few hundred years after white slavery and genocide there will be a white civil rights movement and will become a protected class again and it will become cool to hate someone else.
JK by then the world will be a cesspool of 15 billion jungle apes and muslims and all dreams and aspirations of the human race will be long dead.
>Julia SH
Holy shit kek
>support capitalism
Yep that how it goes. Your identity politic quarrels inside right does not change this separation faggot
>that whole take
thank god i don't live in muttlandia
>islam bad
okay kike
>Every tradesman I know is earning 6 figures
maybe true in some big cities but even in the industrial sector tradesman don't make 6 figures until you get into a supervisor role.
>it's yet another twitter screencap thread