Wtf? is Prof. X an Omega? His powers are pretty shit for an Omega

wtf? is Prof. X an Omega? His powers are pretty shit for an Omega.

Legion is the most powerful Omega and is literally a demi-god. Shadow King lives in and out of the astral plane and is immortal. Jean Gray is a badass cunt that can do anything with her mind.

Professor X -- derp, I do mindtricks. lol.

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nigga can't even walk LOL

nice "super powers"

Why not? You know that there are beyond Omega level ones, and these you mentioned are just slightly stronger than the rest.

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Omega level telepath user. Just in that category. Don't be a stupid powerlevel faggot

Lmaooo dat nigga dead

lmao omega? more like beta am i right bros lmao

volcel powerlevel amplifier

god i love this

According to Hickman, these are the new and only Omegas.
>mfw Based Chartman is going all out on the Charts
Best Timeline.

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>Omega level telepath

I'm an Omega level at beating-off. What do I win?

NO NO NO NON NO. An Omega has to be able to create reality, evaporate people, turn a gun into a bar of soap. THAT'S Omega. Anything else is just normal mutant.

Professor X can kill everyone if he has a seizure

Take this comic book faggotry to Yea Forums, nerds.

well parrrrrrrrrdon me.

didn't we just have a top grossing motion picture, and now TWO IMDB 9+ television shows about this very topic, one in which NOW features the subject of this very post?

and fuck off.

Retard. There are even stronger entities, Omega doesn't only mean reality warping.

No, people can discuss a character that's in television and films here in Yea Forums. You're not the king of this board. You're not even a janitor. Piss off.

>even stronger entities
in the movies? no, Omega is it, to date.

What other entity in the marvel universe has made it to the screen, other than Legion-level Omega-tier?

>everyone has to have the same powers as that one omega level mutant
They quantify it based on the type of power you have user. I may be wrong but I think Prof x can practically connect/detect all lifeforms in the universe. Imagine that. It also means he can insta kill any one of them. With cerebro a whole bunch, pretty much like thanos snap.

>in the movies
Lol. But actually the evolving guy and Phoenix are both stronger than anyone else.

using cerebro he literally can kill everyone on this planet

also in Logan he wiped out almost all x-men

He can’t. He needs cerebro to reach life on a global scale and Magneto himself is capable of permanently dampening that reach (with cerebro) via magnetism shit.

Canonically according to the writers neither Magneto or Xavier are omega, they’re just so fucking good with their alpha powers they can beat even some omegas by pure skill alone.

Except the ones that are so strong that the can't do jack shit to even with cerebro.

He is Omega; Xavier isn't. Heck, it's been that way since The 12, too.

Apocalypse isn't omega?
Dude's pretty dope

Apocalypse is no longer a mutant.

dude iceman is omega while he literally just freeze shit

What is he called now?


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He can literally freeze everyone that size of a football stadium. Give them aneurysms or rewrite their personalities if he wanted.

His base powers are not that great. He is what he is because of Celestial tampering.
>inb4 Muties are Celestial tampering
Yeah yeah, you get the point.
Eh, that was swept under the rug, same as with all the Rosenberg and AoXM shit. Thank God for that.

Maybe, but at the time of that omega chart, I'm pretty sure Apocalypse's status was human, not mutant, hence why he's not on it. Xavier might have also been dead, hence his absence, but I dunno. The X-Men comics are almost always so bad, it's hard for me to care beyond talking about them with my younger brother (who also doesn't really like them that much). Even as bad as the X-Men movies get, they're never as shit as the comics.

Entropy manipulation is a very powerful ability.

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That Omega Chart came out last week; it's the new status quo, and it's more or less the same as the 90s or so. But really, Apocalypse isn't a strong mutant compared to others, he's just an Aug. Take Tony Stark. During Extremis & Bleeding Edge, the guy was the Internet, could interface with any machinery on Earth, his brain ran faster than Reed's, etc. He was basically Fleshy Ultron. But he wasn't an Omega Mutant or whatever, he was a Transhuman.
X-Books are comfy and can be great, but also have a ton of shit in them, so you kinda have to pick and choose.

I'm pretty sure that Professor X can mind rape pretty much a million people at once but chooses not to.
That's pretty powerful.

Prof easily fended off that life sucking witch that almost killed Rogue by absorbing her life force.

You can count the best X-Men stories on one hand, maybe two if you really stretch it. For a title that started in the 1960s, that pretty pathetic. But honestly, I'd like the comic more if they stopped doing those shitty big events.

Eh, that's more than you can say for other Capes. The real redpill is that they're all just mediocre trash and you just go with what genre you like. X-Men is best when it's a Sci-Fi book. When it's a straight up Soap Opera it loses its charm. Post-2000s it's been straight up trash.

They think big crossovers and team ups sells. You like Z from team X and V from team U so why not put them together.

Problem is they do major landscape changing events every month that the readers are burnt out. Its why DC writes better comics.

>Eh, that's more than you can say for other Capes.
Daredevil. Batman. Spider-Man. Iron Man.

>power levels
>should be rock-paper-scissors

omega level were a mistake to introduce. X-men had strengths and weaknesses in organic ways. Colossus is nearly indestructible and strong, but he's not agile, fast, or that smart. Beast is very smart, agile, but just flesh and non energy attacks. Storm could do all kinds of elemental sorcerer, decent fighter, but is a black woman.

The fun thing about X-Men was that they'd have mutants with "useless" powers. Like they'd have a mutant like Cypher whose power was he could understand any language. But then they'd go, no wait, he's not a useless faggot, actually he's useful, and then they'd powercreep him. They'd say, well, him being able to understand any language makes him a super computer hacker. Also, it means he can read body language so well that you can't lie to him because he'll know. Oh wait, that body language thing, it actually makes him an unstoppable fighter because he can tell what you're going to do before you ever do it and counter it. You have this character who was interesting because of his shortcomings become just another uninteresting Fight Guy.

No, this is fucking dumb and goes back to the power level thing. X-men used to be like D&D. You had different roles. Like a wizard beats a warrior an a warrior beats a ranger and a ranger beats a monk and a monk beats a wizard kind of thing. Claremont kind of got this. Now everyone has to be as strong as possible and it's like DBZ bullshit.

Daredevil and Batman are easier to write since they're technically Noir characters, so you can tell more mature stories. Spider-Man I wouldn't put above the X-Men. Claremont, for all his fetishes, gave us some reall good sci-fi stuff, even if they faltered towards the end. You still have Morisson, Ellis and the Nicieza work. Iron Man is a personal favorite, but he doesn't show up on a lot of lists because his stories were always more grounded and corporate, so the usual Cape crowd avoided them.

If I had Professor Xs Powers id just get sexy lady celebs to have sex with each other and me

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I'd force big black bulls to have sex with white women for my amusement.

Does Prof ever get to actually use his shit to the max in the comics?

He jobs. There is q great video on YouTube.