Cast him for the inevetablle biopic

cast him for the inevetablle biopic

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This guy

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_____________________Idris Elba___________________________

There's still time.

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who's this?


I'm still upset moot kinda looks like an actor that would play him. I miss old moot.

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You can't cast him as himself user, it doesn't work like that

Jesse Eisenberg.

>moot's bane impressions on stream
he was too good for this world

this or Ian idubbz if he ever becomes a real actor

Moot was/is cheeky af and chad in his own way
Jesse is a mega incel with no personality

he's an actor you idiot. He can ACT like a chad given proper direction

Eisenberg is beyond saving, the beta attitude radiates from his inner core
The actual actor who should have played him has sadly left us
Pic related

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you only think that cause he's always given autistic beta roles
and your literal who doesnt look anything like moot

Fassbender doesn’t look anything like Steve Jobs and he have us the GOAT biopic.
You’re just a fucking pleb who doesn’t understand persona/attitude is the key
No one remembers an exact face, even their own family’s. It’s all in the emotion and their personality that you remember people

Hillary Swank

Anton Yelchin. Oh.

Instead it'll be Michael Cera's return to form, ushering in his acting renaissance.

>You’re just a fucking pleb who doesn’t understand persona/attitude is the key
you're just a fucking pleb who doesn't understand that the point of acting is to literally assume a fake attitude/persona for the camera. Personalities for film are written, they don't bring people who are killers IRL to play killers

it would be just overly dramatized drama about him having to do 3 jobs to keep his dream website servers up while fighting against cheese pizza and occasionally getting calls from fbi middle of the night. getting no sleep, thinking about suicide everyday. blablabla.

I fucking hate you coons that think casting = lookalike.
Seriously, go dangle from a rope.

>forgetting the picking up girls from /r9k/ era

I think that has to be included, before everything starts going to shit.

New fags... newfags everywhere

Andrew Garfield

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You missed the point entirely
Show me one movie where Jesse Eisenberg isn’t playing Jesse Eisenberg
He literally has zero range

it's an important factor, the other one being talent, which Jesse Eisenberg may have. We don't know if he is cause he's always playing the same roles, that's up to casting directors to decide. But you're not a casting director, you and that other user are just asshurt cause he's a jew

who is he?

>Show me one movie where Jesse Eisenberg isn’t playing Jesse Eisenberg
that's because directors think "awkward guy" and say "give me that awkward guy from that famous movie". I hate it when you retards blame the actors for playing the same roles. Then you're surprised if said actor gets a different role and is good at it. No shit, he's trained for that, and if you're seeing him on the big screen chances are he's good at it (not always, of course). It's not that hard to understand how showbiz works, people are mostly casted by their looks. Michael Cera will always play awkward dork too, and it's not his fault

>just asshurt cause he's a jew
And who the fuck isn't in Hollywood?
That's not the concern. Eisenberg had plenty of chances to prove himself. Many actors can escape typecasting nowadays with the new rise of independent cinema, just look at Pattinson.

>actors are unable to turn down roles and are bound to a directors desire like a slave

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he was given the chance, and his appearance gives him more diversity of roles. Pattinson wasn't even that locked to typecasting before twilight, the girl who played Bella was and she was just a terrible actor all around
yeah, that's exactly how it works. If Cera turned down all his nerd roles he'd be broke by now


the ironing

He was known as the sparkling vampire for years and ended up working on shitty romances before breaking the typecasting. KStew did the same, she might not be a good actress but she done different movies in order to become something more than twilight girl.
And no, that's not how it works. And you can see it by various other actors.
If you nail a certain famous role and get known only for it, that famous role will most likely give you a financial return and then you could afford to chose your roles more freely.
Tom Hanks, Jim Carey, Matthew McConaughey, Robin Williams, Bruce Willis (in a way), Daniel Radcliff, Elijah Wood.
Eisenberg still didn't break his typecasting because he's either lazy or has zero range.

I miss moot ;~;

We can't go back to The Shire, user.

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mootykins getting google fangirls now user
he's living to his full potential

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hope he gets bullied daily at google but he's in japan probably safe from his sjw coworkers

google engineer are known hazers
probably got bullied when he started by getting his code commented every line

Imagine a movie about his life with Reviewbrah playing moot lol

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After working with google, S/he become one of them pride world