just finished season 2, this is the best show on TV right now. how come i've never seen Yea Forums talking about it?
Just finished season 2, this is the best show on TV right now. how come i've never seen Yea Forums talking about it?
its not superhero related so none of us watched it
nah, legion is, and it's still on, for now
Were all talking about The Boys on Amazon Prime
are the avengers in it?
because this show fucking sucks and no one watches it
Is it part of the MCU?
just watch it dummy. trust me, i got the best taste on this shit board. it's the best black comedy you're gonna see
i like the boys a lot, this show is honestly better though
Should I watch this?
Is this the Obama documentary?
It’s pretty good. Surprisingly good balance of serious tones and humor.
Plus it’s only half an hour an episode so it’s not much of a time investment.
i saw the first episode. it was fine
"Best show on tv" yeah that's what you guys said about this crap too
there are people who actually believe her lies about being abuse even though it's obvious.
yes. it's two seasons, 8 episodes per season, 30 minutes. i marathoned it in a couple days
it's so fucking funny at times, and then goes so dark. reminds me of the death of stalin in that way
never saw that show but it always looked like horseshit to me. barry's a really good show
I lost interest a couple eps into s2
The drama/comedy thing only works when it isn't drawn out I think, maybe I'm just a brainlet but I can't simultaneously care about a character and not want them to die whilst also enjoying them as farcical and silly and unrealistic.
Feasibly in a different straight comedy show some of the main characters in Barry could for real die one episode and be back the next and you wouldn't bat an eyelid because who cares it's just a comedy anyway, so tense moments fall apart because in my head it's not 'real' like how it would be real in a straight drama. He might shoot that guy or he might not but it doesn't really matter, you know?
Everyone in that class were morons though
I don't see it that way because of how seemlessly the show oscillates between ridiculous comedy and seriousness. When the show gets serious you almost forget that it is a comedy, it feels like that's the show you've been watching all along.
The show is mediocre and that wolverine child/tae kwon do guy episode was fucking retarded. Jesus, were they high when they came up with that idea?
Have sex.
this, I watched the first season and regret all the time i wasted on it, I don't get the appeal. The serious tones are forced as fuck, and the humor is cliched FOX tier. No substance, and the worst part is it tries to force some message/serious tones when it's really a show about nothing.
>when it's really a show about nothing.
t. brainlet
Worst character
I also didn’t think that episode was funny
the daughter was kinda cringey but the long drawn-out fight was great. that episode also shows what an evil piece of shit fuches really
Taylor was best character
Take your own advice.
Yea Forums doesn't talk about shit unless it's got naked chicks or superheroes.
I want to but I can't.
I'm a woman and I haven't hated a female character as much as I hate Sally. She's self centered, delusional, uses people, emotionally abusive and physically abusive and I can't stand looking at her Jewish nose.
Also, really oddly turned on by Barry every time he holds a gun.
Truly loved S1 but S2 dipped IMO...didn't appreciate the huge cliffhangers just move shit along
Underrated. Thanks for the kek
It finished a while ago, there have been a lot of threads, usually with someone saying "it's so great, why is no one talking about it." I love it too though, so no harm done
Its good, however
>there will never be a black comedy that touches Eastbound and Down
I can rewatch that endlessly its thats good
>I'm a woman
please please please be in London
This. Show totally jumped the shark for me with that episode. It was losing appeal for me by then anyhow
Yeah, it was funny in places but also really odd compared to the ending of the previous one. Was a bit miffed but then the finale was kino again
Based. I fucking hate Sally.
Yeah I really enjoyed season 1 a lot more but season 2 had enough kino moments to keep me interested when 3 comes around. I will say though that Barry has made me laugh more than most things I've watched lately so I have a lot of respect for it
I think Henry Winkler is the funniest part of the show by far but I don't know how funny he's gonna be going forward now that he knows what really happened. I wish he and Barry could have kept that dynamic going for the whole show.
Completely agree, he steals just about every scene
Character ratings for Barry: Fonz>Noho Hank>Barry>Fuchs>Albanians>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sally.
Midway through Season 2 I was skipping through almost every scene with her, it was the same shit ad nauseam.
Chechnians fuck.
>name of show is just the main character's first name
Dropped before I even picked it up
Can't stand Fuches, he's such a greasy piece of shit.
Yeah well it's a character study.
Yeah, it's fucking great. Henry Winkler is underrated.
This isn't Henry Winkler by the way.
I was wondering what chicks would think of Barry. The actor seems pretty ugly but he's tall and obviously a bad ass and has that tortured soul thing going on.
According to youtube comments, chicks love him.
>This week, The New Yorker published a lengthy profile of Barry star and broad-shouldered man Bill Hader. As the Cut has previously established, Hader is Totally Kind of Hot. He seems to have a high level of emotional intelligence, he looks like the hottest guy at your office, and even his impressions really Do It for us. Before I go on, I’ll give you some time to enjoy the New Yorker profile for yourself. It should only take you about two years.
I'm on episode 5 now and nothing interesting has happened.
Atlanta shares the same main director. It's very similar in style and tone. Better imo.
Documentary Now! (if you've seen any of the films it parodys) is other current Hader Kino, and pretty damn hilarious
High Maintenance & Succession are the other top tier HBO comedies at the moment.
You watching any of this stuff OP? Barry doesn't exist in a vacuum. Although yeah, I like it a lot too. & There have been quite a few threads.
>Taylor was the best charecter
If they cut out all the retarded acting class stuff, I'd be happy to watch it.