Went from 3k to 30k to zero because crypto exchange owner died in india

>went from 3k to 30k to zero because crypto exchange owner died in india
movies for this feel?

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Tropic Thunder

you never had 30k

Kek 100% he didnt die your money is paying some pajeet for his thai hooker addiction unironically kys


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>crypto-losers face the reality of having to get a real job like a real person
Lmfao kill yourself bud. Your lottery ticket burned to ash. How does it feel?

Quadriga? Or is this another smash-n-grab exchange owner who mysteriously died in Asia? Leafs, not even once

Is schadenfreude how wagies cope with their miserable existence?

Shouldn't you be in bed for your day of slavery tomorrow?

While you buttcoin virgins were jerking off to tranny porn and convincing yourselves that you had booked your ticket to retirement people like me were making inroads in their careers and advancing themselves towards their ultimate career goals.

Enjoy the bottom floor, fucko. It's a long way to the top.


Never trust a pooloo


>no links or proof
I don't want to have to go to /biz/ to figure out what the fuck you're going on about.



>currently 40K in the bank from doing ez but honest work
Any other comfy wagies here?

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>tfw comfy low-stress 50k/yr job with good benefits
It's a good feel, call me a wagecuck IDC.

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Did you really ever have anything?

right here fren
honest work honest living

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It ain't much but its honest work

Quadriga? Why would you keep tens of thousands on that garbage site?

Same here user, steadily approaching 50k. I just invested some of my funds into a few CDs too, to try to earn a little interest on the bucks I've accumulated so far.

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