Does this show on a meta-level expose the Faustian nature of European people?

agree or disagree?

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Do you even know what faustian means

He is talking about Homelander making super villains just so he could fight worldwide without considering the future cost.

is it your faustian spirit that makes you shill and spam this show as much as no show has ever been shilled for or spammed

That’s more Keynesian than Faustian

>Definition of Faustian

>: of, relating to, resembling, or suggesting Faust especially : made or done for present gain without regard for future cost or consequences

>faustian civilization
It is from Oswald Spengler's decline of the west.

>At its core, this new Faustian age and civilization believes in the self and the self's right and ability to control the conditions of its own existence. It exalts reason, but it is practical or "instrumental" reason, which is seen as a tool that humanity can use to manipulate the world.

Faustian society includes at least four elements that define the individual's changing relationship to the world of limitation:

* It uses science and technology to overcome the limits of the physical world.

* It brings together high technology and art to create simulations that can be used as substitutes for what can't be extracted from the physical world. The most important of these simulations are imitation realities, which provide people with experiences not available in the rest of life.

* It adheres to an aesthetic philosophy, which sees the acting out of fantasies that express our fears and desires, as a form of art, entertainment and liberation.

* It views matter, life, culture and mind as deceptive appearances, which makes them simulations or something similar to simulations.


Spengler was a gentile!

Spengler's mother's mother was a Jew.

LITERALLY describes:
>Yea Forums
>A.I. and algorithms that stifle rather than benefit users

Our entire current world in this information age is being crushed by Faustian machinations, thanks to all the "brave new world" retarded hipsters and inhumane techies just building their fucking shit without any insight or forethought into the bad they could inadvertently bring about with their "utopian" visions. Also and in the case of Yea Forums: don't act like "gain" is always entirely monetary. moot wanted to be a big boy with a big boy image board and thus created the biggest fucking toxic dump on the internet.

That doesn't make him Jewish.

According to Judaism it does.

No, not if his mother abandoned Judaism, or if she never adopted it.

Cope, goyim.

No, Jews see Judaism as not just a religion but a race. Gentiles think it is just a religion.

Do literally all Jews see it that way? Of course not, so stop with your nonsense. And perhaps you are not a defining a Jew correctly. Where in the Torah (which is the chief document of nearly all forms of Judaism) is it stated that a non-believer can continue being a Jew?

They are the chosen people of God, emphasis on people as in race. It isn't a matter of faith but blood.

Complete nonsense. Here is YHWH addressing his chosen people:
Leviticus 26:33
And if you do not listen to Me, and do not keep all these commandments… I will scatter you among the nations, and send the sword after you, and your land will be desolate, and your cities destroyed.

Also see the numerous causes for a Jew to be "cut off" from his people (a.k.a exiled, prohibited from standard worship in the Temple and disinherited) mentioned in the Torah.

That's exactly what happened to the Jewish people and they still remained the Jewish people.

Correction: they continued to CALL themselves God's chosen people, though to say that because of this happening to them they ceased following the guidelines and rules of their religion as stated in the Torah, would be utterly false.

you know Faust is the name of the doctor, not the demon?

That's the theme of the old testament. The Jews constantly breaking faith and their covenants with God to later be smote by Him. They continued to be his people though.

It's amazing these shill threads are the only ones to use thread subjects

They continued believing themselves to be, sure, but that's where the Christian tradition comes in and states that they've betrayed God for the last time by killing Jesus and were no longer his chosen people. Anyway, we are getting off track. Do you have any evidence that proves that Moses/the words apparently given to him by YHWH in the Torah use a Darwinian conception of race when speaking of the chosen people?

less antisemitism, more sociology of a culture that produces a show like The Boys.

>* It brings together high technology and art to create simulations that can be used as substitutes for what can't be extracted from the physical world. The most important of these simulations are imitation realities, which provide people with experiences not available in the rest of life.

Why do gamers like Spengler so much?

Boiling history down into pendulums is something only a moron would employ. Literally the entire field of human history does not serve generalisations.


go back to /his/ and dilate!