Any kinos about returning to the good old days?

Any kinos about returning to the good old days?

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That's cool as hell. Why do dumbass pussies always apologize as if that ever appeases hysterical crybabies cunts

Well what else were they supposed to do. Sling him over the saddle?

This. How else is a mounted unit supposed to make an arrest? Would you prefer if he just tied his legs and dragged him behind the horse?

Kill your self racist.

They cant just leave the horses somewhere, and that guy definitely cant hop on the back

What's the point in using horses outside ceimonies?
A moto would have made more sense. It's probably even cheaper and easier to maintain.
Other than that, based cops.

I still dont get people posting this unironically or not

Can be useful for crowd control, but it doesn't look very crowded on the op pic

there was never good old days

What else were they supposed to do lmao

Looks like a fan of rdr2

On a horse you can basically see an entire street above all the cars, and you avoid any traffic



how much do you think that fine specimen would fetch for?

Call a police car to take him, you dumbdumbs.

Don't you think they would've done that if they could you actual retard

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Considering we're talking about a white Texan police officer's conduct towards a black arrestee...

Yes, I'd put good money on them being able to.

We were busy.

There was no car available. He was criminally trespassing and had to be arrested. What else would they have done? Handcuff him and have him sit out in the Texas heat for hours until a car is available?

String him up from the nearest tree would be ideal.

>There was no car available.

How long did they lead him by horse? Maybe it was just a little bit to wait for a car. No I didn't read the article.

Before 2007 is the good old days

They were literally walking him down one street.

Heard it on local news.

OP posted both

>local news
yeah I’m sure those guys aren’t racist...



>Be on a motorcycle
>Suspect runs off the street into an alley
>Try to jump the curb
>Oops the curb was an inch too high for your bike
>Get launched off and crack your skull open

The nice part about a horse is that it thinks for itself. You don't need to carefully control it around every obstacle yourself, the horse knows how to get around or over things. Obviously they are a niche but when it comes to chasing people on foot through confined sidestreets accept no substitutes.

Probably close enough to the station they can just walk him there

Based America

Whole thing is retarded
Being arrested is supposed to be humiliating.
In what way is being handcuffed dignified but being lead along by a rope not?
You're being bound so they can take you away, there is nothing respectable about this situation.

Did they ever reveal what the guy did to be arrested?

In the entire county there was no fucking police car that they could wait 10 minutes for it to fucking show up? There must be a lot of geniuses on that fucking police force they have there.

>FUCK LAWS N SHEIT all that matters is optics
*honk honk*

Cars werent available

My grandparents told me America would get back to this. They said President Obama was gonna freak people out and I would grow up under the same kind of racism they did.

They were right. Unreal. We all thought they were exaggerating.

what are mounted police supposed to do if they have to arrest somebody?

>muh evil racist neonazi white officers victimizing innocent law abiding black businessmen unprovoked

If the one getting arrested is dark they better le their horses and walk


This is the result of "normal" white and middle class citizens being too complacent and comfortable with the system and ignoring the cries of the POC community for too long.

Yeah, should have started beating the shit out of them the moment they started crying.

yeah cops love exposing themselves to hysterical criticism and accused of "racism"


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Holy shit, that's horrible optics. They might as well have been whooping and hollering and firing their guns in the air while leading him down the street tied to rope on horseback

I hope these ropes are put to more uses in the future :^)

He was in trouble for trespassing.
Their social media was filled with crazed liberals saying the crime was nothing and he should be free.
Itll be a dark day in america when niggers trespass freely over racism and theres no texas lawmen to rope them.

They have every opportunity presented them. Nothing is stopping any of them from going to school and working hard to become successful. Dr. Carson is an example of this, but a majority would rather keep that crab mentality and call their betters "uncle toms" or "house niggers" all the while blaming their personal stagnation on evil whitey.

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Has this been done before or are you just freaking out because it's a recent headline and you're an easily goaded faggot?