what if the pill worked but also made you incredibly racist, would you take it?
What if the pill worked but also made you incredibly racist, would you take it?
I already am, so yeah.
It would naturally do that anyway. Being smart will do that to you .
>already prescribed a heavy dose of amphetamines to function normally
>already racist
why would i need this?
Why is Yea Forums full of racists?
Racism is natural
>implying I'm not already racist
Nice edgy post, next you'll say rape is natural
having very few or no actual skills or experience leads people to latch onto anything that makes them feel superior, like race or height
And what's the catch?
Racism is correct, natural, and common. It's the kike media that has brainwashed you into thinking it's some evil thing only white people do.
it's simple
>most people are racist but keep it hidden
>Yea Forums is anonymous and speech is unrestricted
>people can be open about it here
is Yea Forums exceptionally racist? Maybe. Probably not.
I already am, so yeah
I wonder why.
How is knowing facts about FBI statistics racist?
How does knowing those facts make you racist?
imagine still believing federal statistics are factual
Yes it's even worse than than they indicate because they often count spics as "white", and lots of crimes go unreported by poor people and illegal spics.
Whites never would have allowed this invasion and replacement if real crime rates were broadcast on the nightly news. It would make heads spin how bad it is.
nice faggot post. next youll trannies are natural
Imagine not believing facts because it doesn't fit your creepy, black-obsessed worldview
getting really smart just makes you racist. unavoidable side effect.
But it is
imagine thinking i have some infatuation with a specific race because i don't grin and bear the shit the government serves on a regular basis
How so?
It's not, you're experiencing confirmation bias. Since you are yourself a racist, you only notice other racist posts.
I actually have a funny idea for a Rick and Morty episode. They go to some dimension and everything is really really nice and pleasant and they are just like wallowing in the utopia like pleasantness, and morty starts to wonder whats going on and pretty soon it dawns on him that black people dont exist in that dimension. and then the rest of the episode is just them trying to rationalize and cope with it.
uhhhh just ask Chris Langan, the world's smartest man, on the death of Koko the gorilla
"According to the 30 point rule of psychometrics (as proposed by pioneering psychometrician Leta Hollingworth) Koko's pioneering thought would have been all but incomprehensible to nearly half of the population of Somalia (IQ 68). Yet the nations of Europe and North America are being flooded with millions of Somali refugees who are not (initially) kept in cages despite what appears to be the world's highest rate of violent crime.
Obviously, this raises the question: Why is western civilization not admitting gorillas? They, too, are from Africa and probably have a group mean IQ at least equal to that of Somalia. In addition, they have [sic] peaceful and environmentally friendly creatures, commit far less violent crime than Somalis, and with minor modifications to Western education systems, can easily be taught language.
Why are these gentle creatures, who have been threatened with genocide for decades, not being taken in by Western nations as refugees despite the indisputable fact that they are teetering on the edge of extinction in their homelands?
Can this be considered humane or compassionate? What in the world is going on here?
(Some of you might be wondering if this is a joke. The truth is I am not quite sure...)."
you dont need to be a genius to realize black people commit more crime than any other race in america you nigger obsessed freak. i dont think anyone is happy with the state of our government in current year but youre just being stupid
you can't have one without the other
Wow, no side effects at all, incredible!
But it is
>the DoJ fabricated statistics about blacks under President Obama who also had a black attorney general
Taking 2 just to be sure
if you took the pill and became unable to deny reality, you'd inevitably become a "racist", indeed
cringe and denialpiled
>and then a spaceship lands
dont even try, theres no getting through to him; he already chose the conspiracy argument its obvious hes a retard
I don't take pills because I'm not a dumb druggie.
It's just bait user, nobody here is actually stupid enough to believe anything that the media spits about correctthink
Probably the most natural act in the animal kingdom
I am only racist on Yea Forums
This, the more you know the clearer it gets
>It works better if you’re already racist
Wtf Raimi
I am not racist let me proof how I am not rac-
Failed individuals trying to subsume themselves in a group identity.
It's not much more full of racists than the average sample size of people I think. I think it's just that the actual racists are more honest about it, and of course there are some people who say racist shit either because they think it's funny or to vent at random shit or something equally silly.
because the phrase "OR NIGGERS AS I LIKE TO CALL THEM" is very funny
Why is he the worlds smartest man? By what metric?
being racist on the internet is funny you dumb faggot
Thats paradoxical.
Refute this one libs
What is there to refute?
I’m going to give you the legit answer on the off chance you are CNN or Fox or some other major news network stupidly trolling Yea Forums for leads...again...because of recent domestic terrorism acts somewhat affiliated with this site.
Yea Forums is an anonymous imageboard where people can say anything or post anything with anonymity. That coupled with shitty moderation (janitors work for free if you can believe that you can quote me here) leads to essentially a wasteland of people spewing toxic garbage every chance they can get. Why is it funny? You can’t do it anywhere else without being penalized or ostracized. Mostly because you aren’t anonymous on other imageboards. For me, I’m not entirely convinced Yea Forums users are racist. I think they just spew racial slurs and other obscenities because it’s funny in the context of “we are getting away with in in the only place on the internet we can”. It’s most hilarious when the antics in this containment website leak into the real world.
I beg you not to share this top secret info on any major news network. It could be the death of this website! Please understand and don’t forget to emphasize there are people that moderate Yea Forums for no payment whatsoever. Think about how pathetic that is when you are deciding whether or not to get the site shut down. This is the only thing these poor souls have in their pathetic lives!
we are the most honest people on the internet
murder/rape stats are hard to change
>That coupled with shitty moderation
I'm just surprised this thread is still up honestly. Then again, every single time I come here, to Yea Forums I mean, I'm just surprised at how shitty this board is in general.
Like, maybe you'd think that with hundreds of thousands of hours of content to watch and discuss that's related to the topic of the board, you'd get shit that's actually related. You'd be wrong though, you get threads like this that are tangentially related at best. Like, Ok, sure this is a question about a concept in a movie and what people think about it, but does it really need fifty responses to get all the little nuisance out of it?
Of course not, it's simple as hell.
Here, the legit answer is that a pill that makes you hyper intelligent is by it's very nature going to improve your decision making and problem solving skills. If we posit that this pill also as a side effect makes you racist, then in this hypothetical situation we either must accept that either racism is correct or that it is some sort of side effect of the pill that is unrelated. In the latter case, this might sound shitty, however it is also very likley true that if you were to become significantly smarter by consuming this pill then you would be able to better intuit whether or not your new racist predictions are reasonable, rational, and whether or not acting on them is a good course of action.
Therefore the level headed answer is to say that any individual should take the pill regardless of any racism it might spawn in their mind, because with more intelligence they will be better able to determine the best course of action for both themselves and their society at large. Regardless of whether that course of action is to act towards or against their new tendencies then it will be what it will be.
Now, can we either have a reasonable conversation about this and have a /thread and let this die?