>adam and eve are dindus
What the FUCK did they mean by this
>adam and eve are dindus
What the FUCK did they mean by this
Other urls found in this thread:
well they werent white
>angels and therefore God are white
Yea, that seems about right. We are quite divine compared to other races.
that this show is literally for fucking retards
out of africa bro :^) god i love SCIENCE
According to the Bible, "black people" are the descendants of Cain (the guy who committed the first murder ever). So yea, blacks and murder have very old roots in the Bible.
They're the first man and woman. Mix all the colors and you get black.
Angels should be Asian because heaven is an authoritarian regime, and God demands unquestioning loyalty from his heavenly soldiers.
Asians don't have souls, so it seems unlikely that the Divine has anything to do with them.
>Asians don't have souls
neither do Angels.
Angels don't have souls either, that was unique to humans among God's creation.
basically this
out of africa got debunked, sorry
lmao deepest lore. How will christcucks ever recover.
>out of africa
Has been disproved. Also wouldn't that mean white people were more evolved than black people? Did evolution do this"
ape---->Aboriginal----->black----->Native American/Mexican/Middle East/Indian----->white
I guess that makes sense.
>white people were more evolved than black people
Exactly. Liberals and all other races BTFO
They're the first, not the last.
>According to the Bible, "black people" are the descendants of Cain
Sauce me up, nigger
>out of africa got debunked, sorry
>>out of africa
>Has been disproved.
>Also wouldn't that mean white people were more evolved than black people?
God, you people are scientifically illiterate. No, no evolutionary scientist would say that any human is "more evolved" than another.
>no evolutionary scientist would say that any human is "more evolved" than another
Why not? Because they have an agenda?
>Adam and Eve were black
Bullshit. You ever try taking a rib from a nigger?
Wrong. Read the bible before your make statements out of your ass:
Genesis 4:16:
And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
Land of the Nod or North... Cain was probably the Race we call Neanderthal today. They build the first city ever, according to hebrew sources. He probably was white as fuck.
>no evolutionary scientist would say that any human is "more evolved" than another
Of course not, they would lose their jobs. Except the guy who discovered DNA. He claimed just that, and got "cancelled". Can you imagine being such a revolutionary scientific mind, claiming something based on science that becomes deemed as "racist" and then being ostracized. Literally clown world.
>pic related
>Sauce me up, nigger
Not him, but the user with the Neanderthal statement. That user is bullshitting.
Because that's not how evolution works you brainlet
Quality amerishit humour
Evolution doesn’t work
>that's not how evolution works
According to you, the founders of the theory of evolution would disagree with you though. You have a very liberalized understanding of evolution.
No, moron, because evolution doesn't work like that. It's not even possible to measure something like that - by what metric would something be "more evolved" than something else? You seem to believe that there is a goal of evolution other than survival, and there isn't. Being stronger than rabbits doesn't make wolves more evolved than them. Being able to fly doesn't make birds more evolved than lizards. Being intelligent doesn't make humans more evolved than bears. Evolution has no such goals
> evolution is racist
>Bullshit. You ever try taking a rib from a nigger?
Just gotta pay $5.99
God damn, there's no point trying to teach you people anything. Edgy, ignorant /pol/acks, all of yous
>by what metric would something be "more evolved" than something else
IQ would be the metric. Guess who scores highest on that lmao
Smart people can say stupid shit, too. IQ tests are unscientific.
the plural for you is ye
>has no rebuttal
>cannot admit they were wrong
So predictable. If you were actually scientific minded you would update your beliefs when new facts are presented to you. The founding father of DNA admits races are genetically different, why can't you?
>IQ tests are unscientific.
How convenient for your agenda.
thats kinda cringe brah
>IQ tests be raycis’
>IQ would be the metric
Why is that?
I wrote a rebuttal in , you illiterate fuck
Most recent and thorough studies of the heritability of intelligence is 80%+ you retard.
More evolved by human standards you fucking moron. By the standards of all the things we value. FUCK race deniers are so fucking stupid
>Being intelligent doesn't make humans more evolved than bears
Peak libtardation
Because the smartest creatures are always the most apex predators and get the most pussy and land.
>I wrote a rebuttal in
Yes, and the new evidence was introduced that proved you wrong and you decided not to offer a rebuttal. That's how a debate functions, and you seceded victory to the "racists" by not having anything to say that would challenge their points.
race is a social construct
>How convenient for your agenda.
Most IQ tests are too reliant on measuring reaction times. Being tired from a lack of sleep, or from sickness/hunger can tank your score.
Being a monkey can tank your score too.
>race is a social construct
Except not really though. I know that is your liberal NPC talking point/sound bite, but you should try critical thought sometime, you might discover you like it.
Im pretty sure they were close to canaanites. So probably a phenotype somewhere like berbers or semites. Much closer to white than nigflesh.
>out of africa
>Has been disproved
No, it hasn't you fucking retarded /x/nigger.
1. So is just about everything social construct doesnt actually mean its not real.
2. Sub species are a scientifically grounded social construct
2a. Europeans had 150k years of divergent evolution, more than enough generations for speciation (which we have seen happen in as little as 200 generations, 150k years is MUCH more than that)
2b. Fixation Index (Fst) distances put human populations well past the requirement we put on any other species for the designation of a new sub species
3. Medical field is increasingly using race because it saves lives
4. Literally the vast majority of worldwide scientists in relevant fields (so not anthropology retard) agree race exists.
He's saying niggers are unintelligent by genes, which is true. That is not to say they are less evolved.
human biodiversity is a thing but our modern understanding of race as we know it is indeed a social construct
>If you were actually scientific minded you would update your beliefs when new facts are presented to you.
The absolute irony. Is climate change a hoax?
>More evolved by human standards you fucking moron. By the standards of all the things we value. FUCK race deniers are so fucking stupid
You absolute fuckface. You ignorant fucking moron. Who the fuck said anything about what you value? We are talking about evolution, it has nothing to do with what we like or dislike. The question was, you ignorant fuck, whether one species, or one race, can be said to be more evolved than another. Evolutionary biologists are in agreement that such a claim is moronic - not because of any liberal agenda, but because the very concept is ridiculous. A high schooler could tell you that, but clearly, you /pol/acks are not as high IQ as you like to think.
>Because the smartest creatures are always the most apex predators and get the most pussy and land.
I'm sure Newton, along with most intelligent nerdy boys, would disagree
>Yes, and the new evidence was introduced that proved you wrong
I see no evidence provided by anyone in this thread. Even my own points have been without evidence, because what I am talking about is the very basics of what evolution is about. It is not about what species is the most intelligent, and it doesn't care about intelligence. There is no metric by which one animal can be called "more evolved" than another. This is high school level
>genetic heart disease is a social construct
>genetic cancer is a social construct
>dog breeds are a social construct
Don't try to use scientifically backed facts and logic on a "muh feeling are more important than facts" Liberal. You'll just waste your breath.
Not him but it literally has and for a long time. For one we know different human subspecies have genes from different proto-humans like neanderthals and denisovans. Furthermore the oldest current shared ancestor was found around bulgaria and greece, not africa.
The boy Antichrist is insanely handsome.
>IQ literally shoots up if the subject has better access to quality food, education and basic amenities
Do you know why a tribesman in the Serengeti does worse than a teenager from a suburb in NY? Do you honestly believe it's all muh genes and basically magic DNA?
Yeah. And we ascribe value to evolution. You shouldn't swear so much when youre wrong.
>can one species said to be more evolved than the other
Yes. To humans we would value intelligence since thats what sets us apart and use it as a benchmark for evolution.
Ethnicity is a much better term however the main racial classifications are also strong biological categories.
>Has no rebuttal
>builds a strawman
Ah, yes. The Liberal argument when they have nowhere logical to turn in order to defend their half baked idea.
why do you not just stay there?
Not an argument
I wrote it precisely so they would ignore it.
> height isn't genetic because if i hide my kid in a box with no sunlight he ends up a deformed manlet
Pretty sure all of that is fucking wrong and you haven't posted anything to support it. Imagine being so politically zonked in the head, that you have to discredit an entire evolutionary and biodiversity theory, because it has something to do with Africa.
>why a tribesman in the Serengeti does worse than a teenager from a suburb in NY
Blacks from Africa literally don't even pass the "mirror test" to prove consciousness until they are teenagers (white and other races pass between 2-3 years old). Yes, I do believe genes have something to do with that.
Not true at all. Sub-Saharan Africans from other sides of the continent are much more genetically different from each other than they are to other "races", yet they all get lumped together as "black" for socio-political reasons. Similarly the populations of Anatolia and Greece are near identical genetically but because one is Christian and the other Muslim the Greeks get to be "white" while the Turks are "middle-eastern". One can also look at Jews. They are genetically similar to whatever population they have historically lived with, Such as the Ashkenazi being Central/Eastern European vs the Mizrahi being Middle-Eastern, yet whether a Jew is "white" or not depends more upon the political beliefs of the one judging them.Or take for Instance how Native Americans have always been considered their own race when they are genetically very closely related to certain Asian populations that are categorized as "Asian".
>Yeah. And we ascribe value to evolution. You shouldn't swear so much when youre wrong.
>>can one species said to be more evolved than the other
>Yes. To humans we would value intelligence since thats what sets us apart and use it as a benchmark for evolution.
Then you admit that your entire argument is based on what you personally value, and has nothing to do with actual science.
Im 100% with you on different human subspecies bordering on specied altogether but stop saying "nore evolved" it's literally incoherent. We're no more evolved than a jellyfish.
Those inclined to right-winger bullshit literally deny mountains of evidence regarding the actual science behind IQ distributions along with facts regarding climate change and Evolution. Why would I ever trust a single thought you have when it's all so tiresomely fucked with ideologue bullshit?
>he denies certain populations having denisovan admixture over neanderthal
The absolute fucking state of shitlibs
>pretty sure thats wrong
Why cause you desperately need it to be cause the man in the labcoat standing at the pulpit said so?
>Blacks from Africa literally don't even pass the "mirror test" to prove consciousness until they are teenagers
Pretty sure you pulled that right out of your ass. Again, isn't it funny how you can take a child from Africa, put them in a first world, and their IQ shoots right up?
What? I couldn't care less about africa. I honestly can't fathom how you are unaware of neanderthal admixture for one but you can easily Google all human mixes. Here's a link for the human ancestor found in one picosecond, your laziness combined with smugness is boring.
We are more evolved in the things that humans value. Its not difficult concept to wrap your head around. Of course evolution doesnt care. But humans do
>some races mix and create mutts/mongrel races
>therefore race does not exist
You are so retarded it hurts.
Then post the data you fucking shitheel. We all know you don't have it.
>continuum fallacy the post
Is red also the same as blue?
To the hard cap of 85 even with 20% white genes.
This doesn't disprove Out of Africa. You realize we have data on plate tectonics, human migration through the fossil record and climate data from hundreds of thousands of years ago, right?
You people are painful to talk to. Why do you pretend to know anything on Yea Forums?
We evolved to have things humans care more about but didn't evolve more so to get it.
>all this heated arguing
Doesn't anybody care that the boy Antichrist is insanely handsome?
lol no, you're just straight up lying. Better living conditions drastically improves IQ distribution and even the father of the IQ test has said this for almost a full century now and you faggots conveniently leave that out.
>pretty sure youre wrong
Google "kenyans fail mirror test"
>Again, isn't it funny how you can take a child from Africa, put them in a first world, and their IQ shoots right up?
Yea, and we even taught a gorilla to use sign language. What is your point? Also here is your study proving African children never pass the mirror test. I don't make claims unless I have proof to back them up, unlike you.
Maybe you're actually mentally deficient, but this isn't a debunk of Out of Africa theory....
Aren't rottweilers more dangerous per capita?
isn't this mormon bullshit?
He's exaggerating but there is still a disproportion
The writers go to great lengths to downplay any racial cause and say literally retarded shit like"We speculate that children are recognizing their image with a distinct mark on their forehead but do not know the appropriate and acceptable response."
The claim i am proving is denisovan admixture. Nice try niggerfaggot. But out of africa is also disproven, life likely started in asia. Or if youre really big brained we were seeded here
Nothing in science is immediately disproven, however we now know that early human ancestors weren't only in Africa and we know that different human species in Europe and asia also formed part of different races' genomes. So in the best case scenario for the thesis, out of africa means a large part of the current human genome is resultant on a group of humans who migrated out of africa and mixed.
No, link me the data about Kenyans failling the mirror test, stormnigger. Do the work.
No. Reality doesnt change and make me wrong if i dont spoonfed you. It just makes you ignorant.
No sadly not the case and I wish it were true. We have longitudinal data, adoptive twin studies, international comparisons and increasingly gene studies showing not. I wish it were true but still.
man-made climate change is a heavily contested scientific theory though
Two people already have
>But out of africa is also disproven
It literally isn't...?
No. Read any stats they are second always but pits have way higher rates of death and assaults.
Pits were just bred to kill. If you watch video of pit attacks they always ignored other people but hone in on their one target until they are dead. Dozens of people are and the dog will ignore them.
Bit racist
Asia has much older confirmed human remains. We deny them cause politics
Read the thread you fucking coon
So tell me, If the genetic difference of a random european and a random West African is enough that they count as separate races, how come the even greater genetic difference between a West African and a East African is not.
They found older bones in the Balkans, and then I think they might have found older ones again around Ukraine
>Broesch thinks that freezing is indirect evidence of self-awareness. The kids didn't pass the mark test, per se, but their behavior still demonstrated that they knew they were looking at themselves.
>In a sense that's what Broesch thinks is happening with the Kenyan children. Raised differently than those in Western, industrialized countries, Kenyan kids have a different understanding about what is socially acceptable. And that socialization usually produces a false negative on the mark test. The test largely doesn't work for these cultures, and the kids are not likely to ever pass. The earlier research done on younger children, published in 2004 and 2005 by Heidi Keller from the University of Osnabrück in Germany, came to a similar, but slightly different conclusion. Keller assumed that non-Western kids would eventually pass the mark test; it just look them longer because their cultures emphasized interdependence over independence.
>There are two things we should take away from this. First, self-awareness is not a hard and fast line. Instead, it is probably a continuum. That is an especially important lesson to keep in mind with animal research. A species might have the skill, even if some individuals do not. This is true for chimpanzees, who do not all pass the mark test, and can lose the ability as they age. Linked concepts, like empathy, exist in species and individuals that are not able to pass a mark test. Rats, for instance, do not pass the mark but still engage in some limited empathetic behaviors. And passing the test does not mean an individual has self-awareness, or mirrors, all figured out. After all, it is not uncommon to see a human child pass a mark test and then immediately look behind the mirror, as though not quite getting what it is.
Read your own articles, /pol/faggot.
Unsurprisingly not a single response to this post which conclusively proves subspecies(race) exists
>The writers go to great lengths to downplay any racial cause and say literally retarded shit like"We speculate that children are recognizing their image with a distinct mark on their forehead but do not know the appropriate and acceptable response.
>facts I dislike, are because of muh politics
America truly was a mistake.
None of those are Homo Sapiens you retard, Things like Home Erectus and Denisovians are not the same as us.
I think it is. It depends on how nitpicky you want to get. We just have broad groupings for conveniences sake
You mean disproves race, right? Because that post is claiming race does exist.
He's just some user speculating that because he doesn't like the fucking findings of the article because it doesn't match his opinions. Are you people this absolutely brainwashed that you don't see how you do this?
Maybe your redefined definition of it is
Tell me why the homo sapien bones discovered in Asia that predate african origins are denied then i would love to hear legitimate reasons
>Are you people this absolutely brainwashed
The irony is so thick I could cut it with a butter knife lmao. A liberal NPC to the very end.
Except it is true and you're being an obtuse retard.
A rather inaccurate take. Whilst ethnicity is a better classification it is not true that there is more difference between an east and west african than a west african and a european. You've slipped at the 'more genetic variation within than between' misunderstanding.
You can call them different races if you like. I'll call them both negroids.
You realize the opinion of the author of the study is not the data.... right? The data is that kenyans failed the mirror test the "reason" why is the authors editorialization
>muh spoonfeed because I don't want to support my argument
Why even bother?
Oh dear
Learn how to read between the lines of the study user. I know you do not have very good critical thinking skills, but read it a couple of times.
Convenient the groupings are always broad when it would benefit the person making them say something like "Everyone in Sub-Saharan Africa is okay to colonize/enslave" but is always narrow when you want to keep the group on top small and exclusive.
Flynn effect is reversing.
IQ is elastic any gains we see in it are in ADOLESCENCE and once they reach adulthood they come down (or go up in some cases) to genetic levels
however this is
Eurasians don't have this "ghost" archaic hominid admixture, only blacks
if modern humans evolved in Africa, how is this possible?
Ham is the father of "black people" noahs son, the one who raped him while he was drunk
The data literally doesn't say that they "failed" the mirror test. Do you get paid to spread disinfo like some sort of drone?
Here you go, im at the gym so ill link you good articles on the topics rather than doing it all myself.
>He's just some user speculating th
I literally quoted the scientific article. They are downplaying the obvious racial causes. 68 out of 70 blacks children in Kenya can't see themselves in a mirror. Whites can at like 6 months.
So you admit genetics has nothing to do with race.
>The data literally doesn't say that they "failed" the mirror test.
It literally does though...
>muh Flynn effect
that has been debunked for decades now.
This is meaningless rambling
Its been sourced and again, google is at your fingertips its not my job to walk you through everything.
Its quite sad not a single shitlib will even attempt to refute it
Interesting stuff
So abbos have same averge IQ as white australians?
It does though
>Of the 82 children tested, only two demonstrated any of the defined self-oriented behaviors when facing their “marked” image in the mirror (one-tailed binomial test, p < .001, with a .60 probability threshold). Of these two children, one removed the mark and one touched but did not remove the mark (both were 48 months of age; one male and one female). Coding of freezing behavior reveals that 80 of the 82 children (one-tailed binomial test, p < .001, with a .50 probability thresh-old) displayed such behavior, staring at their image in the mirror, without any attempt at either touching or removing the mark on their forehead. The two 48-month-olds that self-oriented did not freeze. These results are in sharp contrast with what is reported with Western children. For example, Lewis and Ramsay (2004), using a comparable procedure, report that over 80% of children by 21 months and 100% of children by 24 months of age pass the test by touching or removing the mark (see also Lewis & Brooks-Gunn, 1979). These findings cannot be explained in terms of a slight developmental lag as children were aged up to 72 months (6 years) and still showed no evidence of self-oriented behaviors
You want to believe they are downplaying that for your agenda, fucking Christ. You're just interpreting information to mean whatever you want. I truly hate /pol/niggers and how fucking stupid and transparent you are.
Thats exactly what it says. What you are citing is the AUTHORS INTERPRETATION OF THE DATA. Which is subjective, unproven and easily rejected.
This is the level of intellectual dishonesty required to be in the mainstream.
>Points out holes in argument
>Muh meaningless Rambling
The article keeps going...maybe you should read it?
He's literally quoting the results. Jesus wept user, look at yourself in the mirror.
>80 % of 21 month year olds western children passed
>2 48 months olds out of 82 children kenyan failed
>shitlibs REEEEE at althype link
You know they arent going to listen to ryan right?You didnt poke holes in anything. What we call or group the races by doesnt change the fact they are genetically distinct
>durr if I say nigger in every other post, it won't seem like I'm from /leftypol/
>humans value height
>therefore, tall people are more evolved than short people
>humans value beauty
>attractive people are more evolved
So this is your brain on /pol/
kek, that's a blogsite written by a white nationalist. Fuck off.
Yes, in how humans view and qualify evolution, the traits WE DESIRE they are "more evolved"
Yeah they probably won't but its always rigorous and fair discussion of studies in one place.
How far into denial are you user? What information would we have to present to change your opinion? Because this is solid information that should change your opinion, if it doesn't that means you are a science denier. Science can not be "racist". "Hate facts" do not exist, they are just facts.
Who is incredibly knowledgable on the topic and sources every single claim he makes with multiple studies. Nice try shitlib
No, he isn't. Are you a complete retard on purpose or by accident? That user posted the data and then gave this caviet "well like, they aren't being honest with these findings because I said so". You are retarded people, you don't believe in science or critical thinking. You just don't.
I didn't say that, I explicitly said more evolved is incoherent.
Ok so you're just trolling, thanks for the time wasting
>that the mark was unexpected, but that they (kenyans) were unsure of an acceptable response and therefore dared not touch or remove it. Once again, there was no sign of greeting or smiling when children viewed themselves in the mirror (as indi-cated by the coding of freezing behavior), as is the case in most young Western toddlers who do not pass the MSR test.
Off you go back to you know where.
Tall attractive people are indeed more evolved.
Do I have to explain how this faggot isn't a scientist? You're trolling me right?
>Asia has much older confirmed human remains
>We deny them cause politics
Also wrong.
Early hominid species left Africa in multiple waves. This includes Homo Erectus, Heidelbergensis, Neanderthal, and the precursors of the Denisovans. However, ALL Homo Sapiens arose out of Africa long after them. We weren't trailblazers; we followed in the foot steps of our Hominid cousins.
For anyone that is still confused, what this means is that other early hominids who are -not- our direct ancestors (but were likely from the same/similar species) left Africa and spread through Europe and Asia long before -our- species came along. They made stone tools, cooked their food, and lived in small social groups. Some of them may have even had the first primitive languages and cultures... but they aren't our ancestors all the same.
All apes/monkeys evolved in Africa, and that's a fact. Why else would our next closest relatives, the Lemurs, only be found on a small island off the coast of Africa?
He literally quoted the results. You're overreacting.
Except parts of these "waves" have been discovered outside of africa prior to their supposed exodus.
Okay incel
>conclusion is literally that the only reason they "failed" was due to cultural differences in the sense of self and the researchers don't actually believe that these Kenyan children do NOT have the ability to self-actualize.
Why are you so hellbent on lying?
Well white people are better at survival than niggers in Africa so even in that retarded measure theyvareore evolved.
>they have higher chance of procreating and their life is easier in modern society
yeah, they are more evolved.
The mental gymnastics you people have to go through to justify your anti-scientific positions are remarkable. You are actually willing to ascribe levels of evolution to something abstract like beauty, or something arbitrary like height, just so you can keep saying white people are more evolved than black people. You have actually poisoned your mind with identity politics
Keep on hiding behind such a retarded conclusion that makes absolutely no sense.
He quoted the results, and then gave his "well like, it's all just a conspiracy". Just stop.
He isn't a scientist no, he's closer to a statistician but why does that matter? Im a doctor and i would still take information from someone without a degree giving me pertinent information.
What race is that thing?
Why is a person of 1/8th African ancestry black? Did the other 7/8ths of their genetic code vanish into the aether? You also act like "Mongrel" has any scientific validity when no human population has been genetically isolated from the rest for the length of time necessary for not to be on a great continuum of fucking. our entire theory of race is based on a Pre-Darwin conception of everyone having been in the same place being the exact same forever, which means "Race" falls apart scientifically when we realize Human population have branched out from a single original population, meaning that the "separate" races have no original purity from which to be defined or "protected" from inter-racial relations.
thealternativehypothesis.org is not a place of science or critical thought. If you truly believe that, you're autistic.
That might be a counter to human admixture but the fact still remains the earliest human ancestor is currently not african, so: X doubt.
You realized i admitted that there is technically no such thing as more evolved right? Just that humans qualify things. And by the metrics we have qualified in evolution (for humans) these traits are deemed as better, or to put it another way "more evolved"
>muh identity politics is bad
Identity is everything nigger
>The mental gymnastics you people have to go through to justify your anti-scientific positions are remarkable.
The exact same could be applied to you
He just quoted the results. This is bizarre. In a different post someone said to be wary of the conclusion, nothing wrong with that either.
You dont have to have a fancy paper to understand the science behind something lol.
>dying on the street
>someone claims to be a doctor and comes to help
>this retard asks for credentials first
kek, he's not a statistician
>what does it matter?
Because it's literal disinformation you gullible fucking retard. He has a mission statement where he honest to shit believes that climate change is a hoax and that a nefarious "deep state" is keeping genetic science in the dark.
Are you a teenager? This site has been the subject of mockery for years.
Who cares
Bible has so many translations and versions no one knows whats real anyway
post based Gabriel
5'6 manlet detected
Not an argument, go back to twitter
>Why is a person of 1/8th African ancestry black?
They aren't black or white. They are a new mongrel race.
I just want you to admit it's a blog then.
CONTINUUM FALLACY. Red exists. Blue exists. Yet you can draw a line between them in the spectrum according to you neither exists
Proof?Proof? Can you prove a single one of his statements incorrect? Have you even watched a single one of his videos?
Your opinion is noted Moishe and placed in the trash where it belongs.
You can be intellectually dishonest or if you really don't want to read his words then just use all the studies immediately linked from there. If you won't engage with provided studies then I don't know what to say, sad but i guess that's the world we live in.
user literally implied that he didn't like the conclusion to something because it didn't align with his feefees.
height is literally determined by genetics. it's not even debatable. keep denying reality you antiscience faggot
Uh okay? That doesnt make his conclusions incorrect... fuck off with your correspondence theory of truth you disgusting nigger
i mean-- they didn't exist mate
a "white nationalist" you can't refute. cope and seethe
>the shitlib fears facts and data
>dat reading comprehension
That's literally what the testers did. They didn't like their results so they made up the "cultures" excuse
>why won't you engage with the second-hand interpretation of "studies" (mostly written by discredited scientists or other charletons) on a blogsite written by a stormnigger who unironically hates blacks and is a member of white nationalist movements?
You know he was in Charlottesville during the Unite the Right rally, right?
You realize the person you are replying to said "dont read his words just look at the studies provided" youre such a fucking mindless drone it hurts. You spiritual fucking nigger even if you arent black your entire spirit is you useless empty husk
>Can you prove a single one of his statements incorrect?
Why do you play this very obvious obfuscation game?
Except that didn't happen, that's your retarded add-on because you can't cope with the information since it doesn't fit your worldview.
Grow the fuck up you stupid cunt.
Disprove a single one of his statements. You claimed it was misinfo. Prove it.
lmao, the absolute level of cope
you can almost smell the sweat in those sentences, trying to come up with something to save face from arriving the obvious racist conclusion, so the libcuck scientists go out of their way to come up with some absolute bullshit why what we see isn't what we see to the point of sounding like an absolute moron
and you think this proves something other than how pozzed Western science has become, you fucking retard
He has some uni education in statistics and deals with statistical analysis of data for a living, or at least part of a living. That makes him a statistician to me. I've never seen any statement from him on climate change but please post it for my own interest. Finally as for political interest in science that is hardly fictitious, ive started doing some work in medical research and the amount of 'selling' required to get funding, approval and publication is boringly large. Even beyond all those stages there is dissemination to the public.
As for the site being a mockery, not remotely. It's held in very high regard. As said im a doctor and i share it often with colleagues in the nhs which is very politicized and have never heard an issue from it.
The conclusions are incorrect because they aren't backed by any credible science and nobody on his blogpost is an actual scientist or he misinterprets data for an agenda
This website is decades old, how are zoomers falling for it?
Except it is...? The data is clear. Any of the authors opinions on the data is just that. OPINIONS not fact. Mongoloid.
That's fine, it's an interpretation not the results. You had an outburst to the results.
>literally "muh conspiracy"
you're fucking dishonest and didn't read your own source.
Every study he cites is a credible study...
>doubles down on correspondence theory of truth
Bizarre user. Sad even.
>It's held in very high regard
KEK why are you trying this hard to bait?
I will find and string up every race denier in this thread and give you a slow torture filled death which is what you spiritual niggers deserve
so? not an argument
T. low IQ negro
Why don't you grow the fuck up and learn that you aren't right about everything in the fucking world you willfully ignorant cunt.
No, it isn't.
it's not a conspiracy. it's ideological sickness
>still can't prove that the site is fake
Until you I've never met anyone who dislikes it and in your case it's clear you haven't engaged with it given your wildly inaccurate claims. If you need titles though I've shared it with doctors of all types, researchers, engineers and a maths teacher. No-one has ever returned with any methodological complaints or stated "it's a blog didn't read".
I did and in the initial post I said their conclusion was bullshit but the facts and statistics are there.
You can say what you want but youre wrong. And you wont be able to prove that you arent because you are straight up just denying something cause you "know" youre supposed to without knowing why youre supposed to
/pol/ isn't a source of news or factual information and you're constantly upset when someone with even a cursory knowledge of (a thing) makes you feel like a drooling faggot. The research linked did not match user's (basically, you) opinion.
Actually ill add two bankers to that as well.
Which you're just assuming because the facts make you upset.
>/pol/ isn't
Now you're just throwing around random bullshit for no purpose. The fact you so naively trust everything you read is as bad as being a /pol/fag trumper.
Not him but you're the one coming off terribly. I don't know if you actually see that or not. If you do then let's just settle a bit because drawing up arms doesn't help anything.
Not a single author on that site is a credited engineer, scientist or researcher. Not a SINGLE one who contributes to his website. You know that, please tell me you do.
>something abstract like beauty
literally not true, beauty is quite quantifiable, it's all about symmetry and proportions
>or something arbitrary like height
height (and therefore size) is one of the most important factor in male competition, so it's the opposite of arbitrary
Oldest human remains aren't from Africa, though
>evolutionary scientist
Labcoat LARPer confirmed.
The studies they link weren't done by smurfs user. I probably have more qualifications than anyone ITT and i couldn't care less about what the site author has.
>you need a fancy degree to know what youre talking about
>the facts make you upset
nah you're thinking of leftist "scientists" who say and do anything to avoid "racist" conclusions
It's literally the conclusion made by the researcher. What is wrong with your fucking head?
>imagine actually shilling for thealternativehypothesis.org
Im glad my fellow racialists are bigbrains like this guy and not shitlibs screeching at reality
You realize him being the researcher doesnt make his opinions on the data fact... right?
The source itself is bending over backwards to explain why niggers failed the test you faggot
>everything I dislike, is part of an elaborate hoax by science to avoid coming up with racist conclusions
Or you know, your premise is just wrong?
jesus christ what an ass backwards conclusion, at this point i'd respect them more for at least being honest with themselves and just faking the stats too
He says while posting the full link
You are not smart, not smart at all
If the premise was wrong we would get more studies disproving it. Not political strongarming and denial of results
At least I don't formulate my worldview from stormniggers and their personal blogs. At least I have a higher IQ than that.
This isn't getting anywhere sadly. user, i won't ask you to consider my opinion, that's fine, but just give the slightest reflection once in a while that you could be wrong.
When i was 20 i was a 'stop racism' socialist who lectured my family and friends on points taken from the guardian, I thought i was 100% right. I'm now very different, just always consider it is possible to be wrong.
>if i adhom ryan enough he will magically be wrong and reality will realign itself with my egalitarian views
I hear the magic spell works on the 5th time you repeat it. Keep trying!!!
no you dont
you're just saying that because you don't like it. Holy shit, you are lost.
>imagine shilling for leftist ideology
it's not a "hoax." it's sick people unable to deny their conditioning
>According to the Bible, "black people" are the descendants of Cain
spot the cumbrain
that blog isn't a source of information, if you think otherwise you're literally incorrect due to being gullible or politically motivated.
Its funny, youll always meet people who used to be "far left" or "really liberal" and anti racialist converting to a belief in races. But you never ever see the reverse.
Almost like once you say no to the koolaid you realize how bad it is
see, you don't, thanks for the proof.
>a blogsite written by a politically charged ideologue is a source of scientific fact
You're gullible. You're going to be embarrassed by all this.
The alternative hypothesis isn't a stormfront site, it's not even white nationalist. He believes in first worldism which is a sort of pro first world trait genetic pressure regardless of race. However he rarely goes into that as that's his own politics and the site is mostly for study discussion
I read every study he cites to make sure i agree with the conclusions drawn by them.
Nobody who takes thealternativehypothesis seriously is big brained, user.
it literally links to scientific studies and papers. it's objectively a source of information. you just don't agree with said information because it defies your personal (and sick) ideology
>it's not even white nationalist
and neither are you, you are in fact dumber than them.
>black people ruined everything for everyone
sounds believable
Well the moral principle of 'we should all get along and share' is praiseworthy to have, it's only when you learn why that isn't the case you attenuate your beliefs. The old saying goes if you aren't a socialist at 18 you have no heart and if you aren't a Conservative at 30 you have no brain.
I love how i called the shitlibs would just devolve into screeching at AltHype being linked and none of them would actually try to disprove or even look at a single study he cites
The mirror test isn’t supposed to have anything to do with culture
No, it's quite explicitly stated it isn't.
it's not. even if it were, it wouldn't matter, as that's an ad hominem fallacy
No, no, you're mistaken. You STUDY a subject for years to gain knowledge THEN you get the fancy degree. The degree is proof that you know what you are talking about and are scientifcally accurate in that subject.
People thinking they know better than the people who have actually studied the subject and made studies about it and do and have done that for a living for years and years, are the most cringy, self-centered retards. They make the simple mistakes by confusing actual theories with hypothetical bullshit and making false premises which lead into false results even though what they are saying is logically coherent in that hypothetical bullshit world but not in real life because the premises were wrong. But because they haven't studied how you make scientific studies, the brainlets don't understand the differences between factual studies with proven theories with empirical evidence and their or other peoples made up hypothetical bullshit which isn't true in the real world.
IQ is literally not a monolith, IQ drastically improves due to economic factors, there is no liberal conspiracy to deplatform science they dislike, there is no deep state trying to destroy "muh race realism", race realism is not a science informed by genetics.
You realize you can study a subject for years independently.... yes? Now with all your word salad can you actually cite a SINGLE time Ryan has done any of it?
This is your brain on /pol/
>even if it were, it wouldn't matter
right, because you are equally a brainwashed ideologue.
appeal to authority is not an argument
Did you the reply to the wrong one?
Everything you think about IQ has been proven to be incorrect. IQ is about 80-87% heritable. It is "elastic" in youth but it normalizes to your genetic levels as you age. Economics nor education can change it when its normalized to your genetic level. You may see a raise in the childs testscores but when retested they will be at genetic levels
>not informed by genetics
Refute this post
Before i did medicine i did history. The title there doesn't mean i know any more than someone who has independently done the reading, all the degree was was essentially an expensive library card.
Imagine getting buttblasted about a blog when almost all media comes straight from the CIA's desk.
>there is no liberal conspiracy to deplatform science they dislike
yes there is
>there is no deep state trying to destroy "muh race realism"
i don't know about "deep state" but there is objectively official efforts at "anti racism" throughout the western world
>race realism is not a science informed by genetics
yes it is
No, it doesn't.
no, because of the ad hominem fallacy. you know what that is, don't you?
>see some image macro
no, sorry.
Bad news for believers in the Flynn effect. IQ only makes large increases when you eliminate childhood illnesses and starvation. Whites arnt seeing their IQs increase anymore and African blacks cant expect their IQs to increase past the mid 80s.
Extra education has almost no effect on IQ, the the studies are to be believed.
I am the only truly white person
>I don't want to look, you cant make me
Left in a nut shell
>yes there is
There really isn't. You're just a fucking stupid teenager and this is "baby's first political opinion", where you totally just erase from your brain that there has been a very specific mainstream political group that has made it its mission to defund and deplatform science they disagree with and it isn't your liberal boogeywoogeywoo just because you don't like how genetic science btfo's your shitty arguments.
it's a screen capture of an article published by usa today, an international newspaper. not "some image macro"
Why dont you refute that post i pointed you towards shlomo
>race realism is a science
Just do the gene pool a favor and kill yourself.
i'm not a teenager. if you have to resort to ridiculing someone on their age, it's a sign you've lost the argument
You too. Refute this post. Now.
Are you easily duped or something?
>there is no liberal conspiracy to deplatform science they dislike
Not even a /pol/tard but there will always be vested attempts to shut down information that runs counters to an agenda, be it industrial or ideological/political.
no thanks. i will happily kill racetraitors and the subhumans they worship and assist, though
probably because they were black. religiously, eden was most likely in Africa, so to survive the climate, they most likely would have been dark skinned. scientifically, the first homo sapiens came out of Africa, making the first humans black. whites evolved much, much later due to adaption to the climate in europe
>if you don't refute me, you Jew teehee
Not everyone deserves to be "le refuted", retard. You won every level of government and had a majority in the House and Senate for over two years and yet you still are the loudest crybabies on the fucking earth where you think some moobie producer and "da libruhs" are out to destroy science, why...? Because you agree with some stormnigger faggot on a personal blog one time?
Go away.
polar bear, black bear, brown bear, panda bear, koala bear, we are all the same, the bear race.
no, i just have eyes and functional vision
They weren't black either, they would've probably looked like southern meds assuming the garden was located in the middle east.
>all of the planet is trying to silence race realism because it's secretly true
Imagine thinking this before just evaluating your own beliefs
Why the fuck do you think i give two shits about your dying nations politics? Refute the post or sub species exist and all your screeching has been in vain
yeah all those race realists and white nationalists in the government
No wonder niggers are so quick to turn gay.
>refute my word salad right now!
You didn't like the answers provided to you. I'm not sure what more you are asking for.
>IQ drastically improves due to economic factors
only up to a point, the Flynn effect has stopped
>there is no liberal conspiracy to deplatform science they dislike
OH NO NO NO, it happens all the time, does James Watson ring a bell?
This is the most realistic.
Mixing a religious story and the out of Africa theory isnt really the way to go.
>The begging of the world
>The first people
Would have been brown caucasians according to the people that founded this religion and told this story.
Not all the planet. Eastern europe happily agrees race exists as well as all of china and most asian nations. Its only on western "egalitarian" nations that this suppression happens. Nice attempt at strawmanning faggot
COPE. None of that is word salad.
Not a single person has replied to that post with an argument. cope
>scientifically, the first homo sapiens came out of Africa
Stop believing in shit that was proven wrong years ago.
not "all of the planet," just elite, influential institutions and the ideological fanatics who populate and run them
The GOP is literally filled with current and existing Klan members. How fucking new to America are you?
I don't even agree that it is true but usually even shutting down misinformation is about political implications rather than the truth of it.
>It's world salad because I can't understand it!
Perhaps you should stick to topics within your IQ range.
it’s ironic, the first humans were black (homo sapiens from Africa), and the last humans will be black. besides the white race dying out already due to higher deaths tan births, the warming climate will off them first. in the last days of humanity, when the sun has scorched the earth, africans will be the last to go.
>muh Flynn effect isn't debunked
>muh James Watson is a martyr
always the same three to four arguments you retards make because you heard some troll on Yea Forums make them and took it to be unironic.
You can't just get btfo then repost your first argument like a new user kek
sauce? last I checked, that’s still the scientific consensus.
>just elite, influential institutions and the ideological fanatics who populate and run them
But not conservatives, amirite? ;) no, you're the new punk rock!
>warming climate will kill them first.
The northern hemisphere will be the least affected by the direct consequences of global warming. That will be shitskin nations and we will gun you down as you try to squirm into the nation. Your OWN people already living here will gun you down too.
>The GOP is literally filled with current and existing Klan members
no it's not. even if it were, they haven't made any attempts at passing or even introducing any legislation sympathetic to race realist or white nationalist views. again you have no argument
>even if you shut down clear misinformation, it's bad
Jesus fucking Christ, you're the type who gets Creationism taught in a science class.
Conservatives definitely deny race. Why do you faggots construct the most braindead strawmen, and on top of that act like everyone is american. No one gives a fuck about your dying nation
just a friendly reminder that racism can save your life.
These are the social just warriors. The best the left has to offer. Can't even read.
fucking google it, I'm not wasting my time spoonfeeding niggers on Yea Forums.
Read the thread you've been posting non stop in.
>only one person disagree with me
actually most "conservatives" are fully on board with it. another weak strawman from you
>he doesn't know all the still-outed Klan members that continue to hold seats and exist in the Republican Party
Why are you people so painfully misinformed about the last few centuries? Is it because your retard Dad voted Republican once?
They can all have offspring with each other too
"Retired anthropologist and author Dr Peter Andrews, formerly at the Natural History Museum in London, said: "It is possible that the human lineage originated in Europe, but very substantial fossil evidence places the origin in Africa, including several partial skeletons and skulls.
"I would be hesitant about using a single character from an isolated fossil to set against the evidence from Africa.""
when your idology is a quasi religion of egalitarianism that is obviously and easily disproven by this, it makes sense, now shut up, kike
well not the koala, at least I hope
No i can just tell the posting style. The point still stands that you have an entire thread that btfo that argument, which you know.
Conservative ideology is literally "the power" in a lot of western nations. This weird and bizzaro alt-history where conservatives are some sort of minority dindu victims of bad press is odd to me.
>I don’t actually have a source, just my feelings
just came to this thread, no way in fuck am i reading all these comments
You're letting your anger cloud your comprehension, calm down.
Its changed. The first humans came from an Africa like climate...which happened to be in Europe at the time.
So it was still darkies.
oh I'm sorry, you're the hip new "fringe" right?
>completely unrelated ramblings cause his strawman was shown for the pile of shit it is
Fortunately you've already read it.
yup, it's always the same and yet you shitlibs have no answer to them
there are 535 members of congress. since you claimed "they had the majority for over two years" surely you can name at least 10 ideologically committed klan members among them
Please, /pol/nigger...tell me what my ideology is?
Bagnald Glermph
No one has to repeat themselves cause youre too afraid to learn for yourself.
Only lefty faggots like you are obsessed with any sort of "fringe" designation. We merely follow the truth where it leads
Why can't you cope with the fact that maybe you're just factually wrong about the things you believe?
?? I just googled that, and couldn’t find a single study that supports that.
Not him but i can answer that immediately and more truthfully than you know: anti-white.
If you are any sort of modernist in the west you live under an egalitarian ideology. Fuck you people are so retarded
the republican party in the u.s., the conservative party in the uk, the cdu in germany, the liberals in australia, all support globalism and antiracism and other antiwhite ideology
no idea. still you have no argument
>everyone is my lefty strawman
>but I follow where the truth leads
great, so IQ isn't a monolith, race realism is a dogwhistle backed by no real genetic science, Out of Africa hasn't been debunked and there is no conspiracy to "silence" people like Watson? He was just doing bad science?
>i'm too stupid to use a search engine
just keep being an uneducated retard then, I don't give a fuck
Kek I actually googled that, thinking now way that's a real name.
You didnt provide any reason as to why hes wrong you fucking moron. Youre a religious zealot. You recognize that right? Please tell me you do
lol I'm anti-white now? Please, tell me how.
Then I have to assume you didnt Google very effectively. There is a screenshot of a newspaper headline about the subject in this very thread.
go back
Up for debate
Try again next time. Still waiting for my post to be refuted btwAnytime
it is stated in the post, retard
holy shit, dig your head out of the sand you stubborn moo
after you tell us how althype is a "white nationalist" as you earlier asserted
IQ has never been a hard science and IQ gaps between homogeneous groups quickly close with environmental factors, as even cited by the father of the IQ test.
So either the father of the IQ test was a secret liberal-psyop to discredit the fifteen race realists in the American midwest, or you're fucking stupid?
Literally none of this is an argument and nothing has been "refuted". Do you get paid?
Consider why ITT you've been so driven to not engage with any opposing material, im sure you consider yourself better than ignorance. Then think of the absolute natural outcome of your beliefs if enacted. Think of who informs your belief. Then think of the behaviours in your own life, moments of weakness. As said its more accurate than you know but some time reflecting on all these things might well, over time, pull it together.
As said i don't want this to be confrontational, i too was once in your position and thankfully i had the slightest opening in my stubborness that over years let the light in.
Because he literally calls himself that? In the About section? That he is a "racial realist" that wants a "nation for whites"?
It's in his fucking blog, are you pretending to be retarded? I honestly don't know what you people get out of being retarded.
it's the most well verified and vetted psychometric in history. cope
it’s from some quack right-wing website, isn’t it? when I said cite evidence, I meant actual evidence, not fringe pseudo-science.
>most recent studies into IQ show its heritability as 80%+
>muh environment
Also you are aware IQ in childhood always lowers to genetic levels... right?
Every point youve made has been disproven mutliple times in this thread. Minus OOA cause there is still lots of debate around that. Also you STILL havent disproven a single point in
> "if i keep looping around every time i get beaten i can never lose!"
Is there a name for this boring style of argument?
>it's the most well verified and vetted psychometric in history
No geneticist, biologist or cognitive scientist believes this.
No, it doesn't. This is so telling of your intention in this thread.
I love how you got called out immediately when you tried to repost as a 'new' user. Not a bright bulb.
kek at all the seething incels in this thread mad that based gaiman took a giant shit on them. cry harder.
>>most recent studies into IQ show its heritability as 80%+
I don't think you even know the argument you are trying to make...the heritability of IQ doesn't change the argument of "environmental factors CHANGE IQ distributions". They are both true, do you think genes are literally magic or something? Across the board, of every IQ study of the last century, groups introduced to better living conditions have seen staggering increases in IQ distributions...again, I'll repeat for the retards in the back: the father of the IQ study, literally cites this. IQ in a vacuum is 80 percent heritable, but what you inherent is not an end-all-be-all of achievement...another thing that the father of IQ cites.
You cherrypick his own research, the fucker who invented IQ because it doesn't vibe with your /pol/tard bullshit. This should be the end of it, but you'll post and samefag until we hit bump limit like you always do, hoping to brainwash someone more inclined to your dispositions.
Why don't you keep reading?
Can't mods do their fucking job and ban these stormweenie threads?
Im not cherrypicking anything. Environmental factors on IQ are largely obsolete. And they become wholly irrelevant into adulthood when it lowers to genetic levels
This is every mention of nation on the page.... there is two results
Incoherent rambling. Now you're just saying IQ isn't everything? Okay, it's still MOST things with regard to achievement, but im glad we're moving somewhere together.
>I'm not a white nationalist, I just want a white nation for whites
Why do you keep saying father of IQ when the studies in question are from 2017....
> "mods help!"
>it's still MOST things with regard to achievement
except it isn't. Keep peddling your anti-science nonsense I guess? We are on page 7. Do you do this to reaffirm your own beliefs? Are they that fragile?
>it’s all the same person! multiple people can’t disagree with me! not on 4channel!
based retarded user
Not at all what it says. Everyone can read it you realize right?
>Environmental factors on IQ are largely obsolete. And they become wholly irrelevant into adulthood when it lowers to genetic levels
Imagine just saying wrong things and hoping nobody calls you retarded outside of /pol/.
Fuck off Yea Forums is not a "post refutation" wanking factory for wanabe fasco "theorist". Go back too some of your "logicist" echo chambers
Here. Then get back to me on IQ. thealternativehypothesis.org
It's okay if you're in denial, I know that you're in this cult that makes you respond like this.
You'll get out of this goofy racist shit eventually, user. If not, you'll blow your brains out or not reproduce so either way it's a genetic dead end.
Top kek. This has to be a false flag post.
>if i say its wrong, it is
Cope. Race is real sorry buddy ^.^
>he keeps citing a blogpost written by a literal stormnigger
How many posters have to tell you it's not a source until you get it through your fucking stupid brain that this isn't a source?
I have 3 children ^.^
Uh-oh, im 29, already have one kid and am trying for the second in a month and im only getting more convinced of hard race differences. What do i do!
God is good, the white race will be going extinct in the coming decades. more deaths than births, mass immigration due to war and and climate change, etc. whenever I feel down, I just think about how soon, whites will be taught as a subject in history class.
Someone other than you would be a start lmao.
>people who unironically think "the AltHype" is a source, have children and are married
sure, we can larp as anything we want on here.
Big surprise isn't it, almost like there's truth in the 'not conservative by 30 they don't have a brain' saying. But no, better get back to watching Glee and not thinking all too much about this.
>54 posters
>everyone either called user a retard and left, or stuck it out, argued, then left
>nobody has actually defended his shitty positions
IQ isn't a monolith, it's largely dependent on environmental factors to improve and genetic disposition isn't a magic bullet to justify how you dislike minorities.
Why don't you take this to /sci/ and see how far you get? Sure is odd how you come to less moderated boards with fewer concentrations in terms of background? Hmm, almost like you do this as a testing ground to make bad arguments and don't want to have actual intelligent debate because then you'd be proven wrong?
I reported this thread to the fbi for suspected white nationalist violence. after the two shootings, I’m sure they’re looking into every report they receive. also, fuck whites
lol Glee? That show has been dead for fucking years. Were you paid to make that joke?
>smartest MENSA members aren't conservative
except everyone called you a retard, shitlib
>smartest MENSA members aren't conservative
They are conservatives though. Pic related.
Maybe stop recycling phrases wholesale and it would be less apparent its you all the time user. Would you be honest for a moment, I've said repeatedly i don't want this to be confrontational, have you just stumbled on this thread and as an anti-racist kind of guy taken exception or do you search for threads, being politically motivated?
UH OH don't mention that, IQ doesn't matter when it shows how the highest IQ distributions, aren't conservative, ruh roh! Then IQ isn't a monolith anymore!
Climate change will affect the third world first and foremost, basically any region that won't have access to agricultural technology will be fucked.
No i don't watch tv but my wife is currently going through it on Netflix so i assumed it was still going
>Langan is a conservative
he literally isn't, how often are you going to peddle this fucking lie for?
Glee isn't on Netflix you fucking bot.
I really, really don't care about what a tiny self-selecting group like mensa thinks. I work daily with surgeons and not one has ever thought to get their IQ tested for a smart man group. I know that in the UK at least tests of political knowledge show the more informed are Conservative. However I'll also add i am not, nor are most /pol/ anons conservative.
Someone posts Langan's Facebook posts where he calls out black people for being low IQ. He is conservative btw and HATES Liberals and their liberal foolishness. If he isn't Conservative, then what is he?
you may just need to kill yourself if everything left-leaning bothers your peepee so much. You've been btfo in this thread over a dozen times and people either end up ignoring you, as per usual with your typical /pol/nigger shit, or telling you plain why you are retarded.
You're in a cult. Just figure your shit out, get your life in check, unfuck your mess. You're obsessed with politics and it's embarrassing. Everyone has heard these shitty arguments, this site has been around for over a decade. Realize that just because it's "new" to you, that isn't not new to us.
Could be amazon prime but im pretty certain it's netflix, im UK.
>I don't care about the very science behind intelligence that I pretend to defend
Of course you are a two-faced faggot, what else is new?
Like watching a nervous breakdown at x2.
>IQ doesn't matter when I say so
every time. Literally EVERY time.
If that's all you take away...then you're a lost cause. Let everyone know ahead of time which mosque you shoot up, just as a courteousy.
I care a reasonable amount about IQ, a lot to most. I don't care about mensa. Those aren't conflicting statements.
Nor is IQ some hierarchy whereby we find King IQ and he is an omnipotent leader. IQ is important to life outcomes and national outcomes, it doesn't confer specific knowledge sets.
It's almost like that's all made up?
>I care a reasonable amount about IQ, a lot to most. I don't care about mensa. Those aren't conflicting statements.
kek, you're a fucking idiot. MENSA is occupied by the literal HIGHEST IQ people on the fucking globe and they are almost exclusively not meme conservacucks.
dont waste your time user, its pointless
This is telling to how anti-whites think and why they're so scared of IQ. In their hierarchical authoritarian world more iq points must mean concrete authority, finding out your iq would place you in some Brave New World class. Explains a lot.
>IQ is a predictive factor in every facet of the life of a black man
>IQ is only a monolith when it benefits my /pol/faggotry
It's occupied by intelligent people with particular interests and traits that make them want to validate their intelligence and join.
Let's put it this way: im a doctor, i know that puts me in a reasonably high IQ bracket. I haven't cared to find out but maybe i will take a test one day for fun. Even then i would have zero interest in joining MENSA.
So it's selective for IQ, sure. It's also selective for a very specific personality group. Not particularly representative of anything and in my mind not particularly likeable.
Why do you shill the IQ differences of blacks so often and so loudly then?
Yea, that user is making up that Chris Langan is a Liberal. He has stated multiple times to be a Conservative, and often says things that are not "politically correct" related to race and class. That user can't comprehend how the man with the current highest IQ is a Conservative (since that would be in direct contrast with his worldview that Conservatives are all low IQ inbreds).
Is this genuinely your comprehension level? You are wildly incoherent.
I dont bother with screaming children
>now, IQ doesn't act as a predictor for things if they politically disagree with me in the first place
the absolute fucking kek at your retard self.
>Race is real
Then you're quite the degenerate breed desu
Because it's real and it's important, that doesn't mean a guy with an IQ of 101 is always more correct than a guy at 100. Im shocked you believe that.
Funny how none of this was proven and it ends up usually just being a weird lie that /pol/niggers post because they can't handle the fact that they put so many eggs in the IQ basket, only to find out that the highest IQ'd individuals on the planet, aren't /pol/niggers.
You know that your board scores the lowest IQ distribution on this site, right?
your reality is pretty warped, shitlib
like 6 different people have been BTFOing you in this thread continuously, but keep telling yourself that you aren't the braindead here