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Im kinda sad about the oa,brit marling is autistic as fuck but the series had some interesting concepts



This is extremely problematic.

u mad women?

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>give more of them a shot than most other places
>they crash & burn, get cancelled
We should just start totally ignoring anybody that bitches about anything at all.

This kind of identpol victim complex is so tiring. It's like whenever a bad thing happens that can happen to anyone, it is somehow worse if it is done by a man to a woman. How else do you explain whiny articles like this one, and concepts like manspreading and mansplaining? These cunts are the real sexists, always have been.

Tuca and Bertie was alright, sucks it got the axe.

>women creators
lmao what a meme, only thing they can create are babies

I tried to watch it because the concept sounded good. I just remember the acting being fucking terrible and ditching it. Same applies to a lot of Netflix stuff. The dialogue in Riverdale is consistently fucking awful.

Why do they keep using "women" as an adjective instead of "female"? You don't hear people talking about how "these men creators did this thing"

Really gets under my skin

Riverdale is literally Code Geass without mechas.

Women only create money sinks that no one watches

women is more inclusive since it includes trannies.

idk man, feminists will go on all day about male this and male that but if you say female they start reeeeeeeeeing

Maybe women just suck at things? Juss saiyan

>shit no one watches and isn't profitable
>no it must be about gender!!!!!

>sweetie status: UMMMMM
When did Netflix become so sexist and problematic

>Not hate watching this stuff

based clickbait con artist

It's a problem. Eventually they'll be as shrill as us if they keep at it.

At least they don't suck at sucking on things ;)

>a company as leftist and cucked as Netflix will now be accused of racism and sexism

Nice. We now need to boost the BLACK man and WHITE female couples.

>audiences are mostly gender blind to the behind the scenes of movies
>industry pushes for more female representation
>women still fail

What are they going to blame when they can’t blame misogyny? This is like the stat that women owned businesses fail more than male owned.

i mean imagine.
you have that power to grow a little human being inside you. nope it's not enough. you gotta make shitty netflix shows too.
so fucking selfish.

Why are all these SJW journos suddenly hating on Netflix?
>disney+ set to release and all its content looks like shit
Oh I see

Why are they bringing sex in to this? The shows are crap

>To be still falling for this bait in 2019

Kind of like Tuca and Bertie. Only because Bertie is kind of cute.

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>This kind of identpol victim complex is so tiring.
Get used to it, because anything that isn't white male will get blamed on white males for failing. See: Africa.


no its trash for the mere reason they delayed Horseman bojack for 1 year. Fuck that series and fuck you.

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>no article about canceled shows from male directors as a comparison
This would show hoe marginalized women are in this industry, males rarely get their shows shut down let alone canceled

Bojack is back in September, on schedule.

Um sweetie Time Magazine just went through every single line of all of Quentin Tarantino's movies and more lines were said by MEN than women. If you can't see why that's sexist you need to step aside. Women deserve equal representation in media.

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Never mind that Netflix gave 8 women the greenlights for their shows in the first place. They took a gamble, the shows weren't watched, they pulled them.

Not on schedule since the same studio worked on that bird shit after Horsemans Bojack last season.

And when that shit aired and flopped hard they started working a year late on Bojack. Fuck you.

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literally shaking rn, so let me unpack this for you : we are not watching and rating these [terrible] female created shows highly enough, WE need to DO BETTER. Can WE do better?

award ceremonies been giving them awards either? YIKES and OOF, they also NEED to DO BETTER

What the fuck are you talking about? The bird shit was handled by an expanded team, Bojack is literally due for release at the same time it always is. If they delayed it by a year then it'd be out September 2020, brainlet.

Well, isn't it indicative that female creators are complete shit? i doubt jewfilx would cancels these shows if it wasn't a disaster. Now this faggot didn't say how many male shows have been cancelled. Also, are there any male shows on jewflix? It's the wokest TV service ever. If all your showrunners are female then don't be surprised that females get fired. Also welcome to capitalism, maybe they should go into academia or politics if they don't want to experience what competition looks like

You suck at this.

I respect your effort in tagging every poster but lacking the energy to type out Have Sex. It summarizes current Liberals perfectly.

Also, Don’t Have Sex.


the idea that a show needs to be good, good story, good writing, etc. is inherantly MISOGYNISTIC because it comes from a MALE dominated time and benefits MEN

We need to reform televison from the ground up to rank shows not for how good they are [misogynist values], and instead rank shows based on how much they involve women and female issues

have children

GET (clap) WOKE (clap) GO (clap) BROKE


unironically based and redpilled, they ruined twitter design too

>article about women being cancelled written by a white male
>he's smiling


Does this mean Witcher is gonna suck too

the way the show's going mechs are not out of the question

The strategy of throwing a ton of shit against the wall and then if they succeed they drop it after 3 seasons as policy now, is so weird. Only conclusion I can reach is that it isn’t about creating great content that will drive subs, but to bloat their numbers of content to make people waste all their time scrolling their categories to both save bandwidth, since they don’t watch anything and to give the appearance of offering a lot of content so they feel it is worth keeping their sub. Once in awhile they will hardcore astroturf something that might even be descent to give people the feeling that they need to stay subbed or they will miss being included at the water cooler.

The fact that it is for now seemingly working, I know idiots like that, must be something they have studied in great detail with psychology and figuring out that is the cheapest way to make a product to sell while growing. The fact that the original content they make is all crap is probably because they spend little to no time developing any of it while being dirt cheap to produce.

>Interesting concept
>Poor execution
>Cancelled series
Sounds like 90% of the series on netflix

what's funny is that it doesn't matter if they whine

it literally isn't profitable so it HAS to go

So this means Castlevania gets 1 more season and the guy who made it picks up the rights to Devil Mat Cry because he knew he had to go to a new IP afterwards?

Isn't it the JJ Abrams mystery box concept? Who cares about the mystery if you are never going to resolve it?

Brit is great, but OA was far more convoluted than her earlier films, she'd do much better sticking to the low budget pseudo-arthouse film thing she had going on.

the market regulates all in the end

last year retard do you know bojacks last fucking season? are you mentally challenged or something? You think I am talking about LITERALLY from today to the next year? Mouthbreather.

And they dont even wanna do THAT anymore!

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Social justice continues to eat and destroy itself.

But I'm still sitting here waiting for those "conservative alternatives" of every service to appear. Where the fuck are they?

Amazon Prime has been around for ages

So 'given short runs' is code for 'nobody watched'?

>But seeing more than one-third of canceled series stemming from women creators isn’t great
That means 16 series from male creators were cancelled but it's more important when it's wamen!

and this is why we have mass shootings, cause some male whites are sick of taking the blame for every while their own problems are ignored so they lash out

>no hatewatching netflix is a thing?
Pic is related.

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HBO just made Chernobyl, one of the most popular tv shows ever, and it was pure anti commie propaganda. Weirdly enough Euphoria Amazon also made The Boys which openly makes fun of Marvel and their SJW propaganda. And I'm talking about normie stuff only

How is a bridge feminist?

>*Euphoria also had a clear anti SJW message
Fucked that post up didn't I

i liked it, not perfect but was at ambitious and original.

Built by women as a statement.

Meanwhile the director of Chernobyl equates the late Soviet Union to Drump'f policies. Modern commies in general reject that time as le not true communism, and use it to shit on capitalism for bringing the union down.

Go check that Mazin cuck's filmography on IMDB and then come back here and tell me with a straight face he was the brain behind Chernobyl. I'll wait, take your time

This is the post.

This is why white men created and ran TV and film. We're good at it.
Nog's and women want to cash in all the sudden and they can't produce a single original work that's worth a damn.

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>blatantly makes shit up
>continues to act retarded
Sounds like a Bojack viewer.

>Black Panther
>Avengers Endgame
Racists keep on seething.

Lmao incel please kill your self you will never be as successeful as other people especially women.

Y'all a bunch of Incels

>>Black Panther
Subsidized success
>>Avengers Endgame
Pure cringe
Killed Star Wars
Pure yikes


thats not really true that men are inherently better. it is true that theres a bunch of undeserving women and minorities being given charity opportunities right now though.

>ree they don’t count

>thats not really true that men are inherently better.

Have women ever successfully oppressed an entire gender? didn't think so

>White men created television
I thought Jews weren’t considered white by you people?

You forgot to dilate again

All properties made by white men

Kathline Kennedy ruined the biggest franchise of all time. Proof enough for me



who is the equivalent of best girl

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>You know those fat white nerds who spend shitloads of money on useless plastic? Fuck that, we need cat ladies and the twilight crowd.

Yea Forums always cares to discuss this shit way more than the sites the articles are featured on

why'd you post worst girl though

Ain't gonna lie lads, I really wanted that season 3 of the OA. I don't know what I'm going to do without it.

This is a competetive industry, only men are willing to go in that battle. For every man that made it in the indsutry, how many of them failed and disappeared? Women like to point that most directors are male but they don't want to see the big picture and look at what happened to the men who didn't succeed. Now women want to take this kind of risky and competetive career. But they found a solution, cry discrimination and equality to get jobs they could never get if they had to fight for it like men. And when they fail, that's sexist.

I considered myself totally liberal and always thought I didn't give a shit about this sort of thing and everyone that did was a hate fuled incel.
But yesterday I was reading through the culture section of the Guardian website looking through the interviews and pictures etc and realised out of 21 pictures of people on the page, 4 of them were white and 2 of those 4 were men. I think I might be an incel dudes help

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Because Yea Forums is full of m*llennial subhumans, rabid creatures who's entire life revolves around being outraged.
The millennial is a dog that never got a kick to its mouth everytime it behaved badly.

>Have women ever successfully oppressed an entire gender? didn't think so
WOW, it's 2019 and you still don't see it? I mean a girl won a prize for making an anti manspreading chair! Imagine if a man made a chair to prevent women from having abortions? Male bashing has become more than mainstream, it's encouraged everywhere.

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Jews are very much like women, they don't create anything but they hijack something successful made by white people. terrifying examples are Disney and Lucasfilm, both created by white men, taken over by jews and turned into subversive cancer

The creator sounds like a cunt. Articles were posted here. Hoping for hatewatching, complaining about being cancelled.

Re read what I wrote

>women make shitty shows that no one wants to watch

Both are misleading.
Netflix almost always cancels shows in their second or third seasons because going on for any longer does not attract new subscribers.
Only the biggest ones like Stranger Things are safe.

>Black Panther
not woke
>Avengers Endgame
a single scene. fucking who cares?
literally killed the franchise.
not woke

Damn oh well I liked the oa apart from the tranny shit


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This article seems like it's lowkey about how women are dogshit creators but it's disguised as an SJW article


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I'm just laughing at you Amerimutts and your "politics".
You live in a third world nation full of lunatic killers and you don't even care, you just use them for your own agendas.

wow i should watch that. i didn't know it had trans ppl. are there cute transgirls?

i like Sense8 because he has beautiful Jamie Clayton

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>font so fucking gay that its serifs have insane ligatures in the first word
Gay fucking country

Who is this man and why is he happy about womens shows being canceled?

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The bird show sucked, how dare they even mention it was somewhat related to Bojack

women are subhuman who deserve no rights

The engineering company had a bunch of female power on their website and made a point of hiring female engineers, not because they were engineers but becuase they were female

Just drop the facade, and admit that you're addicted to us. You use our websites, watch our movies/TV shows, listen to our music, follow our politics, dress in our fashions, and you can't stop thinking about us in general. Meanwhile, I don't know where you're from, and honestly couldn't care less. You sit there and impotently seethe about us constantly while we don't even think about you 99% of the time. But by all means, post another mutt image, that'll sure show us.

and they can't even do that without the help of men, what an absolute joke of a sex

Incredibly based post

>You use our websites,
Only Yea Forums and Youtube, and if Yea Forums shut down it would actually be good.

>watch our movies/TV shows
Not really, I don't watch them anymore.
Besides, America only shits out leftist propaganda, paying for leftist propaganda is an American thing.

>listen to our music
Fuck no, I listen to local music like everyone here, your hoodrat rap is intolerable nonsense.

>follow our politics
Only the mass shootings, it's always good to know when an American has done the admirable deed of killing other Americans.

>dress in our fashions
Fuck no, i'd look like a 5 year old and my hair would be blue, disgusting.

>post another mutt image, that'll sure show us.
Of course it does.

Attached: America.png (599x237, 34K)

>This is like the stat that women owned businesses fail more than male owned
Of course they do. If things get hard and stressful the women can just walk away and merry a lonely man with a steady job. And what do they get if they are successful? It doesn’t really help them get a better husband.
If things get hard and stressful for the man, his whole future is at stake, he might have to start over at a entry level job and be 10 years behind his peers, while if it works up he can pull the hottest women around and enables all his hobbies and interests. So of course the man is going to pull the 100 hour weeks, of course the man is going to go have a screaming match with the shipping office for fucking up.
You can’t really get around this

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My first real laugh of the day
Thanks user

Shut the fuck up and die bigot

These shows are like the equivalent of indulging your gf’s latest creative endeavor.
You know they aren’t good but it’s worth pretending for a bit to get her out of your hair
She’ll eventually tire of it and move on, and you get to pretend you’re supportive and give a fuck

A lot of these women are self haters who wish they were men, most of them are lesbians or hardcore feminists who refuse to be "breeders" because it's disempowering. 30 of toxic feminism has enabled an entire generation mentally ill women, and now we're here. I blame male boomers for letting this happen.

Actually they generally do
Never forget, if you’re girl is good at sucking dick she has either suck a whole lot of them , had another man or men teach her properly or a combination of both

>>Black Panther
superhero bullshit will always sell
>>Avengers Endgame
superhero bullshit will always sell
everyone fucking hated it but it still sold
spiderverse wasn't woke it just had a black protagonist

>Avengers Endgame
Had a couple of cringey SJW moments, but wasn't that woke. It was mediocre, too, but that's another argument.
Widely hated and hurt the Disney Star Wars franchise as a whole. Why not use Captain Marvel instead? That shit movie made over a billion at the box office.

Chill out you sperg, Bojack fucking sucks anyways.

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Good, Commie fucks are ruining all the arts with their quotas for gender and race over talent. Leftist trash must go.

women cant refute this

It’s like that meme poster:
>one in four homeless people is a woman!

Kill yourself hole

see she looks normal here but I just know that she has to go home and dilate her wound for an hour and then I remember she will never be a normal human being again and I feel depressed

don't they only have to dilate for the first year?

lol no
it's for life
it's a wound mate and the body treats it as such, trying to close it, it won't stop after a year

>see she looks normal here
Kill yourself faggot.

That didn't even get 400mil and got fucked hard in the ass by Aquaman

Retarded fuck faggot enabler zoomer cock sucker

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It's like sports - women don't watch women's sports, and they blame men for not paying women athletes equally.

But it's really easy to create stupid shows that appeal to women, they are not that hard to figure out. Feminists won't allow that though.

Nah it's an ugly Asian ftm (wunnabe)

Kill yourself faggot scum

This. Why would women watch Netflix's garbage shows when they can just watch Friends for the 1000th time?

Queers should be executed


you mean the lowest grossing spider-man movie of all time?
you mean the animated movie which secret life of pets and sing both outperformed by 100%?

>JJ mystery box
What a great analogy, exactly that yes.

Also, don’t forget that deep down women don’t like seeing other women succeed, especially if they are attractive

is the show about the female birds cancelled? i was considering watching it

>and if Yea Forums shut down it would actually be good.
pretend it shut down and fuck right off


Lol you can’t even watch tv and movies without biting your lip and clenching your boy fist, sad.

Broke a billion idiot, might wanna read the news.

>believing snopes
Thats a big yikes

see ladies, nice guy Ben Travers is out supporting you.. you should totally reward him with sex because he is such a nice guy

>B-but the board of directors is all men!
Directors don't design bridges
>OK but t-the construction guys were mostly men!
Construction guys don't design bridges either


They have all the data, if people aren't watching it, they ditch. Americans have a strange idea of what a long or a short-run is, Netflix has no motivation to aim for the artificial goal of syndication. It rustles the jammies of critics because the whole process is empirical for Netflix.

That said, even The Guardian was laughing at The OA, case closed.

Reminder that Netflix's algorithms tell them to cancel series after 2 seasons at most. The reason? A series typically doesn't get any more popular after the second season and the third season often comes with a pay rise for the people involved. So if you ever wonder why Netflix cancelled that show you like after 2 seasons, "fuck you" is why.

Bruh look at this dude

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oh no you don't

>Being illiterate
>Trusting things without even a hint of a real source

There is nothing to suggest that MCM used an all-women design team for the bridge, and the woman pointed out as the team leader wasn't even on the project, as stated by the company themselves. Hate feminist bullshit all you want, just don't be gullible retards about it.

