*sips tea*

*sips tea*

Scared yet, Trumpettes?

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America = cringe

not vidya

inb4 250 replies


Hillary didn’t resist when Trump fucked her out of the presidency.

fuck off back to your containment board

>I'm just chilling, on Yea Forums - Twitter screenshots & Marvel movies

Resist what? She's not running, what the fuck is she resisting? Arrest? Death?

Uh, yeah actually I am a little scared. What the fuck is that thing?

fpbp as usual

wait, we are still pretending she doesn't just have a collection of wigs? Her hairstyle changes length twice monthly.

When did we get politicians with such weird hair? Trump has a bad weave-wig and hillary just puts on her Jon and Kate plus 8 wig and hopes they don't arrest her in the street.

Doesn't she fuck and eat children?

I was going to say “she’s resisting the urge not to cry” but then I remembered that she cried when she lost, like hysterical sobbing and pulling out her hair (which explains the haircut).

>Formerly Chuck’s

so powerful

What is she supposed to be resisting

get the fuck over it, you loser
not even dems care about this


how the fuck has no one said this or OH NO NO NO yet?

this board is slipping. sneed

not to mention yikes


omg how DARE somebody make a post on twitter! i- i mean how CRINGE! yeah im not threatened by it, im n-not crying... im laughing haha so CRINGE! XD how's that wall coming?

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