Why do characters always order their steak

medium rare? fukn savages, well done or gtfo

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only city retards trying to show off at steakhouses order medium rare. Medium Well ride or die, because we eat more than one steak a month and don't make a production out of it.

If you don’t eat your steak rare than please kys Bc you are a tranny


Go get a burger at mcdonalds if you want a fucking grey slab of bugman nutrients you fucking faggot. I have eaten the bloodiest steaks from the most low-down shitty joints possible and never once contracted any sort of food illness because my genetics are derived from warriors and explorers rather than faggy little pencil pushers.

On ny strip I do love it medium rare

The blood taste with the salt and fat just slaps

Nah cunt Medium Rare is perfect

Medium is the best way to get it, you uncultured swine

this is the first time a reply on this board has caused me to physically cringe

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what kind of truck do you drive?

black & blue

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>one portion of botulism please!

For me? It's well done plus another five minutes on both sides. I hate blood and thinking about raw meat, but I like to order a steak because it makes me feel like a big man.

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>anything more than blue rare

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Damn I want a juicy red steak right about now

I unironically like the taste of blood

normies get physically triggered when i order well done steak

once some fucking boomer at the next table tried to talk shit to me about it and I asked how much he could bench and he shut up pretty fuckin quick after that

sure it was cringe to act fit in public but it's just as cringe to try and act like eating improperly cooked food makes you some kind of badass

the only thing I like with pink on the inside is PUSSY

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> normies get triggered over well done steak

wrong, only normies eat well done steaks, I bet you fucking faggots chew on leather for fun.

Any tips on getting a good sear on the steak lads? Every time I cook it the interior is cooked perfectly, but the outside is still grey as fuck

>celebrating your unironic enjoyment of ruined meat

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>I asked how much he could bench
Pic related - You

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its nice to enjoy the finer things in life

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you don't even know what you're replying to
extremely hot pan

>mfw I first had a steak blue

I know this is a gigantic misuse of this .jpg but fuck me with a stolen dick if it wasn't the exact face I made

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I bet you pour a lot of salt on that shit.

Blue rare, all the best things in life should be eaten raw

That flavor mixed with the salt is orgasm-tier.

Medium Rare used to be the correct thing to order. Recently normies decided that rare was hip though so now most restaurants overcompensate and give you chewy, cold on the inside shit when you want medium rare. I ask for medium now and they usually get it right.

you can't reason with that level of retardation

if you don't get diarrhea within a few hours of eating meat not brought up to temperature you are not a real man and need to return to the steakhouse and try it again, this time with side dishes.

>not cooking your meat to 122 degrees in a sous vide
>not blowing up the outside of said meat with a propane vapor torch to achieve the perfect crust
plebs. probably boil chuck roast and call it steak.

>if you don't get diarrhea within a few hours of eating meat not brought up to temperature you are not a real man
>if you're not evolutionarily inferior you're not a real man
What did Buzzfeed mean by this?

Salting the meat before is usually optional. Thawing is mostly a meme if it's a thin steak.
If you still thaw, let it air dry for half an hour on each side, drying the recipient.

Very hot pan/grillpan. Cast iron requires some minutes to reach the ideal temp, and it also takes longer to dissipate the heat.

Once you put the meat on the pan, don't touch it or move it around (Maillard reaction). Once the juices start coming out of the bone or the other side, flip it.

Wait 1 minute, lower heat a bit, or not (depends on how thick the piece is, cooking point or how well do you tolerate charred meat). You want to place it on the "drier" side of the grill/pan or one side will be perfect and the other side will look grayer and almost as if the juices steamboiled that part.

For me, it's the harbor freight flamethrower sear.

Mmm medium ware my favowite!

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true alpha males order it raw
medium rare is for normies
well done is for beta cucks

>Doorstop Tier:
Well done

>Like grandpa used to make tier:

>Sauce-lover tier:

>Normalfag tier:
Medium Rare

>Contrarian tier:

>Tryhard tier:


i like done enough to not be contrarian but rare enough to not be a normalfag
i'll just play it safe and take a bite out of a live cow

>city retards

At least you did't say "city slickers" that would have attracted a shit ton of sneedposters like that guy who said homer in the thanos thread

>well done or gtfo
never eat a steak again in your life you tastelet

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Let's just agree that steak is awful is general.

don't be mad because you've never been to a good steakhouse

>not eating blue done burned

A well done steak has to be white/light inside, if it's brown it was cooked by a retard or the meat was in bad state already.

Eating raw meat because it's 'softer' is just retarded.

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I don't get the hype either.
There are a lot of better things you can cook with beef.

>Eating raw meat because it's 'softer' is just retarded
it's not raw if it's seared dumbass

Imagine purposefully ruining your steak to be contrarian and trigger normies

Imagine considering what others might think when ordering a steak.

I usually just order it medium well since if they overcook it I end up with a well done but not burnt steak and if they undercook it I end up with a medium or medium rare steak, all of which I'm fine eating.

This. It's amazing how many pussies shit up this site.

I've always maintained that a good burger is better than any steak
Fight me

I don't fight the disabled.

Steaks being the best food is a meme for tryhards
Burgers have more going on

The only reason to order a well done steak is if you're scared of E. coli. Which in America I can understand given how often they have outbreaks.

>Go to steak house for the first time
>Order it well-done with ketchup
>The server and customers near me gave me looks or laughed at me
>Never go to a steak house again

Steakhouses are the one place you don't need to go to. Do it at home man. Cast iron skillets cheap, butters cheap, salt and peppers cheap, the meats cheap. For what you pay at a steakhouse you could have the same and a case of bear

>Medium well
maybe for a rump

Barking up the wrong tree, friend. Retards aren't worth my time. Even this (You) is just a pity thing.

This is true. I like steak but people go on about it as if it's this holy grail of food to get a good steak. Don't know if a burger would be better imo but steaks are overrated

Nightmare fuel
I can already feel it stuck in between my teeth

Medium rare is the best, it's tender and juicy while still being cooked.
Medium is the only other valid order, since rare is for barbarians who like to get parasites and well done is for your mom who should probably be stewing the meat instead since it's a waste of steak, and medium well is just pointless.

look how fucking tough that is. My jaw hurts just looking at it.

>tfw relatively well off lad and always get the looks when I go to steak houses only to ask for : WELL DONE and make that presto then snap my finger and give him the hand gesture

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Medium rare-medium is fine
Im a waiter at a steakhouse and only niggers, white trash, and hispanics order it well done.

>my genetics are derived from warriors and explorers

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For me, Pittsburg it.

>eating overcooked meat

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Do you serve a lot of ranch?

Post body

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a ton. not necessarily with steaks though.

Good steaks are quite easy to do with experience. Maybe not being able to get a good quality slab of beef in your hometown. A burger though? That's an entire art of pairing buns, cheeses, condiments, and chewy bits along with the meat.

Medium but, and this is key, you gotta let that nigger rest for a few minutes before you cut into it

how is someone trying to show off by ordering a medium rare though. that makes zero sense

I bet you make your ancestors proud being a pioneer here on a guatamalan basket weaving forum.

I genuinely don’t understand, what kind of third world country do you guys come from that you need to overlook a steak for health reasons? Have your chefs just not heard of washing their hands?

Cringe. What a gay image.

You’ll never get your cotton harvest in with that attitude

Donecels BTFO

well done steak is effectively improperly cooked considering how much of the taste you're losing. It's really only excusable if you're feeding kids. If not, join the adults for god's sake.


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its called seasoning and a little lemon juice

>Burgers have more going on
What I'm hearing is you don't actually like the taste of beef, but rather bread, vegetables, and condiments.

They hated him because he told them the truth

>steak is so tough you literally need an additional acid to eat it

they like salmonella

I think he means the combination based retard

What an utterly shit brain you have

medium is perfect, not too burnt and not too raw

holy based!

>I have eaten the bloodiest steaks from the most low-down shitty joints possible and never once contracted any sort of food illness because my genetics are derived from warriors and explorers rather than faggy little pencil pushers

actually it's because only the exterior needs to be seared to destroy the main threat of harmful bacteria. doesn't matter if it's blue rare or well - exterior gets seared.


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Pork > Lamb > Steak

Apparently Texans love it

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>the state that's famous for raising steaks knows how steak is cooked
Says it all.

Best thread right now

>Implying söyboys even eat steak, let alone any meat.


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Yeah, I'm thinking this is based.

good god that triggers me so hard

I want to find that person and hurt them

It's just a bit of fun lad.

it's not though, it's literally how thousands if not millions of men choose to define themselves, like which flavor of capeshit one prefers or which con artist masquerading as a politician you support. And ironically these are the same men complaining about a lack of masculinity in the modern world. It's fucking infuriating.

Only fatties the put ketchup on steak eat it well done.

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Well done detected
but seriously, get off your high horse you pretentious faggot

It's not hard to be on your high horse when you're shoulder to shoulder with pond scum every second of every day. believe me it becomes exhausting.

NPC detected

>i love raw meat!

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Most normie men don't really care about that stuff, just the insecure losers who hang around here. Get some life experience bro.

But mp

Have you ever tried rare steak? The more you cook it he harder and drier it gets. That thing in the picture is like eating leather. Properly cooked rare steak is so soft you can cut it with a regular dinner knife, in fact I suspect steak knives only exist because people overcook steak so often.
Also, don't listen to these retards, there is no taste of blood.

>larping basement goblin

You order medium or medium rare or rare. Nothing else existed.

There's a grill place where I live where the waiters regularly cut your sirloin steak (if you want to share it) with a spoon just to prove how good the meat is, but not all animals produce the same quality of meat.

medium rare for me as well.

No one actually gives a shit about this, holy shit how much of a boring sperg can you be

only cavemen ate rare food and look what happened to them. then evolution happened and we discovered fire and how it can properly cook the food. apparently there are still few mongoloids consuming raw food.

Depends on the cut, heathens. If it's a well marbled cut, like a scotch fillet, you want to have it medium rare so the fat is cooked sufficiently. If it's leaner you should have it rare and only seared on either side, I otherwise you're over cooking it.

If there's anything bugman, it's eating cuck rare. Fuck off cityslicker.

well well! look at the city slicker with his fancy restaurant steak!

This steak was grilled at the county fair!

That steak looks dry as fuck.
Once you have the technique down it's easy as fuck to make juicy well done steaks.

I always order medium rare but tbqh I don't have any idea whether the cooks give me medium rare, medium or medium well.
