
Attached: shijuju black eye.jpg (1080x1349, 106.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


why post something so awful

giblet dies

Attached: zeem(the webm).webm (1276x716, 1.73M)

The majority of you could have sex if you went for ugly/fat women


Attached: FNlNqUlXMAIa3QV.jpg (1080x1350, 457.15K)

have this ready just incase brazzas

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yan bless

trugg walk, mufuckin trugg walk

Can't wait until burns kills this overrated hypejob
The reddit seethe will be glorious

pic related is the only image u need when gibbles gets it done

Attached: classic-welcome-doormat-c[1].jpg (558x501, 61.03K)

heh I see the resemblance


>Just lower your standards bro, who cares if no one lowers their standards for you
>Is more important to have sex than to find someone you actually enjoy being around.

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Attached: pereirabrazilians.png (506x593, 688.93K)

Should I bet my life savings ($600) on Khamzat Chimaev?


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The writings of the scholar Yamaga Soko and his disciples are among the most lucid expositions we have of the core ideas and philosophy underlying the Samurai's disciplined way of life and outlook. Together they provide an in-depth, practical guide to character building and conduct according to the precepts of Bushido—a code for professional warriors that retains as much relevance in today's world as it had when these works were written 400 years ago.

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Po Atan chads..

Attached: pereirapunched.png (537x516, 809.02K)

Who is this beaten semen demon?

Grueling two weeks, been daydreaming about CTE like...
I hope 273 delivers

Attached: apu_day_dream_CTE.png (444x444, 154.47K)

what the fuck

Attached: tiktok cuck.webm (720x1280, 2.9M)

Pepe version

Attached: dreaming_CTE.png (444x444, 169.26K)

Why is my peenor hard??

Attached: luquecake.png (291x444, 175.43K)

Does Poatan have the cardio to take both of them on at once?


the blue shirt guy really needs to find new friends

>khamzat will never win a national swedish wrestling tournament
>khamzat will never win half a dozen swedish wrestling tournaments and go undefeated
>khamzat will never become the greatest swedish wrestler of all time
>khamzat will never succesfully transition to mma
>khamzat will never make it to the ufc
>khamzat will never get a ufc win
>khamzat will never beat a ufc veteran
>khamzat will never knock him out in under 20 seconds
>khamzat will never only get hit 2 times in 3 fights
>khamzat will never become a swedish celebrity
>khamzat will never recover from covid
>Khamzat will never impregnate 1000 white swedish women to bring his lungs back to full strength
>khamzat will never beat Li Jingliang
you are here
>khamzat will never beat Gilbert Burns
>khamzat will never get a title shot
>khamzat will never win the 170 belt
>khamzat will never win the 185 belt
>khamzat will never win the 205 belt
>khamzat will never retire undefeated
>khamzat will never overthrow the swedish government and start the Swedish caliphate
>khamzat will never liberate all of Scandinavia under the flag of Islam
>khamzat will never turn the European Union into the United European Emirate

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What a faggot

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Even if Yan manages to win, it will still be 1-1.

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Man that would be funny for rat lip kumzhot

Attached: 1_Bg6F-leKC1xzABu7S8bZXA.jpg (1100x550, 142.96K)

>>khamzat will never beat Gilbert Burns
>Khamzat is the favorite

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What's with the trend in the last couple of years of cucks being proud of being cucks on social media?

I disagree 100%

>Danyoh Koimyay

Attached: 1648131328200.png (356x404, 311.51K)

volk peaches yan up

>heh i-it doesn't bother me, more p-power to her

Attached: 879845.jpg (601x508, 31.38K)

These tiktok guys are usually not cucks but are trolling for views
Although he does look the part

Aljo would have already choked him out.

Sorry, but I don’t think it will happen. He gets sparked in the first.

you know what THAT means heem



it's insane how prodigious volks striking is considering his background is in wrestling and he didn't start kickboxing until his 20s and at a literal who gym

For me? it's getting peached up

she cute!@

Why stop at 3!?!?!?!?

Attached: peach.png (2000x2000, 896.81K)

>Dana White: "I think if Khamzat Chimaev wins this weekend we see him and Colby Covington next."

lads I've just taken a proper look at this weekends card

wtf, outside the main, how come it's so shit? Am I missing something? Bunch of them only have 1 or 2 fights in the UFC. What are some fights to look out for? I know Mark Madsen but that's about it

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lmao uncanny

>Is it Saturday yet?

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WMMA filler shit.

This is the guy that defended Izzy and Garry taking care of another man's son the other day btw.

Colby would kill him, besides Colby is fighting Izzy next

No, its doesnt biiitch
Shut the fuck up biiitch
Shut the FUCK up

Yan was still downloading him

Colby is shaking

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If Poatan beats Strickland, they are 100% doing Poatan vs Izzy next, or at least Poatan vs the winner of Rob vs Vettori (probably Whittaker) while Izzy waits.