
What podcasts does Yea Forums listen to? For me it's Chapo Trap House

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Chapo Sóy House

Does anyone have the vid of left-wing Sam Hyde being drunk as fuck and screaming "SECTOR B, SECTOR B" or whatever the fuck it was?

Chapo has become unlistenable. It has been declining in quality since the 2016 election cycle.

Hollywood Handbook

the only time i ever listened to chapo was in 2017 and the very first thing they talked about was how transphobic an adam sandler movie was


Somewhere in the Skies - UFO podcast
My Dad Wrote a Porno - comedy
The Dollop - comedy and history
Dead Rabbit Radio - paranormal

Travis Bickle on the Riviera

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For me it's Charlie Tranny Shack

Cato Daily
The Editors
Pardon My Take
Podcast Ain't Played Nobody (rip Bill C)
>Other subjects
Literally why would you do that. I never got in to true crime podcasts

Also why does Felix look like Brooklyn hipster Frasier

i like cum town a lot. is hollywood handbook any good? ive seen it recommended here.

Stav is the worst Cum Boy, right? Are we all in agreeance?

Yeah but he's still necessary for the pod to work. I did enjoy the episodes with only Nick and Adam though. They're very laidback and comfy without all the laughing.

Joe Budden
Reply All

He just seems like a major peice of shit, and then he pulls the victim card

Maddox did a thing!

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Painkiller Already
How to Survive


Ron and Fez archives

Do yourselves a favor and listen to this:


Two yokels try to do true crime podcasting and its unintentionally hilarious. Only so bad its good podcast I've heard.

For me, it's the filmdrunk frotcast
>film discussion
>racist accents
>based Matt Lieb is an ex-junkie with crazy stories like fucking a fake fish
>they both hate the mouse

If I'm in the true crime mood, Last Podcast on the Left, though the two guys who aren't Henry Zebrowski are somewhat faggy.

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That's a big issue for communists


adam is worst and it's not even close
also chapo makes you hate yourself. free yourselves, you degenerate idealistic losers.

Jesus christ. This is who is calling you an incel and telling you to have sex


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This is dystopian

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>adam is worst and it's not even close
Try listening to any episode in the last year and tell me otherwise. Stav is a humungous faggot, Adam seems legit chill.

Used to listen to Strike and Mike, but it got too repetitive.

rad dude cast
philosophize this

thats my legitimate list of podcasts i listen to every week

imo cum town is pretty bad except for maybe 2-3 good jokes nick pulls out of his ass in the entire hour or whatever. adam kvetching about the smallest things and never making me laugh doesnt help.

I don't listen to podcasts, but clips from Cumtown are the funniest and sometimes most insightful things around

Anybody got any recommendation for podcasts that are similar to hardcore history? Doesn't have to be history but just something as good as that

why do so many of these fuckers let their beards grow out in such a disgusting way? is it that hard to groom yourself properly?

ill recommend mike duncans revolutions to everyone

less dramatic than hardcore history, but if youre interested in politics and history its great

seriously, has listening to chapo ever gotten you a better job or made you happy even for an instant?


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Cumtown is great I even found a way to gank their premium eps, almost regret missing their show when they were on tour in Canada but I was making moneyyy
Adam is a little bitch, Stav is fucking normie but a little more clever, and Mullen is tops
Stav is like the glue, he laughs a lot but it's genuine because he loves Nick and Adam

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America first with nick fuentes
TDS on the right stuff
Sam Harris podcast
Axe Files with David Axelrod
Various sports podcasts- duncd on, lowe post, the ringer, PFF
Strike and Mike
JRE depending on guest
Amrens pod
History of Rome

i get to listen to them most of the day at work

>Stav is like the glue, he laughs a lot but it's genuine because he loves Nick and Adam
Stav is the Spenny of Cumtown, on the surface he seems benevolent and good natured but he really seems like a slimy faggot underneath

>Stav is like the glue, he laughs a lot but it's genuine because he loves Nick and Adam
exactly. adam is there just to be laughed at. i still think cumtown is mostly shit. the noguchi museum joke annihilated me.

yea the best episodes are where they tackle something different that they still are knowledgable/passionate about like the ayn rand one

cox n crendor in the morning

Vince Russo’s The Brand
Cum Town
The Big 3 Podcast
Simply Don: The Podcast
The Bret Easton Ellis Podcast

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Chapo is good

They genuinely think personal hygiene is fascist.


while I agree with you, it's still the only good podcast out there I can listen to.

>Nick Fuentes
Based. AF episode yesterday was amazing.

He's very engaging and insightful. He's gonna be huge in a few years if he doesnt get banned

It’s still great whenever Felix is on. Felix has tapped into a weird strain of esoteric internet comedy that nobody else seems to be able to access. Will has gotten better at being a radio host but his hate-reading shtick is getting tired. Recently they seem to content to let the dorky new producer talk a lot, which is a bad sign for sure

>chapo trap house
Go back to wherever you came from and don't return, please

For me, I listen to Bonbi's podcast.

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To be fair, that doomer posting is his entire gimmick. And its the reason he's one of the best members.

based bonbichad

so chapo listeners are the reason this board is so bad? i thought it was because of /pol/...

Best Adam Sandler review right here

chapo tranny house rofl

Cum Town is awful 90% of the time. Nick is better at podcasting than he is at standup and it’s kind of tragic. He is probably contemplating suicide as you read this

Why doesnt she start a patreon with rewards of talking to her for a few minutes over skype or something? She could actually make more than most camwhores just talking to people

You should actually have sex though. Especially if you are an unwilling virgin

No Agenda by Adam Curry and John Dvorak

it's the only political podcast i listen to

High society radio


A better question is why does Felix's nose look like its bending in different directions in every picture he's in?

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I only listen to the Ricky Gervais Show and Mad at the Internet, which isn't really a podcast but whatever

>quarantined subreddit
>faggot, terrorist fanbase
I think not. I'll stick to old O&A, LoS, and Cum Town. I don't condone terrorism.

it makes me happy all of the time. then again, i have a normal dick and i think it’s sad that people have to live
paycheck-to-paycheck so i am not representative of Yea Forums

again, we know you're a slovenly incel.

>that guy on the left

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Hey guys, Kike Kevin here.

what do you like about it? they take down your favorite commie sacred cows?
not having to live paycheck to paycheck must make you practically royalty around chapos. i'd watch your back if i were you.

imagine actually being triggered by “have sex”


fuck yeah dawgs come out

Felix is extremely funny. The other guys are hit-and-miss. You seem racist and slow-witted


I only listen to chapo, grubstakers, the sitdown, and Cum Town.
The four pillars of socialist upheaval.

Stav sucks so much, constantly sabotaging the show.
Wish he'd fuck off, and Nick get a third mic to replace him.


All posters here albeit you and me look like that.


i wish he would get it over with

whats a good ep of this

Is this real or some parody?

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Last Podcast on the Left is always enjoyable.

listen to matt and shane, you are primed my dude

That podcast isn't funny, and gets shilled on the cumtown subreddit all the time, fuck off.


>knowing literally anything about the actions of a subreddit

The Dick Show

fuck you asshole its miles better than fucking cumtown


Ive had a ton of sex and i respect women even less now, you fuckng faggot

Those Conspiracy Guys. It's not an /x/ podcast

Its really not and I don't have a dog in the game. I listened to it after Nick did their podcast with his gf, and the several episodes I listened to weren't funny. They're just trying to be edgy like louis j gomez, and they're just as unfunny as that retard too.

Nick hates podcasting. He keeps stav and adam around because they parody the concept of co-hosts

I have never had sex and I hate Chapo.

Comedy Bang Bang!
If I Were You
The Greatest Generation

Hollywood Handbook is VERY hit or miss for me. But it is funny.

It wasn't always like that. There was a time where Nick was solo carrying the show, and Stav was just laugh track. The more Stav and Adam got to talking the worse the show got.

I’m going to listen to Chapo for the 1st time tonight. Seems like a worthwhile show, if it makes 15 year-olds on Yea Forums sperg out

don't worry, all you need is to take hormone blockers and dilate a couple of times and you'll get there.

Listen to the Hot Couch Guy bit on youtube if you can, easily one of their best observations.

nah you're gay and havent listened to it at all


>Hollywood Handbook is VERY hit or miss for me. But it is funny.

God why, why why why. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Fuck I just want to cuddle and kiss her lips fuck fuck I need physical affection or I'm going to die

>muh ecelebs thread
kys op

they got shutdown lmao

They need to get big titty Amber back in the mix, or Ian, but he may be too consistently entertaining to be a third mic on Cumtown

Nick is Felix with slightly better looks and a much lower iq. I suspect Nick loathes Felix, deep down.

well enjoy, but i hope you like political takes frome people who have never worked a day in their fucking life faggot

Why aren't there any good Canadian Podcasts? Toronto is basically like New York.

clean and safe new york

Nick has asperger's, he has to be smart

Felix is the only reason that any of these Brooklyn Bernie Bro radio shows get attention. Chapo wouldn’t be famous without him

Weird you see it like that, when Nick was active on reddit he'd often defend and praise Felix of his comedy style and wit. If anything I think he envies him in a positive way, the way you'd be envious of a good friend.


Your life is never going to get better

Man I love Ian on Cumtown, all three episodes I've listened to were bangers. His anecdotes are insane.

Cheapo Trash Heap

even if you're left wing it's a really embarrassing podcast mate

k fag

>clicks tongue at you
He's surprisingly cool with the boys making fun of him for having a train smash his dad

Everything you say is true but I suspect at this point that his envy has curdled into something darker. Nick is a deeply negative human being

Red Scare. They're secret nazis pretending to be leftists.

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It's a man wtf?!! Women really need to catch up with these traps, holy fuck I had heartache from looking at him

Fuck off Dasha, what you did to the bug was unforgivable.

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The 2016 election night show followed by the Adam Curtis show. Start there

Comedy Bang Bang

it's a schtick moron, he's rich

Can't wait for the Cumtown biopic, Christian Bale makes the most incredible transformation of all time and gets his legs shortened to play Nick.

she didn't want to sully her genepool with a dirty kike

What did she do to Adam? She just fucked someone hot and he was a little bitch about it, right?

>point of personal privilege
What the hell does that even mean?

>white communists

bros, it hurts

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Its amazing how much of a slav whore Dashka ended up being. Her affiliation with Adam netted her a 12k a month podcast and she still cheated on him.

Your Mom's House is pretty enjoyable. I love laughing at all the retards and psychos in the videos they watch.

And now she's crying about being homeless on twitter
Also she's faking being catholic to be trendy
Also she kept the ring

she stole his dying mom's jewelry
gypsy tier turkoid "slav"

it’s not schtick. (never write “a schtick,”
you illiterate gentile.) nick believes he should be doing Netflix standup specials and supporting parts in Judd Apatow movies. instead he does a fake podcast with two retards. you are kidding yourself if you think he sees it any other way

Can't say I'm surprised though. While they were together she talked about committing petty crimes and working as a hostess whore at a Korean karaoke bar. I was just wondering why Adam thought this was a nice woman to spend the rest of his life with.

PoC rise up!

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Nevermind, it's a girl. Straight pledge is upheld for another day

Nick thinks that he should be working construction or fucking killing himself. He hates standup, and generally anything good.

can you please explain who she cheated on him with? and how the jewelry relates to it? i am genuinely curious about what happened but i am not braindead enough to navigate the subreddits to find out

well i don't pretend to be intimate with a strangers innermost thoughts over a podcast, you fucking bitch. have sex

Only good ep of Red Scare was when they had Nick on and they slobbered all over his dick while he just sort of autistically muttered about pizzagate for an hour

Say something nice about amber.

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christina's tik tok curations are top notch

>Bonbi's podcast
gib link plz

hi nick

You see this thread and then you wonder why Yea Forums is full of shit.

>knowing literally anything about the actions of a subreddit
One of the latest spree shooters was a Chapofag, you double nigger. Try to keep up with current affairs.

You can't image shame Matt, hes 100% comfortable with who he is.

On one of her podcast episodes she talks about some beef she had with some other twitter whore who was "telling Adam Dasha cheated on him while she was in LA". She made some off comment saying eve if she was cheating on Adam this other twitter bitch would never know about it.
This doesn't confirm anything, but it sure sounds like she cheated on him while she was in LA.

She's good on cum town, and despite being a weird eskimo bitch I think she's cute

>You can't image shame Matt, hes 100% comfortable with who he is.

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Every single person would be happier if they were as strong a character as Matt is.

this is not a defense incel

Because it's been flooded by retarded commies?

Shes disgusting and that image has way to many pixels. No one wants to see this troll in high res.

>I'm white but I have something to say

Yes, he is the very image of strength.

eat your ham sub and go to bed matt

Reason for politics
Yeah, But Still for friend simulator

Let me guess, you work as a barista and you're waiting for the revolution so you can smash capitalism and bring about a communist utopia?

Is this a Chapo Trap House convention

Chapo look like the kind of guys who can appreciate a slow burn gut wrenching bone chilling jump-scare free A24 film

Not the OP, but what are you doing with your life

Actually sweaty I'm unemployed and waiting for the revolution so I can smash white privilege and bring about a consumer utopia

chapo is good when it's the original three.

What's a good podcast to listen to if you're economically left-wing/ left of centre but very socially right wing? Most stuff on the right is just cringy boomer/neocon shit and left is absolutely pathetic liberals/neolibs larping.

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You really are a chapofag, aren't you? Don't you have Wal Mart to shoot up?

Virgil, Amber and even Brendan are fine too. But they need to let Chris Wade know that he’s only needed as a GarageBand monkey

Unironically, Cum Town.

Tucker Carlson I guess

lazy, you can do better

Fuck man. Where the fuck is the movement of pro-working class, anti-racist people that aren’t fucking autistic androids? Why does believing we need to work on better class relations need to be spearheaded by retarded language police hall monitor fucks?

We deserve 4 more years of the bad orange man. Fuckin hell.

>call somebody incel
>accuse them of being lazy


Yeah he's pretty good. Anyone else though?

Amber is literally the best host on the whole show. She's the only actual Marxist and shits on snowflake SJWs

come on in bull, the water's fine

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America First with Nick J. Fuentes
The Daily Shoah
The People's Square on YouTube

Dumb larping neolib

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The only good RS episodes are the Amber ones (and the Nick one)

The were the worst parts of their Cum Town ep, but I've heard people like them a lot, should I give it a try?

>gets called an incel and takes it seriously

nice brain you have there idiot

DSA is not soearheading

absolutely based opinion amber bro

Anti-racism is an autistic android phenomenon in and of itself. Humans have racial feelings naturally, believing this isn't the case means you are emotionally stunted, an autist.

>America First with Nick J. Fuentes
I've actually been getting little clips from this guy in my yt feed. Pretty good for a zoomer.

just listen to matt talking about his college courses

Every socialist revolution has a self-important middle class vanguard that simultaneously drives it with their passion and dooms it with their insane ideas.

if only matt was as informed as he is impassioned

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>Nick is better at podcasting than he is at standup and it’s kind of tragic.
Stav is unironically the best at stand-up. Whenever they do live shows, Stav has to take the reigns because Nick is too autistic.


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Nick seems really fucking awkard live, and I know that shouldn't be a surprise from the air raid sirens simpsons guy but still

Because they're genuinely mentally brainwashed by the state, media and corporations and the actually left-wing people get crowded out or are too pussy to say anything
It's so intuitively obvious what these kind of retards actually DO, regardless of their motivation, which is to bog down any movement into endless whining and debate which distracts the whole thing from its end-point. They're basically internal saboteurs and are even worse for any movement than cops, spies or agent provocateurs. Of course leftists are too retarded to see any of this because it's that fucking obvious.

she's cute, fuck off

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Do y'all think Matt and Amber go on Yea Forums? I could see Matt browsing /pol/ looking for conspiracy shit.
I know Virgil comes here but he only does it for the cartoon porn.

Most pro-civil rights whites weren't autistic back in the 60s and 70s, just socialist fucks like the Weathermen because they though blacks were cool as shit and wanted their approval. Modern wokesters are a result of purity spirals born from a similar self-centered mindset.

>I want my e-friend simulator characters to do shit I do!

Unironically have sex

>nice brain you have there idiot
So you went for the cheap joke and accuse me of being lazy? Try harder, mass murderer.

People have an inborn group bias. There have even been studies with infants that show that bias towards their own exists. It's a biological condition that is present in everyone. It's only an issue if you start committing violence against others. But in group bias is a completely normal human trait.


I work full time at a decent paying job in IT

i listen to Unpopular Opinions, i guess that's a podcast

pretty sure this is SCM

either way, he has balls and makes great videos youtube.com/watch?v=eYBiVXdmIQo

Fellow mommies of taste.

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>Remarkably, white liberals were the only subgroup exhibiting a pro-outgroup bias—meaning white liberals were more favorable toward nonwhites and are the only group to show this preference for group other than their own. Indeed, on average, white liberals rated ethnic and racial minority groups 13 points (or half a standard deviation) warmer than whites. As is depicted in the graph below, this disparity in feelings of warmth toward ingroup vs. outgroup is even more pronounced among whites who consider themselves “very liberal” where it widens to just under 20 points. Notably, while white liberals have consistently evinced weaker pro-ingroup biases than conservatives across time, the emergence and growth of a pro-outgroup bias is actually a very recent, and unprecedented, phenomenon.

The jew brainwashing is taking effect. Creating a self hating group of mentally ill people.

What the fuck, I swear it was just a couple eps ago that Adam said he'd always defend his queen (Dasha) was that just a bit? What is the timeline for the split?

>most powerful military on earth commanded by geriatric racist nationalist
>better spend time arguing over the gendered language on the DSA lunch menu

>For me it's Chapo Trap House
oh nononono

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very disturbing


i accuse you of lazy thinking yes

cuz ur dumb and gay

never post again

This. Every time I try to listen to a new podcast it just makes me want to start listening to old radio segments.

Now you act like you are a regular old Cum Town guy. Kill yourself before you shoot up a Costco.

What if I call him a white male?

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Imagine the smell.

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i told you i don't listen to cumtown phonies, matt and shane all the way

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>mfw im a fascist and these are the people who are supposed to stop us

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>dressed and built like the toddler in the background
What did God mean by this?

you take this seriously obviously and that makes you very gay

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imagine the massive jewish erection reading this

this post stinks of midwit chapo listener

The thing is that if you look at this from an evolutionary point of view, reactionary whites are going to survive due to their in-group bias, while liberal whites will die off.

GOAT podcast

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for me, it's the sleepycast

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Eric Striker

wait a second, since when do democratic socialists want to abolish capitalism? is this a burger thing?

Is that why the subreddit always talks about transphobia?

>anti-white people


yeah same with conservative people breeding more than liberal minded people it's a disease kek

The Bailey Jay Show

>only once a year
what a shame
also shoutout to WATP

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>The Bailey Jay Show
aka the Hog Trough

Join the socdem master race. Climate change will lead to the extinction of humans but at least we can be slightly more comfortable as we descend into a post apocalyptic future.

Best episodes are the ones about serial killers. Pee Wee Gaskins and Carl Panzram were my favorite heavy hitters.

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True Crime Garage. essential wineaunt

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>they got shutdown lmao
really? lmao source?

Their subreddit was quarantined because they cant stop fucking larping like the socialist revolution is just around the corner and they are finally going to eat the rich or whatever the fuck is that they are """pretending""" these days.

Hi Vince


The Adam Buxton Podcast, RHLSTP, In Our Time, The Guardian Football Weekly, sorted others.

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>Zach stopped doing schmucks and Oneyplays because he got a big boy job
shit sucks desu

Why is it called Chapo Trap House, does that mean something in particular?
For the longest time I thought their podcast was a music (+ drugs I guess) thing just based on their name.

>anti racism

There you have it you fag

Midnight Elves, small af but scratches my Sleepy Cabin itch

>Small Town Murder
>Crime in Sports
>Brilliant Idiots

I actually need more

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You'd have to be subhuman to listen to these retarded commies.

Fuck off racist.

Chapo Onions House


Not a Podcast, but the greatest story never told

Zach's shitposts are literally top teir and i get rock hard every time he speaks

>pro-working class
>class war meme
There is no such thing. White men are the only demographic that pay more in taxes than they get back, so we get to pay for everything. Socialism is just a dishonest wealth transfer scheme. It's a scam and not in white men's interest.
>anti racist
So, you have the brain virus. The races aren't the same, you loon.

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>being an unironic marxist
Hope you're not white.

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There's no way you have an iq above 90.

Go back to red-dit, retard.

wait i used to follow felix a few years back along with a bunch of other people on weird twitter

he has a podcast now?

Social democrats = socialist

based retard

you are still a homo only 10 degrees less

hey op what's it like having to admit you need Biden, a white elderly straight male, to save your party?

Good post, it's so hard to find.

>wanting to live in a society where literally your only value is how much wealth you can create for your jew overlords
>later in life die from heart disease because healthcare is so fucking expensive
>muh free market


Gillis is the fucking man

>wanting to give all your money to brown invaders like in sweden
>not cucked
>overlooks that in capitalist societies, white men get to keep most of what they produce

Joe Budden .

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She fills out tight sweatpants real nice.

The mystery of her ethnicity adds a fun participatory project for fans.

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I listen through tired boring gay jokes and "what about gay____" just for the occasional alignment of brain cells in Nick's head that comes up with a fucking killer bit that knocks me on my ass laughing.

Why do they all look like untermenschen?

apperantly Reddit is on the wrong side of history kek

Anything will make someone on Yea Forums sperg out, that's not really an indicator of any level of quality.

>implying im a pro free market

Go subsidize jamal having 10 future drug dealers as children. welfare only works in white countries

Stav isn't "necessary", he's a fat annoying hack faggot and the reason I don't listen anymore