Do Americans really do this?

Do Americans really do this?

Attached: Great+movie+but+i+imagine+its+supposed+to+be+anti+_cfca96e41e00ab25fcf1068a009686af.jpg (455x256, 48K)

no we never had skinheads here

What, get they cheeks busted?

No, normally it’s with a black guy

pulverize my prostate daddy

>Ha ha we made love to this man in the anus! That means we win!

Only to Frenchies

I fapped to this scene. Relentlessly.

You know what they say. Gay for the stay

>white characters go through intense inner turmoil, able to undo very arguably justified hatred of niggers and become "better people"
>niggers just oogity boogity we hate whitey and murder anyways, simian brains never even considering alternatives
Very accurate

>How Trump voters think

Fucking another man in the ass isnt gay bro

Violence begets violence, so kill all niggers before they commit more violence.

Nobodys gay in jail

Have sex (with men)

straight at the gate

Do something heinous to a child and our prisons will decide your fate. I'm actually kind of proud of that.

euros waking up? based

Tell me the movie. What is this from

Fils du Masque

L’Histoire de l’Amérique Dix

An American Serbian Film

Afternoon At OP's House

>white druggie degenerates support a cause that would have them executed while claiming they're fighting for a greater cause when really it's just their own tribalism
>niggers are at least honest about their inherent violence and have no care for whatever the alien "other" believes of their morality

It’s mostly niggers.

u ever busted a nut in another mans asshole?

way more pleasurable than a gross roastie imho

I have but it was many years ago and I was under 18

Reminder that there is LITERALLY nothing gay about busting a nut deep inside another man and then relishing the experience as you slowly pull your softening cock out of his ass or mouth and watch as your cum oozes out.

>losing your boner while you can still smell his man musk and hear him moaning for your daddy dick

What are you, straight?

What about if I lick it up after it oozes out, is that gay?

> based niggers
typical americucksoyvative
go to sleep already mutt

Of course I'm straight. Why would I be specifying there's nothing gay about something if I was gay? That's mighty odd, user.

That's definitely gay.

Damn, well I tried.
I'll let you hetero chads handle the seeding and I'll take care of the feeding.

Well wait just a minute there, if you're talking about licking it up after me then that's still gay, but I'm already removed from the equation so the gayness doesn't pass on to me, so you can go right ahead and enjoy if you like.

i agree. you should also suck out your creampie out his asshole otherwise it would be gay to leave your cum inside another mans asshole. think about it logically

based fellow felching poster

Why do people opposed to the death penalty always emphasize how much of a torturous punishment prison is and it's actually WORSE than dying? Are you not opposed to the death penalty because it's inhumane? Doesn't make sense.

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