>8ch is down for good
Thanks a lot /pol/tards
8ch is down for good
Other urls found in this thread:
/cow/ was the only board worth a damn and it already has a new home
dont really care that 8ch is dead
Have sex.
I'm fine with it. It's KF that I'm missing right now...
Get ready for an influx of BLACKED threads on here and /gif/!
zach is range ban on sight tho
What's going on with Kiwifarms is different. It was up for awhile earlier.
It's just getting hit by its monthly DDoS attack
>8ch refugees flood Yea Forums
Oh, that's just fucking great
Those already happened often here though
>8ch is down
What exactly is the problem? It going down means the ones that were forced out by moot will come back and get the cancerous reddit post bane memers out
KF is on its period
Incels btfo.
Hi 8ch
RIP Lolis, delicious, shotas, ss and ara.
They're about to happen a lot more.
like 80% of that site is /pol/ and Yea Forums, they'll just go back to those boards
Aren't 8chers just autistic Russians? Why would they come to an English speaking website?
You can’t be that dense
Hi moots advertiser project
How much longer do we have lads? Are our days numbered too?
ch refugees flood Yea Forums
>retarded 2016 tourist doesn't know why 8ch exists in the first place
I mean I don't agree with this and I don't exactly love those losers but talk about irony
The ones "forced out" were bottom of the barrel newfag subhumans that threw a fit as soon as mods bantered back.
>hotwheels gets interviewed by the New York Times about 8ch
>moot isn’t even name dropped in the Vice article about 4chans
Weren’t most their users from Yea Forums in the first place?
Welcome back boys.
I've been praying for this site to shut down for the last ten years. Maybe more. I can't remember when I started to hate being here.
>What exactly is the problem?
Causefags are the problem and always have been.
Why didn't (((they))) delete Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube then?
>forced out
fucking lmao
More like kicked and screamed about how they were running away and never coming back.
man I was just getting to know /b2/; where are we gonna post cunny now
Yes, fucking quitters
2014: wez leavin Yea Forums for good n shiet luggage lad be keepin us down n shiet
2019: let us back in we wuz only joking we wuz good boys
Just delete /pol/ and we are fine. The quality of 4 or 8 chin would skyrocket to be honest. And while you are at it, get rid of r9k too. These two are a downward spiral for mongos who eat up all drivel without question. Fucking faggot channels.
You cannot argue that Yea Forums Yea Forums is a better experience than 8/v/. It hosts a level of discussion that has never been present on Yea Forums.
In prison degenerate
yeah crybabies that were upset that they werent allowed to talk about gamergate
now they're back
The fact that Yea Forums is hosted by cloudflare yet still exists even without moot's cunning is just more proof that this is site is an FBI honeypot
How were they newfags if they were around since before 2010 and then forced out by moot and invisibro because redditors didn't like the old "culture"?
he founded tumblr
Reminder 8ch has a dedicated loli board (now gone) while this site is too pussy to have one.
Oh I see the mistake now You think I'm talking about Yea Forums things because you're part of the reddit cancer that replaced the old posters
Quick look at /gif/
13 tranny threads
11 interracial threads
3 gay threads
And when they've wanked themselves dry, they'll come here and fight the straight white devil.
they need a scapegoat, it's like video games.
You can always leave
hey how about this idea , we could have a report option for red flags theses days that goes straight to fbi, that way we can help prevent any hate and extremism from festering here too, what do think fellow channeler?
/trap/ and /leftypol/ were the only good boards and they were dead anyways
dilating rn btw
It's too hideous to contemplate
Holy shit. I was still in middle school and had only been using Yea Forums for 1 year when luggage lad nuked GG discussion and 8ch was all the rave. Now i'm about to be in my senior year of high school.
Time flies. Ngl can't believe i let this shitty site raise me despite all the warning from oldfags to leave.
Unironically support. It would be hilarious to see NEET losers getting arrested
Great, more leftpol faggots
fuck off to voat or reddit you whiny faggots. we knew you'd come crawling back but we don't want you here.
Mfers act like Yea Forums is a 9-5 and they’ll get a gold watch if they stay 30 years kek
Are you a seventeen years old boy?
this is what 8gaggers actually believe
You still 3 years max to leave and lose your virginity before you're stuck here forever.
>we don't want you here
Yes we do
We don't want redditors like you that replaced them here
>/pol/ is a containment board!
>delete /pol/
Pick one and then dilate, tranny
>User is a 3-Day Reddit Refugee
those been on there quite a while now, dumb newfag
Digest milk.
because those websites aren't constantly talking about murdering nonwhites
This but also /soc/
>13 tranny threads
wtf 13?! based
It doesn't contain anything you fucking degenerate. Get your life together and stop reading nonsensical shit from there.
Delete /pol/ but only because /pol/ is so shitty nowadays and Yea Forums is like /pol/ and Yea Forums in it's prime
fuck off /pol/ teen, no one wants you here
What movie and or television show are you guys discussing?
You'll understand someday.
*transcript from a trial Yea Forums mod interview:
>Are you prepared to not do anything at all, and not enforce any standards whatsoever?
>What?! Where am I? What's going on?
>You're hired!
>implying /gif/ isn't already 75% blacked threads
There's literally only one good thread with fresh content in that cesspool and it's Cops N Robbers. /gif/ should just be deleted and rolled into Yea Forums, it's all the same gay nagger shit anyways
Hehehe do I look cool now my peers? Man, I so fit in here! Yeah!
All mass reply fags should be gassed.
Then why has this image been part of Yea Forums longer than you've been on the site?
t. 8fags
>people who commit mass murder because of immigrants immigrate to a different website
This thread is about Falling Down, you fucking plebbitor.
I was debating "man, where's the cunny now" (1998, polanski)
Of course you show up, you fucking turbosperg. Always leaping to the defense of /pol/ while pretending to defend Yea Forums.
how do you breathe?
sorry we dont want any white male spectacle wearing incel spree killers here thanks!
>/cow/ has a new home
Where? Kiwifarms? Please I need my fix of cows.
And NOTHING of value was lost.
Lord willing they new immigrants will do something so fucked up that it will justify deleting /pol/ for good
lmao, you nu-fags really don't get it why this image was done. Try to not pretend so hard that you are an old timer here next time.
Why wouldn't I defend the only board that was trying to help us when your reddit ilk started crying on /q/ that Yea Forums was entry level enough like Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums?
The same one you’re discussing.
if the among the immigrants are the literal feds that posted there, this could actually happen
Those fags will infest the entire internet if /pol/ gets its shit pushed in.
Why weren't you part of Yea Forums until after moot changed it to be more appealing to redditers?
More revisionist history.
This. If anything there will be a two, three month shitstorm before they fuck off to some website that wants to deal with the liability that is a mix of militant left and right wing ideologues
Get rid off /pol/ before this place goes to hell. I doubt /out/, /an/ and /o/ have anything to do with incels going postal.
You need an advanced degree in being a NEET to shitpost on Yea Forums
>all this reeeing against pol
you can always gb2r, fren
History is whitewash my negro.
Tourist talk.
also Yea Forums it is secretly becoming a hotbed of extremism
*rips off user mask*
>some mutt writing a joke of a manifesto
>/pol/'s fault
more like murica's fault hope you 8ch faggots stay away
also this
Yeah, that’s how I remember it. Honestly, I don’t mind them leaving. I think it’s pretty gay censoring shit and banning discussion you don’t like. It’s like, if it’s not hurting anyone, why not let people talk about what they want to talk about? Seems like that’s the whole point in having a forum.
Holy shit, the newfaggotry you redditrannys proudly display is as disgusting as your mutilated genitals.
not /pol/ maybe, but all it takes is normie playing the blame game by pointing out the racist edgy shit on /pol/ to get this place shut possibly.
based schizo talking to himself
How do I upvote this new faggot?
trolled :)) bet u fell silly now
If online communication becomes impossible it will just cause more real life interaction.
these meta chan history threads are the worst
it will cause all the losers on here to hero once and for all.
/film/ was the perfect board. Slow and without spam, with actual moderation and serious film discussion.
I don't want to interact with a bunch of nigger tranny faggots.
Chinkmoot allows us one a board ;)
>where am I going to post borderline cp now?
>where will I fight degeneracy by shitposting about politics on non-politics boards?
>anyone who isn't mad about this is a tranny shill!
Yeah, the pedos and schizos flooding back in sure were missed.
>blaming /pol/
>NOT blaming those doing the censorship
>8ch schizos will battle it out with reddit the_cultists on tv from now out
brilliant, thanks
And now it's gone forever. Welcome back to Yea Forums. I laugh at your misfortune.
I wouldn't have thought this was based, but those quads
>the site had allowed an enviroment of violent extremism to fester
>larger platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter have not
??? Does Kevin Roose not know the current state of the sites that he cited as leaders in curtailing violent extremism?
But if they win that means you and the rest of the redditors will be forced back to whatever site/board you crawled out of when moot bent over for advertisers
Imagine the female meltdown if they banned Twitter.
>let's take away the one place these outcasts have to vent their frustrations about life that will surely be to society's benefit
just how fucking stupid are normalfags? they are literally asking for it
boards are paper and pen nothing more normies will never learn i don't think mods on 4pol allow these manifesto fags anyway
You’re wrong, you don’t belong in society even, get cancer cunt.
>everyone's complaining about their "freedom of speech" being taken away but no one cares about the delicious lolis
just make a /pol/ website already. We can't afford to have them live here anymore.
the reason every anonymous site becomes "racist" and "sexist", is because most people have those opinions, and only on an anonymous site can they freely express them
on any other site you would get banned, for saying something almost everyone agrees with
Reddit quarantined ChapoTrapHouse, you should see the fucking salt.
All for censorship & deplatforming & shit, when it's not being used on THEM. The fucking second it is they seethe & bitch & whine like toddlers.
Come home 8chers. It's going to be okay
didn't tarrant stream his terorist act on facebook
the internet being sanitised is the scariest thing I've witnessed first hand. I can't imagine how bad it'll be in 10 years.
>Cons: People who bitch for months on end about how twitter is gone now, Many sites spring up to try and capture the userbase Twitter used to have, Trumpu get butthurt for 10 minutes before he has to fuck off and do something else
>Pros: People would be able to focus on tasks for more then 5 minutes at a time now
It's a naked PR stunt. Cloudfare is just preempting any flak they'd get for not punishing 4±Yea Forums, which is the easy "solution" that as always accomplishes jack shit.
That's a lot of cringe to read. Maybe later.
Nice try idiot. It's the typical /pol/ behaviour we can see here. Self-victimisation when needed and pretending that they are talking only in good faith.
The reality is that /pol/ spergs derail conversations outside of pol, spam retarded fabricated infographics, groupthink that doesn't allow other opinions but their hivemind, all under the disguise of 'free speech'.
This is why you never get into critical thinking. And spamming these retarded pictures without even being able to reproduce anything similar that was written there just shows that you lost complete agency over your own mind.
There won't be one in 10 years.
It'll be streaming, shopping, facebook, & ads. That's it.
Don't let Roose know, that might hurt his fee fees
This doesn't go far enough.
moot created /pol/ as a containment board because the users of /news/ started shitting up other boards after theirs got deleted. But /pol/ exists now and the retards from there still flood every other board, much more than was the case in '10-'11 with /news/.
Clearly, the /pol/ experiment has failed and the board should be deleted.
Nice photo of you /pol/snowflake.
stay away from the boards with that retarded opinion thank you very much
the left can't meme
They did. It's called voat, and it's dead because whiny nazi incels are a loud minority and only post their nonsense in between anime/interracial fap sessions on their image boards of choice.
>groupthink that doesn't allow other opinions but their hivemind
So, how exactly does "censorship" foster open discussion?
>spamming these retarded pictures without even being able to reproduce anything similar that was written there
Do you have any fucking clue how tiresome it is having to retype the same exact fucking shit over & over & over & over & over & over & overt & over & over & over & over & over & over again for so many of you fucking delusional faggots is?
Just give /pol/ their own website before they take down the whole site down the shitter with them as anchor.
the best thing we can hope for is that some kind of Tor or Tor like browser is still functional. the day true anonymity dies so does the internet
We're going to have to underground soon
So was Jim actually in the chat? i know its been a while, oh well lemme ask lemme ask Jim somethin what does he think about the uh if he wants to answer of course, what does he think about the uh deal that Kyle got down in florida if he doesn't mind answering *lighter flick flick*
I mean look no this uh a you know what *drunken slurring away from mic* oh jcaesar187s trying to get Jim on, me and Jim swear to god we probably had maybe 250 words total and that's like a large maximum. WELL I MEAN, Jim knows how it is, YA WELL that's the thing other people don't understand im not trying to YA KNOW suck Jim's ass or whatever but every time someone sees Jim they're like get him on get him on and of course people love hearing him and he's funny and, but it also type cast your show and there is problems with it too because ya know, umh not that im complaining whatsoever cause jim made me untold thousands of dollars and I will always appreciate him for that ummmm but you also get to be where's Jim where's Jim where's Jim you know what I mean I uhh think that uhh that's a thing too so.
Somebody said Jim hates me, well I mean that could very well be true i can't read into the hearts of men but uh i know that if you go back and look at the earliest gamergate videos a certain website that uh he was promoting was called the jcaesar187retort.com and he had me on multiple of his streams and so ya know maybe he does hate me maybe he hates me now I don't know but I don't like I don't like talkin I don't engage with that cause I love Jim and I would never be mad if he never showed up on this show again I wouldn't be sup- mad at all
Anarchy btfo
Libertarians, ancaps, randroids, etc on suicide watch
the first part is true, when people talk about pol invasion its basically just pol users who are interested in "movies" (mostly capeshit and celebrity gossip mind you). then it turns into pol victim complex. and lets not pretend pol users win arguments with epic logic and facts, they just spam tranny and cuck and soii until people give up
>Clearly, the /pol/ experiment has failed and the board should be deleted.
it has? i don't see it
>most people
>a few thousands across the world lol