This gonna be kino
This gonna be kino
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lords of the kangz: the fellowsheeeeit of the dank
Are they gonna shoehorn minorities into roles they don't belong?
No it won't. No one asked for more Tolkien. He did his work it was great. Amazon is an okay competitor to Netflix but LotR is done. Fuck off.
This better be good or I'm burning down one of Bezos's mansions
Where did you see Netflix in the OP?
There's more to middle earth than Lotr and the Hobbit, it's not like it's a sequel which would for sure be awful
>GOT could only get half a dozen episodes last season
>lotr gets 20
Hail our Amazon overlords
>mfw they're doing the entire history of middle earth
bet on it. and when the first trailer comes out, they will be prominently featured in it as they look off in the distance while the camera fades in and out.
That shit ending didn't deserve any more episodes than what it got, glad d&d did the right thing and rushed it
that's not unique to netflix and you know it, they're gonna do it because if they don't they'll get decried as waycist
Maybe, they might make numenoreans a diverse race, or they might have the show take place in the east
They’re also going to occupy a secondary role while the main cast is a bunch of white people. These people are smart, they know who’s buttering their biscuits.
But it's just so obvious they won't do it right. Plus it's downright disrespectful at this point.
Just means it is going to be long-winded and draggy
"minorities don't belong in this fictional story about elves and dragons and shit"
Honestly a strong argument.
Faithfully adapting the source material then
They were already in the hobbit prequels so there’s no doubt about that
>called lord of the rings
>has nothing to do with lord of the rings
After watching the Boys, I assure you it will be Kino
>This gonna be kino
>20 episodes
No it ain't. Most shows can't even handle 10 episodes. Look at dumb ass walking dead with 16 episodes per season when only 7 of them matter. Only really good series can handle 10+
>lords of the kangz: the fellowsheeeeit of the dank
Why bother when the movies are the definitive version?
Episode 1:
Merry: *hits blunt* shieeet pip that weed was finna good where the tf is frodo and that lil fat nigga samwise
Pippin: Awww hell naw those nigga finna be leavin the hood shieeeet Merry we needa go find em n shiet
>"minorities don't belong in this fictional story about elves and dragons and shit"
>Honestly a strong argument.
Minorities don't belong in a mythopoetic creation in continuance of the European, mythic storytelling tradition.
Why are incels so obsessed with blacks. Nobody has mentioned them but it’s still all you can talk about
What minorities were in the hobbit movies?
You can bet on it.
It’s very unlikely that any of the main characters from LotR will be featured in this series.
Assorted ones in lake town near the end
black people in lake town
Fuck no it won't.
It's set in some area Tolkien never wrote about using OC characters, and the writers are all "woke" faggots with minor "helped on this 1 episode on a popular series" credits.
the niggers in the woke rise up scene
Oh okay. I never bothered watching past the first movie.
get ready for woke politics shamelessly foisted onto Tolkien's writing the way they did in Hobbit
>Why are incels so obsessed with blacks. Nobody has mentioned them but it’s still all you can talk about
It's film industry that is obsessed with them. We are anticipating their actions and mocking it.
Have sex
>anyone who talks about blacks in a negative fashion is an incel
PLEASE keep de-valuing this word so it continues to mean absolutely fucking nothing, like you faggots did with "nazi".
I can get called a Nazi in the street in the middle of North Ave in Baltimore at 2 am on a Friday now & not have shit happen because Nazi means fucking NOTHING now.
Why is Hollywood so obsessed with sacrificing good source material for the sake of """diversity"""
i thought incel had something to do with wahmen, not the darkies
which is it
Does a bear shit in the woods?
oh no no no no no
20 episodes of hobbits hiking to mount doom
sounds totally exciting
>tfw you learn Gandalf was black
It's great, isn't it? The only word that could stick now is paedophile, everyone is too desensitised to everything else
Is this going to be another retelling of the trilogy, or is this going to be something else. If it's the former, I'm just going to stick with the Jackson movies, and the Rankin Bass version when I want to boogie.
>t. seething incel
The only thing smaller than your cock is your personal lexicon you fucking brainlet.
Pretty sure it’s not going to feature any characters from the fellowship although I remember there being rumors that it could potentially involve young Aragorn when he was off having adventures decades before the war of the ring.
how many of these episodes will be filler?
The hands that typed these posts have never touched a woman.
Well last year I remember people complaining about The Boys, too and now that shit is all over the catalog every day.
Even pedo is losing edge, because faggots insist on equating guy who find girls 2 minutes under 18 attractive with toddlerfuckers.
At least 18.
I’ll respond to the bait. Middle Earth has a roughly earth based cultural and geographic landscapes. The northern cultures are entirely white and the south cultures are darker. There is little to no trader and immigration between these two extremes. Just like how in medieval England there wouldn’t be one darkie aside from the occasional trader.
>americans actually get excited to watch entertainment created by online walmart
Just say "have sex" next time.
>t. seething incel
>half a billion dollar fanfic
oh no no no
hope there’s lot of black people to trigger /pol/cucks
It actually takes less comparative effort for me to type new words than it does for you to copy & paste the same shit.
>>t. seething incel
>hey let's fuck up all this great old fiction with bullshit just to trigger retards
>hey let's vote in this bullshit joke candidate just to trigger retards
protip: we're all fucking retards now.
>amazon is losing subscribers
>amazon lost 20 billion in stock value
>experts are puzzled
This desu
Can't wait for the whitewashed "Malcom X" reboot.
Wait, how is THAT not ok?
It wasn't a matter of could, it was a matter of D&D being faggots. HBO wanted at least two more seasons.
>22 minute episodes
>not even 7 hours overall for 20 fucking episodes
>t. seething incel
God I hate living in this fucking timeline. If you don't want to respect the original vision of the author and creator, then don't be a fan of it you fuckwads.
all of them
Of course. Nothing can ever be comfy white, ever again.
The numenoreans are descendants of exactly 3 families.
Tall, fair skin, black hair
Superficially similar to Beor but unrelated, not as tall. Nearly genocided to a man, not a big influence on Numenor's bloodline.
Tall, Fair, Blonde.
If they make the Numenoreans all black or something I just don't know.
>I'm 30 years old and I've never had sex or a relationship but at least i'm not one of those INCELS
you're an incel if you're 30 and a virgin bud
Like he is going to notice that...
Try hitting one of his mega yachts.
Pattern recognition be raycis’
have they even announced any castings yet?
If Eowyn shits in the river and nobody is there to sniff it, did it make a stink at all?
Genuinely hope this gets released weekly, instead of dumping all 20 episodes at once.
TV shows can no longer become iconic unless they're on a weekly schedule.
If Lost was dumped all at once, it wouldn't have gone past season 2.
This. You've got to have that time to digest, discuss, speculate, and anticipate.
Same. I hope we don't see it all at once and give people time to hype it up.
The other benefit would be if they kept the release schedule, ie air it in March each year you don't need to wait 12 months for another drop of episodes.
I much prefer the weekly schedule for all these reasons.
how many niggers will be in this
I pray to God this series is a dumpster fire of such epic proportions it makes the Fantasic 4 reboot look like a prime Tarantino flick. LOTR fans are the most pretentious uppity little fuckheads and deserve to have their object of worahip defiled in the worst manner concievable. Every single LOTR fan Ive ever had the displeasure of interacting with has been an obnoxious pseudo intellectual ratfuck with an inflated sense of self worth and mannerisms that scream arroganace. LOTR fans are a true blight upon the fantasy genre with their extreme devotion to a painstalkingly mediocre above average at best series that borders on obssession and I hope every single one of them dies screaming in a raging inferno that wipes their smug little worthless selves off the phase of thus planet. Buncha cocksucking losers.
All of them.
Doesn't matter how good or bad it is, you're still gonna spend all your miserable spare time shitting on it when it releases.
well, they have a lot of good material to work with... i just wish we had some
casting news so i would know if i will drop it or not
>mfw it's 20 episodes but each one is 34 minutes long.
Close to watching my chink cartoons.
How about you finish Winds of Winters instead of throwing an autistic fit on an obscure internet forum George?
Winds of Winter will unironically be far better than anything that hack Tolkien ever shat out
hope they do so it will drive away all the weirdos from the lotr fandom.
would have no problem is the elves were all black.
Sure thing, Georgie.
They'll probably use an evil Trump-esque character who will eventually win in the end killing all the black elves and humans which will explain why there isn't any in Tolkiens stories.