Go to an American cinema

>go to an American cinema
>employee asks if I would like to purchase a kevlar vest with my ticket
Is this normal practice in the states?

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Yeah, you also get an AR15 with any purchase of an extra large popcorn.

I usually sneak mine into the theater. They always charge too much.

It is for The Joker.

Har har

no, you got ripped off, its complementary if you go in witha date

That's unreasonable. The custom is a $2 rental optionally embedded within ticket price.

Gonna be honest, I kek’d at this

They are too expensive , it's better to buy your own.

>Kevlar vest
Kevlar is for your head retard

What is a head retard?

>har har

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>had to pay for his kevlar vest
kek, couldn't pass penis inspection, dicklet?

>live in the United Kingdom
>judge asks me if I'd like to say anything before sentencing me to 6 months in jail for posting the word nigger on social media
Is this normal practice jolly ol' England?

Which country are you from? I want to make fun of it.

You'll never know :)


>go to local kinoplex
>have to bring my mom to get past the no singles policy
every time bros

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>try going to an american cinema
>the cinema marshal escorts me out of the building because I'd been sitting alone for more than ten minutes and he assumes I'll shoot up the place

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>hehe, isn't it funny that innocent people are killed for our freedoms?
fuck (you)rope

>can't handle banter
Tough one, so many loser countries to choose from.

Yes. Don’t forget to tip.

Sour grapes

I would make Angela White cum so many times if I could.
Who am I kidding I'd probably cum in 2 seconds and she'd leave right after abruptly

Spineless child.

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lol you're so mad and will never know where I live. Don't go shoot up a school now, okay?

Based on that response, I'm guessing some place south of the US border.

Sort out your fucked hell of a country then

>Watching vr video where she teases for like 10 minutes.
>He cums like 2 minutes after she stuck it in, right after she swung her breast in the camera.
If you want to be with Angela you gotta carry extra loads.

Fix your own shithole first

Where am I from exactly?

Typical seething burger

A shithole, obviously.

Good one, cope harder Amerifat

Don’t forget ballistic vest for today’s McDonald’s trip


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You seem both triggered and not terribly creative. Likely not well educated and probably lacking a father figure, given the whole "13 year old beating his chest" vibe to your posts. So I'd hazard it's a country that hasn't accomplished anything worthwhile, if even the basics of functional government, which explains the strong overtones of jealousy.


I'll also note the refusal to name your own country is evidence for a nationalistic inferiority complex. You've attached your ego to your own country but can't brag about it without risking mockery. Ergo, all you can do is shit on more successful countries and mask the dysfunctions of your own.

I was wondering if it was against policy to let me wear it in the shower.

You mad lol

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You're welcome to think as much. But your responses sound pretty curt/demoralized so it looks like I struck a nerve.

>more successful

Also Are not me

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They're sometimes also the designated cinema shooter, depends on the establishment

It's pretty historically illiterate to claim America hasn't been immensely successful, given its start and where it's ended up even with modern problems. Meanwhile our mutual friend's behavior suggests he's not from any place worthwhile.

Do you guys tip the designated shooter?

as soon as you call america out for its bullshit they start seething

Attached: anon_gets_tricked_twi....jpg (16x125, 1K)

>So user, why should we hire you for our designated shooter position?

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>When you are the designated shooter, but the crowd panics and runs out of the Kinoplex before you have fired even a single shot because they heard a motorbike backfire nearby.

Any flicks for this feel?

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Since you wondered where I was from you can know that I’m a bong and given our extensive historical success to only to end up with less Morden problems than a much younger country then America is fine by me, Britain is a very flawed place however I’d take what we have any day over being turned into AR-15 Swiss cheese every time I go the shops

I posted a manifesto on scary internet website about hating women

it's the retard in charge of all the low-rank retards

I have never had sex.

if you are under 6 ft, yes. the manlets have to watch in the manlet pits, that place is a gladiator school