Why are North American soccer fans so progressive? Isn’t soccer meant to be the working mans game?
Why are North American soccer fans so progressive? Isn’t soccer meant to be the working mans game?
Why are Canadians
Why are progressives so determined to be a caricature of every stereotype people have of them?
Working class americans would be considered progressive in EUrope
Europe has the luxury of having working class fans because there’s 100+ year history of that being the case. Soccer in the US/Canada appeals to shitlibs because it’s the “new” sport around here and they want to feel apart of something.
Working class Americans are the most socially conservative group in the world
Soccer attracts the higher educated and higher earners here and thus you get shit like that tranny flag
But like the other user said, soccer is still a liberal sport. Most of our hooliganism is expended on football and even that isn’t as expressive as soccer in Europe. It’s because most clubs here weren’t formed by bored factory workers but rather by investors and billionaires.
It doesn't attract hood kids the same way the NBA or NFL does
That’s wrong. Working class Americans are very socially conservative especially when compared to Europe. I don’t think any demographic here would be considered progressive in Europe.
america is the 8th circle of hell
Working class people used to be the progressives. That's how we got the 8 hour work day, no child labor, unions, etc.
>Working class Americans are very socially conservative especially when compared to Europe
Speak for yourself. The working class in bongistan are conservative. Why do you think they started to ban any of the chads from football matches and made them more "accessible" for women, children, and families instead?
Caricatures can't even keep up these days
because women cant go to games unless they are accompanied by at least five members of the local grooming gang
You’re not in Europe anymore.
I’d say our working class is closest to yours but a bit more right wing socially. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Immigration (especially immigration). They’re not overly religious though. Trump did better in the Northeast and Midwest because he didn’t have to appeal to the evangelicals as much as Romney did.
the new working class is the same worldwide. its globalism. overeducated, underthinking, morally bankrupt cattle hellbent on destroying in the name of progress.
American leftists are so fucking cringe
What are Uruguayan leftists like
Don't you have legal weed and gay marriage
I think it's because sports here are commodity just like buying a video game or going to the movie theathre. The billionares that own the sports leagues have created a closed market to intensify this, and have supressed any type of culture developing from the local fans in order to maintain the market value of the team/sport. This country sucks dick, I hope the russians/chinese conquer us.
>Uruguayan leftists
Soccer only appeals to liberals wanting to pretend they're europeans in the US. Conservatives watch Baseball and Football
You can tell she's taken at least a dozen black cocks
Serbians don't want you to know this but their prime minister is a lesbian
The only cities with reasonable MLS followings I can gather are Portland and Seattle. Those are two incredibly progressive cities on their own. But I also think it attracts even more progressive people because they want to like sports but not “stupid American sports.” So it’s a compound effect that leads to shit like tranny flags being at games. It’s not so bad for American fans who follow other leagues, but they definitely have a sense of superiority and look down on American sports. Normal people here are casual soccer fans if not entirely indifferent. I’d say most of my friends will watch champions league, euro and World Cup. Beyond that no one gives a fuck.
Because progressives like foreign stuff
Buy real question is why is soccr a conservative sport in yurop when half of every tram is full of foreigners ?
Upload your face user so we can see how many black cocks you've taken.
The working men are progressive now, chud. Go back to watching Jordan Peterson cry.
The right has been and never will be on the side of the working class.
every single country on earth has people on different ends of the political isle
Well yes, she's Egyptian
stroke poster
Progressives are insanely pretentious and want to embrace anything that's unpopular in America.
>Isn’t soccer meant to be the working mans game?
isn't anymore
>You’re not in Europe anymore
Anyway, trump did better than Romney because he used more anti-establishment rhetoric, even though in power he distributed wealth from the poor to the rich to a greater extent than bush II. Important to remember that working class voters still sided with Clinton.
God I'd love to have some Mexican team in the concachampions go full queretaro on those faggots. Imagine hundreds of cartel members curbstomping faggots in Seattle or Portland
>The working men are progressive now, chud
No they're not, keep coping. Only upper middle class snob faggots who live in city centers are leftist
i've never seen a lgbtq, tranny or anitfa flag during footy games here. america really is lost
Yeah I figured. They think liking a ball game makes the more intelligent
>Isn’t soccer meant to be the working mans game?
This is a stupid english meme, everybody likes football
everything in north america is soulless
>implying the working man cannot be a progressive
Found the retard
Then why do your people illegally immigrant to America? Are you trying to make soccer it’s main sport?
Trust me. NO working class American watches soccer. And you're wrong. Working class Americans would be considered Nazis in Europe
Soccer isn't a working man's sport in the US.
Most working class people in the US tend to vote republican. They believe in God and hate homosexuals. I think you’re the idiot
>. I don’t think any demographic here would be considered progressive in Europe.
young asian women with university education
They practice anti-Americanist contrarianism in all forms. They hardly care about the game being played on the field at all lol, it's about being a rootless globohomo cosmopolitan.
Working class tend to vote socialdemocrat everywhere else this only happens because US socialdemocrats ever since FDR died have been screeching spoiled liberal college student retards who hate their country and because of madlad Nixon.
I hate Portland so much it’s unreal.
You already know the answer man. Just look at the people who play soccer in the states. It's histrocally been a middle class sport filled with mostly white players, now its a bunch of suburban mixed kids. Actual lower class people in america arent trying to play soccer. Hell even in Canada it's true, our nogs who play soccer all from Brampton and Missisuaga whereas the Jane and Finch kids are shooting hoops
It’s Taft-Hartley that killed the American working class here. After that, it was basically done for the unions, we have 10% membership now with RTW laws in every red state and even some blue states.
Yeah the black soccer plays like Davies are from places like Edmonshit where there isn’t very many blacks. So instead of being embraces by the Toronto hooper culture he played soccer
a lot of working class people in american cities are progressive. you really think the average progressive timbers fan in portland is some high paid stock broker? i know 2 people who work at 2 different grocery stores for $12/hr in fucking salt lake city and even there most of their coworkers are very visibly progressive.
They host Mexican teams every now and then for exhibition games. Went to galaxy Chivas once and it was a serious contrast between fan bases.
Still Latin American fans are insane and I’d probably rather watch a game next to a tranny who works at a brewery than someone who might stab me
People who work at grocery stores are mentally ill trannies or teenagers working part time hockey bro
More working class Americans voted for Clinton and Biden than trump.
>no child labor
Big mistake
North Americans are the kings of progressive ideology, which is just new world protestantism taken to its logical end.
Maybe economically in some cases but it isn’t John the shift worker that is the target market for Adidas tranny commercials
> I’d probably rather watch a game next to a tranny who works at a brewery