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the tv show unironically did it better

Wow be respectful shitlord, he runs like that from the miles of penis that’s been in his anus

it doesn't even look like he's going that fast. like 200 mph max. Isn't he supposed to be the fastest thing in the universe?

post the wonder woman one

alright hate to defend this dogshit but
the in-motion effects aren't better than the CW
The electric, physics-displacement 'takeoff' effect was some of the best ive ever fucking seen

felt the same way about the unearthly 'pebbles rising' takeoff the Kryptonians had in MOS and BVS

The thousand cock run to go with his thousand cock stare

that just looks bad, reminds me almost of beast wars or something

the lightning is supposed to be coming off of him not hitting him in the ass from random places offscreen

>The electric, physics-displacement 'takeoff' effect was some of the best ive ever fucking seen
Stopped reading there

What's your frame of reference? The cars don't look like they're moving. Did you think we'd see a focus of the Flash in how we see time? It'd basically just be the Flash with a blurred background.

Just like my Japanese animes

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How many times did he cum inside her?

WW is cute, thank Snyder for casting her

Im not smart enough to really understand relativity, nor do I know anything about the flash's powers...but how does he overcome his increasing mass as he accelerates to fractions of C?

*steps in your path*

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Thank you Snyder for casting two cute Jews!

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kill whoever approved this
and kill whoever cast this faggot

Ezra is a cunt but he's perfectly cast

Does The Fast also have a non-existent/fast refractory period to go with his fast metabolism?
This is genuinely interesting to me because I know Barry Allen is unable to get drunk because of the latter.

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That post was entirely unironic my dude, I like both Gadot/Miller and think they're well cast and likable

Did they intend to make him look as gay as possible during this scene?

That boy sneezes and it's already as gay as possible
If anything they will need to de-gay him

Can't run that fast in heels faggot!

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Is Cyborg entirely CG? How did they film him if so?

His legs are amazing, no homo.