What was the significance of this scene?
What was the significance of this scene?
why were his pants lkke that? does he have a giant sith gut
>women gasped in the theatre during this scene
It was to show some vulnerability, even Sith Lords (or whatever) need to take a fucking shower.
teenage girls in front of me laughed out loud not even joking
He's fat and ugly.
something for the girls
To display the peak male form. You may not like it, but it's true.
even sith lords have body image issues
For Rey sexual awakening
imagine playing that body blows game vs this dude. fookin dun m8
To prove he doesn't suffer from pepperoni nipples
Ben Swolo
>he thinks Rey hasn't already been spitroasted by BAC on the daily for a decade and a half
You guys ever actually talk to a girl using an Adam Driver voice? It literally dries up the puss
What about this one though?
To emphasize his lack of balls with the pull-ups and show off his scoliosis.
Someone post the shooped verison
To trip Rey up and make her pussy wet. Also her sexual awakening.
She's trying to hate him and see him as a "monster", but to catch him shirtless in his room is such a human moment and he's also hot as fuck so it's probably really confusing for her and is meant to build intimacy and get her to open up to him and be willing to.
tl;dr it's a seduction scene and was done well and is actually pretty kino
>sister crossed her legs and fidgeted during this
lol subverted
Only in your incel cuck fantasies. Canon Rey is a khv femcel with oneitis for Darth Chad.
I wonder if he has insomnia so he is just constantly working out in his room.
i literally dont remember this scene
what the fuck
Stuff like this actually makes me empathize with Rey more and even feel bad for her. She's just a dumb, naive virgin who fell hard for Kylo, but he broke her heart.
I mean, it's almost pathetic how much she believed in him and even did her hair up and put on makeup and got a new outfit. She really thought she was getting fucked, but he would rather rule the Galaxy than be her date to the prom. rip Rey's dignity.
If they actually know how to write, they would acknowledge it but instead they are going to pretend she was the one who dumped him because "SLAAAYY QUEEEN". Like she's not hyperventilating at the chance to just see him again.
There are so many ways they could make Rey sympathetic and an actual character, but they decide to just gloss over all of it so they can push some feminazni power-fantasy instead.
This man would rape you at prison and there's nothing you can do about
That's why the only good thing about Rey's character is her relationship with Kylo because it's the only time they will even play with the idea of her being vulnerable or less-than-perfect. Kylo also seems to be the only person allowed to criticize Rey, but even that is cushioned by the fact that he's so in love with her so he's doing it for her benefit in the end anyway.
it's so bad your mind repressed it
wtf i love prison now?!?
That bed looks too small for him. Does he even sleep at all?
he is not fat tho
Projecting much?