They don't get to choose. Be with me. Build the new world with me! This is our reason! It has been from the beginning...

>They don't get to choose. Be with me. Build the new world with me! This is our reason! It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty! We do it together! We break the wheel...together.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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are you gay?

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I prefer Cersei.

How do I stop loving her

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Name their baby.

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You don't.

Attached: lovethem.png (1887x933, 2.46M)

>why yes, my daughter is named Daenerys
>upset with the ending you say? She was born in July 2019

Attached: 1565088269640.jpg (831x1024, 68K)

Cersei is mommy tier, its alright

>feet pics in the back

That director is a closet lesbian footfag


It still hurts

Attached: Feels.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

How come Jon and Dany forgot marriage was an option, and why did nobody suggest it to them? D&D are honestly pathetic.

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That actually makes no fucking sense.

post some teeth kino

Attached: article-2555555-1B582EC200000578-44_634x530.jpg (634x530, 50K)

dumb cunt

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If your daughter was born in July 2019 then she was conceived in November 2018 or some shit which was before the "imagine having a kid named daenerys" meme started (after she went full hitlah) so you're a retarded nigger whom I hope dies.


Attached: 1563336303471.jpg (1920x816, 770K)

>you can only name a baby in the day it was conceived
Are you retarded?

I like boys.

their son is not an abondoned plot line. it was never intended that they would have a son

The joke is about liking Dany's ending where most normies hated it and probably regret naming their kid Danerys/Kaleesi

You don't name your kid on conception you spaz

Attached: 1561274951636.png (696x661, 804K)

Literally one of the only good scenes in the entire fucking series. Fuck jews.

This is objectively wrong with the amount of times Jon having a child and whether Dany could have a child was brought up in seasons 6 and 7

She cute

Attached: cute_weird_face.webm (700x720, 2.73M)

Attached: cringe.png (1365x1079, 1.42M)

Seriously, user? i thought it was one of the cringe, not because was dany, but because it was really cringe

No, it was just foreshadowed for no reason and then dropped. The script also gave zero indication that Jon won't live the rest of his life at the Wall as a member of the Watch, protecting nothing.

Emilia should give that good bloke Kit Harrington a chance hehe.....

Attached: 8e9de622-f07f-4732-bb1e-8cbc18b6e751.gif (300x300, 2.06M)

>cringest scenes

There's plenty of other good scenes all involve Dany being cute

Attached: 1563185594419.webm (1280x1080, 2.82M)

You're a retard. Just because it was predictable doesn't mean it was bad.

>Democarcy is GOOOD
>Authoritarism is BAAAAD

Are all americels really like this?

>kiss me Kit! ...just joking haha

Yeah, except knowing they would fuck her over overshadowed and ruined it all. That last episode I expected to be a downer though and it was fun as fuck watching her burn the shit out of everything.

Kit, is it true you're the next Wolverine?

Don't worry, we don't actually practice anything but the opposite anyway. America is literally a corporato-fascist oligarchy that gets infinitely worse every year.

Everything you want to hear...

Attached: everything you want to see.jpg (969x718, 396K)

Would Dany have gotten along well with her Clark handmaid?

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cmon man

Clark is actually AU Dany

Attached: multiverse.webm (1800x576, 2.23M)

Fuck anti-aliasing.

So when are you putting jews and non whites in camps?

Cutest Venus

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Best dress, best smile and a hint of tummy

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It's already happening. But it won't happen to kikes. They're partly responsible for it. Jews never cared about concentration camps except when they were in them. They fully support them now because israel. There are literally millions of kikes in America and look how quiet they've been since trump got in. Suspiciously quiet. Almost like they approve (they do).

I could watch this all day

Trump is literally a slave to Israel and its obvious
t. former Trump supporter

but stop the politics and get back to Dany

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Is this better for the khaleesi?

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For me it's Verena.

Admirable choice

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Bobby B regretted this choice on his death bed

How many years are we away from this?


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Too many

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>Emilia next to the child wookiee she tries to impersonate

I miss dany

Attached: DarkOldfashionedDikkops-poster.jpg (998x698, 31K)

we all miss something, user

Season 8 retconned that scene out of existence. D&D were just lazy in their "planning," and GRRM's ending is bitter nonsense anyway.

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t-they hugged?

Do you guys remember when Tyrion was based?

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Season 3?

>whitewash every other character to try and make Dany look bad

What the fuck was D&D's problem

He was based before they turned him into a retard around season 5

No way. Stab her, take a hero's ransom and spend the rest of my life in brothels.

Gib wife and sproglet

Attached: 1561950396690.jpg (2152x2696, 1.2M)

ok but only if you do the thing with the eyebrows again

>have the hottest woman on the planet in the palm of your hand
>would rather fuck brothel whores

*unleashes the caterpillars*

Attached: 1563863868256.webm (900x800, 2.97M)

True love is hard to find user, sex isn't

Me too but Dany is cute

it will be the end of humanity

who else here /bikemilia/?

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for me it's nervous milly

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It's not even democracy, only the lords have any rights or any say and all of them just inherit their position

I will never be kit, aaaahhhhh!

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It's an elective monarchy, they laughed at Sam suggesting democracy

>elective monarchy
Aka the most corruptible, bloody and competitive form of government known to man. How can George possibly thing this is a good idea? Does he think this is how the EU or UN were developed?

Yep fuck elective monarchy

t. ck2 player

>tfw everybody around you turns into a pacifist
>tfw Tyrion and Varys want to cause chaos in the books, but they abhor violence in season 7 and 8
>tfw Tyrion wanted to kill Cersei and all the nobles for being ungrateful bastards, but kinda forgot about that

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I want to burn peasants together with Mad Melon

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Kit please go to bed.

can she even see when she does that?


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Is George RR Martin just a heartless monster?

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Just a disgusting old perv

Will she get what was promised to her?

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holy kek

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No, not ever.

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>Reading all that shit he puts her character through and creepy shit he writes with one hand knowing how he just wants to end with her getting killed by a good guy she trusts
When will D&D stop taking all the flack for him

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season 8 is not canon

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>good guy
Also, her nephew lover and last of her family. She also dreams about him.

Martin is an ass. Fuck him and fuck Sam.

For me its Lou

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D&D probably knew it was dogshit and I suspect they were pulling punches. I don't even want to know what sick shit Martin is gonna write. You just know he's gonna get her pregnant and try to pull some Red Wedding shit to try to top it.

I would really like it if D&D came out saying they hated goerges ending and thats why they stopped giving a fuck

I love Lou!

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Her face is falling apart someone put some elmer's glue on her

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fag overload

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Jonaerys. I'm not joking. That's how Targs name shit.



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I can't remember if half these scenes are on the same day or it's just because Lou doesn't have many outfits

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>Lou doesn't have many outfits

Attached: 31_tywin_dany.webm (800x640, 2.95M)

I saw the last thread get nuked. J*nny on the prowl, eh lads?

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Isn’t he technically Aegon in the show and since she would be queen and him her consort or some shit wouldn’t their kid be Daegon?

he always nukes a thread before going to bed

Attached: bunny.webm (1440x1080, 683K)

He nukes before bed every night, it goes with his late night hot pocket snack to settle him down.

The j*nny just deletes a picture of Emilia before he goes to bed if he sees one

Attached: eclarkeus_8~19.jpg (1680x2048, 1.78M)

hello emilia please go out with me

>and him her consort or some shit wouldn’t their kid be Daegon?
All of it depends if he tells the people who he really is

I don't get what they were doing. They knew since 2013 what would happen, wanted to rush the ending with 10 episodes, but then settled for 13. Then they turn Dany into Jon's tsundere girlfriend and all her advisors into pacifists to stretch the plot. Then they make her help save the world from the apocalypse, only to be backstabbed by the allegedly" sympathetic characters--almost all of whom go on to have a happy ending--while she is killed by her last living family member and love interest.

D&D are hack writers, going by the rest of the last half of the series, but I don't think they were invested in this final "twist" as much as they were in something like The Red Wedding. Dany shitting herself and hallucinating also seems a little too convenient in the books.

Attached: Dany rejected.png (1253x673, 514K)

She's pretty poor and the costume designer got her entire wardrobe from a thrift shop

She has a lot of shoes though

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It seems like more people just hate the ending itself now, only redditors like freefolk and asoiaf defend it at this point. That ending didn't deserve to be done justice

I think they can call the baby whatever the fuck they want. Traditionally, Jon wouldn't be able to take on the royal name, but technically he is a Targaryen. If they reveal that after the marriage, no problem.

While the ending is utter garbage I hate how people who never watched or liked the show are now jumping on the bandwagon

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>She has a lot of shoes though
cute shoes

Attached: bakery.webm (1000x800, 2.98M)

Maybe cause the book ending is shit? D&D managed to deliver George's shit ending in a way that gets people to sympathize with her character, seems good to me, all the double standards and bad writing people complain about are there in the books too

>It seems like more people just hate the ending itself now, only redditors like freefolk and asoiaf defend it at this point.
Freefolk focus all their hate on D&D. r/asoiaf bash D&D and try to spot all the foreshadowing and thematic elements that the ending has. Neither attacks GRRM directly for it, except in rare instances.
I hate the people who are glad the show had a bad ending, and who try to spin it as some anti-feminist allegory, even more.

What's not to get? What were you expecting? We know the ending and it's trash, it's not like they can change it. Be glad they went easy on most of the characters. I mean the worse of it was just Sansa being a backstabbing bitch that would sell out her own brother, but she was one for awhile it seemed like.

Yeah that's my point, they both suck Martin's dick, what they complain about is "muh rushed" or that it was executed bad, everyone else just thinks the ending itself is shit

>Be glad they went easy on most of the characters.
Why the fuck would I be glad that these other characters were handled with kid gloves? The only likable ones left were Podrick and Brienne. The show even shat on Edmure for no reason. The Starks all came out looking like cunts, and I wouldn't shed a tear if they and Tyrion were burned by Drogon.

Attached: 2019_EW_003.jpg (800x1200, 162K)

Because that's the fucking ending Martin wrote. The fuck do you want? Bran was always gonna be king of everything. Sansa was always gonna be in power. Jon was never gonna be king. You can't just kill them off or whatever because that's Martin's shit ending.

>No Trailer

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Are you implying they can’t change George’s ending? They already changed 80% of his story getting there so why not

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>Because that's the fucking ending Martin wrote. The fuck do you want?
A better ending. I can't bitch about Martin making a shitty ending? The book characters would be far less hateable in Martin's ending (that's never coming out), but the ending sucks.

Also, a lot of the ending seems like fanfiction: Bronn being Master of Coin and Lord Paramount of the Vale, the North seceding for free, and Sam instantly becoming Grand Maester.




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This is the picture that started it all for me. God, she looks so beautiful here. I'm sorry for what they did emilia.

I understand why she turns them all gay

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Even if it is George's dogshit ending, that guy's criticisms are still legitimate

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>not losing it to Tsundere Dany
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Attached: dany.png (2560x1440, 2.68M)

We shall never the the likes of such cuteness and innocence on this earth again

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because Jon is a bastard, idiot.

Just realised that hand is fake.

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>because Jon is a bastard, idiot.
1.) No he isn't. He could announce his heritage and abdicate.
2.) Even going back to Season 7, he is the best possible choice based off who was left.
3.) Daenerys doesn't give two fucks about that. Do you think that would stop her from getting what she wants?

Did you think she was like 4'6"? you wouldnt be very far off

Attached: 1563246406097.jpg (1007x1430, 482K)

She described her height as "5ft nothing"

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Don't get me wrong, I always thought dany was beautiful, that just pushed me over the edge. It even got me watching jonerys videos in anticipation for season 8. fuck am I gay?

Martin always assured people his ending was coming, how could he do this unless he had some way to be assured of it despite the different direction of the show?

Well that's a nice opinion, so you'll just have to wait for Martin's precious ending in the books then. I for one, couldn't give a shit about any fan service at the end or making the Starks more likeable for whatever reason because by that point, I was already checked out and the show was just background noise. Only thing nice I can say to the showrunners is that they made it quick as possible.

Is she bisexual?

She has her handmaiden jerk her off in the books

>It even got me watching jonerys videos in anticipation for season 8. fuck am I gay?
What else was there to care about at that point? The Night King was completely tied to that plot, so one could watch Jonerys and get your Long Night fill.

Jaime and the mystery behind Bran were the only other things to look forward to.
>Martin always assured people his ending was coming, how could he do this unless he had some way to be assured of it despite the different direction of the show?
I can assure you that aliens will invade Earth next month. Doesn't make it so. 3000 pages are not going to materialize out of thin air, if he dies.

He already knows how he wants to end it. The plot points are there, they didn't need to materialize out of thin air. The job of him and the other writers was to write backwards and fill in the middle to get there.

>D&D don't have a dany lesbian scene
Fucking hacks

Good, GRRM wrote a sex addicted 14 year old and it's fucking weird

>He already knows how he wants to end it. The plot points are there, they didn't need to materialize out of thin air. The job of him and the other writers was to write backwards and fill in the middle to get there.
Nobody wants to read "plot points." They want 3000 pages of ASOIAF. If George dies, which he will soon, we will get notes. The fandom doesn't want notes. The fandom doesn't want to see some other author finish his work.

Have they made a GOT dating sim yet?

There's a telltale game but I don't know if it has any romance in it

They were clearly developing her evilness in season 7, if they had kept doing that in an organic way season 8 could have been fine

No they weren't the last time we saw her doing ruthless shit was when she was genociding slavers, in season 7 she was playing a tsundere schoolgirl

theres some of it on youtube you can flirt with dany (voiced by emilia) but she shuts you down im sure

You didn't have to read plot points, you watched someone else write backwards to them. This is what Martin guaranteed, and you got it and boy was it a giant pile of shit that the fandom didn't ask for.

go back to the burlington bar faggot

>They were clearly developing her evilness in season 7
How? Because she wanted to defeat Cersei in the best way possible? Because she burned the Tarlys alive for being traitorous cunts?

The main character walked up to her, told her "Fuck you, I'm not bending the knee. Give me dragonglass." What did she do? She gave him dragonglass, asked for his advice, let him leave when he wanted, saved his life afterwards (at the cost of a dragon), and vowed to help end the apocalypse free of charge.

If burning the Tarlys is supposed to outweigh that, the plot is fucking retarded.

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They really copy/pasted shit from The Hunger Games? Really?

Attached: best writing.jpg (1080x2730, 258K)

I don't think anyone cares about the books anymore. I haven't heard a single person talk about GOT (not on internet) since the show ended.


My heart hurts

Attached: 1564344497230.webm (1080x1920, 3M)

Currently watching s1 again:

What the fuck happened?

>obsessed with Jon taking a knife to the heart
>Jon stabs her in the heart
It's like pottery.

Rolling right into our hearts.

Attached: roll.webm (640x742, 969K)

the webm that restarted our cold hearts

Attached: 1565081393430.png (516x452, 273K)

>calls him a little bastard, which hurts to the core especially for a man
>refers to herself not knowing how to count to twenty, which is perfectly normal for a child

Why was she such a bitch? she deserved to get stabbed for that bullshit alone.

Attached: basedjondingding.jpg (437x735, 169K)

what does her asshole taste like? asking for a friend

The point of that line is that he's not a bastard any more and she can count higher than 20 (probably)

based rolleranon

they already fucked

the waifufaggots are going to go full autismo now because you lewdposted in their trasparent waifufaggotry thread

they think emilia is pure (KEK) even though she took kit's snowloads in every hole

Emilia is a virgin and she never even dated him

Did anyone on Yea Forums even watch MBY when it came out or did they just find those webms to keep attacking emilia? I'm skeptical that any young male could watch that and not at least like her


>stabs the only family who loves him and supports him
>other family don't fight for him or mention that he is the rightful heir
>banished to the Wall for the rest of his life
>yes, banished to the Wall per the script


big yikes my dude

Attached: basedkitdom1.gif (540x304, 2.4M)

this kills the waifucels

Attached: basedkitdom2.gif (540x304, 1.61M)

because she started standing up at the wrong moment? shes smart but she can be pretty absentminded at times

>Emilia is a virgin
>autistic incels actually believe this

cringe and bluepilled

Attached: 19457752_1608694205809567_495281268_o.jpg (517x768, 331K)

you're delusional and pathetic, kys my dude

don't reply to schizos

post Dany instead

Attached: 1564469080723.jpg (932x1242, 155K)

>forget about me genociding an entire city and ruining the only reason anyone supported me Jon, I was nice to you and muh feelz and shit so LOVE ME

waifucels are the fucking worst

Attached: BASEDJONDANYBTFO.jpg (1280x720, 367K)

we never do, they just reply to themselves

Jon fanboys are even worse than waifucels

You do know that all of that shit was contrived as fuck, and that his Stark family plotted against him, right? You do know that Tyrion actually committed treason, right?

>Jon fanboys
They aren't Jon fanboys. Why would a Jon fanboy want him to be cucked in every way possible like he was in season 8? They're Dany haters.

Daenerys Targaryen the blood of old valyria!

Attached: belly.webm (1080x1080, 2.16M)

this writing is awful, d&d should be tarred and feathered.

>tries to act tough with her belly button showing

>those big giant man hands

>tries to act tough and is immediately shutdown
I miss when Jon had dialogue. Kit probably hates what D&D did to his character.

Attached: 1564084406823.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

I remember when these threads used to easily hit ~100 unique IPs. I guess, considering it's been some months, a 50% drop-off isn't that bad...

Attached: 31.jpg (2400x2400, 490K)

This thread is fucking horrible.

Jon bent the knee to the real monarch before he turned into a cucked, bluepilled, stupid little shit. Fcuking the fat armed dragon bitch was his downfall.

Attached: jonbendstheknee.jpg (508x353, 10K)

/got/ or /ecg/ because /ecg/ didn't stay that high for very long and has stayed consistent at 50-60 and /got/ is dead

>anybody who doesn't like my meme fat armed waifu is a jon fanboy

That's gonna be a yikes from me homeboy

Attached: 1559369896129.png (535x603, 460K)

this is true. she is interested in a lifelong partnership for the purpose of procreation so that she can raise happy children in the countryside and have a group of grandchildren to tell stories to when shes elderly.

Attached: checkem.jpg (400x400, 50K)

>Fcuking the fat armed dragon bitch was his downfall.
Yes, getting a dragon and loads of armies was bad for him. It definitely wasn't because of terrible writing.

/ecg/. Back at the end of May and beginning of June /ecg/ threads were poppin' off, hitting 120+ IPs with multiple threads per day.

Don't get me wrong, people who post on image boards have short attention spans, so I'm glad that these threads still get the amount of posters that they do.

Attached: embarassed em.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

>You do know that Tyrion actually committed treason, right?

Because she genocided an entire city you mook. He and Varys supported Daenarys bc she was supposed to be different, but turned out worst then fucking Cersei

>his Stark family plotted against him, right?

Why, because they didn't want to bow to the dragon cunt? who everybody saw coming was a crazy bitch and she turned out being a crazy bitch? is him going to the wall supposed to be him getting betryaed by his family, when Stannis even offered him the Stark name and thus warden of the north, he refuesed because he's an honorfag?

>You do know that all of that shit was contrived as fuck

Look at all this cope. Bitch was an emotional idiot with no idea how to rule. This was evident during her entire arc. She lost her shit because she was handheld everything during her whole arc and the moment she was alone she went crazy like her father. And the writing has been absolute shit ever since season 5. Dorne is case and point.

Attached: 1562369470333.jpg (378x480, 75K)

his downfall as a character I mean. Context

He committed treason trying to save his sister (Dany's enemy) you mong

Didn't read the rest of your post

Tyrion committed treason by freeing Jamie before Daenerys did anything wrong. Did you even watch the show?

Most were seasonal GoT fans danyposting not true believers

>anybody who defends season 8 writing is a jon fanboy

fixed that for you

and what the fuck was Jaimie going to do? he just ran back and died in King's landing, just like Tyrion expected. Doing all sorts of coping to make your atrocious dragon bitch tolerable doesn't work, waifucel.

>Because she genocided an entire city you mook.
Literally first thing you said was incorrect. Good job, you absolute fucking idiot. Wow, did Tyrion release Jaime before or after Dany burned down King's Landing?
>Why, because they didn't want to bow to the dragon cunt?
That dragon cunt did nothing to them.
>who everybody saw coming was a crazy bitch and she turned out being a crazy bitch?
So everybody became a 21st Century pacifist and read the fucking scripts, so that justifies their actions?
>is him going to the wall supposed to be him getting betryaed by his family
No, him being backstabbed by his family--Bran and Sansa--is him being betrayed by his family.
>when Stannis even offered him the Stark name and thus warden of the north, he refuesed because he's an honorfag?
He was a member of the Night's Watch then and still had White Walkers to kill.
>Look at all this cope. Bitch was an emotional idiot with no idea how to rule. This was evident during her entire arc. She lost her shit because she was handheld everything during her whole arc and the moment she was alone she went crazy like her father. And the writing has been absolute shit ever since season 5. Dorne is case and point.
Bad, contrived writing. Tyrion and Varys traveled thousands of miles to support the Dragon Queen, but they DIDN'T expect her to use her dragons? She listened to their advise only to her detriment.

She also had a counter-balance in Jon, but that was dropped so the shitty ending could happen.

and what the fuck was Jaimie going to do? he just ran back and died in King's landing, just like Tyrion expected

The fact that that atrocious dragon cunt would rather burn innocent children alive rather then even try to go after Cersei is what makes her even more pathetic. Cersei probably would've gotten away if she wasn't delayed by the based hound on the stairs. She was absolutley atrocious. Jon did the right thing.

Attached: danyfany.jpg (679x1024, 111K)

>Hmm, should I be Wardeness of the North and left to my own devices OR should I lie to Jon, try to instigate a second Dance of Dragons, and risk the lives of all of my people based off of a hunch?
Literally the only reason Sansa acted the way she did was because she needed something to do--same reason Arya killed the Night King and Varys plotted to kill Dany instead of simply getting Jon to marry her.

Idiot plot.

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So you admit he freed one of her prisoners with the express intent for the prisoner to act against her. People have been executed for less in GoT alone.

Imagine pretending you have an IQ of 45 just to dab on danyfags

Release me from your bonds

Sorry no ones reading anything after you said Tyrion committed treason post dany massacre. Go to bed bro it’s over.

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>The fact that that atrocious dragon cunt would rather burn innocent children alive rather then even try to go after Cersei
She wanted to go after Cersei for two years, but she was told by everyone that it was wrong.
>Jon did the right thing.
The right thing would have been marrying Dany and shutting his bitch sister up before any of this happened.

Here's your last (You), because you were too stupid to even know when Tyrion betrayed Dany.


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What the fuck. This is next level retarded

> Wow, did Tyrion release Jaime before or after Dany burned down King's Landing?

Makes no difference you cunt. Him releasing Jaimie lead to absolutley nothing, as Jaimie just went to die with cersei like a cuck.

>That dragon cunt did nothing to them.

Yeah so they just had to bow to a foreign power with an army of rapists and eunuchs, as well as dragons, after fighting to liberate the north from tyranny. And they were justified in their skepticism anyway.

>So everybody became a 21st Century pacifist and read the fucking scripts, so that justifies their actions?

what the fuck does this even mean

>No, him being backstabbed by his family--Bran and Sansa--is him being betrayed by his family.

Define backstab then, that's what I'm saying waifucel. Bran let him live and sent him to the wall, where he was before having to fight the Boltons and the whitewalkers in the north, where he had already pledged his life. Big fucking deal.

>He was a member of the Night's Watch then and still had White Walkers to kill.

He took the pledge at the night's watch without knowing whitewalkers existed, therefore he bound himself to it anyway. He was offered power, but didn't want it, and only became king of the north because they Gary Stu'd him in season 6 (that had shit writing as well)

>Bad, contrived writing. Tyrion and Varys traveled thousands of miles to support the Dragon Queen, but they DIDN'T expect her to use her dragons? She listened to their advise only to her detriment.

She also had a counter-balance in Jon, but that was dropped so the shitty ending could happen.

She was handheld and aided way before, being a leader of dothraki just because her cunt was getting clapped by drogo, then handheld by barristan selmy and Jorah. She was an unstable cunt who was a shitty leader. And no they didn't expect her to use dragons, that was a huge plot point as to why she was supposed to be a ''good'' queen . Then she just burnt everybody because she's a cunt.

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Dats some prime armpit fuckin material right there.

>he actually takes pride in being a waifucel

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Idk who’s side this guy is in cause no ones reading paragraphs but he’s SEETHING

>Makes no difference you cunt.
How does treason "make no difference," you fucking idiot? Do you think Stannis would have let Tyrion live after all the shit he did?
>Him releasing Jaimie lead to absolutley nothing, as Jaimie just went to die with cersei like a cuck.
Ah, so your argument is, "The treason didn't matter because nothing happened in hindsight." Moron.
>Yeah so they just had to bow to a foreign power with an army of rapists and eunuchs, as well as dragons, after fighting to liberate the north from tyranny.
The Dothraki and the Unsullied did NOTHING for them besides fight for their home. You really aren't good at arguing. Also, how is Jon being King-Consort a BAD thing for the North? I guess you don't know how politics work in Westeros.
>And they were justified in their skepticism anyway.
>what the fuck does this even mean
That you're retarded and that Stannis, if given the forces Dany had, would have killed the fuck out of Cersei the moment he landed on Dragonstone. Stop using double standards.
>Define backstab
They conspired behind his back. Also, the rest of your post is another argument from hindsight.
>He took the pledge at the night's watch without knowing whitewalkers existed
He knew the Walkers existed when offered Lordship, and he became King in the North for the greater good. Your argument is invalid again.
>And no they didn't expect her to use dragons
That's called "contrived bullshit," stupid. These smart characters allied with the woman with dragons and didn't want her to use her dragons?

You don't even make sense from a bookfag POV. You're just stupid.

She really is Venus in the flesh.

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better than defending D&D's atrocious writing lmao

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who was in the wrong here?

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Based non lust filled Will

What video?

it's pretty funny that she also swears like a sailor

I seriously hope Yea Forums never called her a fridge

Yea Forums called her every name under the book, then season 7 won many people over. Season 8 was such an atrocious example of railroading that it made the board, on average, pro-Dany and pro-Emilia. D&D accomplished the impossible.

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>saves your shitty script and collects an Emmy for it

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Robespierre Dany is the best Dany. Wish it started in earnest back at Slaver's Bay. Everything would have made so much more sense.

Hated her in S7 too desu. It was just a pale repeat of Stannis's several seasons long arc. I only started to feel for her in S8 when everyone and their grandmother started shitting on her for no reason.

Why is she so well hydrated

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keeps her from hitting the wall

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Water truly is a mystery substance

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Why's she looking at Kit like that? Now she knows how he felt for years.

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go to bed Kit

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maybe the aneurysm made her unable to distinguish flirting which is why she's tfwnbf

I was referencing Kit having to film in the freezing cold, but hey, I'll take it!

Attached: kit emilia.jpg (1080x1080, 303K)

>google says Kit is 5'7"

definitely closer to 5'4"


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she's going to kidnap those sproglets isn't she

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Such a lust for sproglets

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Um, you don't get to have babies. Not even in fiction.

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>the autist writing walltexts complaining about waifufags
nigga expect me to read all that shit lmao
Morning bros

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Who's got the webm of sweaty Verena trying to take her dress off?

I read his shit, unfortunately, and he doesn't even understand how GOT or ASOIAF works. I regret even responding to him.

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ask and you shall receive

Attached: in_distress_removing_dress.webm (700x560, 2.99M)

that's not lore friendly

>look up Voice from the Stone on imdb
>it just recommends other Emilia films

Attached: Capture5.jpg (642x336, 51K)

>recommending Julie kino

The One is kino
quando quando quando~

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Attached: quando.webm (1000x563, 2.96M)

It has a higher rating on imdb than Voice from The Stone

>Above Suspicion and Me Before You have the same rating
>The One is her highest rated work outside of GoT

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Remember when this scene was being shat on as being cringe and Disney-esque? It wound up being far better than most of season 8. lel

Attached: 1564343315107.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>Above Suspicion and Me Before You have the same rating
SEETHING cripples

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Yeah i thought It was cringy, but It turned out as one of the best things in s8
>no one gives a fuck Jon rode a dragon
Outstanding Writing

Tormund did despite also riding on a dragon a few weeks prior

Can you prove she's not pure?

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For a second there I didn't realize she was wearing skates. I just thought her feet were dangling. lol.

>no one gives a fuck Jon rode a dragon
seems the other way round

Attached: saddany.webm (1066x600, 2.85M)

She's a womanlet so it's very possible her feet would be dangling when she's on a park bench

Nah, all 3 "intelligent" characters saw him, a northern bastard, riding a dragon with Dany and gave 0 fucks

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Varys, Tyrion and Davos saw Jon ride a dragon. There HAD to be some mention of Jon riding Rhaegal as a part of the planning stage of Winterfell's defense, yet nobody cared.

Every single person with two brain cells to rub together should have asked questions about how that was possible, but it was kept as a deadly secret.

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Blessed by Milly

>where is Missandei?
>why is Varys staring at me?
>Jon, your frappuccino is getting cold...

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Why did she use the phrase “girl who couldn’t count to twenty” three times as if it’s a common saying?

Because D&D are hacks who thought that was a genius line

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D&D used the phrase "Come at me, bro, v2" in their script so don't think it needs to make sense

I wish I'd never known of Emilia's existence. She has ruined other women for me.

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Same tbqhwyfam
But its good because i can focus more on gym and college instead of roasties

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Who is to women as Emilia is to men? Chris Hemsworth? Brad Pitt?

Ryan Gosling

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she has messed up my head since I literally can't picture any future of mine now with any other girl

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Hmm yeah maybe. Once you're that attractive the autism might be pretty charming.

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Also they both have that girl/boy next door vibe, they're cute and beautiful but nothing too crazy
and good personalities ofc

Thank god they never got together, they may have created the singularity


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Is she a virgin larping as a non-virgin?

She has said quite a few things that are just over the top before so there as a very slight chance

50% chance

>Haha I sure love sex dont you agree fellow sex lovers?

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>all of them just shitposting while kit actually attempts to talk seriously
lel thats exactly how i imagined this would go

>"Emilia in an alternative universe would be married to Ryan Gosling
also "future shenanigans"

>there's always a hidden alternative timeline where Emilia married you

Ay dios mio, I just remembered a certain GRRM interview. What a cunt. Will post in next thread.

her fingers mustve been tasty that day

Attached: bite.webm (1120x1080, 2.22M)

>i really like being clothed

>nail eater
not really

her eyebrows and facial movements are even more than normal here. the terminator press tour was right after filming for MBY wrapped she probably wasnt even in control at that point

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She should stop trying to control it

Someone gave her a non-diet coke before this

she can't do drugs mister

coca cola m8

wtf is diet cocaine

non-diet coke is actually a slang for cocaine, like coke diet

>diet coke with sugar
What did she mean by this

I just remember her saying she had a coke (I think it was before her GoT audition) and it made her hyperactive


giv psycho drogon mummy gf fat brap Thicc right now

no homo

t. Tormund