Shooting of the sequel will start in the late 2021

>shooting of the sequel will start in the late 2021

Movies to take the edge off?

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Other urls found in this thread:


One day I will watch this movie, and I guarantee it will be garbage. I hate all of you.

>Movies to take the edge off?
Alita : Battle Angel

Do it now, the torrent is out
Don't forget to buy the bluray later to support alita :)


Mods are asleep, post alitas

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Reminder: sequel never ever

lurking for lewdlitas


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I'm glad this movie isn't getting a sequel because it sucked.

Can't believe you guys tricked me into watching another shitty movie.

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Does somebody have the pic from blade runner and then the kiss in alita?

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fuck you your movie sucked

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dunno man, I think I'll just take a long nap

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Daily reminder that this movie is actually good, and the rampant opposition are paid shills trying to tank a movie that appeals to what ((they)) consider to be the incel neckbeard neonazi masses.

Hey fellow Alita Chads, can anyone post link to the discord?

Me on the right.

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>shooting of the sequel will start in the late 2021
If true, how long did the first one take to make?


what's your favorite scene

when she eats the chocolate for the first time

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First one took like 15 years.



how come she looks 12 but her 'boyfriend' is clearly on the latter half of his 20s?

also is every cyberpunk movie required to have a scene with some poorly thought out sport played on rollerblades?

I honestly don't even care about the sequel anymore. Movie wasn't bad but manga is way better and there is no way they'll adapt it properly in next movie.

KEK just kidding i never watched this waifubait flick thanks for the discord and proving it you fucking tranny

Her boyfriend was a low life. Ever seen Good Time with Robert Pattinson?

Rollerblade sport just looked EXTREME in the 80's.

>why didn't he bite her feet?

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She was wearing roller blades instead of feet in that scene.

I have successfully infiltrated their discord and killed it with my autism.
My fellow anons! The terror lives no more!

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Time for a roller-lickin, then

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I suppose so, user

What do you think made the movie, the eyes or the lips?

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The character

Probably the eyes. The movie did far too little to emphasize her octopus lips.

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>her octopus lips
Her w-wat

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They didn't even bother to add her puffy lips.

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Cringe, no wonder its floplita and the sequel is never.

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I saw this movie several times a week during its entire run. Smoked in the car before going into the theater. Would recommend/10.
One time I heard a tiny squeak next to my car as I was about to go see the movie in imax at the foothills. Thought it sounded odd and not like the birds and wind in the trees that evening. I was about to leave but heard it again. So I check under my motorcycle cover and theres a newborn kitten with umbilical chord and eyes closed abandoned by a new mother. I buy it cat milk at petco and bottlefeed it on the drive to th3 movie theater. Im late for the movie so I snuggle the cat in my sweatshirt and leave it in the car. After the movie I come back to the car, feed the cat some more, smoke some more, and go back in to watch alita again cus I missed the beginning. Named the cat alita when I turned it in to the local cat shelter the next day. Good memories.

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reminder that it will be a Disney sequel

I bet going down on her would be like kissing a battery

The heart

Hey, I remember this story, nice.

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Good news.


She cute!

Nice pic. Are you in the server?

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>a industrial hellhole where 40% of the population is feral junkies, everything is made of scrap metal or factory tubing, 90% of the population are either full body cyborgs or ghetto cyborgs with dollar store limbs or deformed mutants, and the national sport is "torch orphans alive"? Nah, let's just make it Rio de Janeiro instead because HOMBRE RODRIGUEZ JAJAJAJA

Lel. Are you retarded. Its just a movie. Only 13yo faggot iderify with vidya they like. Have sex.

>taking the time to post this
Get a life you pathetic loser.

I took the time because it was a remake of anime/manga series, and it was utter garbage. Don't believe the shills.

idk seemed kinda comfy during the day

but her name is gally

Sure, but it was always lurking there, in the movie the extras could have come straight out of a Walmart

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Don’t understand why it’s shilled so hard on here. How is there a regular thread for a movie that came out ages ago? Uncanny valley weeb bullshit promoted by neckbeards who are getting hard over visions of their future sex robots, Android GF’s who can make them tendies and suck their cocks at the same time. Smells of incel to me

Her name is Yoko.

it was

It's enjoyable but not brilliant. The world and backstory is more interesting than what actually happens in the movie.

Because of how typhares works, it needed to be around the equator.

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Woofta she has big insect eyes!

I wonder if she can see in the dark

But it's tied to the orbital ring, which should allow it to hang from anywhere. The ring is synced to earths rotation despite stretching across all latitudes, only free floating elevators should have to orbit around the equator to stay above the same location.

Why are all Cameron's sequels so far away from completion

They are far away from getting started

Waiting for the right moment?
Trying not to produce shit?


I hope you guys have your "Thank You" cards for Based Disney ready

Should I read the manga or is it trash?

>ever not trash

good stuff, even better near the end
I'm at Angel of Chaos, its good

Disney has nothing to do with Alita sweatie.

it is garbage, its generic, formulaic capeshit from the guy that made spy kids.

no wonder Yea Forums loves it

Disney just canceled a bunch of Fox movies in development. It's over.

>doesn't know that 20th century fox is (((theirs))) now

Get back in your Alita hating Discord trannys.

I know Yea Forums is fucking retarded but come on

>too stupid and uninformed to understand Disney has no say over Alita
Figure out why yourself fatty. I'm not gonna spoon feed you today.

This post is also for (you).

You are a joke i think

Its nit that bad few i laughed when hugo got ripped to shreds

i was like you once. thought it was garbage, but actually its bretty gud

>>shooting of the sequel will start in the late 2021
I won't even check if it's true or read the thread or even if it's fake. You just made my day.

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it's garbage