>Tonight’s performance of To Kill a Mockingbird on Broadway ended abruptly after a patron heard a sound on the street that was mistaken for a gunshot. A witness told Deadline that audience members panicked and started running down the aisles or ducking for cover, and cast members fled the stage during the show’s final scene.

>The NYPD’s Midtown North Precinct tweeted that it received “multiple 911 calls” about an “active shooter” but confirmed that the sound indeed was a motorcycle backfiring and that “the Times Square area is safe.”

Wow, I didn't realise how panicked people have become.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck mods

running for yuor lives agian?
why so serious???

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>be American
>gets trampled on by people panicking over gunshot-like sounds

culture of cowardice

Any videos?

>be American
>let out an earth shattering fart
>people think I'm a murderous incel
>get shot

Attached: 1506051290585.png (585x470, 51K)

>>be america
>>get shot

>>go to american theater
>>get fake shot

can't win

>psychos are randomly opening fire on the general public regularly and as recently as two days ago
>why are people so jumpy?


what a bunch of fags

Like you'd be doing barrel rolls in the aisles. Come off it.

So the cast discussed this at about 10am this morning I take it

Honestly though why do motorcycles have to be so fucking loud

>I didn't realise how panicked people have become.
Americans aren't people.

new yorkers are retards

all the more reason to get an rx-7
jump to 12 seconds

>running for cover and ducking
Truly land of the brave lmfao
What a bunch of cucks

Faggots with tiny dicks who are faggots like to ride them because of how gay they are.
Why didn't the audience just pull out their own guns and wait to defend the theater?

This desu. Shit like this only happens in New York.




Loud exhaust lets drivers know there’s a biker whose life they could end easily with a nudge of the steering wheel is around them

When their pets rise up these "people" are gonna be in for a shock.

Come save us with your cache of weapons, Rambo. Be sure to brush up with a few 360 no scopes on Call of Duty first, though

Shit like this happens all over the world. Better safe than sorry.

Y...You telling me those murder sticks in all those pictures aren't just pretend? And that PEOPLE ACTUALLY USE THEM ON EACHOTHER?


More like city slickers are a bunch of nervous wimps

>be american
>get fake shot

but NY has such strict gun laws! How could this happen?!
In other news, nyc faggots remain idiotic.

Make bad noise go away mummy

>but NY has such strict gun laws! How could this happen?!
Retards from other states

>be american
>watching theatre production
>hear motorcycle backfire
>run out of theatre in fright
>right into the ghetto
>get shot

Americans are so fucking stupid lol

Dude it was in the fucking street lol. What kind of pussy faggot panics like this?

I hear gunshots in my neighborhood at least once a week. You eventually just get used to it and stop giving a fuck.

lol America

I'm sorry Chapo got quarantined bro but there's no need to bring the negativity here.

This is Dr*mph's America. Can't we go back to 4 years ago when there were no mass shootings!

America lol you guys are fucked


Did Chapo Traphouse get banned from Reddit already?

I hear cars backfire all the time and I live in a shit neighborhood, I never panic and start crying.

Oh yes, because New Yorkers are faggots every state should lose its gun rights.

Why are murikans so scared of guns bros?

Manhattan is literally all soiboy faggots and hipster cucks now. Or aging liberal douches.

Maybe stop killing innocent people and you wont have to worry about gun rights being taken away

>new yorkers
Fucking barely.

I’m not. There, problem solved. In fact, the vast majority of gun owners aren’t killing innocent people.

Don't know. Leave the house and find out. Seems like the recent threat of being mowed down at random has become a regularity in recent years. It's not a trend, though. Blame depression.

It’s literally not a trend. Gun violence, all violence is at a record low.

>screaming civilians
is this nigga a soldier or something?

Wasnt gun violence in NYC really fucking bad in the 80s or something?

Internet tough guy, private first class.

He’s clearly above the regular rabble. He’s special, like every other faggot in that theater probably thought he was. I’m sorry, I shouldnt have assumed xir genders.

Yeah thats we have a police state and no gun rights now.

You're right. There's no mass shooting problem. Let's just keep ignoring one another and pretend this violence hasn't become a trend because muh guns.

I've heard legit murders where I've lived and didn't even flinch.

Time to ban motorcycles

>Be american
>live with constant fear of getting shot
truly 3rd world tier

>*looks around*
>*pops brown paper bag*

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whypippo are chicken

not him but not everyone is a soiboi
>be standing at a bus stop with a buddy of mine about 7 years ago
>drive by happens across the street
>a bullet ricochets off the stop sign next to us
>we see a hummer peel out of an alley and less than 5 minutes later there are several police cars in the area
>casually keep eating out pizza and get on the next bus
we ducked when the bullet hit the sign, thats about it.

>be the kind of person that goes to a stage performance of To Kill A Mockingbird
kek they wish the show got shot up just so they could kvetch about it on social media

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I need those guns to protect me from varmints and robbers!

Wouldn't be an issue if the fuckers stopped trying to dodge around cars while speeding.

well, my point was "civilian" is an odd term for him to use.

>we ducked

I.e. you're a pussy.
yes user, we have a "gun" problem

yea we ducked, most people would have done the same. we didn't scream like faggots and then post about it on social media.

It’s the same thing as serial killers in the 70s. The media focuses on them and suddenly it seems like there’s more of them.

Fucking theaterfags

Seriously, what kind of gaybo goes to see To Kill a Mockingbird on Broadway?

>I’m too big of a pussy to protect myself, therefore everyone else must be as well

It’s literally this. New Yorkers love being the victims.

nobody even mentioned him you schizo

Right. Use some insane media site. I didn't make this about race, you did... Toward the end of his life, my grandfather always used to say that he was glad that he wouldn't be around to see where this country was headed. Never understood it until recent years. What a cancerous society we've cultivated.

Call me crazy, but I think that poster was attempting to be humorous! At a time like this! Madness.

> car back fires
Faggots instantly head for the hills.

The point he was making was that the vast majority of actual gun violence occurs in isolated, impoverished, inner city, primarily African American communities. There aren’t incels shooting up malls in significant numbers. Far more deaths from homicide with a gun are related to street level crime.
And nobody cares about your grandfather you faggot.

It’s like the hot new shit because Aaron Sorkin wrote it or something.

The kind who enjoys good theater, pleb. Jeff Daniels has been getting ton of praise for his performance as Atticus.

Most of the audiences at those shows aren't New Yorkers though...

Oh my god GAY

I don't give a fuck what anyone here cares about. It's the only good thing about this site. You can say whatever you want. I know what he was saying, you dolt. Even if I didn't, the same bullshit is just spammed here ad infinitum into eternity. This site has devolved into a bunch of sad faggots wailing into the abyss, arguing the same fucking points and making no sense progress. What is the point? A sounding board for abhorrent people?

Lot's of black people at that show. Mrs. Samuel L. Jackson is in it.

I’ve always wanted to write a modern version where a black woman has to defend a 22 year old white frat boy on date rape charges in current day Berkeley.

New Yorkers are such pussy faggots

If you’re going to just whine and be a bitch because people disagree with you, you don’t have to stay.

Who /concealed carry/ here ?

I would have shot back

That was just a sub of people LARPing as lefties, right? All satire?

I've been coming here for a long time. This place was a parody of what it is now seriously. I had to outgrow it eventually... Thank God. Fuck off, faggot.

>fuck niggers and jannies, the musical
user has been getting lots of praise for his performance as Shitposter #14

I literally didn’t realize till my third or so (you) that I wasn’t on /k/.

>shot back at the motorcycle

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I’ve been here longer. You’re never leaving, faggot. Gooble gobble, gooble gobble nigger.


>not shooting at motorcycles

I felt threatened, it was self defense.

'murica my friends

Never before has the term "first world problems" been more applicable. This leads like satire.


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lmao americans are so jumpy this would never happen anywhere el...

This is seriously so retarded, I wish I had been nearby when it happened.