>Lesser known movies that you enjoy

this one is kinda like dead space necromorphs at a gas station stop

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if you like this you will like "the ruins"

Yeah I remember part of that it was cool.
There are tons of this rest station horror I remember the last one I saw having Emily Blunt
There is another ton of creepy contagious evil horror

very good horror movie

not quite, that ugly bitch gets everyone killed and makes it out alive, ruined it for me

"Majority of the movie takes place in one location, where the main cast tries to survive while being besieged by a malicious external force" is one of my favorite sub-genres.

Speaking of....

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Kino Indian movie that I only know about by happenstance. Would recommend to anyone interested in a comfy medieval-spiritual picture.

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have they fucking photoshopped that gun into his hand lmao


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Cool monster, very nice kills, I agree this one is a bit of hidden gem.

You can make out like 95% of the titles.

is that return of the living dead? thats not lesser known user

>lesser known
>Return of the Living Dead


The list is in descending order of obscurity, it's hardly a mainstream horror movie, just go further down the list if you have seen one.

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Downloading it now,

Fukken love Starry Eyes. Also, Black Mountainside.

Grave Encounters 2 is one of those movies I've skipped over dozens of times while browsing Netflix. Is it actually quality?

I was expecting total trash and was surprised that it wasn't, I wouldn't call it a classic or anything and maybe it was just good relative to my expectations. It's probably the worst film on the list I made.

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This movie is very based, thanks for posting

Could you name all of these please?

My cousin wrote a song that was in the credits of this film.

The Lady in Black (80s)
Blair witch
The Fly (80s)
Invasion of the Body snatchers (70s)
Lake Mungo
The Thing (80s)
Little Shop of Horrors
Sexy killer

Most of the are in this

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This movie was genuinely feces, absolutely the worst. That’s coming from someone who loves and is very forgiving of low budget horror movies, too

wow, it's all trash (except for REC and Blair Witch). So many bad horror movies in one pic is with hardly a monster between them is almost an achievement.


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A Quiet Passion > Ladybird

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Thank you

The corpse from Lake Mungo is such an effective image. I really like that movie.

ive been trying to remember this fucking movie for the longest time. Thank you based user.