Netflix loses more American subscribers for first time ever

>Netflix loses more American subscribers for first time ever.

Why is Netflix dying bros?

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>Yes, I killed Netflix. And I'd do it again

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I want to believe activism is the cause, but I'm more inclined to think it's because other companies are creating their own services as well as the fact every american who wants netflix probably already has it

>news that they're losing The Office and Friends
>immediately loses subscribers

>I'm more inclined to think it's because other companies are creating their own services
If only Netflix could replace the shows they're losing with original programming that people want to watch, instead of tendentious dogshit

Greedy kikes.

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Raised prices yet again
Still lost a lot of shit
Originals are all sjw crap

not hard

netflix is going to wilt up an die very very quickly after disney hits the ground running this november with their streaming service.

also it has a lot to do with retarded shit like burning a cool 10 million dollars for the sake of having the rights to a AOC documentary.
they're fucking retards and shills and deserve to fail.

The selection is laughable. They have tons of bullshit-tier nonsense but whenever you search for some pure kino you get dick all.

It's gotten to the point where it's Christmas and you're excited for that awesome lego set you wanted and boom: megablocks

>Be Netflix
>See everyone who pays for your service uses it to watch sitcoms full of white people
>Make shitty dramas full of nippers who hate white people
>Everyone stops paying for your service
I don't get it bros how could this happen?

The Irishman is the last thing I will use my friends Netflix for months before and after it's available. Even that movie doesn't even look that good. Netflix is fucking terrible.

I switched to video games. I find auto chess or something similarily chill is better than a mindless C movie

accurate comic, but quite possibly the dumbest way to draw eyes i've ever seen.

Their dying being competition is rising and their SJW propoganda in all of their originals isn't the best strategy to retain and attract subscribers. I cancelled my subscription out of spite after what they did with the Witcher. I hope they die.

Honestly this. The selection compared to a few years ago is awful and they seem to mostly focus on original content without really having an idea on what type of content to focus on.

Because all of their original shows and movies are trash.. And anything that has potential to become great gets cancelled.

Netflix was never going to make it without other creators content..

They dont have the content

They have Terminator 2 but not The Terminator ... It's a whacky level of stupid

Imagine if Netflix had spent its budget for Dear Wypipo making a show that people want to watch and are willing to pay for

Movies in general are all shit now. TV is even worse with all the propaganda shit that gets cancelled two seasons in. HBO can't even make good shit anymore. Even if there are good TV shows on now I don't trust Hollywood to sustain or not sneak Jew shit in there.

They bet big on their original content and the metrics collected on their customers allowing them to make the perfect TV show. When they started making their own shit, they were bragging that they know when people pause, when they get bored, when they skip ahead, when they re-watch certain scenes... etc. Turns out that data is basically junk and everyone just wants to watch The Office.

Anytime I look at recently added, 90% of it is Indian trash instead of actual quality stuff people want to watch. That probably has something to do with it.

Me and everyone I know unsubbed from netflix the second they announced dear white people years ago.


No one seems to remember that article that dropped 8 or so months ago, where a bunch of former employees basically came forward and said working for Netflix was some real Wolf of Wall Street-style fucked up shit.

Id call it irony with all the "progressive" dogwhistle shit they put in their features, but really it's just capitalists turning a buck by selling progressives and nigger fetishists their bullshit back to them.

Cringe Forever

They need to get some more based centrists or even right-wingers to write and direct some of their shows. It's amazing to me that most of the people who work for them seem to be legit SJWS. Cool, another show/movie about a middle class, bi-curious, genderqueer, white, highschool girl who likes to perform cunnilingus on fat black women. Make something cool instead.

You just know it was drawn by some normie fag.

Leftists dont give a fuck about money. They want to teach you a lesson. Look at the companies currently telling their own customers to fuck off because they're not woke enough to use their products.

/Pol/ will say that it's becaus of all their sjw propaganda but that's dumb because they've always been heavy in sjw propaganda even when they were hitting their peak.

The truth is that there's just a lot more competition now and they've lost some of the cash cow products that they used to have.

Why is it ALWAYS these two shows that normies rewatch over and over? Didn't normies like Breaking Bad and The Wire and like House? What is it about those two shows in particular that keeps bringing normies back?

Didn't even notice the eyes until the third panel and thought they were just bulging out, which would have been kino.

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>main female lead
>has a black bf or husband every time
>we're supposed to take it as "lol well this is the norm now XD"
>any other couples in the same show aren't interracial at all, just the main since JudenFlixen knows full well it'll create controversy which is the only reason they keep doling it

The Netflix viewing statistics have been a real eye opener for me. They're a window into the boring, stagnant and utterly unchallenging lives of the world's most mediocre demographic. I'm starting to think that p-zombies are a real thing.

Their idea of great original content is either shit like Big Mouth, Orange is the New Black, Bertie & Tuca, or Bojack Horseman or a bunch of fucking serial killer documentaries.

Sounds like they have a fucked up view of the writing process. Seems impossible to write a coherent story where you shoehorn artificial pauses, diversity characters and plot devices to push an agenda, and glue it together with some kind of boredom algorithm where a clown on a unicycle drives by every time attention might drop. I'd like to see that script very much. They're trying to reinvent 2000 years of evolving story structure and turn it some kind of thing you pull from some slot machine contraption thing along with used school girl panties. The fucking hubris.

Episodic shows are easier to rewatch then shows with arcs. Normies don't watch reruns to immerse themselves in the plot. They want things that are just entertaining enough to be distracting but also pointless enough that they can get high, clean the house or fuck their girlfriend to while it's playing in the background.

I would like to say it´s pic related but i actually think it´s because of all the new services. Having that many is kinda pointless though... time to go back to torrents.

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It’s business baby, Blockbuster ate mom and pop shops and then got eaten by Red Box who both got eaten by Netflix and now big fishes Disney HBO and Amazon Prime have awoken from their billionaire slumber to gobble up Netflix forever. Pic unrelated

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>Everything worth watching was on Netflix in 2013

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Because the content sucks and the Netflix Original brand has lost all value. That's it.

>barely has any interesting shows
>most of its older shows only have a couple of seasons out of 20+
>most of the popular anime they get is only a couple of seasons out of 20+
>they rotate shows people actually want to watch out of lineup constantly
>advertising for their network on their own network
>spending money to produce exclusive shows that do not meet the quality or gimmick standards of their primary viewership
>focused attention to exclusivity rather than offering quantity

Majority consumer base doesn't give a fuck about politics, it's just most people who focus heavily on political propaganda are also usually retards who can't manage a business for shit.

I remember how the employees had to go in front of everyone and explain what they did wrong.

>advertising for their network on their own network

That's like having to watch anti-piracy ads and fbi-notices on a DVD you bought.

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because white people are tired of being made out to be the bad guy

also transfaggotry is tiresome and filthy

racemixing is dangerous, given that single mothers can't even raise same race children, racemix children need even more attention yet racemxing it's in every tv show but nobody talks about the consequences


also price hike, fucking jews think we don't have access to pirates

>Americans pay a monthly fee to watch decades old sitcoms
I don't know why I'm surprised

netflix is struggling because everyone has already tried netflix and their content isnt strong enough to keep people there

the only way out for them is to

1. get good shows.
2. get hundreds of millions of accounts in asia

neither is gonna happen

sjw trash

I wonder how long it takes until showrunners realize it's almost impossible to make a show that doesn't offend anybody. At least a good one.

go back to 8ch

Such as?

VPN services worked back then, there was alot More choices

netflix also will boycott productions in georgia or whatever because of abortion laws.

god I hope so
netflix and disney is ((propaganda)) central these days

this was what made me cancel my account
fuck abortionists and their supporters

You first tranny.

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guys. They're just trying to kill as many black babies as possible while distracting the masses. What's your fucking problem?

I dropped it and switched to Amazon Prime after pic-related. A groundbreaking documentary about men's issues came out and Netflix was the only streaming service that refused to carry it. I know not all of their subscribers are abandoning them because of this, but it's why I left.

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>Losing the Office and Friends.
>Make horrible shows.
>Too many people on the market which forces people to go back to piracy

>groundbreaking documentary
>outright stated that Netflix never actually replied but we should assume it's because the movie goes against their agenda or whatever the fuck

Here's what we know:
The movie does in fact go against Netflix's agenda, and
Netflix is the only streaming service that didn't carry it.
Coincidence? Doubtful, but even if it were the fact remains that Netflix refused to carry a groundbreaking documentary about an important issue

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>VPN services worked back then, there was alot More choices
Sure, but not everything.

Who pays for Netflix?

>Didn't normies like Breaking Bad and The Wire and like House?
Normies never liked The Wire. It's ratings were poor even by HBO standards.

Breaking Bad, yeah as well as House, but sitcoms are just easier to rewatch.

>Netflix Stock Implodes, Subscriber Exodus
>Netflix Spent $15,000,000,000 This Year (a lot of it went into The Witcher)
>America has a long history of enslaving and abusing people who aren't white
>$24,000,000,000 All Gone!

Can't wait for the Witcher to flop and Netflix to lose the Office, I bet they'll lose half of their subscribers at least.

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tyrone was on netflix in 2013?

They need to start producing quality content and fast

I dropped it because of Big Mouth.

Truly disgusting unironic pedophile fantasy shit. Made me sick. And of course, the writers, voice actors, directors, and producers were ALL White Buddhists! Isn't that insane? Why is there such a correlation between White Buddhists and toeing the line with taboo subjects like that?

It doesn't matter, it was never about making money anyway and never will be.

The irony is that all these companies trying to buy their way into the streaming business are going to hit the same wall that Netflix is running into, except they're going to hit it a lot faster because they missed out on the good years. Oversaturation of the streaming market is killing it because most people can only afford to spend about $20 a month or less on streaming. Netflix looked like a great deal in 2012 but in 2019 no-one is going to pay $100 a month on streaming services.

At best these companies can expect consumers to take turns with different platforms-- netflix one month, Disney Plus another, etc. That is not the consumer model they were planning around, though. They want people to sign up and stay subscribed forever, and now they have to find a way to squeeze blood from a stone or explain to all their investors why these multi billion dollar streaming ventures are failing.

Streaming has become as bad as cable. It's too expensive and your subscription fees are subsidizing a bunch of garbage that no-one watches, which is precisely the reason people cut the cord in the first place. The cord cutters are not going to buy a new cord, and they are probably just going to go back to piracy if they can't get all the shows they want on one service, or rotate as I mentioned before which is almost as bad as piracy in the eyes of these companies.

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Are you canadian? I'm canadian and somehow ended up getting Pajeetflix too

I used to use 8ch exclusively but its infested with fedposters now

>keeps making garbage
>renews the dumb shit
>sinks money into dumb shit like Dark Crystal
>makes dumb shit like Triple Frontier
>pays for shit like The Office or Friends

Wonder why.

>Such as?
The only Netflix Originals from 2019 that don't have at least one BMWF romance/sex scene are Dark and Mindhunter.

THIS. they're selling content outside US and sjw simply doesn't appeal to audience outside US at all. Like nobody gives a fuck about racism in my country because it's not a problem yet we've have all these sjw shit as choices on netflix

I think the free app PLUTO TV also has the red pill

I think people just put it in the background while they text amd browse facebook

Did an autist make this?

shit agenda pushing that normal people find ridiculous.

Philosophical zombies, i.e. the academic term for NPCs.

Hiring a bunch of Obama administration chumps to their board of directors.

because they dont have any fucking movies. every time i want to watch a movie, i think 'i wonder if its on netflix' and it never is. terminator 2? nope. casino? nope. scarface? of course not. predator? why the fuck would anything good be on netflix, of course the fuck not.

because their original series are all trash propaganda and no one watches them
all the popular shows are old and will get removed when their contract runs

you'd think they would realize that no one wants to watch their propaganda films, but no, they're just doubling down

basically this in addition to all of their original content being garbage

>The Netflix viewing statistics have been a real eye opener for me. They're a window into the boring, stagnant and utterly unchallenging lives of the world's most mediocre demographic.
I have a theory that everyone falls into this demographic tho for something and maybe for most things. Perhaps anyone browsing Yea Forums would look down on only watching The Office and eagerly going to see Hobbs & Shaw this weekend, but I bet a lot of people doing that also have Top 40 billboard chart taste (Yea Forums). Or only have read Big 2 superhero comics (Yea Forums) or terrible genre fiction (Yea Forums).

Whether this applies to non-media I haven't figured out

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The Terminator 1 is free on Pluto TV.

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They're taking everything down in favor of their shitty originals. Netflix was good like five years ago but it's fucking horrible now.

Idk why they decided they needed to lean so much on original content. Some of it was ok and its a cool way in theory to get shows off the ground that might not do as well on cable. But fuck at this point with the lack of outside material they might as well become a cable channel instead of a streaming service

This man was so pure. He deserved better.

>Yes, I do use rarbg

I was subscribed to Netflix for some time tho. Please no bully.

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No movies, it’s not even about the SJW shit they have no fucking movies


The Aston kutcher show The Ranch is literally a Republican show about farmers raising cows un a ranch.
They make fun of PC culture, sjw, they mock liberals.

Im not sure how Netflix paid for 7 seasons of that show

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They should be diversifying (no pun intended). They started making shows for different demos; kids shows, reality shows, black shows, old school sitcoms, etc. They even did a remake of super Christian veggie tales and find the earthworm Jim guy to be the show runner cause they didn’t have any Christian tv people.

But I guess they stopped that and are going for general audiences and they have to put their BLACKED stamp on everything.

Turns out infinite growth still isn't possible

who knew

>who knew
Not investors


>be a chef
>start watching chef's table, because of the skill and talent shown in the first 2 seasons
>the later seasons only focus on "chefs" who promote liberal agendas
Netflix had a good thing going on and they ruined to promote their liberal agendas.

It's quite hilarious. Nowadays you can find more classic movies on facebook than on Netflix.

>wai pipo
why are americans like this?

Our local comic book / game store rents DVDs. Great kino selection. Who needs shitty streaming service full of pozzed who? when you have that.

Because a non-negligible portion of them is black so there exists a market for this

Get woke, go broke.

In the time it took you to type and submit that post you could’ve Ctrl+T’d and typed in “p-zombies” into DDG.

>only watch movies and shows when my friends make me (yeah I'm aware of the irony)
>listen to wide mix of indie music and rock from last decade
>don't read comics
>only read nonfiction
nobody can call me a hypocrite because I just don't have any interests that overlap with normies at all. Not liking anything in an entire medium is the best way to not have shit taste I guess lmao

I didn't think it'd be well known enough for that; props for using ddg though

But they stopped and also they kicked off Danny Masterson because he is a lad

>>listen to wide mix of indie music and rock from last decade

>get woke get broke reeeeee I’m white and I’m frail
To all you retards, kys lol

Real reason is because they have lost a ton of shit and their competition is finally swinging for the fences. Netflix is gonna have real issues going into a future without constant growth in subs but even losing subscribers, which is why they will keep doing incremental price hiking.

>and they've lost some of the cash cow products that they used to have.
Too bad they chose to replace those cash cow products with unwatchable sjw shit, instead of new cash cow products

So Netflix is billions in debt. How does this work? When do they have to pay shit back?

Also dilate and have sex


Unironically never. Remember how the government bailed out all the car companies that were failing? They'll be doing the same thing with Netflix in a few years.

>losing all shows left and right
>hulu and other competitors acquiring 3rd party shows
>Office and Seinfield about to leave soon
yeah its over
get woke go broke

>wypipo are frail!

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>They'll be doing the same thing with Netflix in a few years.
That's so incredibly wrong that I don't know how you function. The Big 3 auto manufacturers going bankrupt is in a whole nother plane of seriousness compared to some silicon valley company that's like 15 years old filing for bankruptcy.

Short answer they don't

Long answer is it doesn't work like they get a notice from the bank that says accounts due 1/1/2021 and they have to pay back twenty billion dollars or default. It's years away from even having to attempt to pay down debt. Right now all it has to do is manage interest.

For comparison, Amazon "lost money" for 14 years straight. Not a cent of profit.

You can just tell that this post was written by a seething basedcuck.


>Real reason is because they have lost a ton of shit
But sweaty they don't need to worry about losing all that shit, because they're making amazing *original* programming that everyone is going to love

>The Big 3 auto manufacturers going bankrupt is in a whole nother plane of seriousness compared to some silicon valley company that's like 15 years old filing for bankruptcy.
Is it though? The current US economy is unquestionably being propped up by the wild earnings of Silicon Valley, and FAANG is at the center of that. If one of the New Big 5 goes tits up, what kind of message is that going to send to investors dumping cash into the other four, and all the little startups trying to snag some of their scraps? It's at a minimum going to trigger a downturn in investment (which these companies are disproportionately dependent on) and in a worst case scenario create a full blown panic in the market as everyone sees dotcom era losses circling overhead. Now personally I don't think the US government is going to bail out Netflix a la the 2008 financial crisis when they inevitably fail, but at the same time I also don't think it's entirely outside the realm of possibility that they'll be given some kind of aid to try and keep the house of cards from falling over completely.

I will never understand normalfags.
Like, if you're paying $X a month to just watch the same couple of shows over and over just buy the boxsets, or download them, even if you buy them on apple video or amazon prime or whatever the fuck they're on, then you can watch it forever.
Fuck normies are fucking dumb and love to funnel money down the toilet.

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get woke
go broke
simple as

But Orange Man bad.

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>They want people to sign up and stay subscribed forever, and now they have to find a way to squeeze blood from a stone

Offer 6/12/24/etc month plans for a slight discount

Why does Dear White People need 3 seasons? The whole story was already told in a 2 hour movie.

>Company dies because the logic of Capitalism necessitates that every company pull of their shit to put on their own platforms, leaving Netflix with nothing when the only reason people originally got Netflix was that it had everything.
>No it's because theres a sitcom about black people on it!

I remember reading in an interview about them throwing out and ignoring the data because it was unbelievable sexist a few years back.

DVDs require getting up once the disc is over

They're desperate since all the big media conglomerates took back their stuff, so Netflix is green lighting anything that may have been sorta maybe popular at one point hoping it's a hit and keeps people from canceling their subscriptions.

wait till you see the-

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You can't talk logic to a polshitter

>Wasting hundred of dollars on a streaming service when you can just watch those shows on tv or any site like putlocker in the same quality
No wonder millennials are broke, waste money on stupid shit

Same thing happened to VICE, which was one of those typical super-progressive companies too.

I'm guessing this means everyone fast-forwards when women start talking.

It's not even really losing people, people are just getting selective and staggering their subs for periods where they specifically want to watch something or account sharing instead of just keeping their account subbed full time

Also piracy is slowly making a comeback because fuck subscribing to ten different services that have one thing you want to watch

The only people I ever see subscribe to more than 1 streaming service on purpose tends to be the maximum onions cuck people.

The two shows I watch over and over are Frasier and Gilmore Girls.

As it were I think A Year in the Life was the second Netflix original I enjoyed (I'll be honest I loved Atypical)

I don't think SJWism is the main reason for their current predicament. They wouldn't have stood a chance anyway.
But it sure made their situation far worse since it alienated huge chunks of possible customers.
It accelarated their demise.

Do trannys even enjoy getting fucked in their pocket pussy?

Obama niggered it up

Or they ogle sex scenes.

Well their original programming sucks, exactly and none of it is with IP people are invested in. Unlike some of the stuff amazon and Disney will do. Netflix is for sure gonna end belly up or bought up at some point. No original show will save them.

Nobody looks at Netflix and says "seems interesting but way too many black people so I'll pass"

It is literally not a thing outside of broken brain morons on this website.

It won't just be Netflix that gets bailed out. The most powerful people in the world are funding Silicon Valley and if they don't see a return, they'll get it from the government. They're not just going to take a loss out of the goodness of their hearts.

SJWism is never the cause of death, but it always seems to be a hallmark symptom that your product is ailing.
You’re right, but many of those people would probably look at heavily “diversified” products and feel vaguely uncomfortable about the whole thing. Not overt racism, but some sense that, while they’re fine with black characters, they just don’t want to spend time looking at them unless they’re big name actors. This is a very common thing.

lol learn to code netflix shill
you will soon need the skill

Pro-lifers are the dumbest people on the planet. Pic related.

Here's a fucking tip: pro-life should only apply in the white ethno state, not in a multicultural society where it is responsible for keeping the feral nigger population under control.

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Pro-life should only be instituted in societies that have extensive social programs dedicated to supporting mothers and their children.

Don’t make a woman keep their baby if they can’t feed said baby.

Perhaps not consciously. But turns out most people want to watch characters with whom they can identify. And blacks only make up a mere 13% of the US population, although you'd think it was closer to 50% if you're watching Netflix.

Now I don't have the numbers here, but I'm going to assume that Netflix's revenue in Africa isn't enough to justify the above.

What I don't get is they need the witcher 3 to be a homerun yet they let the showrunner go on twitter insulting the audience. Sure competition is killing them but this specific example, them letting SJW bullshit go unhinged hurts them too.

>just buy the box sets.

That’s what I ended up doing, went from cable to downloading to Netflix and more streams then realizing it will be way cheaper and more convenient to just outright own the movies and shows I actually like. Also it is nice to not waste hours of your life anymore scrolling through shit and duplicates never finding shit you want.

Netflix runs off algorithms
You're only going to see things you train it to show you
Sounds like the whole racists loving Blacked paradox to me guys

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It's all three. If they were creating good new shows they'd survive, perhaps saturated, but survive. Instead they spawning shows to cater to a certain ideology which apparently isn't sustsinjng them.

It's not "the blacks" turning everyone away. It's shit like this.

There's a trend where companies go on moral crusades at the expense of short-term profit, in the belief that said moral crusade will lead to increased revenue long term, as well as the desired societal changes, which always coincides with their internal corporate philosophies.

The next recession is going to wipe the floor with these companies. Just wait.

Upper-level corporate are delusional lizardbrains who are incapable of comprehending how the lower-level employees operate, much less fanbases. Between sipping artisanal water and dipping their fingers in olive oil, they get told that being woke on “that bird website” is the rage these days, and they fully buy into that now-disproven mantra that any publicity is good publicity.

Witcher is going to survive purely on the hunkitude of Cavill. That’s it. He’s a pure slab of European sex appeal and that is going to excuse every diversity hire they included in the show. Women eat that shit up.

And this

I never tried to fuck one so I wouldn’t know but I also don’t lose any sleep over it pollack lol

Not to mention since the streaming services exploded the hard copy movies and box sets have become dirt cheap. You can buy 500 movies and shows for the cost of all the services for a year or 2 and then never have to worry about them being pulled or even edited etc. just make sure to copy your discs which is legal when you buy a copy for yourself.

The CEO of Gillette basically told "conservative" customers to fuck off, even after losing 8 billion dollars. EA told people to stop buying their video games, companies are tripping over themselves to alienate people at the expense of profit. Money is not their primary motivator.

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That’s admirable

Speaking of Netflix originals, what are some of the “big name series” they made that died hard or faded into obscurity?

Like, I’m asking because I remember people going ga-ga for Sex Education and Bird Box, but it’s hardly been a year since their releases and... Well, where are they now?

It’s funny because Gillette is backpedaling hard with their newer commercials. Full of old-fashioned masculine figures and “problematic” behaviors.

its funny because this isnt true at all and in fact after they posted a loss for the quarter they doubled down on their stance

Answer is none after 3 seasons anyway and apparently that’s intentional lol geniuses


>the next recession is going to wipe out companies that are planning long-term


Bird Box was a shitty movie kept alive purely due to intense corporate shilling (and the moment it stopped the interest did) while Sex Education was only popular with horny men and women who wanted to watch teenagers have naked sex.

im excited for the witcher but i've never heard of this

start of a recession, not enough money to spare

I don’t believe you, the newer commercials are full of hunks and traditionally “trashy romance novel bait” workers like firemen.

That's assuming the plan works, which it doesn't. The NFL tried to push out their male audience in favor of a more profitable female one, and look how that worked out for them.


Their long term plans aren't panning out. This era of companies attacking their consumer bases will be studied by business students in the future as what not to do.

based poorlads

what kind of person isnt subscribed to at least 1 music platform and 1 entertainment platform. I feel like people who dont are those weird onions people.

netflix/spotify are literally destroying growth of their own industries to give people a good deal, it would be stupid to not take it

a quick search shows that more women paid attention to the superbowl than men last year, seems like it worked well

Gilette lost 8 billion dollars and the ceo saulys it's an acceptable price

But that's the thing. It most likely won't work long-term. And when the next recession rolls around and every dollar worth of revenue counts a lot more than it does now, the market is going to absolutely fucking slaughter them for sacrificing short-term (read: 5-10 years) profit because they *believe* that promoting societal change leads to increased popularity.

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You ever notice how liberals like to flat out lie and reply with lies for the sake of replying then they run away?

Because none of the Netflix original content is worth watching? There''s literally more shows I want to watch on that fucking DC service right now

You literally just described everyone on pol lol

Don’t be a hypocrite

>more women paid attention to the superbowl than men
What a useless pointless metric. Who the fuck cares if the man is the one that forced them to put it on TV.

I described this liberal's post I was replying to in this thread. I can't speak for /pol/ I don't go there

Friends and the Office are light and frothy comedies where you can jump in at any episode and enjoy it. It's no mystery

Not worth watching if it isn't the original mono audio track.
A .45 longslide does not sound like a laser gun.

oh jesus christ just stop it everyone sees it but you apparently.

Opposite problem in my country. Terminator 1 and 3 but no 2. This happens a lot here where the top film in a series isn't included. I noticed it with Shrek when I was browsing earlier

go back to redd*t you fucking nerd

>why yes i do love being willfully ignorant and disingenuous while i post, how could you tell?

Because I host their movies and more in a google drive for free by stapling hundreds of free google accounts together. Suck my cock, netflix.

If you scroll long enough in any category on Canadian Netflix you'll end up deep down pajeet street. Funny thing is there's always a few good western movies scattered right at the bottom.

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Who would pay for a show that tells you how stupid you are for being white? What sort of person with no self-respect would do that?

>Who would pay for a show that tells you how stupid you are for being white?
White liberals

>What sort of person with no self-respect would do that?

gee, I don't know

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because it sucks

Binge model discourages ongoing discourse for even their most loved things, so shows or movies seemingly fading into obscurity rapidly isn't a sign of anything

can you stuff this scarecrow for me, you've got a lot of strawmanning and illiteracy

You tell us that we animu fags watch stupid children's shit with no real actors to relate, well look what type of shit that is put out by Americans with real actors to relate to, can you really blame us for abandoning live action shows?

>by stapling hundreds of free google accounts together.
teach me your ways, wise one

>calls other people 'white' and 'frail'
>chimps out if a certain N-word is said
What did the nog mean by this?

It sure as fuck dosen't help by putting in a show that tells your biggest source for money that you are stupid and racist.
And no, it's not just a "sitcom about black people".
You are free to watch it if you like for all I care, it still baffles me why you would, I guess you are a masochist.

>lol, you are racist, now watch the show, stupid white people
That's not how you shill.

The CEO said he didn't care because it's imaginary money

The company didn't lose a cent, it's parent company wrote down it's value from what it had been when it first purchased it. It's just accounting and tax smoke and mirrors. And also had nothing to do with making a bunch of snowflakes cry.

Would've made Ant Man money if it wasn't released right before Infinity War.

This is a big part of it. They mistakenly thought they were buying into the establishment. But really, Obama and his ilk just used them for propaganda purposes.

You idiots act like your ideal civilization is a wolf pack.

Mathematically, there wouldn't be enough black people to go around for every white woman, or man for that matter.

So, in your idiot-brain, 'too much SJWism' is just code for 'too many blacks'? It is the interracial BS being shoehorned into everything. But it's always casts that make it look like 30% of the public is bi, gay or trans. It's portraying anyone remotely right-wing as a sub-human cartoon. It's shoving consistently one-sided political themes into every show they do. It's degenerate garbage designed to sexualize kids.

Normies don't even know what The Wire is

You're always going to be shown the Netflix originals idiot.

My streaming sites have been kat and rarbg with yesmovies speinkled in when I am lazy. If I ever lost access to these I would give up movies/shows and go back to reading. You can literally pirate books legally at the library did you know this?

Imagine if McDonald's tried to sell food by telling their customers how stupid and racist they are, imagine if they sold Mcstupidwhitey.

Thx yify

it was still a good majority of content.
Compare that to now where you have TV and Movies split between 10 different services while they're pumping millions into exclusive content in order to compete.

>Netflix runs off algorithms
And all of those algorithms somehow included all of their privately owned content, weird! I didn't think someone who watched the Office and friends and pretty much nothing else would be into Death Note and Ultraman, but apparently there's a huge correlation between milqutoast white people problems and fucking I Am Mother.

Do streaming services offer multiple month plans already?

I don't get this mentality. You don't need to be subbed to every streaming service at the same time. In fact, things are better now because you usually run out of shit to watch within a month. Before, that meant having the scour Netflix and finding only crap after hours of searching. Now, you can unsub Netflix, sub to a new service, and immediately have fresh new shit to watch. And then when the new service gets old, you switch to the next one. By the time you've gone through them all, Netflix will have new shit, so you just sub again and continue the loop. This shit isn't hard, yet all of you act like such fucking retards. You know what? You fucking retards don't deserve television. You don't deserve entertainment. If you're too stupid to figure out streaming services, you should go back to sitting in a cave watching a fucking rock you goddamn evolutionary dead-ends.

>now big fishes Disney HBO and Amazon Prime have awoken from their billionaire slumber to gobble up Netflix forever.
all these new services are cannibalizing each other's customers tho

they'll probably opt to take on more debt because they have the monthly income to handle it, they're not losing money, think of it like your parents getting a mortgage, it's more money than they'd have at any one time but as long as you can make the monthly payment it doesn't matter.

>most people can only afford to spend about $20 a month or less on streaming.
How can that be, when those same people previously spent hundreds of dollars on cable tv or satellite? They'll have 3 or 4 streaming subscriptions, but likely no more than that.

Everyone went to see it because of Smaegol and Watson

Yes but Netflix is solely a streaming service, so these big companies like disney and amazon can afford to make a loss through low fees while they squeeze netflix dry (which cant resist cus it only has subscriber income).

most normies aren't aware of your sperging about the showrunner and her twitter, they just saw the trailer and thought it looked cool.

Get out of here you corporatist fag. I'm not paying for some video a moron will rip 1 second after release. How about I pay nothing and get to watch everything

>The only reason streaming took off was because of its convenience
>The solution to content being diluted over dozens of streaming services is to inconvenience while paying, instead of going back to the old ways of torrenting

Why the fuck should I pay to inconvenience myself when I can do that for free and watch even more content than the streaming sites feature? If I run out of ideas for movies to watch, I could always just browse their selection. With high speed internet it takes me literally 5 fucking minutes to download a HQ movie, and it gets placed directly into my Plex folder so that I can watch it on my TV just as I would with Netflix.

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I'm from countries that is 95% white, do I have your permission to be pro life?

>Why is Netflix dying bros?
Netflix started to make shitty original programs after Open Society Fundations threw a ton of cash at the company. Less interesting programs like Marco Polo, more SJW "woke" crap and documentaries that no one watches.

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They can also afford to offer other things that Netflix can't. Amazon will take customers away from Netflix, but Netflix will never take customers away from Amazon. Because Netflix doesn't offer free shipping on a superstore of items, or a music service, or ebooks that come with prime. The bleed only goes in one direction, from Netlix to everyone else.

>pander to communist and pc culture
>make shit shows

>traditional tv viewing, including catch-up within 28 days, still more popular than streaming

catch-up is streaming, what a shitty statement.

>try to appeal to SJW audience
Same shit is happening to vidya.
I'm glad this is backfiring.

>catch-up is streaming
no it isnt you brainlet

Is Prime better? I'm not really intrested in any of their shows. I mostly watch movies.

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what catch up service do you use that isn't streamed through the internet, iplayer, stv, all4? it's a completely disingenous article.

What are some actual good movies on netflix?

Imagine actually wanting to watch the shit those companies put out.

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If you're into old and obscure B-movies, then yeah, it sort of does the job.

As for me, it took less than one week to get through the good stuff before I was left watching these pseudo-documentaries about interdimensional aliens abducting sheep, written and produced in 2001 by some literally who boomer with a $500 budget and first generation Windows Movie Maker at his disposal.

No it isnt. Its like interupting the show youre watching, to watch a trailer for the show you're watching .

The same way Amazon did. Spend billions to continually expand market cap and then make it back by jacking up prices when you have the market cornered. Only trouble for Netflix is that they will have far more competition, many of whom they previously relied on for their most popular content.

they only really have a lot of competition in america, they're expanding into other markets a lot faster than everyone else, OP only says american subs down for a reason, they're still gaining overall.

Most of netflixs contant is made for sjw women..

Netflix is doing it the opposite way of Amazon. Netflix started out having the whole market to themselves, and went into debt trying to keep their userbase as more competition entered.

Amazon did it right. The only thing Netflix has done is corner themselves into either being acquired by Disney, Amazon or some other giant, or face bankruptcy.

That discription only makes me want to watch it more.

>you are a shill!!
>literally said Netflix sucks
Learn how to read neocuck.

Have fun. The pseudo-docs even contain a variety of those retarded fucking transitions that were in Windows Movie Maker.

It's funny the first two times, but the boomer who produced it wanted to use the whole transition library, and use it often.

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That’s why only the hot ones mix.

>Netflix loses more American subscribers for first time ever.
Did they get shot?

Lol oh god that was good, damn.

That will be the reason they use in their quarterly report.

they are good to have on in the background while you do other things. house is perfect for this though so i dont know

>netflix has been baiting libtards and redpilling them all this time
Holy shit.


Netflix is still growing globally.

Personally I don't understand the hatred for Netflix. Its better than Burger trash like Disney or Hulu.

>Netflix started out having the whole market to themselves.
Only semi true, they may have had the market mostly to themselves at the beginning but streaming was a small market, they still had to expand the market themselves.

>what is sarcasm
>my autism doesn’t compute
Still, it was a good joke because it is very grounded and real.

>Personally I don't understand the hatred for Netflix

netflix made a show with black people in it and somebody held these poor souls down and made them watch it.

>dear white people
>why are they dying
I don't know, maybe because they shit on 95% of their paying audience aka whites? Good riddance.

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They bet the house on their original shows becoming the next big thing. Such a colossal failure, all that money and they never got a Game of Thrones, or a Walking Dead, even Jimmy Fallon destroys their talk show hosts. They are well and truly fucked.

Believe it or not, the 3rd season was more about white people than black. It's more about Sam's white boyfriend having to work 3 jobs than Sam, the black girl. It's about Coco the black girl's white best friend being sexually abused than Coco. And so on.

I know right, how dare a network target an audience that isn't me.

Firstly, that's not the point and you know it, retard. They could have as much black programming as they want without any issue but they don't just target blacks, they put down whites - which just happen to be a crushing majority of their paying customers. Secondly, fuck you nigger.

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They've had more than one GoT equivalent, but their whole dump entire seasons at once thing means nobody talks about their stuff 1-2 weeks after they come out, they burn all their interest immediately

Other peoples hits occupy the pop culture sphere for up to half a year in comparison because people watch along with them

>They could have as much black programming as they want without any issue

not without faggots crying about it they couldn't, retards on here pitch a fit if there's so much as a diversity casting 100 yards in the background of a scene.

>I will never understand normalfags.
>Like, if you're paying $X a month to just watch the same couple of shows over and over just buy the boxsets, or download them, even if you buy them on apple video or amazon prime or whatever the fuck they're on, then you can watch it forever.
>Fuck normies are fucking dumb and love to funnel money down the toilet.

I downloaded all of Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Workaholics.
I would have just bought the Drew Carrey Show - but they don't even offer it on boxsets and you can't find that show anywhere without illegal streaming.

I just started working my way backwards now, nothing new is really worth watching anymore. Re-watching 3rd Rock from the Sun and Corner Gas now. Next up, Wings and Cheers.

Seriously guys, it's all been done before and BETTER, take the timewarp pill and enjoy good TV again without gay shit and minorities, lesbians and insane leftists.

I figure by the time I'm in my 60s I'll be on Fraggle Rock and Inspector Gadget and then I can just die.

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>stop forcing diversity and token blacks into 'our' shows, make your own shows
>*makes a show obviously targetting black audiences*

there's whining either way

Big brain energy right there

Gee, I wonder.

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what's that third one got to do with netflix

Alright, time for them to publish a "Dear Black People" then. I bet not a single spook or liberal cunt would cry and whine about it, the media wouldn't even call it a new nigger holocaust or anything. Double standards, friend, that's all.


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>people stopped pirating because of the mild inconvenience of finding torrent files
>lets now make them go through the inconvenience of switching streaming services every two months, which involves typing your password and clicking through several menus and filling in your bank details/paypal account every time you renew a subscription
You know there's a reason companies invest so much on frictionless experience, it's been proven even a 10 second delay is enough time to make a customer reconsider a purchase/investment of time. Every time someone cancels subscription service 1 you generate a relatively huge window of time while they go to renew subscription service 2, during that window of time you will lose some subscribers you otherwise would not have, multiply that by hundreds of millions of people month over month and you'll be losing huge amounts of revenue.

I'd buy the fuck out of a Drew Carey Show set if they weren't just too fucking lazy and cheap to license the fucking music. That shit pisses me off. Especially MTV, a company that at one point dealt exclusively with licensing and playing music, skimping on stuff that heavily involves music like Daria and Beavis & Butthead. If Rockstar can stuff hundreds of licensed songs into GTA and sell it, I can't imagine it's as hard as they want to pretend it is with these shows.

Serious question: have any of you actually paid for any form of cable since 2010? Or netflix, or any sort of streaming service? If so, can you explain what it feels like to be genuinely down syndromed?

>Serious question: have any of you actually paid for any form of cable since 2010? Or netflix, or any sort of streaming service? If so, can you explain what it feels like to be genuinely down syndromed?

It's called being married to a normie woman, something you'll never know.
I even installed Mexican cable (an antenna since it gets digital now) but the wife can't give up her gay cooking contest shows and weekend wedding dress contests shit. It's like a real addiction to garbage.

I'm not even watching any sports anymore, but cable is gayer than ever - NOTHING to watch you aren't a woman.

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Well to be fair, I am not very smart.

t. paid for Netflix for a year

Cause of their sjw bullshit and the fact that every Original series from them is full with blacks and the like who doesn't fit the role. Just look at the witcher or king arthur.. a black fringila vigo, black king arthur and don't get me started witch triss..

>i know what will drive up more jewflix subscribers!
>blacks & fags

god, these guys have 0 clue. they need to stop listening to these college "educated" people.

Honestly I'm considering unsubscribing, my girlfriend does most of the watching but even she's complaining that there's nothing in there and the originals are absolute unwatchable crap.

Yep good riddance it's nothing but shit

Found the retarded nigger.

no one even knows what the fuck that is

It's their own fault.. nobody, not even niggers themselfs like to watch niggers in shows. There is a reason why all the succesfull tv Shows and films have white main actors

>Idk why they decided they needed to lean so much on original content
this was because they already knew everyone and their grandma was gonna make a streaming platform. Anyone can do what Netflix does if they have money just setup a server, 100 pirate sites do it every day. They needed original content to survive and it would've worked they just fucked up and made shitty propaganda instead. I think the CEO even said their goal was to become HBO before they become us.

this is actually moreso a symptom of the stock market almost everything in the S&P 500 was down but cumulatively it looked up because everyone was putting their money into FANG stocks since they were safe bets. We're approaching a recession investors aren't looking for growth they need a safe haven.

>Capitalism necessitates that every company pull of their shit to put on their own platforms
it doesn't necessitate that if they make more money fine. They could make just as much from licensing fees, we don't know yet, but I doubt anyone is gonna pay for 5 different streaming services. My guess is they'll all consolidate into 1-3 again and they'll just need to run ads again like cable.

Asked my zoomer sister why she didn't just torrent shit.
>"It's too hard!"
>"It takes up too much space(tiny fagbook storage)"
>"I can watch it on my phone"
>"Everyone else has it too"
Zoomers, fucking zoomers.

dude if he literally paid them to make his propaganda and sold off before the backlash then he has earned my respect I don't care if its insider trading

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>personally I don't understand the hatred for vomit its better than piss or shit

no thats just women

>Netflix had a good thing going on and they ruined to promote their liberal agendas.
they did the same with stranger things after the first season became a hughe hit.

>Pro-life should only be instituted in societies that have extensive social programs dedicated to supporting mothers and their children.
it's called "having a family"
>Don’t make a woman keep their baby if they can’t feed said baby.
don't be a whore

>Money is not their primary motivator.
it will become again when they got kicked out of their offices.

>it's all been done before and BETTER, take the timewarp pill and enjoy good TV again without gay shit and minorities, lesbians and insane leftists

This. Fuck modern poofta shit.
I've been going back and downloading all those shows that I remember seeing episodes of here and there a decade or two ago. Marathoned Fraser earlier this year and it was KINO as FUCK. Will probably get to Cheers one day. For now I'm working on Drew Carrey, Friends, etc, that sort of era. Oh yeah and Just Shoot Me.

>TV series boxset - $100
>one year of Netflix - $120
But with Netflix you can watch not only that show but also everything else. It's also much less hassle to skip around season to season than having to take out the disc, put a new one in and sit through FBI warnings again

Whenever I open Netflix I see more grey boxes than colored ones.

You watched those shows. Friends is one while you cook dinner

we (me, wife, two kids) have netflix, because back in 2014 it was the first big streaming service accessible without buying foreign prepaid credit cards in my country (europe). we have prime because we have prime and since i'm a sportsballfag we have dazn, wich i share with my dad.

we'll keep prime as long as we use prime, netflix will be dropped when the kids grew out of peppa pig and dazn will stay.

guess who's writing The Witcher?

That's exactly what he did. Soros is a lot of things, but dumb is not one of them.

First, Netflix has never made a good show except the first two seasons of House of Cards. Second, their model of gathering debt in order to "expand" their streaming was never going to work and now that Disney and everyone else are encroaching on their territory, they're gonna go bankrupt. Third, they churn out jewish propaganda in every show they do.

Considering comfy comedy shows are their most popular shows it always confuses me that they continue to make political and violent originals.

You would have thought someone would stop and say "the data shows people just want to be entertained not think about current politics".

>I don’t believe you, the newer commercials are full of hunks and traditionally “trashy romance novel bait” workers like firemen.
Their latest commercial is about a guy teaching his tranny daughter on HRT to shave.

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roasties watch netshit at their cosy office work
their orbiters too

>farmers raising cows on a ranch.
they're called cowboys dummy

>If you don't mindlessly pay for media you can easily get for free you're mentally ill
This is your mind on America.

>Torrent all seasons - Free
And if you want the easy Netflix layout to watch your downloads on your TV, just get Plex for like $30 a year. It's piss easy.

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ah yes the country of europe

netflix is just a propaganda piece they only make money so they can keep going. Until now investors continued to pony up cash at every turn so they didn't need appealing content.

thats not what a cowboy is. They're farmers.

>what kind of person isnt subscribed to at least 1 music platform and 1 entertainment platform. I feel like people who dont are those weird onions people.
lol this is some poor reverse psychology

>You idiots act like your ideal civilization is a wolf pack.
Wolves care for their weak and elderly.

Look at that sloping brow.

They lost all the good 3rd party stuff and now they're left with nothing, but woke Netflix originals and shitty anime re-dubs. They can buy all the licenses to popular books/anime/video games/etc they want although in the end, fans don't want to see the things they like raped and turned into propaganda.

>It's either corporate liberal propaganda or /pol/

Wanna know how I know you're a shill?

>being a father
>teaching their children anything
>being anything other then absent
>not beating a tranny on sight

Wow. This is an amazing fantasy, just like my hobbit books.

are people still watching those shows holy shit