Anyone recall the scene, early in the show Girls where...

anyone recall the scene, early in the show Girls where, Adam says regarding "what happened your furniture" >I smashed it as an expression of my power
or something in that spirit? i really want to know exactly what he said because that's how i mean to live my life
this was when the character was a based caricature of male insensitivity not the retard who loves lena that she readily turned him into

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>i'm gonna break all my belongings because some guy on some stupid show did it and I think that will make me a real man!

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>an expression of my strength
something like that. but i can't find anything like that in scripts

Someone post the copy pasta about Arnie having to just grin and bear it when Jamie Lee dances naked in front of him, cause that’s all I thought of every time I saw the forced relationship between Adam Driver, who’s the Chad anti-hero of Star Wars now, and that fat pig Lena Dunham

no no i don't mean doing that lol
i mean that when i have to do something like be responsible or do work, i want to say to myself, it's not some burden, do it as a ___ of your capacity. i think expression is the term i mean. but it sort of follows from the idea that, your dog 'wants to run', your muscles are made to contract, and it feels good to have things doing what their meant to do. and i'm saying to myself, you're made to make things happen not just cop out every time
express your power to affect things for the better
i just want to know if the word was expression

Except, ya know, change it so that it’s Adam Driver and Lena Dunham

he's from new york though right? in the new york art brat scene, more ugliness is more attractive because it makes you more arty
i dunno if that's driver or just the character though

like, the sexiest people in new york are casey neistat and that e jean carroll trump accuser baldy woman

Imagine being Adam Driver in that scene and having to be all like “damn, Lena Dunham, you fuckin` fine, all sexy with your mayonnaise stuffed into an industrial sized garbage bag body and horrific snaggle toothed monster face.
I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me.” when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Adam and not only act on that show while Lena Dunham flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her cellulite and blotchy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that scene. Not only having to tolerate her moon-faced fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she’s TOTALLY EMPOWERED and DAMN, LENA DUNHAM LOOKS LIKE THAT?! because they’re not the ones who have to sit there and watch her hippoish fucking face contort into types of smug smirks you didn’t even know existed before that day. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of 7/10's and Iraqi captives for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missouri. You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that’s breaking out on her rotund stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her “curvaceous (for that is what she calls herself)” beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with Pinkberry and Cinnabun in the previous months.
And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you’re fucking Adam.
You’re not going to lose your future Star Wars money over this. Just bear it.
Hide your face and bear it.

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He retained this power throughout the show. Remember the scene where he fucked Shiri Appleby?
Say what you want about Dunham, but she wrote two great male characters

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i stopped watching in season 1 the first time it was apparent that adam cares about hannah. all i enjoyed the show for was how his character sexually humiliated her and undermined her

I'm afraid you have schizophrenia, user.

so do you remember the scene i'm thinking of?

No but he smashes things in later seasons too.
Are you trying to find a way to convince yourself to participate in life?

Adam Driver grew up in Indiana lol


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to participate? maybe something like that
but as i said, it's not about me smashing things
it's just about the concept
"i did something as a ?? celebration?? of my agency and capacity to act".
it's like a "show of power" but to yourself.

Like i might have to some onerous chore and if i'm feeling bad about that, i want to say to myself "do it not as an imposed, draining burden but as a celebration ?? of your ability to take actions you decided on. an expression?? of your power to affect"

because otherwise i'm sitting here for 3 years like lol my needs are 100% met why do anything i can make myself feel anyway i want to feel so actually being in the world is indifferent

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yeah i mean i guess i should have said i know that the actual smashing is a comedic caricature example. it's a woman writing a hyperbolic example of a man's inscrutable thinking
although it is also literally and directly how men think and act. i mean this character at this draws from literal and actual sam hyde from her knowing him at art school. you know he actually acts like that. his room and stuff is all smashed up

i don't want to be like sam hyde but this one thing has analogous resonance for me if i can just find the actual word

I just farted.

just download the fucking thing and watch it if it's so important to you ffs

You can't trick yourself like this. All this motivational stuff isn't going to change your agency.

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i'm not watching 9 hours of degeneracy for a word
i poisoned my mind enough exposing myself to new york people's lives and minds the first time.

there's no trick. it's just a reminder that you can do things in a present way that embraces your agency, instead of pushing that aside.
i mean what are you even saying? 'change my agency'??

It's a cop to convince yourself to bear your burden and smile about it too. A happy slave

what's a cop? can you be clearer please. look, sisyphus is content right, because rolling the boulder is 'you gotta do what you gotta do, eh?'
sure. but sometimes, he might even enjoy rolling the boulder if he says to himself, (something like, the whole point of this thread is i don't have the right words)
>i am using this strength that i have

you know what maybe it's not in season 1, maybe i saw it in an 'adam bits' compilation

love this pasta